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Ave Maria College

HEI Unique Institutional Identifier: 09077

Name: Mylene N. Esic Date: __________________

Course & Year: BEED-2 Rating: _________________

Weekly Exam 4 – Applying Learning

A. Instruction: After knowing the emotional responses and group of emotions that can be felt
by your students as it applies to their learning experience, let us now think of ways how to
apply these concepts in your future teaching practice. Answer the following reflective

Statement 1
The neglect of emotions is alarming given that ‘‘emotion is the foundation of learning’’ (Zull
2006, p.7).
 “Emotions is the foundation of learning”, in which the students should be motivated and
inspired to go in a class every day so that the students will actively participate the
performance task. It acknowledges the role of emotion in the learning process emanating
from neuroscience. As suggested by information from the brain, emotion is essential to
learning. Through this as a future teacher I should always give a motivational or
inspiration to the students in order to foster a learning, exploring, and reflecting.
Statement 2
Emotions stimulate learners’ attention and trigger the learning process. They affect what is
learned and what is retained. (Tyng et al, 2017).
 Emotion has a big impact on the students that can usually affects their understanding
and learning. In this statement, the emotions of the students can trigger their learning
process that can be affected by their emotions that will be based on what they learned
and retained. Emotions can affect the learner at different stages of the learning process.
Student with an emotional disturbance has the inability to learn in which he/she cannot
be explained by other factors, as well as the inability to build or maintain good
relationships. The students that display difficulties with behavior or feelings, may be
generally unhappy or sad. In this case, as a future teacher I should give an attention,
motivation, learning strategies and ability to self-regulate learning in my students and
helping my students to manage or improve their emotions through the learning process
and also I should never bring a negativity to the students as it will affect by their
Statement 3
Numerous studies across a range of disciplines including neuroscience, education, and
psychology have revealed that emotions play an important role in learning (Seli et al. 2016; Um
et al. 2012).
 In this last statement, emotions play a crucial role in the learning and teaching process
on how each students think. Emotion will play an important role in judgment, perception,
learning and other cognitive functions that will allowing humans to be more creative and
flexible in solving problems. A student negative emotion might be bother that will cause
the students for not listening in the discussion. In this case, as a future teacher I will help
the students to be motivated and engage in learning so that they feel competent to do and
do some certain activity to the class in order to chase their negativity Also, encouraging
the students to express their emotions through providing the emotional care.

1. Read the 3 statements above and paraphrase them into a single sentence.
 Emotions has been play an important role in teaching and learning processing, it
will affect what is learned and what is retained by the students. As well as, it will
stimulate learner's attention and trigger the learning process that's why the
neglect of emotions is alarming given that "emotion is the foundation of
2. Who would be a good choice of a person to share your feelings with? State your reason.
 The person to share with my feelings is my Mother. She is the one person who is
always ready to listen to my problems and give me solutions to my problems. My
mother is one of the person who believe me, that I can do all things even if it is
possible. She is my motivation and inspiration. I don't feel shy to tell anything to
my Mother. She is the most trusted people that I know who have always been
supported me through thick and thin, no matter how roller coaster I ride in life
my mother will always be my side. My mother is the only person that I know she
will accept me, not judge me, and love of who I am.
3. If you noticed that your students are afraid of sharing their feelings with you as a teacher,
what do you think can help them express freely their feeling to you?
 If I noticed that some of my students are afraid of sharing their feelings with me
as their teacher all I can do is to approach them to express freely their feeling
with me or I would rather spending more time with them, (like talking) in a group
or educating them to express healthy emotions and feelings or psychological
problems. In such, my students will feel comfortable to express their emotions
with me and I can their trust towards me. And also I need to demonstrate simple
anxiety management strategies, such as breathing techniques, stretching, or
relaxation methods that can help students ease their feelings of discomfort. As a
result the students feel more comfortable and confident with their feelings to
express with me as their teacher.
4. What do you think is a good outlet for reducing student’s stress and coping with tough
academic requirement or situation?
 I think the good outlet for reducing student’s stress and coping with tough
academic requirement or situation is the Manage Time Wisely it is important by
the students to have a plenty time to work on studying so that it can save a lot of
stress and also can help to plan with good time management skills. Being
organized also can bring the peace of mind that comes from knowing where
everything is, remembering deadlines and test dates will give a peace of mind.
Keeping a schedule, and a filing system for school assignments, will prevents a
significant amount of stress. Also, finding a hobby that you enjoy can lower the
stress (play sports, paint, draw and garden) will gives an outlet from the tension
of everyday life and also begin with a simple technique such as deep breathing, it
will help to lower the stress.
B. Instruction: Below are emotional responses or group of emotions that can be felt by your
students as it applies to their learning experience, as future teacher, how would you handle
or manage or reinforce these emotional responses? Write your answer for each using the
table below.

Emotional responses or group Management or Reinforcement

of emotions
As a future teacher to handle or manage or reinforce these
anxiety and shame related to emotional responses. Self-compassion is the solution to
failure reduced shame and anxiety in the aftermath of a setback.
Digging deep and learning about yourself will be able to
turn your failures into valuable life lessons and will use
the knowledge to achieve the goals and getting a source
of inspiration to overcome the shortcomings of anxiety
and shame.
As a future teacher to handle or manage or reinforce
curiosity or surprise about a new curiosity or surprise about a new learning task all I can do
learning task is to persuade or encouraging the students to asked some
questioned regarding to the new task so that they will be
able to understand. For I believe that asking a questioned
to the teacher is a key to understand about the new
learning task.

To manage the emotion of disgust it is suggested to be an

disgust when dealing with a adaptation that evolved to keep us away from sources of
health pandemic issues infection and also trigger a disgust response that may be
dealing an health issues to the body's that way of
avoiding things that may carry transmittable diseases. As
a future teacher I should feel disgusted by something that
will perceive with the physical senses (sight, smell, touch,
sound, taste) and I should share the ideas in the students.

To handle or manage or reinforce anger for negligence of

anger for negligence of peers in peers in group tasks or projects as a teacher I need first to
group tasks or projects foster a calm attitude with both of the students in order to
engage the behavior or I should send a strong message
with both of the students without raising the voice. A
teacher has a responsible to control the students about
their temper/anger especially in working a group task or

As a future teacher to handle or manage or reinforce

sympathy and compassion for sympathy and compassion for classmates is to encourage
classmates the students to take the leap from having sympathy to
acting on it. Teacher can help on how to overcome this
gap by modeling and encouraging them to take action,
whether it’s standing up for someone who is teased,
helping to solve a problem, or simply listening to
someone who is feeling down. Also, showing the students
to take time and effort to understand their perspective,
while continuing to make choices that are best for their
learning experience.
Ave Maria College
HEI Unique Institutional Identifier: 09077

Name: Mylene N. Esic Date: __________________

Course & Year: BEED-2 Rating: _________________

Activity 4 – Exuding Positive Relationship in the Teaching-Learning Community

Instruction: Think over and answer the questions below. Afterwards, make a collage of teachers
whom you have developed a positive relationship in the teaching-learning

1. Can you think of a teacher(s) with whom you have a positive relationship?

a. Can you give the first name of the teacher? Can you describe this relationship?
 The first name of the teacher was Sandra, I can describe the relationship of
teacher Sandra was my Grade 8 teacher in Liloy National High School.

b. Can you describe … [Teacher Sandra }?

 As one of her students when I was a Junior High School (Grade 8) I can
describe that this teacher Sandra will give a care to the students, kind-
hearted, give a feedback, and a approachable teacher that will offers second
chances to the students if someone got a low rating. She also provide safe
environment in order to hear all the students voice and willing to help if you
don’t understand the lesson. Teacher Sandra was one of the teacher that
believe me that I can be successful woman and will be able to reach the goals
in mylife.

c. What do you think … [Teacher Sandra ] thinks of you?

 I think teacher Sandra think of me as an independent woman that will be
willing to be a successful even in a hard situation, can reach the goals in life
through all the hard works, a kind student, understandable to the classmate,
well-mannered and has a respect to the teachers.

d. How do you generally interact with each other in class?

 We interact with each other in class through sharing different ideas, talking,
listen and someone telling jokes by each other. Also, we interact with each
other in class (talking about the subject matter) that can be called a centered
learning. Then, sometimes we talked and shared our problems in life.

e. What feeling does … [Teacher Sandra ] evoke?

 The feeling that teacher Sandra evoke is the teaching strategies form a
critical foundation for launching every discussion, learning activity and
project or when sharing a different emotions in productive ways.

2. What have you learned from the teacher in your interactions with her/him in relation to
teaching-learning? How do you intend to apply this learning in establishing positive
relationships with your future students?
 I have learned from the teacher interactions with her in relation to teaching-
learning is the teachers need to study before their lessons, learn much more
by exchanging with their students. I have learned also that establishing a
positive relationship with teacher helps a student feel more comfortable and
safe in their classroom environments.
To apply this learning in establishing positive relationships with my future
student all I can do as their future teacher is to explained, discuss and make
them understand the lesson or asked them what have they understand or feel
conscious. The teaching skills that I have learned today will be applied to my
future students. Also, it is important to know my students attitude and
behavior to establish a positive relationship. Then, I should observe the
students that are likely to participate actively in class and will actively
challenge themselves academically.

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