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Programming with Java

Banu Prakash

CONFIDENTIAL: For limited circulation only Slide 1


● Understand different Java environments

● Understand the Java architecture
● Understand variables, data types and identifiers
● Understand Java language constructs

Slide 2
Java Technology

Java technology is both a platform and a programming language.

A platform is the hardware or software environment in which a

program runs.

Most platforms can be described as a combination of the operating

system and underlying hardware.

The Java platform differs from most other platforms in that it's a
software-only platform that runs on top of other hardware-based

Slide 3
Java Platform

● The Java platform has two components:

● The Java Application Programming Interface (API)
● The Java Virtual Machine

Slide 4
Java Platform

●Application Programming Interface (API):

●An application programming interface (API) is a particular set of rules and
specifications that software programs can follow to communicate with each

●The Java API offers a wide collection of useful classes ready for use in
your own applications.

Slide 5
Java Complete Picture

Slide 6
Java Environment

Slide 7
Java Runtime Environment


•The Class loader loads all the classes (byte code) : classes from program and
from Java API.
•For every class the type information is stored in Method Area.
•As the program runs the virtual machine places all the objects in heap area.
•The java method invoked will be placed on the stack .
•PC ( program counter) indicates the next instruction to execute.

Slide 8
Java Execution Process

● Java Source code having an extension “*.java” will be compiled using

Java Compiler.
● The Compiled byte code has “.class” extension.
● The byte code and library files (Java API) will be loaded into JVM by class
● The execution of byte code takes place in JVM

Slide 9

● A variable is a storage location and an associated symbolic name which

contains information, a value.

● A programmer can imagine a variable as being a box into which

information can be placed, and the shape of the box (the variables type)
determines what kind of information it can store

A Real world example of a variable:

Imagine a warehouse with lots of storage
bays, tables, shelves, special rooms etc.
These are all places where you can store
Lets imagine we have a crate of Soft-Drinks
in the warehouse.
Where exactly is it located?
We wouldn't say that it is stored 25' 5"
from the north wall and 20' 6" from the
east wall.
Slide 10

● Another Real world example of a variable:

● Imagine that you are a postal worker. Your job is to sort mail into rows of

100 Main 101 Main 102 Main

Street Street Street


● Each box has an address and a space in which to put the mail.
● Every day the contents of the boxes change as you load and unload
the boxes. On Day 1 the 100 Main Street might contain a magazine.
On Day 2 to the same address it could be Internet-Broadband bill.
● The contents of the box vary frequently, but the addresses
themselves do not vary. 100 Main Street is always 100 Main Street, no
matter what its contents are.

Slide 11

● Programming Example:

● Circle's circumference : c = 2 C for “circumference" and "r" for

"radius" ]

Given the radius “r” a non-negative number, we get to figure out what
the circumference “c” is. Both “r” and “c” are variables.

The value of “

● Identify the variables in Quadratic Formula:

Slide 12
Data types

● Variables not only have a value, they have a “type”. All

programming languages have data types.
● Data types help the processor when storing variables or doing
operations on them.
● Strongly typed and Loosely typed:
● Some languages have strict rules about data types. These languages
are called "strongly typed". i.e. you declare a variable as a certain
type, and then cannot change the type
● For example, in Java:
String firstName = “Rahul";
byte age = 15 ;
● “Loosely typed” languages like “JavaScript” and “PHP” have few rules
about data types.
For example, in JavaScript:
var first = “Rahul”; <-- variable “first” is storing String
first = 15; <-- the same variable “first” is now storing integer

Slide 13
Data types

● Data Types in Java Programming Language are classified into two main
● Primitive Data Types
● Reference Data Types
● Primitive Data Types:
Predefined by the Java language
Reserved keyword
Primitive values do not share state with other primitive values.
All Primitive Data Types have respective Wrapper Classes.

Slide 14
Data types

● Integer data types s

max 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
min 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
max 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
min 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
max 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

S - > Sign bit

Slide 15
Data types

● The float/double data type

float double
Variables of this type can have values Variables of this type can have values
from -3.4E38 (-3.4 * 1038) to +3.4E38 from -1.7E308 (-1.7 * 10308) to
(+3.4 * 1038) and occupy 4 bytes +1.7E308 (+1.7 * 10308) and occupy 8
in memory. bytes in memory.

Values are represented with Values are represented with

approximately 7 decimal digits approximately 17 decimal digits
accuracy. accuracy.

Slide 16
Data types

● The boolean type:

● The boolean data type is used for logical values.
● The boolean data type can have two possible values : true or false.
● The boolean is the type returned by all relational operators
● The boolean is the type required by the conditional expressions used
in control statements such as if and for.

● The char data type:

● Character is 16 bits wide in Java.
● Java uses Unicode to represent characters.
● The range of a char is 0 to 65,536.

Slide 17
Data types

● Primitive types
● all primitive values can be stored in a fixed amount of memory
(between one and eight bytes, depending on the type)
● Java handles values of the primitive types directly, or by value.

● Reference types
● Array types and Classes are composite types; objects and arrays
contain other values, so they do not have a standard size, and they
often require quite a bit more memory than eight bytes.
● For this reason, Java does not manipulate objects and arrays directly.
Instead, it manipulates objects and arrays through its reference.
● Because Java handles objects and arrays by reference, classes and
array types are known as reference types.

Slide 18
Reference type

● Array References
● An array in itself is a reference variable. It points to a group of
elements on the heap

int[] arr = new int[ ] {1,2,3};

Stack Heap

Slide 19
Java Identifiers

● Identifiers are tokens that represent names of variables, methods,

classes, etc.
Examples of identifiers are: Hello, main, System, out.

● Java identifiers are case-sensitive.

This means that the identifier Hello is not the same as hello.

● Identifiers must begin with either a letter, an underscore “_”, or a

dollar sign “$”.

● Letters may be lower or upper case. Subsequent characters may

use numbers 0 to 9.

Slide 20
Can you identify legal identifiers from the list?

MyVariable _9pins

$myvariable My Variable

9pins MindTree_&_Associates
testing1-2-3 _myvariable


Slide 21
Java Keywords ( Reserved words )

● Keywords are the built-in vocabulary of a language.

● In Java all keywords are lowercase
● You cannot use keywords as identifiers, (names you make up and
then use to describe classes, objects, methods, and variables)

Slide 22
Variables and data types

● Primitive declarations with assignments:

● int x;
● x = 456;
● byte b = 22;
● boolean exists = true;
● double salary = 52345.22;
● char ch = ‘J’;
● float temperature = 94.5f;
● int y = x;

Slide 23

● What happens when this code is executed?

char c = -1;

● Which of the following lines will compile without warning or error.

float f=1.3;
char c = "a";
byte b=257;
boolean b=null;
int i=10;

Slide 24

● What is the result of compiling and running the following code?

public class Tester {
public static void main(String[ ] args) {
if (true) {
int x = 5;
} else {

Slide 25
Scope of a variable.

Local Variable
package com.mindtree.sample;
•Declared inside methods.
public class Example{
•str is local to the method
main * @param args
public static void main(String[] args) {

String str = “This is a local variable”;

Class Variable
•Declared outside methods
but inside class. Denoted by class Employee {
static keyword. private static int totalCount = 0;

private String firstName;

Instance Variables private int age;

•Declared outside methods
but inside class.

Slide 26
Java Source file structure

* Created on June 1, 2011
* First Java Program
package com.mindtree.sample;
import java.lang.System;
import java.lang.String;
• Every Java program includes * @author Banu Prakash
at least one class definition. * © 2011 MindTree Limited.
The class is the fundamental */
component of all Java public class Example{
public static void main(String[] args) {
// print a message
System.out.println("Welcome to Java!");

Slide 27

● Video: HelloWorld_example.swf
● Hello World Java application illustrating the basic java file structure.
● illustrates steps to carry out to run this application:
Setting path and classpath.

Slide 28
IDE – An Introduction

● IDE (integrated development environment)

● IDEs are designed to maximize programmer productivity.
● IDE typically provides many features for authoring, modifying,
compiling, deploying and debugging software.
● Example of IDE
● Eclipse
● NetBeans
● BlueJ
● JCreator
● Eclipse and Java for Total Beginners
● (Using the Eclipse Workbench)
● (Eclipse IDE tutorial)

Slide 29
Widening Type Conversion

● Suppose a value of one type is assigned to a variable of another

● Type1 t1;
● Type2 t2 = t1;
● Above statement is valid if
two types are compatible
destination type is larger then the source type

● Example:
int i;
double d = i;

Slide 30
Narrowing Type Conversion

● Narrowing Type Conversion happens when

● two types are compatible
● destination type is smaller then the source type
● Example:
● Java will not carry out type-conversion:
int i;
byte b = i;

● Instead, we have to rely on manual type-casting:

int i;
byte b = (byte) i;

Slide 31
Narrowing Type Conversion

● Example
int i = 257;
byte b = (byte) i;
System.out.println("Conversion of int to byte.");
System.out.println("i and b " + i + " ," + b); // i and b: 257, 1

double d = 123.456;
System.out.println("\ndouble to int.");
int value = (int) d;
System.out.println("d and value: " + d + " ," + value);
// d and value: 123.456 ,123

Slide 32
Control Flow

● Program consists of many statements. Without control flow, the

interpreter would execute these statements in the order they
appear left-to-right and top-to-down.

● Control flow statements in the program determine in which order

the program should be executed.

Slide 33
Conditional Flow Control

● In certain solutions, it may be necessary to write code to perform
various actions based on certain criteria. To perform these actions,
Java provides certain decision-making statements such as the if

if-statement has the form:

if( boolean_expression) if( boolean_expression ) {

statement; statement1;

Slide 34
The if Statement

int balance = 10000;
int amount ;

Scanner in = new Scanner(;

System.out.println("Enter Amount: ");
double amount = in.nextDouble();

if (amount <= balance) {

balance = balance - amount;
System.out.print(“Balance: “ + balance);

Slide 35
The if-else statement

● If you want to perform two different statements depending on the

outcome of a boolean expression. if-else statement can be used

if( boolean_expression) if( boolean_expression ) {

statement1; statement1;
else statement2;
} else {

Slide 36
The if-else-if statement

Scanner scanner = new Scanner(;
System.out.println("Enter magnitude on the Richter scale");
double richter = scanner.nextDouble();
String r = “”;

if (richter >= 7.0)

r = "Many buildings destroyed";
else if (richter >= 6.0)
r = "Many buildings considerably damaged, some collapse";
else if (richter >= 4.5)
r = "Damage to poorly constructed buildings";
else if (richter >= 3.5)
r = "Felt by many people, no destruction";
else if (richter >= 0)
r = "Generally not felt by people";
r = "Negative numbers are not valid";

System.out.println("for richter scale " + richter + " result : " + r);

Slide 37
Switch Statement

● Switch statements provides a better alternative than if-else-if

when the execution follows several branches depending on the
value of an expression
● Syntax:
switch (expression) {
case value1:
case value2:
case value3:
default: statement;

Slide 38
Switch Statement

● Example:
int month = 4; String season;
switch (month) {
case 12:
case 1:
case 2: season = "Winter"; break;
case 3:
case 4:
case 5: season = "Spring"; break;
case 6:
case 7:
case 8: season = "Summer"; break;
case 9:
case 10:
case 11: season = "Autumn"; break;
default: season = “unknown";

Slide 39
Answer this

● If y has the value 5 what will be the value of the variable y after the
following piece of code is executed?
if (y > 0)
y += 2;

● If p has the value 3 and max has the value 5, what will be the value of the
variable max after the following piece of code is executed?
if (p < max) max = p;

● If x has the value 5.0 what will be the value of the variable count after
the following piece of code is executed?
count = 0;
if (x < 0.0)
negsum = negsum + x;
count = count + 1;

Slide 40
Iteration Statements

● Java iteration statements enable repeated execution of part of a

program until a certain termination condition becomes true.

● Java provides the following iteration statements:

● while loop
● do while loop
● for loop
● Enhanced for loop [ for-each]

Slide 41
The while loop

● Syntax:

while (boolean_expression) while (boolean_expression) {

statement; statement;

● Semantics:
● repeat execution of statement until expression becomes false
● expression is always evaluated before statement
● if expression is false initially, statement will never get executed

Slide 42
The while loop example

● Example: while loop to calculate the factorial of the number 5

int counter = 5;
long factorial = 1;

while (counter > 1) {

factorial *= counter;
counter-- ;


Slide 43
The do while loop

● If a component statement has to be executed at least once, the

do-while statement is more appropriate than the while statement
● Syntax:
do {
} while (condition);

● Example:
int counter = 5;
int factorial = 1;
do {
factorial *= counter;
} while (counter > 0);

Slide 44
The for loop

● When iterating over a range of values, for statement is more

suitable to use then while or do-while

● Syntax:
for (initialization; termination; increment)

● initialization statement is executed once before the first iteration

● termination expression is evaluated before each iteration to
determine when the loop should terminate
● increment statement is executed after each iteration

Slide 45
The for loop

● The for statement may include declaration of a loop control


for (int counter = 0;

counter < 10;
counter++) {

● The variable “counter” does not exist outside the for statement
Slide 46
The for loop example

● Find if the given number is a prime number.

int num = 14;
boolean isPrime = true;
for (int i=2; i < num/2; i++) {
if ((num % i) == 0) {
isPrime = false;
break; //exit an iterative statement
if (isPrime) {
else {
System.out.println("Not Prime");

Slide 47
The For-Each Loop

● A for each-construct was introduced in JDK 1.5.0.

● It is also referred to as the "Enhanced for Loop"
● Sementics:
for each item in collection
do something to item

● The following method returns the sum of the values in an int array:
// Returns the sum of the elements of array arr
int sum(int[] arr) {
int total = 0;
for (int value : arr) {
total += value;
return total;
Slide 48

● Arrays are the simplest and most common type of structured data.
● An Array contains a group of items that are all of the same type
and that are directly accessed through the use of an array index.

● One-Dimensional array:
● A one-dimensional array is, essentially, a list of like-typed variables.
● To create an array, you first must create an array variable of the
desired type.
● The general form of a one dimensional array declaration is
type var_name[ ];

● For example, the following declares an array named months with the
type “array of int”:
int months[];

Slide 49

int months[];
● Although this declaration establishes the fact that months is an array
variable, no array actually exists.
● In fact, the value of months is set to null, which represents an array
with no value

Stack Heap

months null

Slide 50

● To link months with an actual, physical array of Stack Heap

integers you must allocate one using new and months addr 12 length
assign it to months.
0 0

● This example allocates a 12-element array of

28 1
integers and links them to months. 0 2
int months = new int[12]; 0 3
0 4
● You can access a specific element in the array by 0 5
specifying its index within square brackets.
● For example, this statement assigns the value 28
to the second element of months. 0 7
● months [1] = 28; 0 8
0 9
0 10
0 11
addr: address of physical array of integers
Slide 51

Stack Heap
● Example:
int months[] = new int[12];
months addr 12
months[0] = 31; 31 0
months[1] = 28; 28 1
months[2] = 31;
31 2
months[3] = 30;
months[4] = 31;
30 3
months[5] = 30; 31 4
months[6] = 31; 30 5
months[7] = 31;
31 6
months[8] = 30;
months[9] = 31;
31 7
months[10] = 30; 30 8
months[11] = 31; 31 9
System.out.println("April has " + months[3] + " days."); 10
31 11

Slide 52
Exiting Loops early

● break
● The break statement causes a loop to terminate through the normal
exit channel; the program resumes execution at the first statement
following the loop.

● continue
● The continue statement rather than causing a loop exit, causes the
program to skip the loop body and continue executing at the beginning
of the next iteration of the loop.
● A continue statement is shorthand for an if-else clause that would
prevent the rest of the loop from being executed.

Slide 53
Exiting Loops early

● Example:
int i = 0;
while(i < 100) {
if(i == 10) {
break; // terminate loop if i is 10
System.out.println("i: " + i);
System.out.println("Loop complete.");

Slide 54
Continue example

for(int i=0; i<10; i++) {

System.out.print(i + " ");
if (i%2 == 0) {

● Output :
0 1
2 3
4 5
6 7
8 9

Slide 55
Using continue with a label.

for (int i=0; i< 5; i++) {
for(int j=0; j< 5; j++) {
if(j > i) {
continue outer;
System.out.print(" " + (i * j));
0 1
0 24
0 369
0 4 8 12 16

Slide 56
The String class

● A string is a sequence of characters.

● Unlike most of the other languages, Java treats a string as a single
value rather than as an array of characters.
● The String objects are immutable, i.e., once an object of the
String class is created, the string it contains cannot be changed.

● The String Constructors

● The String class supports several constructors. To create an empty
String, you call the default constructor.
For example: String s = new String();
● To create a String initialized by an array of characters, use the
constructor shown here:
● String(char chars[ ])
For example: char chars[ ] = { 'a', 'b', 'c' };
String s = new String(chars);

Slide 57
The String class

● String class also provides constructors that initialize a string when

given a byte array

byte ascii[] = {65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70 };

String s1 = new String(ascii);
System.out.println(s1); // ABCDEF

String s2 = new String(ascii, 2, 3);

System.out.println(s2); // CDE

● String Literals
● You can use a string literal to initialize a String object
String s2 = “MindTree Ltd"; // use string literal

Slide 58
Methods of String class

● String Length
String s = new String(“MindTree”);
System.out.println( s.length () ) ; // 8

● Character Extraction: char charAt(int where)

char ch = "abc".charAt(1); // b
● String Comparison
● To compare two strings for equality, use equals( ).
boolean equals(Object str)

● To perform a comparison that ignores case differences, call:

boolean equalsIgnoreCase(String str)

Slide 59
Methods of String class

● String Comparison example:

String s1 = "Hello";
String s2 = "Hello";
String s3 = "Good-bye";
String s4 = "HELLO";
System.out.println(s1 + " equals " + s2 + " -> " +
s1.equals(s2)); // Hello equals Hello -> true
System.out.println(s1 + " equals " + s3 + " -> " +
s1.equals(s3)); // Hello equals Good-bye -> false
System.out.println(s1 + " equals " + s4 + " -> " +
s1.equals(s4)); // Hello equals HELLO -> false
System.out.println(s1 + " equalsIgnoreCase " + s4 + " -> " +
s1.equalsIgnoreCase(s4)); // Hello equalsIgnoreCase HELLO -> true

Slide 60
Methods of String

● int compareTo(String str)

● A string is less than another if it comes before the other in
dictionary order. A string is greater than another if it comes after
the other in dictionary order

● int difference = “Oracle".compareTo(“An IT company");

● Difference is 14, i.e the letter “O” of “Oracle” – letter “A” of “An IT

Slide 61
Methods of String class

● You can search a string for a specified character or substring in a

String using:
Method name What it does
int indexOf(int ch) Returns the first occurrence of a character or -1
if the specified character is not found

int lastIndexOf(int ch) Returns the last occurrence of a character or -1 if

the specified character is not found

int indexOf (int ch, int Similar to int indexOf(int ch)

startIndex) Here, startIndex specifies the index at which
point the search begins

Slide 62

● Refer:
● Java Language Basics

● For more information on the String class

● For information on StringBuffer class

● For information on StringBuilder class

Slide 63

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