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Korean J Intern Med 2018;33:1058-1069

Neuropathic cancer pain: prevalence, pathophysi-

ology, and management
So Young Yoon1 and Jeeyoung Oh2

Neuropathic cancer pain (NCP) is caused by nerve damage attributable to the can-
Division of Oncology, Department
of Internal Medicine, 2Department
cer per se, and/or treatments including chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and surgery;
of Neurology, Konkuk University
School of Medicine, Seoul, Koreathe prevalence is reported to be as high as 40%. The etiologies of NCP include di-
rect nerve invasion or nerve compression by the cancer, neural toxicity, chemo-
therapy, and radiotherapy. NCP is subdivided into plexopathy, radiculopathy, and
peripheral neuropathies, among several other categories. The clinical character-
istics of NCP differ from those of nociceptive pain in terms of both the hypersen-
sitivity symptoms (burning, tingling, and an electrical sensation) and the hypo-
Received : January 26, 2018
Accepted : May 7, 2018 sensitivity symptoms (numbness and muscle weakness). Recovery requires several
months to years, even after recovery from injury. Management is complex; NCP
Correspondence to does not usually respond to opioids, although treatments may feature both opi-
Jeeyoung Oh, M.D.
oids and adjuvant drugs including antidepressants, anticonvulsants, and anti-ar-
Department of Neurology,
Konkuk University Medical Cen- rhythmic agents, all of which improve the quality-of-life. This review addresses
ter, 120-1 Neungdong-ro, Gwang- the pathophysiology, clinical characteristics and management of NCP, and factors
jin-gu, Seoul 05030, Korea rendering pain control difficult.
Tel: +82-2-2030-7564
Fax: +82-2-2030-5169
E-mail: Keywords: Neuralgia; Neoplasms; Chemotherapy drugs

INTRODUCTION pathophysiology of NCP, and appropriate management

Cancer pain affects approximately 70% of those with
advanced disease; over half experience moderate-to-se- Definition and clinical characteristics of NCP
vere pain and under-treatment is common [1]. Pain in- NCP is pain caused by direct damage to the nervous
tensity is often underestimated and the etiology poorly system. A nerve can be infiltrated or compressed by a
understood. A failure to identify the pain mechanism tumor, or strangulated by fibrosis [4]. Once a peripheral
in play and subsequent inappropriate management is nerve is damaged, the pain fibers become abnormally
of particular concern when treating those with neuro- sensitive, triggering spontaneous pain that is amplified
pathic cancer pain (NCP); opioids alone are often inef- in the spinal cord; even a minor stimulus such as a
fective, and the addition of adjuvant analgesics is essen- touch can trigger pain (allodynia). The pain may persist
tial [2]. NCP is a debilitating sequela of cancer per se and for months or years after damaged tissue has healed. In
cancer treatment. NCP is common because advances in such a setting, pain no longer reflects ongoing injury
chemotherapy, surgery, and radiotherapy have signifi- but, rather, a malfunctioning nervous system. NCP is
cantly prolonged survival [3]. NCP management is inef- part of a larger spectrum of neuropathy caused by the
fective in many cancer patients. Here, we briefly review cancer per se, treatment, paraneoplastic syndrome, and
the etiologies, prevalence, clinical characteristics and comorbidities such as diabetic polyneuropathy and

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Yoon SY and Oh J. Neuropathic cancer pain

postherpetic neuralgia. Here, we focus on NCP caused Prevalence

by cancer per se and chemotherapy-induced peripheral Some types of NCP, such as spinal cord compression
neuropathy (CIPN) [5]. NCP is one of the three main accompanied by motor and sensory changes, and tumor
types of cancer pain (the others are somatic and visceral infiltration of the cord confirmed by imaging, are de-
pain). There are two principal forms of pain pathophys- finitive. However, other NCPs are mixed with somatic
iology: nociceptive and neuropathic. NCP is nerve-re- or visceral nociceptive cancer-related pain; appropriate
lated (typically neuron-related) pain characterized as a diagnostic standards remain to be established. Thus,
burning or electrical sensation; however, NCP some- few prospective data on the prevalence of NCP and the
times manifests as decreased sensation or actual mus- underlying mechanism(s) are available. An extensive
cle weakness [6]. In clinical settings, both hypersensi- meta-analysis of over 10,000 patients was published
tivity and hyposensitivity symptoms often coexist. NCP in 2012; the prevalence of NCP, both pure and mixed,
is often a part of a mixed syndrome with other types of was approximately 39% [3]. The prevalence rates of pure
pain including somatic or visceral pain. NCP is chron- neuropathic pain, mixed pain, and pure nociceptive
ic and often manifests as persistent background pain pain are approximately 19%, 20%, and 59%, respectively.
with acute exacerbations of breakthrough pain several The prevalence of NCP has been reported to be as high
times daily. The breakthrough pain is often sponta- as 40% among cancer patients. The cited meta-analysis
neous, but can also be triggered by movement, touch, explored NCP etiologies. Sixty-four percent of NCP was
cold, and heat. Such spontaneous or triggered pain is caused by cancer per se, and 20% by treatments such as
perceived as a sensory abnormality (i.e., hyposensitivi- chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and cancer surgery. Nota-
ty, hypersensitivity, or both), although paresthesia (an bly, these proportions differed from those of all cancer
abnormal sensation, such as tingling, an electric shock, pain caused by treatment (only 10%), suggesting that a
or burning) may also be considered a typical hypersen- higher proportion of NCP was caused by treatment(s).
sitivity symptom. Allodynia is a type of pain evoked by A cross-sectional Dutch study reported that 23% of
non-painful stimulation, such as a touch; hyperalgesia oncology outpatients (204/892) experienced moder-
(increased response to a stimulus that is not normally ate-to-severe pain [7] and 19% exhibited neuropathic
painful) is often evident. Hyposensitivity symptoms symptoms (170/892). However, the NCP prevalence in-
such as diminished or absent cutaneous sensations creased to over 40% in patients with moderate-to-severe
often present with balance/gait disturbances. Reduced pain, affecting the activities of daily life more severely
sensation compromises fine motor skills such as the than was the case for patients without neuropathic pain
use of chopsticks or buttoning of shirts. (mean interference score 4.7 vs. 4.17, p = 0.054). Even pa-
In contrast, nociceptive pain is the result of injury tients with mild neuropathic pain experienced signifi-
to somatic and visceral structures, followed by activa- cant interference with the activities of daily life. Despite
tion of nociceptors in skin, the viscera, muscles, and the high prevalence and severity of such pain, only 8%
connective tissue. Nociceptive pain can be divided into were taking adjuvant analgesics.
somatic and visceral pain. Somatic nociceptive pain Recently, a Korean, multicenter, cross-sectional ob-
is sharp, well-localized, throbbing, and pressure-like. servational study explored the prevalence and impact
However, visceral nociceptive pain developing sec- of NCP on the quality-of-life of cancer patients [8].
ondary to compression, infiltration, or distention of The prevalence of NCP of score ≥ 1 on a visual analog
the abdominal or thoracic viscera is often described as scale (VAS) was 36.0% (722/2,003). Approximately 20%
more diffuse, less localized, ache-like, and cramping in of all patients reported moderate-to-severe pain. Im-
nature [4]. Table 1 summarizes the differences between portantly, those with VAS scores ≥ 4 exhibited a higher
neuropathic and nociceptive pain in terms of patho- prevalence of NCP than did those with mild pain (42.4%
physiology, symptoms and signs, duration, and impact vs. 27.4%). Cancer patients with NCP reported more
on the quality-of-life. high-level pain, more severe interference with the activ-
ities of daily life, and a poorer quality-of-life, than did
those without NCP. However, only 49.6% of patients 1059

The Korean Journal of Internal Medicine Vol. 33, No. 6, November 2018

Table 1. Differential diagnosis of neuropathic and nociceptive pain

Nociceptive pain
Neuropathic pain
Somatic pain Visceral pain
Pathophysiology Injured nervous system Injured muscle, bone, Compression,
Peripheral nerve, spinal cord connective tissue infiltration, distention
Central nervous system of viscera
Symptoms Dysesthesia/paresthesia: tingling, Sharp and aching More diffuse, less
burning, electric shock like, Well localized, throbbing, localized, dull and
lancinating pressure like aching cramping colicky
Hypoesthesia: numbness resulting
in balance disturbance, difficulty in
fine motor skills, muscle weakness
Signs Hypersensitivity: allodynia, Referred pain to adjacent or
hyperalgesia distal part of the body
Hyposensitivity: diminished
cutaneous sensation to vibration,
temperature, pain, light touch
Duration Month to years Weeks to months
Pain lasts beyond expected period of Pain resolves upon healing of
healing tissue injury
Interference of daily life Often more severe than nociceptive Less severe than neuropathic
pain pain
Response to opioids Unsatisfactory Often responds well to opioids
and pain medications
Managements Almost always needs combination Opioids with or without
therapy adjuvant analgesics
Adjuvant drugs (anticonvulsants,
antidepressants) with opioids

with moderate-to-severe NCP received adjuvant anal- into several categories: plexopathy, radiculopathy, pe-
gesics including antidepressants and anticonvulsants. ripheral neuropathy, paraneoplastic sensory neurop-
Similarly, the NCP prevalence in a Western study was athy, leptomeningeal metastasis, cranial neuralgia,
approximately 40%; both the quality-of-life and the and malignant painful radiculopathy (Table 2) [5,11,12].
extent of interference with daily activities were more Awareness of the various types of NCP improves diag-
severely affected in patients with than without NCP [9]. nosis, treatment, and outcomes. Cancer pain is often
In both Korea and Western countries, adjuvant drugs of a mixed nature or, if it is purely neuropathic, may
are under-prescribed. be one of several pains experienced. NCP caused by the
In summary, the prevalence of NCP remains high, tumor per se usually involves both nociceptive and neu-
interfering significantly with the activities of daily life, ropathic components, and mixed pain is more com-
and current management strategies are inadequate [3,7- mon than NCP caused by cancer treatments [13]. Most
10]. NCP caused by chemotherapy is purely neuropathic in
nature [14]. Various surgeries, such as mastectomy, neck
Etiology of NCP lymph node dissection, laparotomy and thoracotomy,
NCP can be caused by direct cancer invasion or nerve cause neuropathic pain. Occasionally, surgery-related
compression, and/or cancer treatments including sur- NCP can become chronic, although improving over
gery, chemotherapy, and radiotherapy. NCP is divided time.


Yoon SY and Oh J. Neuropathic cancer pain

Table 2. Common etiologies of neuropathic cancer pain (acute type) and a classical peripheral neuropathy
Cancer related neuropathic pain (chronic type). P-APS occurs within days after each
Radiculopathies dose and usually also abates within days; it was earlier
(lumbosacral, cervical, thoracic radiculopathy) termed paclitaxel-induced arthralgia/myalgia, and has
Plexopathies recently been named P-APS. This syndrome, described
(cervical, brachial, lumbosacral, coccygeal plexopathy) in up to 70% of patients, usually develops within 1 to 3
Peripheral neuropathies days of paclitaxel administration; however, the symp-
Cranial neuralgia toms largely resolve within 7 days [19,24,26].
(glossopharyngeal, trigeminal neuralgia) Oxaliplatin is a new-generation platinum com-
Leptomeningeal seeding pound widely used to treat various cancers including
Tumor related bone paina colorectal, stomach, and pancreatic cancers. Oxalipla-
Spinal cord compressions tin-induced peripheral neuropathy is an acute prickly
Treatment related neuropathic pain dysesthesia affecting the hands and feet, combined
Chemotherapy induced peripheral neuropathies with spontaneous pharyngolaryngeal dysesthesia often
Chronic post-surgical pain syndromes: post-mastectomy, triggered by cold. The conditions develop during oxal-
post-neck dissection, post-thoracotomy iplatin infusion and subside within few days. Oxalipla-
Post radiation pain syndrome: radiation-induced brachial tin-induced early acute dysesthesia occurs in up to 90%
plexopathies, radiation myelopathy, lymphedema pain of patients. Simply opening the door of a refrigerator
Tumor related bone pain is mixed type of neuropathic pain or drinking cold water can induce a painful prickly sen-
(somatic plus neuropathic). sation. Such oxaliplatin-induced, acute cold allodynia
resembles P-APS. On repeated infusion, oxaliplatin-in-
duced CIPN can include decreased feeling in the hands
CIPN: types, symptoms, mechanisms, and duration and feet, impairing balance and the sensing of vibration
CIPN is a common problem in cancer patients because and touch [21,22].
survival has been significantly prolonged by advances CIPN mechanisms include disruption of axonal
in chemotherapy; however, neither the level of aware- transport, changes in ion channel and receptor activi-
ness of CIPN nor the management thereof is adequate. ties, neuronal injury and inflammation, oxidative stress,
CIPN affects both the quality-of-life and eventual out- and mitochondrial damage [16]. Taxane, platinum, and
comes because of treatment delays, dose reductions, vincristine affect the peripheral sensory neurons of the
and drug discontinuation [15]. Many chemotherapeutic dorsal root ganglia (DRG) and the spinal cord; they are
agents can cause CIPN, of which the most common are toxic to DRG neurons, and increase the activities of
platinum agents (cisplatin, oxaliplatin, and carbopla- both voltage- and ligand-gated ion channels (the sodi-
tin); the taxanes (taxol and docetaxel); and the vinca al- um, calcium, and transient receptor potential channels).
kaloids (vincristine and vinorelbine) [16,17]. The symp- Despite the common pathogenic pathways, taxane and
toms range from early post-treatment pain, such as vincristine trigger inflammation of the dorsal horn of
paclitaxel induced acute pain syndrome (P-APS) [18-20] the spinal cord more strongly than do platinum com-
and cold allodynia after oxaliplatin infusion, to chron- pounds. Taxane and vincristine activate cord microglia,
ic peripheral sensory neuropathy featuring tingling, astrocytes, and satellite glial cells, triggering release of
pain, and decreased sensation [21-23]. CIPN is usually tumor necrosis factor and interleukin-1β.
a dose-dependent, cumulative side-effect exhibiting a Unfortunately, CIPN can persist for several months
glove-stocking distribution. CIPN symptoms include to years, even after discontinuation of chemotherapy,
sensory loss, paresthesia, dysesthesia and pain, some- and may never be completely eliminated. The symp-
times accompanied by muscle weakness [16,24-26]. toms and durations of CIPN are summarized in Table 3.
Paclitaxel is a chemotherapeutic agent used to treat
breast, ovarian, lung, and head-and-neck cancer, and is NCP assessment
associated with two types of neuropathic pain: P-APS Pain is very subjective and it is not always easy to ap- 1061

The Korean Journal of Internal Medicine Vol. 33, No. 6, November 2018

Table 3. Characteristics of chemotherapy-induced neuropathic pain

Drugs Type Symptoms Onset Duration, recovery
Common Chronic Pain, cramps, numbness, Days to weeks Over months to years
tingling, paresthesia
Taxane Acute (P-APS) Hours 3 to 5 days
Chronic Within days 6 to 24 months
25% no recovery
Platinum Acutea Cold induced Hours 3 to 5 days
Chronic 1 month Over months to years
Some resolution
Vincristine Chronic 2 to 3 weeks 1 to 3 months
Up to 2 years
P-APS, paclitaxel induced acute pain syndrome.
Oxaliplatin induced acute cold allodynia.

proach patients complaining of pain. If NCP is di- tive sensory symptoms (e.g., burning pain, allodynia,
agnosed, the pain should have the characteristics of and hyperalgesia) in the distal fingers or toes, CIPN is
neuropathic pain, must be caused by a distinct lesion “probable.” “Definite” CIPN requires objective diag-
or disease of the somatosensory system, and should be nosis of a lesion in the somatosensory system. Electro-
assessed using electrophysiological tests to determine physiological studies, skin biopsies, and quantitative
objectively the extent of nerve damage. sensory testing (QST) are used to this end. The same
rules apply when evaluating a patient with trigeminal
Grading system neuralgia caused by tumor infiltration of the trigeminal
In 2008, neuropathic pain was defined as, “Pain arising nerve or radicular pain with a pathological spinal frac-
as a direct consequence of a lesion or disease affecting ture.
the somatosensory system,” by the International As-
sociation for the Study of Pain (IASP) Special Interest Screening and assessment questionnaires
Group on Neuropathic Pain (NeuPSIG) [6], which de- Several specific questionnaires seek to differentiate
veloped a three-level grading system. “Possible” neuro- neuropathic from nociceptive pain. As cancer pain is
pathic pain is pain associated with a history of relevant often mixed in nature, questionnaires can be useful to
neurological lesion(s) or disease if the pain distribution determine whether the pain is neuropathic. For clinical
is neuroanatomically plausible. If neurological exam- screening, all of the Leeds Assessment of Neuropath-
ination reveals sensory signs associated with the pain ic Symptoms and Signs (LANSS), the Douleur Neu-
distribution, neuropathic pain is “probable.” “Definite” ropathique en 4 Questions (DN4), and painDETECT,
neuropathic pain requires diagnosis of a lesion or dis- are helpful. The LANSS features five symptom items
ease of the somatosensory nervous system that explains and two bedside examination items [28]. At a cut-off
the pain [27]. score > 12, the Korean version of the LANSS had a sensi-
In patients with a history of chemotherapy and sub- tivity of 72.6% and a specificity of 98.0% [29]. S-LANSS,
sequent complaints of tingling sensations, the pain is a self-reporting form of LANSS, has been used in ep-
suspected to be CIPN if the chemotherapeutic agent idemiological studies on general populations. The
used is known to be neuropathic, and the sensory DN4 is composed of seven symptom items and three
symptoms are symmetrically distributed in the distal clinical examination items. A total score > 4 suggests
fingers or toes (the common phenotype of toxic neu- neuropathic pain [30]. The Korean version of the DN4
ropathy). If bedside neurological examination reveals effectively distinguished neuropathic and nociceptive
negative sensory symptoms (e.g., numbness) or posi- chronic back pain [31]. The DN4 exhibited high sensi-


Yoon SY and Oh J. Neuropathic cancer pain

Table 4. Neuropathic Pain Symptom Inventory

Severity of the spontaneous pain
Q1. Does your pain feel like burning?
Q2. Does your pain feel like squeezing?
Q3. Does your pain feel like pressure?
Q4. During the past 24 hours, your spontaneous pain has been present:
Permanently/8 to 12 hours /4 to 7 hours/1 to 3 hours/< 1 hour
Severity of the painful attacks
Q5. Does your pain feel like electric shocks?
Q6. Does your pain feel like stabbing?
Q7. In the past 24 hours how many of these pain attacks have you had?
> 20 hours/11 to 20 hours/6 to 20 hours/1 to 5 hours/none
Severity of your provoked pain
Q8. Is your pain provoked or increased by brushing on the painful area?
Q9. Is your pain provoked or increased by pressure on the painful area?
Q10. Is your pain provoked or increased by contact with something cold on the painful area?
Severity of abnormal sensations
Q11. Do you feel pins and needles?
Q12. Do you feel tingling?
Total intensity score Subscores
1. Q1 = 1. Burning (superficial) spontaneous Q1 =
2. (Q2 + Q3) = 2. Pressing (deep) spontaneous pain: (Q2 + Q3) / 2 =
3. (Q5 + Q6) = 3. Paroxysmal pain: (Q5 + Q6) / 2 =
4. (Q7 + Q8 + Q9) = 4. Evoked pain: (Q8 + Q9 + Q10) / 3 =
5. (Q11 + Q12) = 5. Paresthesia/dysesthesia (Q11 + Q12) / 2 =
(1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5) = /100
Select “0” if you have not felt such pain, or “10” if you have feel it the worst.

tivity when used to identify NCP 6 months after breast toms [34]. The NPS does not explore a number of pain
cancer resection, predicting that the paravertebral block features commonly observed in those with neuropathic
effect was a risk factor for such pain [32]. PainDETECT pain, and is fully validated only for multiple sclerosis
is a self-reporting questionnaire with nine items, orig- patients [35]. The NPSI is a self-reporting 12-item ques-
inally developed to detect the neuropathic component tionnaire specifically designed to evaluate the symp-
of chronic lower back pain [33]. This tool reliably distin- toms of neuropathic pain [36], exploring 10 descriptors
guished neuropathic components among various caus- of spontaneous ongoing pain (burning, squeezing, and
es of chronic pain. However, the questionnaires should pressure), paroxysmal pain (electric shock and stabbing
not replace neurological examination and assessment, sensations), evoked pain (by brushing, pressure, or con-
despite the fact they are easy to use. tact) and dysesthesia/paresthesia (pins and needles, tin-
When characterizing multiple neuropathic phe- gling), each of which is quantified on a scale of 0 to 10.
notypes, assessment questionnaires are useful. The In addition, the duration of spontaneous ongoing and
European Federation of Neurological Societies recom- paroxysmal pain are assessed (Table 4). The NPSI is use-
mended use of the Neuropathic Pain Scale (NPS) and ful for defining subgroups of patients with neuropathic
the Neuropathic Pain Symptom Inventory (NPSI) to pain, and in the follow-up of responses to pharmaco-
evaluate the effects of treatment on neuropathic symp- logical treatment or other therapeutic interventions. 1063

The Korean Journal of Internal Medicine Vol. 33, No. 6, November 2018

Clinical examination pan-axonal marker. The number of stained Aδ fibers/

During sensory examination, the functions of the large mm that cross the dermal-epidermal junction is the
and small sensory nerve fibers are separately assessed. IENF density, a decrease in which correlates with neu-
Patients with large-fiber involvement complain of ropathic symptoms and the results of other neurophys-
numbness, a feeling that mud is stuck to the foot, or a iological tests [40]. However, the test is available only in
sensation that they walk on a gravel road. Those with specialized centers.
small-fiber involvement complain of painful burning
sensations with shooting pain, and exhibit symptoms of
autonomic dysfunction. As neuropathic pain is usually PHARMACOLOGICAL TREATMENT
caused by a lesion or damage to small-diameter nerve
fibers, a thorough sensory examination focusing on Unfortunately, no agent prevents NCP; current treat-
both pain and thermal sensation is important. Touch ment focuses on reducing or alleviating symptoms.
and vibration detected by large sensory (Aβ) fibers can Although various drugs have been used for many years,
be evaluated using a cotton bud or a brush, and a tun- the only drug proven to be effective (in a randomized
ing fork, respectively. A pin or toothpick are used to controlled trial) is duloxetine. The American Society
evaluate pinprick sensing. Thermal sensitivity can be of Clinical Oncology guideline suggests that sero-
tested using tubes filled with warm or cold water, but is tonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs; e.g.,
not commonly performed at the bedside, having been venlafaxine and duloxetine) and gabapentinoids (e.g.,
replaced by the pinprick test, which shares a common gabapentin and pregabalin) should be the first drugs
anatomical pathway. Skin color changes and/or the Ray- of choice for NCP [41]. However, this does not mean
naud phenomenon caused by vasomotor dysfunction that other drugs are ineffective. Generally, there is no
may be observed in patients with neuropathic pain. evidence that different drugs are variably effective when
treating different types of neuropathic pain. We here
Confirmatory tests briefly discuss the adjuvant analgesics commonly used
Conventional nerve conduction and evoked potential to manage NCP. The primary indication for use of
studies assess only large myelinated nerve fibers; they these drugs is not pain, but the drugs sometimes exhib-
do not detect damage to small fibers. Laser-evoked it significant analgesic effects when used either alone
potentials stimulate skin Aδ fibers and can be used to or in combination with pure analgesics. Dosing, major
assess the integrity of the peripheral free nerve endings adverse effects, and precautions required during use are
of the sensory cortex [37]. However, the technique is summarized in Table 5.
available only in dedicated pain clinics or research lab-
oratories. QST can be employed to assess the function- Antidepressants
ality of both large and small fibers. QST evaluates both The tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs) have been used for
negative symptoms and positive sensory phenomena by decades. TCAs (amitriptyline, nortriptyline, and desip-
measuring the thresholds of pressure, the pinprick test, ramine) demonstrated efficacy for moderate non-can-
and vibration, as well as cold and warm perception [38]. cer neuropathic pain such as diabetic polyneuropathy,
However, the QST is a psychophysical test that often postherpetic neuralgia, migraine, and fibromyalgia [42].
generates false-positive results, is time-consuming, and Amitriptyline or nortriptyline are old but potent drugs.
cannot localize lesions causing neuropathic pain. Although a recent Cochrane review found that TCAs af-
Evaluation of intraepidermal nerve fibers (IENFs) via forded at least moderate pain relief (number needed to
skin biopsy is the most objective and sensitive test for treat = 3.6) in patients with nonmalignant neuropathic
neuropathic pain. The diagnostic accuracy of the QST pain [43], studies on cancer patients revealed only min-
used to assess small fiber neuropathy is low (approxi- imal analgesic effects. The cardiac side-effects (QT pro-
mately 50%), but IENF quantification is highly sensitive longation, orthostatic hypotension) and anticholinergic
and specific (up to 90%) [39]. Skin samples obtained effects (confusion, sedation, dry mouth, somnolence,
via 3-mm punch biopsy are stained for protein 9.5, a and bladder distension) limit the use of these drugs in


Yoon SY and Oh J. Neuropathic cancer pain

Table 5. Drugs commonly used to treat neuropathic cancer pain

Starting Maximum
Medication Major side effect Precaution Avoid Other benefits
dosage dosage
TCAs 25 mg at 150 mg Sedation, dry mouth, Cardiac disease, Tramadol, Improvement of
bedtime daily blurred vision, glaucoma SNRI depression and
weight gain, urinary insomnia
Carbamazepine 100 mg twice 600 mg Dizziness, sedation, Drug interaction Effective in
a day daily skin rash, neuralgic pain
Gabapentin 100–300 mg 3,600 mg Sedation, dizziness, Renal Improvement of
at bedtime daily peripheral edema insufficiency sleep disturbance,
or three no significant drug
times a day interaction
Pregabalin 75 mg twice a 600 mg Sedation, dizziness, Renal Improvement of
day daily peripheral edema insufficiency sleep disturbance,
no significant drug
Tramadol 50 mg once a 400 mg Nausea, vomiting, History of SNRI, TCA Rapid onset
day or twice daily constipation, substance abuse,
a day drowsiness, suicide risk,
dizziness seizure
Oxycodone 30 mg daily None Nausea, vomiting, History of Rapid onset
constipation, substance abuse,
drowsiness, suicide risk
Topical lidocaine Local erythema, rash No systemic side
Venlafaxine 37.5 mg once 225 mg Nausea Cardiac disease, Tramadol, Improvement of
a day or daily withdrawal TCA depression
twice a day syndrome
with abrupt
Duloxetine 30 mg once a 60 mg Nausea Hepatic Tramadol, Improvement of
day twice a dysfunction, TCA depression
day renal
alcohol abuse
TCA, tricyclic antidepressant; SNRI, serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor.

older patients. the average pain score by 1.06, compared to 0.34 in the
Newer antidepressants, the SNRIs, have fewer side-ef- placebo group [44]. Fifty-nine percent of patients receiv-
fects than TCAs. Unfortunately, serotonin-selective ing duloxetine reported some pain reduction. A recent
reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) do not relieve pain. In a study showed that the drug relieved musculoskeletal
randomized, double-blind crossover trial on 231 pa- pain in patients with early-stage breast cancer [45]. The
tients with taxane- or platinum-treated, cervical in- adverse effects are those of all SNRIs, including nau-
traepithelial neoplasia, duloxetine (30 mg daily for 1 sea, dizziness, headache, and dry mouth. The drug is
week followed by 60 mg daily for 4 weeks) decreased not recommended for patients with hepatic disease 1065

The Korean Journal of Internal Medicine Vol. 33, No. 6, November 2018

or severe renal impairment (CrCl < 30 mL/min). Ven- therapy [49]. Gabapentinoids usually reduce anxiety and
lafaxine (another SNRI) relieves diabetic neuropathic sleep disturbances in those with chronic pain and can
pain and fibromyalgia. A randomized, double-blind, also be helpful in patients whose pain does not respond
placebo-controlled phase 3 study reported that venla- to opioids or for whom opioid reductions are required.
faxine was clinically active against oxaliplatin-induced, The maximal daily doses are 3,600 mg/day for gab-
acute neurosensory toxicity [46]. However, efficacy in apentin and 600 mg/day for pregabalin; the latter drug
patients with chronic CIPN has not yet been proven. exhibits linear pharmacokinetics and dose-dependent
The National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) absorption, thus reducing pain rapidly and is six-fold
guidelines recommend venlafaxine and duloxetine, the more potent than gabapentin. Common side effects
newest SNRI [47], as the first choice for NCP patients; include somnolence, dizziness, and edema. Renal dose
both drugs are effective against diabetic neuropathic adjustment is required for both drugs.
pain. Also, SNRIs relieve the depression and anxiety Carbamazepine, a sodium channel blocker, is used
accompanying chronic cancer pain. However, several to treat trigeminal neuralgia. Common side-effects in-
weeks are required before adjuvant analgesic effects are clude dizziness, skin rash, hyponatremia, and leukope-
evident, and somnolence, dry mouth, dizziness, and in- nia. The drug has not been proven to act against NCP,
creased sweating are common side-effects. but can be cautiously used by those with neuralgic pain
caused, for example, by cancer infiltration of peripheral
Anticonvulsants nerves.
Anticonvulsants have been used since the 1970s to man-
age pain. The World Health Organization and NCCN Opioids
guidelines suggest that adjuvant analgesics should be Neuropathic pain responds very poorly to conventional
combined with opioids to relieve cancer pain. Prega- analgesics such as opioids, paracetamol, and nonste-
balin and gabapentin have been proposed as first-line roidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Both the NCCN and
treatments for cancer-related neuropathic pain; these World Health Organization guidelines recommend
new-generation anticonvulsants have fewer side-effects that combinations of opioids and adjuvant analgesics
than older drugs such as carbamazepine and valproic should be used to treat mixed or somatic pain even
acid. Anticonvulsants act by blocking the sodium chan- in patients with mild-to-moderate cancer pain. A pa-
nels of the affected peripheral nerves, reducing spinal, tient may simultaneously experience mixed visceral
glutamatergic nociceptive transmission and enhancing and neuropathic pain in one lesion and pure somatic
the descending inhibition of spinal nociceptive trans- or neuropathic pain elsewhere. Therefore, opioids are
mission. used to control cancer-related neuropathic pain. How-
Gabapentin is currently widely used because several ever, NCP is not effectively controlled by opioids only.
clinical trials demonstrated efficacy against NCP when Adjuvant analgesics such as antidepressants and/or
the drug was given either alone or in combination with anticonvulsants are required [50]. Although combina-
opioids. Pregabalin has the same mechanism of action tions of opioids and adjuvant analgesics help to control
and the same indications. This drug binds to the α2δ NCP, the situation remains problematic, both in terms
subunit of the voltage-gated calcium channel, reducing of pain relief per se and the management of side-effects.
the levels of excitatory neurotransmitters. Although the Moreover, the prescription rate of adjuvant analgesics
drugs were effective against neuropathic pain of vari- to treat NCP is no higher than 20% worldwide.
ous etiologies, they have not been shown to be effective
against NCP. Only one randomized controlled trial Other agents
found that pregabalin was more effective, and required Topical 5% (v/v) lidocaine and capsaicin (8% w/v) patch-
a lower level of a combined opioid, than gabapentin es effectively treat postherpetic neuralgia [51]; however,
and amitriptyline, associated with a significantly low- their effects on NCP remain unclear. Skin patches may
er mean VAS score [48]. However, pregabalin did not be useful in patients who cannot take oral medication
reduce the chronic pain associated with oxaliplatin or who exhibit dynamic allodynia as the patches pre-


Yoon SY and Oh J. Neuropathic cancer pain

vent skin stimulation. Based on the Grading of Recom- pain. Notably, SSRIs do not aid in NCP control. Many
mendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation cancer patients suffer from insomnia, anxiety, and
(GRADE) classification, drugs that may not be useful for depression. Adjuvant analgesics alleviate these psycho-
patients with neuropathic pain include lacosamide, la- logical symptoms, thus aiding pain control. Patient
motrigine, oxcarbazepine, topiramate, and zonisamide education should emphasize the trial-and-error nature
[50]. Levetiracetam and mexiletine are not recommend- of treatment; pain control is difficult, adverse effects
ed. Apart from pharmacological management, spinal can be serious, and the time to control may be weeks-
cord stimulation, scrambler therapy or even acupunc- to-months. Therefore, sympathy for patients with NCP
ture may afford relief, and are worth exploring. and formation of a doctor-patient rapport are critical in
terms of management.

CONCLUSIONS Conflict of interest

No potential conflict of interest relevant to this article
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