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Mauryan Empire

Mauryan art is the art, mostly sculpture, produced during the period of the Mauryan Empire, which
was the first empire to rule, at least in theory, over most of the Indian subcontinent, between 322 and
185 BCE.

Mauryan architecture can be divided into Court Art and Popular Art.

The Ashoka stupas were constructed to celebrate the achievements of Gautama

The Great Stupa at Sanchi was built with bricks and several changes were done.
The inner wall of the stupa was built either by terracotta bricks or by sun-burnt


On many of these pillars are inscribed the famous edicts of Ashoka propagating the Dhamma ([Dharma
or Laws of the Buddha)

Cave 19, Ajanta, north-west Deccan, India


The life-size standing image of a Yakshi holding a chauri (flywhisk) from Didarganj near Patna is another
good example of the sculpture tradition of Mauryan period.

Ring stones

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