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Submitted by: Roll No.
Bikash Khanal NP000128
Avinash Karmacharya NP000127
Prashanna Acharya NP000134

HAND OUT DATE: 14 - FEB - 2018

HAND IN DATE: 23 - APRIL- 2018

1 Submit your assignment at the administrative counter
2 Students are advised to underpin their answers with the use of
References (cited using the Harvard Name System of Referencing)
3 Late submission will be awarded zero (0) unless Extenuating
Circumstances (EC) are upheld
4 Cases of plagiarism will be penalized
5 The assignment should be bound in an appropriate style (comb bound or stapled).
6 Where the assignment should be submitted in both hardcopy and softcopy, the softcopy
of the written assignment and source code (where appropriate) should be on a CD in an
envelope / CD cover and attached to the hardcopy.
7 You must obtain 50% overall to pass this module.

Being a company itself, we appreciate the clinic management team hope and believe on us. Our
whole team is loyal, fair, and respectable to the purposing company, therefore, we would like to
show a lovable gratitude to the whole management team. The effort our team put is really
appreciable, as the technology marches faster every day, they keep on updating themselves putting
their important time and effort together to satisfy our customers. We would like to show a
respectable gratitude to all our teams also. Thanks to technology as well, without the technology
the management system and various other system of the world would be very slow. The gift of
technology has fruited to everyone in the world regarding various opportunities. The Expert in the
ancient generation has unforgettable respect from the people of people of modern era.
Table of Contents
1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 1

1.1. Introduction of our company. ........................................................................................... 1

1.2. Overview of customer’s Company................................................................................... 2

1.3. Proposed system ............................................................................................................... 2

2. Problem and proposed solution............................................................................................... 3

2.1. Causes of problems .......................................................................................................... 3

2.2. Effects of Problem ............................................................................................................ 3

3. Explanation of proposed solution ........................................................................................... 3

4. Feasibility study ...................................................................................................................... 7

4.1. Technical feasibility ......................................................................................................... 7

4.2. Economic feasibility......................................................................................................... 7

4.3. Schedule Feasibility ......................................................................................................... 8

4.4. Operational feasibility ...................................................................................................... 8

4.5. PIECES framework .......................................................................................................... 8

5. System Analysis .................................................................................................................... 10

5.1. Research ......................................................................................................................... 11

5.2. Questionnaires ................................................................................................................ 12

5.3. Requirement gatherings.................................................................................................. 12

6. Design ................................................................................................................................... 13

6.1. Context Diagram ............................................................................................................ 13

6.2. DFD Level 0 .................................................................................................................. 14

6.3. ERD ( Entity Relationship Diagram ) ............................................................................ 15

7. Interface ................................................................................................................................ 15

8. INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT ............................................................................................ 22

8.1. DFD 1 ............................................................................................................................. 22

8.2. DFD 1 ............................................................................................................................. 23

Data Dictionary ................................................................................................................... 24

8.3. DFD 1 ............................................................................................................................. 25

8.4. Data Dictionary .............................................................................................................. 26

9. Testing................................................................................................................................... 26

9.1. Unit testing ..................................................................................................................... 26

9.2. Integration testing ........................................................................................................... 26

9.3. System testing ................................................................................................................ 26

10. Maintenance ....................................................................................................................... 27

10.1. Data removal............................................................................................................... 27

10.2. System failure ............................................................................................................. 27

10.3. Upgrading functionality.............................................................................................. 27

10.4. Modifying program..................................................................................................... 27

10.5. New technology .......................................................................................................... 28

10.6. Change in laws and Regulations ................................................................................. 28

1. Introduction

1.1. Introduction of our company.

To serve the technological advancement that has been assisting different business organizations
and enterprises, “Web and App Pvt. Ltd.” has been established and stands itself as successful IT
industry. Being a commercial IT industry, Web and App Pvt. Ltd. solves different IT problems
that frequently occur in the different organizations, and solves them with innovative solution with
the help of qualified team members and organized departments. Web and App understands that the
information system has been the key role to precise the business model, its efficiency, customer
satisfaction, accuracy and profitability of an organizations featuring different other demands and
needs of business. To maintain the balance of need and demand of innovative projects, the web
and app Pvt. Ltd. has always been active. The mission of Web and App is to establish a Block
chain Technology for the first time in Nepal after the legalization of Block Chain is revealed by
the central authority of Nepal. The planning of its implementation is currently being visualized by
the special team of Web and App Pvt. Ltd. The depth insight of Information System and the
mechanism under its process is the secret of success of our industry.


1.2. Overview of customer’s Company

Your clinic institute that has been serving the people’s health has been an important part of the
society. As People consider their health improvement as basic part of their life, the demand of
clinical institute has immensely increased. We understand that the customers are more and the
services people demanding on today’s age are fast, accurate, reliable and easy. Maximum
organizations of today’s period have adopted the technological solution that is helping them to
maintain their data assisting them to gain variety of advantages of information system. In the same
way, your institute needs a technological solution for clinic management system.

1.3. Proposed system

The motto of our purposed system is to manage the overall activity of clinic in computerized
solution with the help of Application software. We purpose the clinic to use the application
software in 3 departments. The administration departments where the customers are prescribed,
the doctor, and the pharmacy department should use this application software which will be user
friendly with easy interface. The application will be coded to provide atomization in calculating
and storing the data in the Database. The application software will use one Database servers. The
retrieval of data will can be done automatically. This will help the clinic to make any type of
decision faster. We encourage clinic to use the online appointment system that helps in managing
time schedule of customer.

Project aim

 To make computerized the entire clinical management system.

 To shorter the time-span of management process.
 To monitor the customer’s activity.
 To track the sales report.
 To make easy communication between doctor and medicine providing department.

2. Problem and proposed solution.

This Clinic has been doing all the requirement task of its operation manually. The manual process
is confusing to the staffs due to overload of work, as human mind has no certain consistency. Due
to the manual data entering and recording system, the retrieval of data is difficult, time consuming,
and perplexing. This has led the clinic into different misconceptions, and has become hard to make
the management process more reliable and accurate. The several causes and the effects of the
problems are traced below.

2.1. Causes of problems

 Manual data storing

 Manual data retrieving
 Mismatched data recording
 Lack of sustainable communication between different departments at the time of working

2.2. Effects of Problem

 Time consuming in all the scheduled task

 Time consuming in sales report
 During issuing invoice and report the data and calculations can be mismatched that may
lead to data redundancy.

3. Explanation of proposed solution

Powerful application software will be planned, designed, coded, and tested by our specialized
team. We provide the clinic our own customer service database server which we will code and
prepare to support the functionality of designed and coded software. The database consists the
different table for different purpose of the task for storing and retrieving data. This application will
be used by 3 departments. For each department, there are different user interface, which will be
connected to different tables of database. The administration department will use one interface,
which function is to store the patient’s subscription and registration approval with some

information of their bio data and reason for arriving to the clinic (the service charge and any other
types of charges except medicine should be taken in this department). Each patient will have
unique code (i.e. 1#2#) which is used in the database to extract their information. The doctorial
department (or doctor himself/herself) will use another user interface to extract the data of
registered patient that will help in judging the condition of patient and to find whether the patient
is registered or not. All the price of medicine and medicine’s information will be manually stored
in data base by the pharmacy department with the help of application. This manual registration
interface will help in adding, deleting and updating the price and information of the medicine. The
doctor will suggest the medicine in the application itself being based on the customer code number
and the data again will be stored in database. When the doctor suggests the medicine, the
application will automatically extract its price from the database (but manual price of each
medicine should be stored first). The medicine issuing team will again extract the information
using the code number of patient and issue the medicine to the patient. Invoice can be printed using
the application itself. Another interface will help to extract the sales report on the basis of date.

Application Software

Interface for Interface for Interface for Doctorial Interface for

Sales report Registration of use (Storing and pharmacy department
(Extracting patient (Storing extracting data) (Extracting and
data) data) storing data)

Interface for manual registration

of medicine’s information.


(Stores data)

(Provides data)


Both data retrieval and Store =

Either retrieval or store =

FIGURE (1): Figure of Purposed Solution


The entire process can be managed through one application with user friendly interfaces. The
registration including the customer code number, the problem of customer and desired treatment,
phone number, address and all needed necessary information can be stored and extracted easily.
The sales report will be available in just the click on application that helps in managing the
available and needed medicines.

Objectives of purposed solution

 The management system will be completely computerized with no hand return statement
 Reduction on time
 To monitor the sales report that helps in managing the stocks
 To track the report of patients
 To make easier for doctor to take the decision of treatment for patient as the data will be
already stored and tracked by the application.
 The invoice issuing team will have ease on providing the bills and report with no effort at
all that will decrease the time (it can be printed by extracting the data stored by doctors).

Project planning

As soon as the project was handed out, our group gathered together and stated problems and
analyzed about required solution. The immediate gatherings of all specialized team was done and
with the proposal and ideas of all the qualified members of the team, the mindset of the system
was made and the task distributing and scheduling had been done. The group of specialized team
has the specific duty for specific task; therefore the project has been scheduled and distributed as
shown in below:-

The first stage of the Software development life cycle is planning which determines the overlook
of whole process. Our qualified group of planning department was handed the problem and the
group started having a deep insight of existing problem and the required solution. The mission,
goal and objectives falls under planning process so the planning has vital role to make the strategy
and schedule the task. To schedule the task the planning departments uses special software to make
a task easier and get a report of completed task and remaining task. This will help the team to make
a right action on different circumstances that may arrive on future. The planning of the system is
being made using the tools which is included with documentation.


After planning the whole system with the help of tools, the analysis of the planning was done with
the separate special team. Taking consideration of effectiveness, economic, feasibility, reliability,
and performance power of the planned system, the analyzing team successfully managed to
analyze the system to come to better conclusion. Some planned tasks was changed and replaced
by another task after the analyzing is successfully done.


Designing phase is considered as the important part of Software development life cycle process.
The logical flow of planned system needs to be designed before it gets implemented. In the
designing process our team designs the system using different tools and hand written statements.
The Content diagram, Data flow diagram (DFD), Data dictionary, Entity relationship Diagram
(ERD), User Interface Diagram and Entity life History (ELH) are the necessary designs that help
in making the logical structure of the system. The complete design of the system is included in the


The Design of the system will be handed to the group of coders. The coding department will code
the system and make a complete system being based on the logical design. The physical structure
of the system will be coded and deployed to make it practical use of system for the use of the clinic
management system.

Support and Maintenance

We have special support team, which will help in maintaining the system for its proper functioning.
We recommend the clinic to use our own support team to make the system reliable. By taking
some amount of fees our support team provides the assurance that the system is functioning
accurately as per the designed. In case of any failure in the system, the support team is responsible
to make it right again.

4. Feasibility study

Feasibility study completely determines how the purposed system can be completed, accounting
for factors that affect it such as economic, ethical, technological etc. Positive and negative impact
is determined in feasibility by the project manager. Some factors that affect the feasibility study
on the purposed system are discussed below.

4.1. Technical feasibility

Technical feasibility deals with the study of the hardware requirements to make a system. For the
clinic management system, we have purposed the application to control the system; therefore, the
feasible requirement will be computers with 64 bit microprocessors and 4GB of ram. Web hosting
will be done through internet therefore no physical networking is needed. The supply of current is
needed to operate the computers and the payment of electronic supply will be responsible by clinic

4.2. Economic feasibility

The study and findings whether the purposed system is economically feasible or not is known as
economic feasibility. As the cost of system will be the service charge including support and
maintenance charge, the application’s production charge (this will be onetime payment) and
database hosting charge and the electricity charge; the system looks economically feasible. The
more the system is accurate, fast and reliable; the clinic can operate the task faster by providing
service to more people which will be profitable for clinic. Nowadays, people are attracted towards
that service which is fast and reliable, so with the use of the system, clinic can attract more people
for their service. The reporting in sales will be accurate so that clinic can save their money without
wasting the extra money in unnecessary medicine. Including all this existing facts, the system
looks economically practicable.

4.3. Schedule Feasibility

Schedule feasibility is concerned about the scheduling of the project or the necessary time to
complete the project. Our industry is established organization and has several experiences on
creating such system. We handle many projects on monthly basis. The special team planed the
project and scheduled it including all the necessary problems and estimated time to complete it.
The estimation has not been failed yet and in case of bad estimation of scheduling we have other
members in our organization who assists on completing the project. Hopefully, we will complete
the project as projected in Gantt chart and project chart.

4.4. Operational feasibility

Operational feasibility studies about the performance of the system, how well the system executes
the task and provides reliability. As the manual process will completely computerized, the
operation of prescribing patients, invoice issuing system, sales report system will be automatically
extracted the system is completely feasible on operational behavior. The further study of
operational feasibility can be divided into framework called PIECES framework.

4.5. PIECES framework

Pieces framework is categorized into some specific operation of a system.

P stands for “Performance”

I stands for “Information”

E stands for “Economics”

C stands for “Control”

E stands for “Efficiency”

S stands for “Service”


The performance framework studies about the problem, opportunities and directives. The manual
store of the data will be computerized; the retrieval of the data will be done from database. The
coding will be done for the atomization of retrieval of data. The real time system will be
established. The interfaces for manual data store will be easily handle-able. The web server will
host the application effectively. Overall, except the exceptional failure, the system will work
effectively and accurately.


The stored data in the database will again be extracted in the form of information that helps in
deciding the clinic in several operational tasks. The invoice, sales report and description of
patient’s problem will be extracted as information through the help of application and database.


The economics framework deals with the cost factor. The needed cost to design and operate system
needs to be practicable and profitable. The necessary cost for the whole system is shown in the
chart below.

Note*: The cost of printer, computers and Internet service may vary.
Objects Charge ( one time charge) Service charge per month
System design and NRS 60,000 Null
Database NRS 5,000 NRS 1,000
Web server NRS 1,000 NRS 200
Support and maintenance Null NRS 2000
Printer NRS 10,000 Null
Computers(3 computers NRS 90,000 per piece Null
Internet NRS 6,000 NRS 1,400

Total onetime cost as per the chart: NRS 3,52,000,

One time cost may go up to (NRS 3,40,000 - 4,00,000)

Total service charge per month (4,600)

The above chart shows the chart of needed cost to implement the system. The advantages of the
invested amount are traced below.

 Saves time
 Reliable
 Accurate data
 Attract more customers( Patients)
 Easy
 Marketing can be improved


The control frame work is basically concerned with security. The system is not that complex to
control a long structure of the system. The logical design of the system focuses on data control,
correct input and output of data. The database will be controlled and if necessary can be added
more table structure in the case of further improvement in the system.


The system will be flexible and efficient as all the atomization is done in logical design. The users
have to input data with the help of user interface and extract data with the help of user interface
itself. So, our commonsensical design can provide efficient system.


The main purpose of the system is how it assists the system users. Therefore, the time decrement,
efficient and accurate data, reliable sales report are its important services. The services can be
added in future if the clinic purposes any further implementation.

5. System Analysis

With the help of highly qualified and experience system analyst “Mr. Bikash Khanal”, who is the
system analyst of more than 7 organizations and has experience over 3 years, the proper planning
has been analyzed regarding various structures of system. The group of research team has played
their role taking a suggestion from system analyst and prepared a data using different tools. We

understand that the analyzing part is the key role to design a system, we have used the fact finding
techniques and analyzed in realistic and practical manner.

Some key fact finding techniques we have implemented are

 Research
 Questionnaires

5.1. Research

After reading, planning and analyzing the problem, our team started researching the appropriate
structure for the system. The sources of the researches are Books, different sites, databases of
previously designed system and more. The team visited other clinic also which had faced the same
problem to collect the data. According to our research team, the main problem of the system is that
the existing system of the clinic has manual process and it can be turned into atomization. The data
our research and planning team collected is presented below.
Problem Statement Solution Objectives
Manual prescription Application Interface with Atomization in data record
Patient code number/
Description of patient’s
problem/Database to store the
prescription record
Manual paper guide for Application Interface with Ease in medicine issuing
doctor to see patient’s data retrieval using code
problem number/ Medicine
suggestion/ Database for data
Manual invoice record and Application interfaces to Ease to issue invoice and to
sales report confirm sales report and issue review the sales report.
in voice/ Database.

The main objectives of research conducted are:

 Find out the functionality

 Observe the flow of system
 Find out the best solution for existing problem

 The study of ergonomics

5.2. Questionnaires

To make system more flexible, efficient, and reliable, we have prepared some questionnaires,
which we suggest the clinic to response by filling the form online. This will help us in managing
the system.

Please click this link and response us as soon as possible:-

5.3. Requirement gatherings

Functional Requirement gathering

 The system should be computerized

 When user puts a data, it must go to the database either temporarily or permanently
 When user clicks a data retrieval button, data must be obtained from database.
 The print button should instruct the computer to print the invoice.
 The manual price scheduling of medicine can be updated and deleted.
 The code number of patients should be auto-generated. (It should be unique)

Non-Functional Requirement gathering

 The real time system should be established.

 The data storing and retrieving should happen in not more than 30 seconds.
 The database should be powerful which can handle numerous data at a time.

6. Design

6.1. Context Diagram

patient Registration Price Extraction



Medicine Suggestion

Deliver Medicine

ClinicManagement System



Order Medicine Patient billing Invoice to customer

6.2. DFD Level 0

Confirmation Code

Register Registration confirmation
Data store

Registration process

Billing record
Extract sales report
Medicine suggestion Suggestion
 View Patient record

Invoice Billing

6.3. ERD ( Entity Relationship Diagram )

Patient Goes Clinic






Pharmacy Generate


7. Interface

The interfaces of Application Software is presented and explained below. And PDF format of
Interface Design are submitted along with document.

Figure: Screenshot of Interface Design (1)

This is the Home page of the software. Home page consist the purpose of the system along with
the instructions to use it. In the side of the Homepage, there will be one image describing the
feasibility of the system. All the rights of designing or copying the software exactly are reserved.
There are several other buttons with unique functionality. When the users feel uncomfortable to
use the software, they can come back to home page for proper guidance.

Figure: Screenshot of Interface (2)

Register is for patient’s registering department. The prescriber will input the name, age, email,
address, phone number and click on the generate code generate the unique code (this will be coded
to generate a unique code each time) and will be used to symbolize the patient’s number. The

prescribers have to describe the reason of attainment of patient in the hospital with their problem.
And clicks on send button to send the data to database and store permanently.

When the prescriber clicks on send button the data will flow like:

Click here to send DATABASE

Figure: Screenshot of Interface (3)

Doctor Button will be used by doctor himself/herself. When doctor clicks on doctor button, the
system says to put a code number of patient’s. When it is done the code will be extracted in the
personal details in the box. The data will flow like.

Patient’s details

And then doctor puts a suggestion of medicine typing the exact medicine name and clicks on
extract button, the price of particular medicine will be retrieved as the manual pricing is done by
the pharmacy department in pricing interface. And send the information to database. The data will
flow like.

Extract NRS 70 NRS



Figure: Screenshot of Interface (4)

The name of medicine on stock and its price can be set here which can be extracted by doctor
while suggesting medicine to patient. This helps to check the stocked medicine. After clicking
save button, the data will flow like:


Figure: Screenshot of Interface (5)

The invoice button is also for pharmacy department. When the user puts the code of patient, the
details of suggestion given by doctor will be extracted and can be printed. If there is addition
information to be printed there is an additional information interface. After the extract button is
clicked the details about medicine will appear like.

The reserved stock button is for to check the reserved stocks and sold stocks is for to check the
already sold stock on a due date. The screen for reserved stock will appear like.

Figure: Screenshot of Interface (6)

The screen for sold stock will appear like:

Figure: Screenshot of Interface (7)

There is a delete button which helps to remove the stocked medicine if sold. The pharmacy
department should immediately click that button to delete the medicine from stock to avoid the
data redundancy. The screen will appear after clicking the Delete the currently sold button which
is shown in below.

Figure: Screenshot of Interface (8)

Interface for medicine name will be available and when users clicks the delete button, the database
will remove the medicine from the table. Users also have choice to load all the reserved stocks
from the database or search a specific medicine with keywords to delete the medicine. The screen
will appear like.

Figure: Screenshot of Interface (9)


8.1. DFD 1

Customer Registration





DataStore Medicine suggestion

Price Extraction

Medicine SUggestion


Bills Extraction

Data Store

Sales record

Figure: DFD 1 Drawn by Avinash Karmacharya

8.2. DFD 1

registration Prescribe

Success notice

Customer’s details Notice
Code Confirmation

Medicine process Code extraction DATABASE

Send Details of
Success Medicine
notice Sugesstion D1



Medicine suggestion’s Extraction



Billing process RECORD DATABASE

Pricing Process

BILL Record
Stock Stock
Supplies Demand


Figure : DFD 1 drawn by Bikash Khanal

Data Dictionary

*Data dictionary of Registration database

Field Data Domain Description Types of Example
Type key
Name of Varchar 20 Name of String, Bikash Khanal
patient Patient Not null
Age Integer 3 Age of Primary 22
Patient Key, Not
Address Varchar 30 Address of Not null, Damak,Jhapa
Patient String
Email Varchar 50 Email Not null
address of , email
Patient’s or
Statement Varchar No set Problem Not null, I am a patient of Common
statement of Strings cold.
Patient Integer Not set Patient’s Not null, 123
code unique code Unique
number key
Phone Integer 20 Patient’s Not null, 9813206834
Number Phone Primary
number key

*Data Dictionary of Doctorial use database

Field Data Type Domain Description Types of key Example
Patient code Integer Not set Patient’s Not null, 123
unique code Primary key
Medicine name Varchar Not set Name of Not null, Snie-X
medicine String
Additional Varchar Not set Additional Strings, He needs
information inform primary key further 3
times visit.

*Data dictionary of Pharmacy Department’s use database

Field Data Type Domain Description Types of key Example
Medicine Varchar Not set Medicine’s Not null, Anti-
name name String bacteria
Price Integer 20 Price of Not null, 23 NRS
medicine Primary key

8.3. DFD 1




Biils Medicine suggestion

DataStore Price Extraction

Medicine Suggestion


Bills Extraction

Data Store

Sales record

Figure : DFD 1 drawn by Prashanna Acharya

8.4. Data Dictionary

A data dictionary is a collection of descriptions of data. As the database is created forming tables
for each registration, the attributes of data base are used as: Varchar, primary key, foreign key,
unique key etc. The data dictionary helps to identify the database creates which types of data
should be used to create a system.

9. Testing

The bug should be avoided from the system; therefore, the testing is done. There are various
processes finding out the bug. We have individually discussed some major testing methods to
find out a bug.

1. Unit testing
2. Integration testing
3. System testing

9.1. Unit testing

Unit testing is a part wise testing of the software testing to objective is to identify and eliminate
execution errors that could cause the program to terminate abnormally and logic errors that could
have been missed during desk checking. Test date should be carefully maintained with correct

9.2. Integration testing

The separately coded program should be checked by combination together to check if they function
properly or not. The coding role can be of many programmers so this testing system is important
to be carried out. Finding out the errors and re-programming to avoid such error should be done.

9.3. System testing

After running all the testing, the system testing for finalization is necessary. System testing means
to test a whole process of the system. The testing will be like: whether the system is real time or

not, whether the system handles the required data or not etc. In the same way, the system testing
will check all the coded functionality of the system.

10. Maintenance

System maintenance is an activity that includes removing program and design, update new
documents or program, test data and updating user support. When the system will be deployed
there are some few activities that need to be supported and maintained. We have discussed two of
the components by each member of our group that is traced below:

10.1. Data removal

When the storage of database will be full, after doing backup of existing data of existing database,
the data should be removed to create a space. Therefore, this maintenance process is very important
to run a successful clinic management system.

10.2. System failure

In case the system stops functioning as it used to be before due to several circumstances like server
shut down, networking disturbance etc. the maintenance program should be quickly launched by
the special team of support and maintenance to recover the problem.

10.3. Upgrading functionality

In case, the clinic wants to add any basic functionality in the system, the maintenance team will
be the first to receive the message. If the maintenance team can handle they have to assist, if not
that message will be served to administrative department.

10.4. Modifying program

If the system wants to be enhanced changing the old program into a new program, the
maintenance is important.

10.5. New technology

The technology is going fast and changing the functionality every day. Therefore, in case the newer
and reliable. The system is necessarily needs to be maintained in a newer technological manner.

10.6. Change in laws and Regulations

If the rules and regulations that was followed in making the system is altered by the government,
the maintenance is necessary to run the system in ethical manner.


Card, D. a. G. R., 1990. Measuring Software Design Quality. New Jersey: Prentice Hall,
Englewood cliffs.

Cohen, A. M., April 1983. Journals of system management. s.l.:s.n.

Haawryszkiewycz, I., 2001. Introduction to System Analysis and Design. Fourth ed. New Delhi:
Prentice-Hall India.

Kaplan, C. a. C. R., 1995. Secrets of software Quality. New york: McGraw-Hill.

M.Awad, E., 2001. System Analysis and Design. Second ed. New Delhi, Darya Ganj, Ansari
Road-5: Galgotia publications (P)Ltd..

Sherwin, D. S., 1983. The ethical roots of the Business System. s.l.:Harvard Business Review.

Spiro, B. E., 1983. Ethics-The next step is crucial. s.l.:s.n.

Work Load Matrix

Group members Group Individual
Bikash Khanal 35% 100%
Prashanna Acharya 30% 100%
Avinash Karmacharya 35% 100%

Group Assignment

Group No : 3 Intake: NP1F1707IT

Total = _______ /70

CSFF Fail Marginal Fail Pass Credit Distinction

No evidence Done but missing critical Brief introduction. Clear, complete yet very basic Clear, complete and
in information such as business introduction. detailed introduction.
Some missing / vague
documentation process, overview of proposed
description of business All business process, overview Detailed and precise
or softcopy system and project objectives.
Introduction process, overview of proposed of proposed system and project description of business
Mostly irrelevant information. system and project objectives. objectives made but briefly process, overview of
(5 marks)
discussed/identified. proposed system and
Some irrelevant information.
project objectives.
No irrelevant information.
All relevant information.

Marks 0 1 2 3 4 5

No evidence Done but missing critical Brief introduction. Clear, complete yet very basic Clear, complete and
in information such as problems, introduction. detailed introduction.
Some missing / vague
documentation solutions or assumptions.
description of problems, All problems, solutions or Detailed and precise
Problem & or softcopy
Mostly irrelevant information. solutions or assumptions. assumptions made but briefly description of underlying

problems, solutions and
(5 marks) Some irrelevant information. No irrelevant information.

All relevant information.

Marks 0 1 2 3 4 5

No evidence Gantt chart available but Gantt Chart done using the Gantt charts done using the All criteria listed in
in missing major elements. appropriate software. Only appropriate software with previous grade achieved
documentation Charts created without using basic tasks are depicted. No breakdown of tasks clearly with no / minimal errors.
Planning or softcopy appropriate software. breakdown of subtasks etc. shown.
Illogical sequencing of tasks.
Realistic timelines and
(5 marks) Unrealistic timelines.
sequencing of tasks.

Some minor errors.

Marks 0 1 2 3 4 5

No evidence Done but missing major Feasibility study done. Logical explanation of All criteria listed in
in components of PIECES operational feasibility with previous grade achieved
Brief / illogical explanation of
documentation framework. regards to PIECES framework. with no / minimal errors.
Feasibility operational feasibility with
or softcopy
Report regards to PIECES Some minor errors in either Relevant and detailed
framework. component. explanation for PIECES
(10 marks) framework.

Evidence of other
feasibility studies carried

out over and above the
existing requirements.

Marks 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

CSFF Fail Marginal Fail Pass Credit Distinction

Systems No evidence in Inappropriate Appropriate investigation Suitable investigation technique Excellent investigation
Analysis documentation or investigation techniques technique selected. Some selected. Justification for technique selected. Clear
softcopy selected. No / brief justification for selection and selection and conclusions were and detailed logical
(5 marks)
conclusion / findings. some conclusions were drawn drawn from findings. justification for selection
from findings. and conclusions were drawn
Almost all the questions Rather detailed functional and
from findings.
are not related to the Brief functional and non- non-functional requirements
system development functional requirements with some minor errors. Clear and detailed
project. Functional and presented. Some vague or functional and non-
non-functional irrelevant information. functional requirements
requirements are rather with no / minimal errors.
vague, incomplete,
irrelevant or incorrect.

Marks 0 1 2 3 4 5

No evidence in Some diagrams were All diagrams available with All logical diagrams available All logical diagrams
documentation or available. many minor errors related to with some errors or illogical available with no or minor
softcopy naming conventions, violation components. Diagrams closely errors. Diagrams closely
Missing diagrams and / or
of diagramming rules. Some related with the findings of the related with the findings of
illogical components within investigation phase. the investigation phase.

Diagrams produced are the diagrams.

not related to findings of

Diagrams related to the
Design the investigation phase.
findings in the investigation
Many major errors in phase.

(15 marks) diagrams related to

naming conventions,
violation of diagramming

Totally illogical diagrams


Marks 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

No evidence in Some forms, reports or / Some forms, reports or / and Most forms, reports or / and All forms, reports or / and

Interface documentation or and database designs were database designs were database designs were available database designs were

Design softcopy available. Physical available in documentation in documentation and in available in documentation
designs were either in and in prototype. Some of the prototype. Most of the physical and in prototype. All
(20 marks) documentation only or in physical designs do map designs do map accurately with physical designs do map
prototype only. Physical accurately with the logical the logical design. Simple design

designs do not map with design. No explanation for the overall. Some explanation for accurately with the logical
the logical design at all. design in documentation. the design in documentation. design.

Professional outlook of the

whole system.

Clear and detailed

explanation of the design in

Marks 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

CSFF Fail Marginal Fail Pass Credit Distinction

Mostly poor Some missing / poor Overall average Good documentation standards Excellent documentation
documentation documentation standards documentation standards in in most areas such as table of standards. Overall

Overall standards with such as table of contents, table of contents, referencing, contents, referencing, page documentation has a

Documentation missing referencing, page page numbering, captioning, numbering, captioning, professional outlook.

Standards components such numbering, captioning, command of the language, etc. command of language.
as table of poor command of the
(5 marks) contents, language. Referencing
referencing, page done does not adhere to

captioning, poor Harvard’s Name
command of the Referencing style.
language, etc.

Marks 0 1 2 3 4 5

Comments: _______________________________________________________________________________________________



Student Name (ID): Bikash khanal NP000128 Intake: NP1F1707IT

Individual Assignment : Total = _______ /20

CSFF Fail Marginal Fail Pass Credit Distinction

No evidence in One process from the DFD-1 maps to DFD-0 process. Good degree of detail Excellent level of detail and
documentation. DFD-0 diagram broken No levelling issues. A little provided with no levelling or transparency provided.
down. Evidence of lacking in detail. Some notations issues. DFD-1 Additional, relevant data

Further Design levelling between omissions although no notion provides detail of key stores and data flows
diagrams although errors present processes, data flows and data identified.
(15 marks) omissions/errors stores present within the
present. Diagram lacks broader process
some detail. All data dictionary entries All data dictionary entries
available with many minor errors available with minimum
related to naming conventions, All data dictionary entries errors. Data dictionary
Some data dictionary violation of data dictionary rules available with hardly / some entries are closely related to
entries are available. minor errors. Data dictionary the DFDs and ERD
Data dictionary entries are related
Certain elements are entries are closely related to produced.
to the DFDs and ERD produced.
missing. Data dictionary the DFDs and ERD produced.
entries are not related to
the DFDs and ERD

Marks 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

No evidence in Some brief discussion A clear discussion of testing with A detailed discussion of A detailed account of one
documentation. of one testing method an outline of how it will be testing is provided with the testing method is provided,
and a few maintenance applied to the project is provided. explanation directly relevant explaining what is being

Testing & activities provided. Maintenance activities provided to the project. tested.

Maintenance However content is very are general rather than specific to

general and lacking in the project.
(5 marks) detail specific to the
Maintenance activities are A relevant set of
project. clearly listed with although maintenance activities are
justification could be stronger. provided along with a clear

Marks 0 1 2 3 4 5

Comments: _______________________________________________________________________________________________



Student Name (ID): Bikash khanal NP000128 Intake: NP1F1707IT

Individual Presentation : Total = _______ /10

CSFF Fail Marginal Fail Pass Credit Distinction

Project Not able to explain own Able to provide some Able to provide all information / Able to provide all Able to provide all
Knowledge / component of the information and / or answer all questions posed on information and / or answer information and / or answer
Professionalism project. Unable to answer some questions individual’s own component of all questions with regards to all questions with regards to
provide answers to any pertaining to only the the project done. Answers given own component of the project own component of the
(10 marks)
questions posed with individual’s own accurate but with some as well as assist some team project as well as assist
regards to own aspects / components of hesitation. members when not able to most / all team members
component of the the project done. Some explain their components / who were not able to
project. Mostly inaccurate / illogical answer questions posed. explain their components /
inaccurate / illogical answers / explanation Answers questions accurately answer questions posed.
answers / explanation provided. confidently. Answers questions
provided. accurately and confidently.

Marks 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Student Name (ID):Avinash karmacharyaNP000127 Intake:


Individual Assignment : Total = _______ /20

CSFF Fail Marginal Fail Pass Credit Distinction

No evidence in One process from the DFD-1 maps to DFD-0 process. Good degree of detail Excellent level of detail and
documentation. DFD-0 diagram broken No levelling issues. A little provided with no levelling or transparency provided.
down. Evidence of lacking in detail. Some notations issues. DFD-1 Additional, relevant data

Further Design levelling between omissions although no notion provides detail of key stores and data flows
diagrams although errors present processes, data flows and data identified.
(15 marks) omissions/errors stores present within the
present. Diagram lacks broader process
some detail. All data dictionary entries All data dictionary entries
available with many minor errors available with minimum
related to naming conventions, All data dictionary entries errors. Data dictionary
Some data dictionary violation of data dictionary rules available with hardly / some entries are closely related to
entries are available. minor errors. Data dictionary the DFDs and ERD
Data dictionary entries are related
Certain elements are entries are closely related to produced.
to the DFDs and ERD produced.
missing. Data dictionary the DFDs and ERD produced.
entries are not related to
the DFDs and ERD

Marks 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

No evidence in Some brief discussion A clear discussion of testing with A detailed discussion of A detailed account of one
documentation. of one testing method an outline of how it will be testing is provided with the testing method is provided,
and a few maintenance applied to the project is provided. explanation directly relevant explaining what is being

Testing & activities provided. Maintenance activities provided to the project. tested.

Maintenance However content is very are general rather than specific to

general and lacking in the project.
(5 marks) detail specific to the
Maintenance activities are A relevant set of
project. clearly listed with although maintenance activities are
justification could be stronger. provided along with a clear

Marks 0 1 2 3 4 5

Comments: _______________________________________________________________________________________________



Student Name (ID): Avinash karmacharya NP000127 Intake:

Individual Presentation : Total = _______ /10

CSFF Fail Marginal Fail Pass Credit Distinction

Project Not able to explain own Able to provide some Able to provide all information / Able to provide all Able to provide all
Knowledge / component of the information and / or answer all questions posed on information and / or answer information and / or answer
Professionalism project. Unable to answer some questions individual’s own component of all questions with regards to all questions with regards to
provide answers to any pertaining to only the the project done. Answers given own component of the project own component of the
(10 marks)
questions posed with individual’s own accurate but with some as well as assist some team project as well as assist
regards to own aspects / components of hesitation. members when not able to most / all team members
component of the the project done. Some explain their components / who were not able to
project. Mostly inaccurate / illogical answer questions posed. explain their components /
inaccurate / illogical answers / explanation Answers questions accurately answer questions posed.
answers / explanation provided. confidently. Answers questions
provided. accurately and confidently.

Marks 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Comments: _______________________________________________________________________________________________



Student Name (ID): Prashanna Acharya NP000134 Intake:

Individual Assignment : Total = _______ /20

CSFF Fail Marginal Fail Pass Credit Distinction

No evidence in One process from the DFD-1 maps to DFD-0 process. Good degree of detail Excellent level of detail and
documentation. DFD-0 diagram broken No levelling issues. A little provided with no levelling or transparency provided.
down. Evidence of lacking in detail. Some notations issues. DFD-1 Additional, relevant data

Further Design levelling between omissions although no notion provides detail of key stores and data flows
diagrams although errors present processes, data flows and data identified.
(15 marks) omissions/errors stores present within the
present. Diagram lacks broader process
some detail. All data dictionary entries All data dictionary entries
available with many minor errors available with minimum
related to naming conventions, All data dictionary entries errors. Data dictionary
Some data dictionary violation of data dictionary rules available with hardly / some entries are closely related to
entries are available. minor errors. Data dictionary the DFDs and ERD
Data dictionary entries are related
Certain elements are entries are closely related to produced.
to the DFDs and ERD produced.
missing. Data dictionary the DFDs and ERD produced.
entries are not related to

the DFDs and ERD

Marks 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

No evidence in Some brief discussion A clear discussion of testing with A detailed discussion of A detailed account of one
documentation. of one testing method an outline of how it will be testing is provided with the testing method is provided,
and a few maintenance applied to the project is provided. explanation directly relevant explaining what is being

Testing & activities provided. Maintenance activities provided to the project. tested.

Maintenance However content is very are general rather than specific to

general and lacking in the project.
(5 marks) detail specific to the
Maintenance activities are A relevant set of
project. clearly listed with although maintenance activities are
justification could be stronger. provided along with a clear

Marks 0 1 2 3 4 5

Comments: _______________________________________________________________________________________________



Student Name (ID): Prashanna Acharya NP000134 Intake:

Individual Presentation : Total = _______ /10

CSFF Fail Marginal Fail Pass Credit Distinction

Project Not able to explain own Able to provide some Able to provide all information / Able to provide all Able to provide all
Knowledge / component of the information and / or answer all questions posed on information and / or answer information and / or answer
Professionalism project. Unable to answer some questions individual’s own component of all questions with regards to all questions with regards to
provide answers to any pertaining to only the the project done. Answers given own component of the project own component of the
(10 marks)
questions posed with individual’s own accurate but with some as well as assist some team project as well as assist
regards to own aspects / components of hesitation. members when not able to most / all team members
component of the the project done. Some explain their components / who were not able to
project. Mostly inaccurate / illogical answer questions posed. explain their components /
inaccurate / illogical answers / explanation Answers questions accurately answer questions posed.
answers / explanation provided. confidently. Answers questions
provided. accurately and confidently.

Marks 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Comments: _______________________________________________________________________________________________




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