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Vv VIEW Note: DON'T FORGET that movie titles are written within “quotation marks! HEADLINE: Include the title of the movie (try to use a pun!) PARAGRAPH #1: Introduce the movie by stating that you've just seen this movie and would like to give an opinion about it. Mention a couple of details that might help the reader understand what type of movie you are talking about. Give credit to the company that published it. PARAGRAPH #2: Summarize the plot (story), Where and when did it take place? Who are the main characters? What is the story about? Remember, do NOT include spoilers and do not tell how the story ends! PARAGRAPH 23: Talk about the actors/actresses and discuss who did a good job and who didn’t. (In “A Christmas Carol” it would be voice overs and cartooning. PARAGRAPH #4: Talk about what you liked about the movie and what you didn’t like. Be sure to include specific details and scenes. PARAGRAPH #5: What lessons did you leam from this story (theme/moral)? What do you think others will leam from it? PARAGRAPH #6: What group of people would like this movie? Who would you recommend it to? Who would you not recommend it to? What's the MPAA rating of the movie (G, PG, PG-13. R, etce...)? What is your final word on the film: Is it good or bad? RATING SYSTEM: Give the movie a score. You can do grades (A.B.C.D,F+ or -), stars (*** out of *****), numbers (3 out of 5) or something totally original... just don’t use “thumbs up” or “thumbs down.” SHORT BIOGRAPHY: Explain who you are, what grade you're in, sports you play and interesting things you like to do. Talk about yourself in the “3 person.” that is, pretend someone else is writing the bio about you. 1. If circumstances permit, view the film more than once. It's easy to miss key elements, or even the whole point, after just a single viewing. 2. Express your opinion of the film, but support your criticism. If you are offended or disappointed or embarrassed, provide a valid reason, even if you think it is obvious. A film review that comes across as a personal attack on an actor, director, or screenwriter or a diatribe about a genre is a failed review. 3. Adjust the style of your review for the readership. If you're pitching reviews to a traditional publication, you're expected to be fairly evenhanded (though even mainstream film critics are permitted — nay, expected — to gently mock particularly inept filmmaking). If your target audience is fanboys (and fangirls) on a movie-geek Web site, though, feel free to take the gloves off. Either way, though, support your criticism with valid observations; hurling invective is not the same thing as evaluation. 4. Avoid spoilers. One of the most pernicious fairly recent developments in the review genre is the careless, thoughtless revelation of key plot points. It’s a sign of professionalism to refrain from giving such information away. Exception: Reviews of previously released films don’t necessarily adhere to this rule, though it's still considered sporting to warn readers or site visitors to skip to the next paragraph if they don’t want to read something. Some classy sites actually code spoilers to be invisible unless the visitor scrolls over the blank area to highlight that passage in the review. 5. Judge the story. Are the character's actions justified, and are their motives plausible? Is there an internal consistency to the way each person behaves, or do some words, thoughts, or actions ring false? Does the plot make sense? Is the story line logical? Is the narrative arc well shaped, with an economy of form, or is it flabby or drawn out, with time-killing pointlessness? 6. Rate the actors. Do they meet the expectations dictated by the plot and other story elements? If not, is it their own thespian shortcomings, are they hampered by a poor script, or is there something about their performances that makes you believe the director is at fault? What could the performers, the screenwriters, or the filmmaker have done differently to make the movie work better? 7. Evaluate the technical elements. How do the cinematography, editing, lighting, sound, and other components support or detract from the film? Is music appropriate and effectively employed? You needn't know film-technology jargon to share your thoughts about how these elements contributed to or detracted from the whole. Writing film reviews is in one way a thankless task: Often, readers will disagree with you, and many people will go to see movies without your wise guidance. How to avoid frustration? Writing about movies, like writing about just about anything else, should be primarily an exercise in enjoyment: You do it because you like doing it. If anybody else out there enjoys the result of your exercise in self- entertainment, so much the better — but you're your own primary audience (and your worst critic). “3 IDIOTS” INTRODUCTION 3 Idiots is a bollywood comedy-drama film edited and directed by Rajkumar Hirani and produced by Vidhu Vinod Chopra. The film is constructed by Vinod Chopra Film production Casted by Amir Khan, RMadhavan, Sharman Joshi, Boman Irani, Kareena Kapoor and more, ‘The story of the movie is loosely adapted from the novel ‘Five Point Someone" by Chetan Bhagat, ‘The story in the film mainly happens at famous engineering college of India named Imperial College of Engineering. It is the highest grossing bollywood film for all time. It is also the first Indian movie which is officially released on youtube. Page 1 of 9 PLOT The film begins with the entry of three students named Raju Rastogi, Farhan Qureshi, Ranchoddas Shymaldas Chanchad who share a room in a hostel at the Imperial College of Engineering, one of the best colleges in India, Then they face mandatory ragging session in hostel by senior student. Rancho handle the situation very smartly. Rancho always believes in his heart and likes to study experimentally. He always tells his friends not to lear by memory, to leam by heart and experimentally. On the other hand, Chatur always keeps himself busy with study from book . So, his class performance is better than Rancho. Chatur studies only for better grade and better future but Rancho studies to earn knowledge and give something to people. ‘The dean of Imperial College of Engincering Professor Viru Shahastrabuddhe called by short name ‘Virus’ always tries to put pressure to his students and tells them to study hard for better ‘grade and build up their career. From this view, Chatur becomes the favourite student of Virus. Virus tells Ranchos’ friend to keep distance from Rancho but his attempts become fail to do this. ‘Virus labels Rancho and his friends as “idots’ . Ranchos’ friend Farhan is studying engineering to pursue his fathers’ wishes instead of his own wish to become a wildlife photographer and Raju is studying to raise his familys’ fortunes. Rancho tells them to evaluate his own passion to gain success in life. Then Farhan and Raju tell Page 2 of 9 Rancho to propo Virus daughter Pia, They go to Virus house and make fun. Virus see Raju and call him office next day. The next day, Virus threatens to expel Raju unless he squeals on Rancho, Raju can’t handle this situation and jumps from third floor. Rancho and Farhan try their best to recover Raju. Raju takes an unexpected approach for an imerview for a corporate job and Farhan decides to pursue his love of photography. ‘When Raju confirmed his job, Virus decided to make the final exam as hard as possible so that Raju is unable to graduate, Pia can’ttake it easy. So, pia steal Viruss’ office key and give that to Rancho, Virus get this matter and expel Rancho with his friends. In the meanwhile, Pias’ elder sister and daughter of Virus Mona who is pregnant goes into labour. A heavy storm cuts all power and traffic. Then she instructs Rancho to deliver the baby in the college common room via VOIP. When the baby bom, it doesn’t make any sound of cry. Then Rancho resuscitates the baby.After that, Virus realizes his mistake and gives the ‘Astronaut Pen’, the symbol of excellence to Rancho. He also allows them to seat for final exam. ‘Their story is framed as intermittent flashbacks from the present day, ten years after Chatur promised to become more successful than Rancho. But, Rancho make a distance with his friends after final exam where he becomes the student of year. Ten years later, Farhan and Raju with Chatur find their friend Rancho as a scientist where his real name is Phunsukh Wangdu. Actually, Chaturs’ business company is under contract with scientist Wangdu. Then Chatur realize his fault and ends the movie. Page 3 of 9 THEMES ‘The movie represents a real story of our society, The main theme of the movie is “learn anything by heart to achieve highest level of the goal”. There is also focuses on our ordinary education system. In the movie, Imperial College of Engineering follow a poor education system, For this reason students of that college try to achieve better grade learning their lesson by only memorizing. The symbol of memorizing without understanding represent by Chatur who has a ‘good career but the symbol of memorizing by heart and experiment represent by Rancho who achieves the highest position of career. This is the theme of the movie. Page 4 of 9 CHARACTERS ‘The most important role and main character was played by Amir Khan as Rancho. He completed his graduation from Imperial College of Engineering and make a distance from his friends. Then their friends find Rancho who was intelligent and had brilliant methods to be successful and ‘content in life. He fought against the wrong system of teaching and was often punished for this. But finally he achieved the highest level of success and became a scientist. R. Madhavan was played as Farhan Qureshi who was Ranchos" friend. He was the narrator of the movie and Ranchos’ fiiend. According to his fathers’ wish he admitted in engineering college instead of became a wild life photographer. But finally he realized about his passion and became a wild life photographer. Sharman Joshi was played as Raju Rastogi who was Ranchos’ another friend. He came from a poor family and he wanted to be an engineer to improve their condition. Boman Irani was played as Dr. Viru Shasraduddhe better known as “Virus” who was the director of the college. He was strict and rude in his character. He was highly competitive too, He put huge pressure to achieve better to his student to get better career. Pages of 9 ‘Omi Vaidya played the role as Chatur Ramalingram better known as “Silencer”. He always used to keep busy with study to get better grade. So, he was the ideal student from Virus view. Kareena Kapoor played the minor role as Pia Shasrabuddhe who was Virus" younger daughter. Rahul Kumar played the role as Man Mohan better known as “Millimeter” who was the servant of college hostel. Other characters were played such as Mona Singh as Mona Shasrabuddhe, Sanjay Lafont as Suhas Tandon, Javed Jaffrey as the real Ranchhodas Shyamaldas Chanchad and many more. Page 6 of 9 STRUCTURE ‘The movie followed a regular predictable story line. This a comedy-drama type film, CINEMATOGRAPHY Every person behind the camera gives hivher best to this film. Specially director Hiarani does a magnificent job by representing this story perfectly. This movie is shoted in India. C. K. Muraleedharans’ cinematography is awesome. Shantanu Moitra's music may sound plain ordinary to ears, but when viewed on screen, the score is just perfect. This credit also goes to choreographer Avit Dias. Page 7 of 9 ‘Omi Vaidya played the role as Chatur Ramalingram better known as “Silencer”. He always used to keep busy with study to get better grade. So, he was the ideal student from Virus view. Kareena Kapoor played the minor role as Pia Shasrabuddhe who was Virus" younger daughter. Rahul Kumar played the role as Man Mohan better known as “Millimeter” who was the servant of college hostel. Other characters were played such as Mona Singh as Mona Shasrabuddhe, Sanjay Lafont as Suhas Tandon, Javed Jaffrey as the real Ranchhodas Shyamaldas Chanchad and many more. Page 6 of 9 STRUCTURE ‘The movie followed a regular predictable story line. This a comedy-drama type film, CINEMATOGRAPHY Every person behind the camera gives hivher best to this film. Specially director Hiarani does a magnificent job by representing this story perfectly. This movie is shoted in India. C. K. Muraleedharans’ cinematography is awesome. Shantanu Moitra's music may sound plain ordinary to ears, but when viewed on screen, the score is just perfect. This credit also goes to choreographer Avit Dias. Page 7 of 9 LA’ E ‘The language of the movie is Hindi. Dialogue of the movie is directed by Hirani and Joshi that is also perfect and interesting . All artists try to give their best voice and facial expression. LESSO! We can learn many things from this movie such as passion, education system, study style etc ‘The moral would be “Discover yourself and learn anything by heart to achieve highest level of the goal”. Page 8 of 9 CONCLUSION ‘At last from my perspective I would like to say this movie is emotional, entertaining, enlightening. The film has tremendous youth appeal and feel-good factor to work in a big way. So, everyone should watch this movie, (Total Word : 1210) Page of 9

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