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Ways to do in-text citation:

1. De Jesus (2015) stated that….

2. GAshahshsa (De Jesus, 2015).

Primary Author (Year), as cited in Secondary Author (Year)

If study cited is a secondary source:

3. De Jesus (2015), as cited in Ramirez (2017), stated that…

4. (De Jesus, 2015, as cited in Ramirez, 2017).

If direct quotation:

5. Lomborzo (2018), as cited in De Jesus & Hubbard (2020), explained the three: “(a)
anyone can place fake messages on machines (i.e., artificial intelligence such as bots),
deceptively making social media users think they are real people with pressing
messages to share, and (b) individuals are so inundated with news stories they have no
time to filter messages. Consequently, people share stories without first checking them
for accuracy. Finally, (c) people have resources and freedom to locate media stories
consistent with their personal beliefs (p.2).”

6. There are three major problems: “(a) anyone can place fake messages on machines
(i.e., artificial intelligence such as bots), deceptively making social media users think
they are real people with pressing messages to share, and (b) individuals are so
inundated with news stories they have no time to filter messages. Consequently, people
share stories without first checking them for accuracy. Finally, (c) people have
resources and freedom to locate media stories consistent with their personal beliefs
(Lomborzo 2018, as cited in De Jesus & Hubbard 2020, p.2).”

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