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Directions: Answer the following questions. Explain your answer.

1. What is your own concept of physical education?

As for my own definition, Physical Education is one of the best tool to divert our
mind in this stressing reality of being a college student with lots and lots of school
works. Physical Education is our stress reliever by performing different dances,
doing sports, perform exercises, and many more. It helps us, students to become
physically fit, mentally stable, socially active and emotionally healthy. It made us
realize that we does not only need our mind to study our subject courses but we
also need our body to perform different recreational activities to survive in

2. Which is better in relation to a healthy lifestyle, modern technology or

manual labor? Justify your answers.

Manual labor is better than modern technology in relation to a healthy lifestyle,

because in manual labor you can do the recreational activities daily without
considering the absence of equipment, you can just jog around your town, do curl-
ups, sit-ups or push up in your backyard or even inside your house. Also in
manual labor you does not need to spend lots of money just to perform exercises
as long as you know the proper way of the doings. For the reason of in modern
technology you need to use those expensive equipment or go to a gym and in
modern technology your safety is sometimes not assured, you might trip in the
treadmill, big dumbbells might fall into you, etc.

3. How will you justify the relevance of physical education courses in the
tertiary level?

As I have mention in number 1, Physical Education help us to divert our mind in

stressing paper works in college by letting us to perform different physical
activities. It is helpful in the tertiary level students because it helps us to maintain
our healthy lifestyle, stay fit and makes us avoid illness. We must stay healthy for
us to achieve our goal as a student which is to graduate in college and work out
for our desire job. If we do not have healthy body how can we go on to our next
level of our life, how can we reach the goal of ourselves and the goal of your
family for you? Therefore, physical education is relevance in the tertiary level
because it teaches us to be healthy not only for now but for the longer period of
time or lifetime even you are in the tertiary level anymore, in where you are in
much higher level of your life.

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