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…This was a huge misstep.

Her memories from a certain day started to play. Several days before Lizer lost everything, he
had made a sudden announcement.
“I’m considering joining Varvatos’s army. Then I can turn this world into a paradise.”
From Lizer’s perspective, this would allow him to fulfill Maria’s dream. Maria did lament their
cruel world and wished that everyone could live happily.
But…Maria was aware these dreams were found only in fairy tales. She never expected it to
come true. Her real wish…was for Lizer to stay with her at the orphanage forever.
But because Maria loved Lizer, she thought it was only right that she hold back her tears and
see him off.
“…I know you’ll be like a Champion, Lizer. I’m rooting for you.”
Maria regretted those words. She wished she’d never said them. She was certain this was
where they had gone wrong, and this miscommunication tormented her.
—Lizer was shocked by this revelation.
Maria thought she was the one who made a mistake? No. That’s wrong. I’m to blame. I
assumed she was being supportive. I believed my choice would make her happy.
…Lizer couldn’t help but feel disgusted by his past wrongs. Everything that Mephisto had said
was true.
“It’s always been one-sided—you only care about yourself. And the fact of the matter is that you
don’t understand her at all. You don’t love Maria. You just love loving her—”
…He was right. Lizer didn’t see Maria for who she was. He knew nothing about her. If only he’d
realized her true wish…then maybe he wouldn’t have lost everything.
If he had chosen to stay by Maria’s side, perhaps she wouldn’t have died.
Then her friends, the children at the orphanage who had become family to him, wouldn’t have
burned to the ground. This was all his fault. Every mistake was his own.
—There was no way that she could love someone like him. Despite thinking the world of Maria,
Lizer had misunderstood her, never realizing her true feelings… This was why he had spilled a
sea of blood. If no one had expressed any skepticism, he wouldn’t have even noticed his own
sin. Who could love a man too hideous for words?
“What I should destroy…”
…It isn’t the world. The real threat is the existence of this stupid old man.
The weight of his transgressions weighed heavy on Lizer. He realized he would atone in hell,
and he was about to take his own life, when—
“That’s exactly why you’re an idiot, Lizer Bellphoenix.”
Lizer was baffled. Wasn’t he going to say, You must realize your crimes and pay the price?
“My aim is to correct this misunderstanding and convey the truth… Open your heart and hear
Maria’s true feelings.”
A moment later, the memories and emotions came flowing into him once again. These were
from a short while before. She was in tears after rejecting him.
“Why is he doing such awful things? …Why didn’t I stop him?”
Lizer wasn’t the only one she blamed.
“This started with my mistake.
“If I had told the truth and said I wanted him to stay, I’m sure Lizer never would have done this.
“…It’s all my fault.”
Maria blamed herself more than anyone else, and her heart had never cast Lizer aside. No
matter his sins, no matter how deeply he despaired, no matter how much he changed for the
“Lizer is my Champion.
“He was always with me.
“He gave me strength when I was hurting.
“He made me laugh when I was sad.
“He was the first to bring me happiness. That’s why…
“I could never hate him.”
…Ah. So I’m a fool. I’ve been wrong about everything. I didn’t understand Maria’s feelings. I
haven’t lost her love.
There was no void. Now I’m just embarrassed that I couldn’t see it sooner—
“Oh dear. What are you getting so choked up about?”
It was the devil.
“This is your only chance. The time is now. I can’t say what might happen later. There’s no
guarantee your love will last after this. In fact, it’s doomed to fall apart. After all, no matter how
you try, people—”
Ard Meteor cut Mephisto off. “You’re right. People’s hearts are fickle. All emotions disappear at
some point. But…who cares if love isn’t forever? Any nihilist who insists that love has no value
because it’s fleeting is a fool,” he proclaimed, thoroughly crushing the devil’s plan to change
Lizer’s heart. “Even if a catastrophic future is to follow, the glimmer of love is no less beautiful.
Wouldn’t you say that love’s transience makes it more precious and irreplaceable?”
Ard Meteor pointed at the monster within the titan. “You excel at reading people’s true nature.
Your skill in infiltrating Lizer’s heart and using him for your machinations was impressive…but
your words are mere sophistry. Fools are easy to deceive, but know that there are no fools here
Ard’s gaze was elsewhere. He spoke to the second heart within the titan, now free of its wicked
“The darkness in your heart is gone.”
“—Don’t make any more mistakes, Lizer Bellphoenix.”

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