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G8 Short Answers (as part of the In-Class Essay Assignment)

Name: Hyun ji Lee_____________________

1. Into which four branches of civil law do most civil lawsuits fall? You may simply list them without
explaining each.

Contract law
Property law
Family law
Personal injury law

2. What is the name of the agreement between the parties in a civil lawsuit that allows them to avoid a


3. Suppose a person is injured when he or she falls over your little brother’s bicycle that was accidentally
left on the sidewalk overnight. What type of tort would be brought by the person injured?


4. What factor determines if theft is a felony or a misdemeanor?


5. What happens when a defendant receives a guilty verdict? What happens when a defendant receives
a not guilty verdict?

Guilty : the judge sets a court date for sentencing

Not guilty : defendant is set free

6. How does a prison sentence sometimes help criminals change their behavior?

If the person who theft get 5 years in prison, that person can change he behavior because he never
wanna come back this place. However many of prisons do not change their behavior so they do crime
again and again.So we should give them to not just sentence of crime, give some volunteer activities and
make time to spend study about job or test something like a way to live legally after the release the jail.

7. Suppose your state legislature is considering passage of a mandatory sentencing law. The bill removes
from judges the power to decide the sentence for persons convicted of armed robbery. Instead, it would
set a specific punishment for that crime, regardless of the circumstances of the particular case. Your job
is to take the role of a member of the state legislature and write a statement either in favor of/ against
the bill. Be sure to support your argument with sound explanations. (Ask me for an extra page to write
your response if you need one)

I against the bill, because of course person who do something illegal get punishment.However in that
crime we have to litsen how did that happen? and what was the causes like family violence,school bully,
mental illness.If we don't litsen about what happen and what was the causes, we unable to eliminate to
cause, the same situation can be repeat.And also if we don't litsen about situation,we don't even know if
there was anyone who falsely accused me or forced me to commit a crime.So I think the we need to
litsen of situation, wht happen, about causes.

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