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BARRIERS- Obstacle that prevents movement or access

COLLABORATION BARRIERS- lack of respect and trust

COMMUNICATION - exchanging of information

CONTEXTUAL BARRIERS - words are used by one person

COVID-19 - infectious disease caused by the SARS-Cov-2 Virus

CULTURAL BARRIERS - issue arising from a misunderstanding of meaning

CYBERNETICS - tradition of complex systems where the interacting elements

influence one another

GENERAL SYSTEM THEORY - seeks to understand the interconnectedness of

human communication

PANDEMIC - a global epidemic than spreads to more than one continent

PSYCHOLOGICAL BARRIERS - emotional character and mental limitations of

human being

SOCIAL BARRIERS- age , gender , socioeconomic status , and marital status

TECHNICAL BARRIERS - phone calls , text messages and other communication

that rely on technology

TELEOGICAL SYSTEM -with purpose or goal

TEMPORAL BARRIERS - related to time.

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