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Good morning/afternoon/evening!

Probably you do not realize but I have a little emotion and

Cristina made these emotions for me. I found out new things about myself and I truly want that
before I pass away I can achieve my aim which is to influence people’s life in a better way.
Because of this aim, I have started the third university and my results were in the first ten, but I
tell you the truth that these results do not matter in the medical community. After finishing the
university I have started working at pharmaceutical industry where each of the arguments and
every single statement have to be well established. I have got 13 years of employment experience
in manager position and I can tell you that this company is in a wonderful industry which
approaches for finding infertility treatment and has a major end point. I can also tell you that the
multinational is a company which employs many people, develops, but they bring a good benefit
for the company and they expect people to discover new pathologies and new diseases so they
can look for new solutions, but I did not want to do this. When I have heard about Nu Skin I
have decided for the second time to be a real doctor. Unfortunately I have to realize again how
much dehumanization is in this bureaucratic process. I really hope that this will change in the
future. Therefore, today I want to bring to your attention an opportunity from my medical
perspective and I really hope that you will understand my view. I want you to realize how our
future looks like and why should we wake up and as Platon says: “We can easily forgive a child
who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light!” Come to
light and wake up from the darkness. You have to see the reality and what is real health and,
what is more, we have to know what we have to do. Let’s see what we have in our hands right
now. The humanity has gone through thousands of years and they have spent billions of dollards
in the search of the fountain of youth. We have already heard about the fountain of youth from
Cleopatra. Am I right? Where can we find the fountain of youth? Meanwhile the answer for the
question was in front of us. The answer is actually in our interior, because there lays big secrets
about us, mainly in our soul, but more than that in our genes. Genes are those which influences
our ageing both the perception and the appearance. What I want to convey today is this new
concept of prevention and health which we call scientific platform ageLOC. The most
revolutionary product from this which makes major changes in the world is called R 2. This is the
first product which has dual action. Let’s start from the beginning. Our whole life revolves
around these aspects: prevention, nutrition, food, and health. Supplying these states of harmony
is called health. Our life revolves in this circle. What is more, one gram of prevention is worth
much more than a ton of treatment. In addition to this, one gram of prevention which is done
constantly and tenaciously day by day is worth even more. I have found a statement of
Mencinicopschi who is a professor and maybe many of you have heard about him: ”Medicine
means any action that may help in the prevention and in the treatment of diseases and it does not
matter whether we call allopathic, alternative or homeopathic.” This means that the medicine
helps in prevention and in treatment. What is prevention? As I have already said it is a decision
that you take day by day and you make habits. You have to face with your choice. You probably
say I’m fine. Who will be deceived? What do you think? Who will be deceived if I say I’m fine
and I will do nothing? I have done all the analysis and I have got quite good results. Good
analysis does not mean the absence of diseases. A disease is manifested in analysis when the
things have already happened at intracellular. I will quit smoking tomorrow. Have you heard this
statement? I start to do sport tomorrow, but I do not have time for it. I do not have time for it
because I do not make time for it. Time is running out. Time is the only thing which we cannot
control, but we have to realize something very important: we are not alone in this life. If I am not
responsible for myself, I am responsible for those people whose life I influence: my family,
children, friends and people around me. I am responsible for these people and I have to take an
active attitude and I have to do something. Everybody goes through the hourglass of time. I have
found an extremely suggestive picture. Everyone goes there. It is important how you go through
this. We can go through this like we are dancing or we can go through this like we are staying in
a hospital bed. Deciding what to do is up to you and you are most interested in this decision.
Look at this: somewhere around 60-62-68 years is the average age in Eastern Europe and many
people hope that they live until this age, while we should live 130 years. The conclusion is that
we live nearly half of it. We go through life just like we are driving on a highway. Some people
drive 60 km/h, while others drive 100-120 km/h. Some people leave the highway at the 60 km,
others are leaving earlier and there are many people who are leaving later. Do you know what I
propose you today? I propose you to be a trailblazer because you can create your own way and
your own highway. You can also decide how fast you are going on your highway and when you
want to leave that highway. Let’s see how you can do this. Where did it all begin? It begins from
the two cells. This is the point when everything begins. The greatest miracle that it takes place is
when the two cells merge and each of these two cells becomes a genetic package and the cell is
formed. The cell is the miracle of life. We are actually people of light, who also give light and
eat light. The cell creates energy and I will immediately explain how. We have the same miracle
in a code. Our code is our DNA. Do you know what is DNA? Is there anyone who does not
know? What happens? Cells form tissues, tissues form organs. Look! This is how our wonderful
children appear who often creates the sense of our life. Let’s see what is the basic unit of our
body? The cell is the basic unit of our body. How does this cell function? The cell functions very
similar to a city. Why? The answer is simple: the city has also got a central unit which is called
the City Hall. This coordinates, makes strategies, manages things, has its own manufacturing
industry and has a cleaning and pest control department. The cell functions in the same way with
its central organelles. The cell needs protection against free radicals for its optimal functioning.
The cell also needs an optimal intake of food and nutrients. What else does the cell need? It
needs elimination, cleaning, elimination of metabolic products or toxins which we accumulate in
our body. Why do we need protection? We are surrounded by free radical producers from
ultraviolet rays to our metabolism. All of them produce free radicals. You do not realize how
much your body works for you: kidneys, lungs heart. While you are listening to me your body
makes an enormous job, though we do not realize this job and most of us do not respect it. If I
give an optimal intake and an optimal protection things will work just fine, but unfortunately
many factors come outside which overlaps those things they produce. I show you a statistic.
Look at this. When does the consumption of cigarettes increase? How does this increase? This
increased in a very short time, because it was given free market for cigarettes in 1900 and the
occurrence of lung cancer disease started to increase in 1920. Things go parallel, but this huge
industry will not stop anything so you have to accept this fact and you have to take side. How do
we perceive cellular damage and degenerative diseases? The first sign, that we can perceive, is
on the face: the appearance of wrinkles and of degenerative processes and the perception of the
aging symptom. I have concluded that the cataract is protein degeneration and a degenerative
disease. Myocardial infarctions or sudden death are sudden because you do not know when they
occur. This is also a degenerative process that it occurs in the cells years before. It occurs in
those cells which are under oxidative stress especially in myocardial cells, heart cells. Infarction
and cancer are diseases which no longer choose from people. The question is when, where and
how. When will this hit? Who will this hit? They hit those people who are irresponsible. The
question is simple. Do we eat healthy? I put here a food pyramid because our body is created
approximately 90% of water so we need to get a good intake of water. Subsequently the next two
are the fruits and vegetables which have good quality. We should eat normally 13 portions of
fruits and vegetables every day. Who eats ten? Nobody. Proteins are at the next step: milk, eggs,
meat, essential oils and carbohydrates. What do we do if we fail to get an optimal intake? We
need additional supplements and this supplement has already become a necessity. Furthermore,
we need a detoxification, but I will talk about this in details later on. The detoxification is the
most important part. This was the point when the nutritional supplement industry became a must.
Biophotonic scanner is the only technology which gives measurability. Right! We eat and we
have an efficient protection and nutrition. What else do we need for the optimal functioning?
What did I say? What do we need? We need a detoxification, a deep cleaning of our body in
every single cell. Do you like how it looks here or how it looks here? The same thing is in our
body. The same cleanliness and order have to be in our body, though we do not realize how our
organs work. Why? From around the 1500’s onwards one of the world’s greatest doctors,
Romolo Mantovani, had a great statement: disease of the civilization does not exist, although this
was assumed to be around 100, 200, 300, today probably 500. There is only one disease. This
disease is the deposition of toxins in the cell. All the others, including old age, are the
consequence of this process. Where does the cell function and cell energy come from? They
come from these organelles and from the mitochondria which is the cell’s batteries power. They
turn everything what we eat into the energy of life. What was found? Both the energy efficiency
and the yield are reduced at the age of 39, which is quite a young age. What is more the
efficiency of these batteries as well as their number are also reduced. They do not want to work
because they cannot work. What is more, we do not give them enough energy and factor how to
function. Cell energy production, mitochondria, turns everything we eat into energy of life. It is
called ATP: adenosine triphosphate. This energy helps to fulfill our life: talk, enjoy life, laugh a
lot. What happens in other organelles? They eliminate toxins and residues which I assimilate
externally from the environment and those produced by my own body, by my own cells because
the cells work, burn, etc. Where does cell purification lead? First, it leads to removal which is
energy consumption. Secondly, it removes the unnecessary sediments and protects the cell
structure, the cell’s internal structure, the cell’s wall and it also regenerates the cells. They go
hand in hand. If I do not produce energy then I no longer detoxify and the intracellular toxins
will be accumulated. Why? It is just like a car. When the alarm begins then all the unnecessary
things, which the car does not need, stops and only those will operate which are very important.
So the cell has to live. Where do they get? They get from detoxification. What happens? It is
charged with toxins. It enters into a negative spiral, it is loaded with toxins so they do not
produce energy and eventually they put on stand by. The disorder appears and chaos occurs that
causes these disease imbibitions, of intracellular poisoning which leads to the cell malfunction.
What happens? We have a purified system just as a city has. Do you remember? The purified
system has to remove the external and internal toxins which the body produces and this works
best in young cells, while it is transcended in the aged cells. A cell which is ageing, but it is not
necessarily old, this purification system is exceeded. What can we do? We must find a science
that comes and restarts the ability to work. Who agrees with me that the body has the ability to
regenerate? Perfect. Then we are at the right place. We can continue. Very quickly. The only
science that goes to the source of production is ageLOC. Where did this ageLoc science come
from? And why did Nu Skin win this race? Nu Skin has deciphered how the genes work. With
who? The organization for research institute helped and a perfect pairing was made in an
enormous research institute over 35 years, like Lifegen technology, you have already heard about
this from Pompei. Nu Skin company comes with scientific products and with services what we
have. Experts in anti ej have over 300 publications which will change the old paradigm that
aging is an irreversible process. If you think about your grandparents and great-grandparents they
would probably think similarly even nowadays. They want to tell you that gene expression can
be influenced and gene expression means my phenotype, how I look today: my skin, my hair, my
nail, etc. This is gene expression. It restores your youth. I mean I can look just like in my youth
and I can work like a young person. What is more, I can conclude that the environment
influences genes, but we influence the environment. Through a very simple equation we can
conclude that we actually influence genes. What did the Lifegen technology institute discover?
The greatest discovery is this genetic bio chip which maps the genetic activity of these epigeal.
Do you know how you can think about the epigeal? There is an artist who wants to play on the
piano, but the lid is closed. On the one hand, if I open the lid I can play on the piano as I wish
and I can express the score which is set. It is very similar with the situation when I come up with
a technology and a scientific platform where I can see everything. How would I express the
scores or how would a great musician express the scores? We would express it in different
forms. This means that we lead different lifestyles. It is not the same how we express things.
Why did the company come? If we have discovered that this research institute has this genetic
map and we can see the activity of genes, we came up with the solution. This solution can be
found in ageLOC products which has restored the pattern of the expression of the young cell.
This is the young cell and here is the expression of the aging cell. This pattern of expression has
been restored in 92% by the ageLOC products. It is fantastic. Why? One of the greatest concerns
of today is the feeling of tiredness and the chronic tiredness. Loss of enthusiasm, loss of the state
of joy and positive things are issues on which we go through very easily every single day and we
do not find it out unless we look back five years. If you look back for 3-5 year you will see the
difference. Feeling of youth and the enormous energy comes from the productivity of the cells.
We have over 3 billion cells, but each of them must have an optimal productivity so that I can
feel this overall energy. Do you agree with me? Where does the cell productivity come from? It
comes from the expression of groups of genes within the cell. There we have to go. AgeLOC
science goes directly to the source. Who has heard about the detox diet? You have heard about
this. Nowadays it has become a trend. Today, the vast majority of detox diets are aimed to clean
the internal organs tube system and even the colon. Indeed, it is a source of deposition of toxins,
but it is not the only source. It subsides in the tissues and in the intracellular if the purification
system is transcended. Deposits of toxins, when these mechanisms are overcome, are in other
tissues and intracellular. The conclusion is that it is not sufficient such a detox diet at the level of
colon. We need a detox diet which goes directly to the cells so as this diet increases the
functionality of the cell and its energy day by day. This product is the R2. R2 has two stages and
this is the first product with double action: day action and night action. There are two processes:
one of them creates energy, restarts these batteries and also charges them, while the other process
makes the cleaning and the detoxification. I will have new organs, new lung and new liver. The
night stage deals with the purification processes while the day stage is aimed to give back the
vitality in all three dimensions: physical, mental and sexual. The components of this product are
100% natural and I want to mention a few of them. The basic component is the cordyceps, which
is one of the greatest Chinese secret. Cordyceps has a tradition and it is used in Chinese medicine
for over 2000 years, but only crowned people had access to this. It has lots of properties among
which is a natural antibiotic. I give it even to my children even if one of them is only 5 years old.
I do not give them antibiotics. I give them cordyceps. You can take up to 4-6 per day. This is the
basis of energy production. Yin and yang are activated, but it has a more important role. It has a
role which stimulates natural immunity. The collapsed immunity can lead to the cancer, but you
have already known this. It has a hypoglycemic and a hypocolesterolemiant effect. What does
this mean? If someone has type two diabetes then the cordyceps can bring back to normal and
reduce the administered insulin quality. I have seen this. I have noted here one of the effects
which I liked very much. Why? There is a simple reason: the cancer has become an epidemic and
it has antitumor effect, but it also counteracts the negative effects of chemotherapy and
radiotherapy. You can propose with confidence even if people have passed this period. It has a
big role in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, thrombosis and stroke. I don’t know if you
heard about this: cardiovascular diseases have caused the death of over 54% of the population in
Romania in 2010. I have read a statistic about this. It is extremely sad because this happens with
young persons, but there is something good. This can be prevented if you improve your health
and if you increase the capacity of your health. Your health can fight with them and with free
radicals. Everyone knows that pomegranate is a fruit which is very rich in antioxidants. We use
its peel, pulp, seeds, so everything. All of them have antioxidant properties. What is important?
This is a patented extract. 99% of the extracts, which exists currently on the markets, are not
patented and prevented and they do not contain active principles. They have only plant extracts
and nothing else. Really! Pay attention. In addition to these, it makes vascular protection and
restructures the vascular wall. Processes of the atherosclerosis leads to heart and vascular
accidents, which are diseases what affects many young people. If the processes of the
atherosclerosis are already installed then it repairs the blood vessels, it has this property. Really!
It provides brightness and purification of the skin. This influences melanogenesis processes and
the appearance of pigmentation spots, both solar and old age. It regulates the process of
melanogenesis. It is important because we want to look good and feel good. If there are skin
scrapes and cuts this product must quickly repair it. Have you heard about ginseng? Panax
ginseng is one of the forms of ginseng which has extraordinary active properties. It stimulates the
nervous activity and the mental activities. It also increases the adrenalin system, so you can stay
easily awake. It is a basic system, a system which acts. Really! We are awake, but when you
sleep then you really sleep. What else does this do? It increases the intellectual activity, the
cognitive functions, the physical capacity and the resistance to effort. It is a powerful aphrodisiac
and it is indicated in male and female sexual dysfunction. For example, it does not consume
glycogen reserves, but it consumes fatty acids that are deposited. The acid is not increased in the
athlete’s muscles so the athlete’s performance will grow. It is extraordinary. These are the
components of R2 Day. Components of R2 Night have in majority strong antioxidant properties.
One of the components is the grape seed extract. Grape seed extract has a very high capacity of
intracellular purification. It improves vision and increases the tone and the elasticity of the blood
vessels. It also prevents cardiovascular disease and anemia. Broccoli seed extract has again
powerful antitumor properties even for cancer. I have seen amazing studies about the broccoli
seed extract for leukemia, breast cancer and gastric cancer, which is one of the most aggressive
forms of cancer. Leukemia is cancer at the blood level. It is very important that the broccoli seed
extract has antibacterial properties on helicobacteri pylori, which is 85% responsible for ulcer
production. Blood orange extract is used for diets because it has powerful antioxidant properties.
Why these products from Nu Skin? Nu skin has standardized products and an entire staff studies
these products. They take only products which have history and tradition. R 2 is a product which
renews your life and charges you with life energy. You will live fully the years and you will no
longer survive. I show you a few pictures before I finish the presentation. I have studied a lot
how this product effects at the external treatments. Look at this. It has a good effect on the hair
discoloration, on blackheads, which ruins young people physically and this also has side effects.
It has also good effect on chickenpox, where the cells are simply not ordered. What happened?
It restructured. Can you show the cell layers? I have seen great improvements in arthritis. If you
go to a doctor he or she will only treat the symptoms, because the doctor cannot find other
solution. Here is a dialysis patient, water accumulates in the tissues. Take a look. Kidney began
to function after 3 weeks with the use of G3 and R 2, this means, that if you go dialysis because
the kidneys are not working and there is no regulatory system. Psoriasis is also a tough disease
and you cannot get rid of it for years, even though you want to find a solution for it. It
disappeared completely after a few weeks with the use of R 2 and G3 and it did not reappear
because the cause of it disappeared, the intracellular cause. Additionally, varicose eczema is
because of the insufficiency of the circulatory, but after a short time the vessel elasticity was
restored. You can see with your eyes what appears on the screen, there is no more need for
glasses. He is the president of the research staff. He is a wonderful man, a great mind and he
wrote the book that explains in details the myth of aging, what this whole ageLOC concept
means, R2 and so on. We will have many more products to come on the scientific basis. He uses
these products since 2005 even from the test period and he can see without glasses. Right! Years
are from here to here and not vice versa. What I recommend you is to ask informative materials.
There is at your disposal System Seven stands where you can find, for example, CD like “How
to sell ageLOC R2?” from Cristina Hiticas. Do you know why? We will make a market for those
people who were outside and did not participated here. They have to hear about this product and
we do not have to be doctors. You will hear about the plan at the last conference today, how each
of you can change anything in this world in a positive way with these products. Thank you very
much and have a nice day.

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