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MATRIC NO: 20001000



COURSE CODE: NSC 414 (Assignment)

Study session 2

1. Discuss the importance of sociology to nursing and nursing practice

Sociology is a field in science that concerns itself with social behaviour. The origins and the
development of a particular society takes its cue from the study of sociology. Sociology, at
the outset, is not so much related to the study of nursing, but nurses who are knowledgeable
in the study of sociology have at least an advantage over those who don’t. The study of
sociology is so loaded with research, particularly on topics such as social processes or social
change. In fact, many of those who are into sociology are into social policies as well.

Sociology is defined as a study of human behaviour inside the societal context. Despite its
huge importance in politics, organizations, and other statistical fields, nursing students
struggle to see its relevance in their chosen career.
Sociology is involved in study regarding human societies. Sociologists have concerns with
comprehending society in a disciplined way. Sociology deals with difficulties which are
generally subjects of major dispute in society, like the relationship between cultural class and
illness, the changing function of religion, the rising of separation and divorce rate and the
altering dynamics of work.

Sociological inquiry can light up that assistance and help understand the relationship between
private difficulties like illness, premature death, and cancer of the lung and public concerns
such as tobacco advertising.

Sociology may be of value to nurses in order to question the values and beliefs of their expert
and the organizational framework in which they work. We have to comprehend the social
forces which usually shape and restrict our lives to be able to modify them.

Being familiar with many people is very important. Think about this – a nurse has to inquire
about if a customer is using illegal drugs. Without knowing this detail may cause the doctor
to prescribe incorrectly. But how are you able to ask to get an honest answer? Knowing how
people think can lead to learning how to phrase the question. Also being familiar with
cultural differences is highly essential for too many good reasons to go into here. Nurses
work with people, and they need to comprehend them. The participant who said – no
significance is clearly ignorant.
Educating nurses with sociology has turned into a major issue in health sociology. The latest
nursing curriculum recognizes the necessity for the twenty-first century nurse to use
knowledge coming from a selection of specialties and disciplines when evaluating and
examining patients/clients and selecting a procedure for care.  This includes the study of
sociology. Society has evolved and people tend to be more prepared to challenge ‘experts’ in
terms of medications, treatments and procedures.

Professional limitations may also be getting less rigorous, and a lot of people are requiring a
more active part in decision-making. The health care industry has seen many organizations
and nurses, as well as other health care personnel, who have to adjust to the altering
structures and ideologies of health care.

The effect of these adjustments has been enormous and lots of nurses have found themselves
at a loss in understanding how to prepare for the new demands. The function of sociology in
nursing is constantly casting new light on many facets of wellness and illness. Throughout
the last 20 years, nursing process has seen sociological concept become an important clinical
tool, in both the diagnosis and prognosis of a wide range of illnesses and long-term

Other importance includes:

 It helps to understand those forces and pressures which affect patient adversely.
 It helps the nurses to understand the behaviour, conflicts, Inter Personal Relationship
(IPR), hierarchy, groups and adaptation of different people working in hospitals.
 Through sociology, the nurse gets information about the socio-cultural life of the
 To study the structure of family, community and society.
 It helps to provide individualistic care
 It helps to identify healthy and unhealthy cultural practice
 It promotes skills about social problems, societal structures.
 It equips the nurse to understand the cause, consequence of human relationship
 To understand the characteristics of social relationship, its complexities, and its
impact on health care.
 It helps in the understanding and eradication of social problems.

Sociology in nursing is a vital tool in understanding more the patient’s reaction and response
to treatment. The more the nurses are able to connect with their patient, the more effective
they are. It is in fact difficult to diagnose a patient without having the right connection and
understanding; this is why sociology is important. The previous studies and research on how
a patient reacts, respond and recover to certain diseases or conditions can give the health care
professional a step ahead on the medical treatment process.

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