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Cervical cancer is a relatively rare disease in countries that have instituted and maintained

national screening programs, with call and recall of women at various intervals and built-in

quality control with appropriate monitoring and evaluation. Unfortunately, this process has

failed in most areas of the world where more than 80% of new cases of cervical cancer are

diagnosed. It was noticed that although majority of the health professionals are aware of the

disease but their attitude towards the prevention is not good. Therefore, this study is aimed at

assessing the perceived factors militating against cervical screening in four selected hospital

in ogbomoso. The objectives of the study were To assess the level of knowledge of nurses on

cervical cancer and cervical cancer screening services, To evaluate how nurses’ use the

screening services. and. To determine the factors influencing utilization of cervical cancer

screening services. A self-structured questionnaire was used in obtaining information from

respondents and 330 questionnaires were administered and retrieved from the respondents.

The data collected was analysed using frequency and percentage as statistical tool. The data

analysed were presented using frequency tables. Three research questions were considered

in this study. Findings from this study shows that majority that 210(98.6%) of the

respondents have good knowledge of nursing process while 3(1.4%) have a poor knowledge.

Therefore, the knowledge, attitude of respondents towards cervical screening and factors

militating against it is good, but more needs to be done because they are the key holders of

health sectors who will play an important role in caring for the patients.

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