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Dear Son,

I hope by the time you will read this letter, you are in good health and that
everything is going well. I am writing this letter because I want you know that I
love you more than anything and more than words can describe. You are the most
precious gift that God has given me which I will cherish throughout my life. I want
nothing but a perfectly happy life for you, a life with every opportunity possible. I
am working hard to make sure you have those opportunities and better life.

I know that you are now living in different generation and I hope that your
generation is peaceful and finer compared to my time. I wish that the catastrophe
we are facing today will be the last so that you will not experience what I have
experienced today. We may now in the most difficult time in our life but we stand
tough and remained strong. I hope you will do the same, in case it will happen
again. It may hard to predict what is in the future but I wish that it would be as best
as what I have imagined.

I hope you will find purpose and motivation upon reading this letter and hoping for
your kindness reaction. Please be a good and responsible person because who you
are as a person will reflect to your way of living and the people around you. I hope
you will realize that there is no greater wealth in this world than having a peaceful
life. I want you to enjoy every single moment of your life and live your life to the
fullest because it only happens once. At the end of the day what really matters is
that you enjoy your life and you bring happiness to the world.


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