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Danger signs of Pregnancy

 Severe abdominal pain

 Swelling of the face and legs
 Blurred vision
 Chills and fever
 Persistent vomiting

Health teaching

 Do not skip meals

 Do not eat too salty or sweet foods
 Do light exercises daily
 Get a prenatal care checkup
 Do not smoke or drink alcohol
 Get plenty of rest

Foods to eat when a patient has a low hemoglobin level

 Liver
 Fortified foods
 Beans
 Dark green leafy vegetables, such as spinach
 Seafood
 Ret meat
 Pumpkin seed
 Grain bread
 Raisin
 Oatmeal

First stage: Dilation of the cervix (mouth of the uterus)

Second stage: Delivery of the baby

Third stage: Afterbirth, pushing out the placenta

Fourth stage: Recovery

1.Passenger (Fetus).

2. Passage (Birth Canal).

3. Powers (Contractions)

4. Placenta

5. Psychology (Psychological State of the Woman)

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