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Interview sheet

Date of interview:
Name of wife/ female partner : Ben Jamina Q.Ortega Name of Husband/ Male Partner: Jameel Mari M. Ortega
Age: ( 24) Age: ( 28)
Age:( 39)
Age: ( 36)
Occupation:Public Teacher
Occupation: Public Teacher

Please check:
______First Time Mother
___✓__Has 2-3 Children
______Has 4 or more Children

1. Do you believe in cravings? How did you experience this? In what particular month did you experience this?
-Yes! It's hard,you like the food but when it's there next to you,you don't want to eat or spit it out. During my first
2. What are the precautions/ preparations you undertake to have healthy conception pregnancy? Normaly, what are the
do's and don'ts?
-Eating nutritious foods with vitamins and minerals need milk,those who are salty and cold are not allowed to eat.
3. Do you still practice intimate moment ( sex) with your husband / partner while you were pregnant? What is your
opinion about this.
-No! We know the difficulty most important respect for each other and we also talk without coercion.
4. What are the Physical changes that happen to your body during pregnancy? How did adapt or feel towards these
- I looked ugly specially with my body changes,my nose got bigger and my neck,part of my arms looked like it
had black paint especially my armpits.I accepted it as part of pregnancy.
5. What are the hardest part of your pregnancy? Why?
-When the baby comes out,The feeling that it's hard to walk like I'm a penguin and when I put on my pants I can't
take it anymore I need the help of my husband and relatives.I can't see my feet anymore,when I'm riding of public
transportation I can't bend my head and pinched my stomach.
6. Do/Did you experience post-partum syndrome? How did you cope?
-Yes! My husband motivates me and says I can and my relatives and friends who are there motivate me greet me
to comeback my confidence.
7. Did you experience morning sickness ? How did you handle this?
-Yes! I took pregnancy test we found out that I was pregnant.
8. Do you believe in supertitious belief align with the idea of pregnancy? Would like to share some supertitious belief
that you followed and why?
-Yes, Don't wear a necklace.There's a chance that you might have hard time giving birth.The baby's chord might
be upset,and when you eat dark foods the baby might also be dark.

9. Do you think the support and presence of your partner / husband is important and why?
-Yes! Because it will boast you to be the best everyday.
10. What is special in being a mother? Anything that you want to share with us to understand process or pregnancy? What
is your message to us?
- Unconditional love,Because the process of pregnancy also needs to be prepared,it doesn't just come in that when
the girl stomach has is baby it will back out. It's not like that.Being parents,our decision when starting a family must be
sincere and undulterated,because this is the world you will enter the process of accepting whatever happen,the process of
loving it to end of eternity.Keep in touch with your family be open minded because they can help you to.

Interview sheet
Date of interview:
Name of wife/ female partner :Ogie T. Baribe Name of Husband/ Male Partner: Benji Baribe
Age: ( 19) Age: ( 23)
Age: ( 39) Age:( 43)
Occupation:House wife Occupation: Armor driver

Please check:
____First Time Mother
__✓__Has 2-3 Children
____Has 4 or more Children

1. Do you believe in cravings? How did you experience this? In what particular month did you experience this?
-Yes, selected on foods,first month and second month.
2. What are the precautions/ preparations you undertake to have healthy conception pregnancy? Normaly, what are the
do's and don'ts?
-Eating healthy foods,go to bed early, it's not allowed to each much cold and sweet.
3. Do you still practice intimate moment ( sex) with your husband / partner while you were pregnant? What is your
opinion about this.
-Yes, other say it's good because it's not difficult to give birth but for me it's difficult and very dangerous.
4. What are the Physical changes that happen to your body during pregnancy? How did adapt or feel towards these
-When I got pregnant and gave birth I gained weight. At first I couldn't accept my self it entered my mind that
maybe my husband would replace me.I was insecure.I still accept it because the one who truly loves no matter what I look
like your partner still accepts you.
5. What are the hardest part of your pregnancy? Why?
-First month, I can't eat, I'm vomiting, I don't want to smell anything,and my decision changes quickly.
6. Do/Did you experience post-partum syndrome? How did you cope?
-No, I have inspired my children so i opened my heart to give them a good life.
7. Did you experience morning sickness ? How did you handle this?
-Yes,the ones that shouldn't be Thought of are put aside first because it only adds to the problem.
8. Do you believe in supertitious belief align with the idea of pregnancy? Would like to share some supertitious belief
that you followed and why?
-Yes, Don't eat bananas that are close together the child's hands may also be close together.It is forbidden to go
out at night.
9. Do you think the support and presence of your partner / husband is important and why?
-Yes, he is the first to support you, especially when you are going through something,he is always there for you to
give you strength.
10. What is special in being a mother? Anything that you want to share with us to understand process or pregnancy? What
is your message to us?
-Method of raising a child.We stick to the right upbringing and word of god that we share with children,because
they will start to grow up well no matter what they go,they will remember the advice of their mother if we really give well
that speech.Lets learn to listen to their opinion to strengthen the relationship with each other.
Interview sheet

Date of interview:

Name of wife/ female partner :Ogie T. Baribe Name of Husband/ Male Partner: Benji Baribe
Age: ( 19) Age: ( 23)
Age: ( 39) Age:( 43)
Occupation:House wife Occupation: Armor driver

Please check:
____First Time Mother
__✓__Has 2-3 Children
____Has 4 or more Children

1. Do you believe in cravings? How did you experience this? In what particular month did you experience this?
-Yes, selected on foods,first month and second month.
2. What are the precautions/ preparations you undertake to have healthy conception pregnancy? Normaly, what are the
do's and don'ts?
-Eating healthy foods,go to bed early, it's not allowed to each much cold and sweet.
3. Do you still practice intimate moment ( sex) with your husband / partner while you were pregnant? What is your
opinion about this.
-Yes, other say it's good because it's not difficult to give birth but for me it's difficult and very dangerous.
4. What are the Physical changes that happen to your body during pregnancy? How did adapt or feel towards these
-When I got pregnant and gave birth I gained weight. At first I couldn't accept my self it entered my mind that
maybe my husband would replace me.I was insecure.I still accept it because the one who truly loves no matter what I look
like your partner still accepts you.
5. What are the hardest part of your pregnancy? Why?
-First month, I can't eat, I'm vomiting, I don't want to smell anything,and my decision changes quickly.
6. Do/Did you experience post-partum syndrome? How did you cope?
-No, I have inspired my children so i opened my heart to give them a good life.
7. Did you experience morning sickness ? How did you handle this?
-Yes,the ones that shouldn't be Thought of are put aside first because it only adds to the problem.
8. Do you believe in supertitious belief align with the idea of pregnancy? Would like to share some supertitious belief
that you followed and why?
-Yes, Don't eat bananas that are close together the child's hands may also be close together.It is forbidden to go
out at night.
9. Do you think the support and presence of your partner / husband is important and why?
-Yes, he is the first to support you, especially when you are going through something,he is always there for you
to give you strength.
10. What is special in being a mother? Anything that you want to share with us to understand process or pregnancy? What
is your message to us?
-Method of raising a child.We stick to the right upbringing and word of god that we share with children,because
they will start to grow up well no matter what they go,they will remember the advice of their mother if we really give well
that speech.Lets learn to listen to their opinion to strengthen the relationship with each other

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