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Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy

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Principles and applications of mathematical and

physical modelling of metallurgical processes

Hong Yong Sohn

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Principles and applications of mathematical and physical modelling of

metallurgical processes
Hong Yong Sohn
Department of Materials Science & Engineering, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, USA


This article reviews the principles and methods for formulating mathematical or physical Received 9 October 2019
models that are useful in the design, analysis and optimization of metallurgical processes. Revised 5 December 2019
Mathematical models based on first principles are emphasised. Examples of developing new Accepted 6 December 2019
processes based on a first-principle mathematical model or a physical model are presented.
Cautions and pitfalls associated with the formulation and application of mathematical Computational fluid
models are discussed. The reader is encouraged to carefully examine correctness of the dynamics; equilibrium
approach and assumptions made in the formulation in order to avoid an erroneous modelling; flowsheet; heat
application of a model. For complex processes requiring harsh conditions, physical models and mass transfer; modelling;
are useful. The interpretation and utilisation of the results from physical models can be process simulation; reaction
difficult and sometimes even misleading. This problem is greatly assuaged by combining engineering; Sohn’s Law
physical modelling with mathematical modelling. For example, the use of computational
fluid dynamics greatly improves the physical modelling of systems involving complex fluid flow.

Nomenclature rg Original radius of a grain

Universal gas constant
am Raoultian activity of species M Ri Molar rate of production of species i per unit volume
Ag , Ap External surface area of an individual grain and the Re Reynolds number
pellet, respectively Sf Net source term of dependent variable ϕ
b Number of moles of solid reactant reacting with one Sv, S0v Surface area per unit volume of the solid at any time
mole of fluid reactant and its initial value, respectively
cp Heat capacity Sc Schmidt number  
km dp
Ci Molar concentration of fluid species i Sh* Modified Sherwood number, ;
Cib Molar concentration of fluid species i in the bulk Time   De  
bkCAn 0 Ag
Di−mix Diffusion coefficient of species i in the vapour mixture t∗ Dimensionless time ; t
E(t) Residence time distribution response of a reactor to a Absolute temperature rm F g Vg
pulse input u Mixture velocity vector
f (w) Relative variation of the specific surface area Sv with vi Velocity component in the direction i (m s−1), or mol-
solid conversion ecular volume of species i
Fg , Fp Shape factor for grains and pellet, respectively (=1, 2 V g , Vp Volume of an individual grain and pellet, respectively
and 3 for flat plates, cylinders and spheres, w Local fractional conversion of the solid reactant, or
respectively). solid weight per unit volume of the bed
g(X) Conversion function for the system rate-controlled by Wi Weight of phase i
the reaction of individual grains x Matte grade in %
h Heat-transfer coefficient xi Mole fraction of fluid species i
Reaction constant or thermal conductivity Fractional conversion of solid reactant
(kn,M)i Volatilization constants
km External mass-transfer coefficient
K Equilibrium constant Greek Symbols
L Distribution coefficient: LIM = [%M]Cu/[%M]mt; LIIM =
[%M]cu/[%M]sl; LIIIM = [%M]mt/[%M]sl a Factor defined in Figure 11
mi Mass flow rate of phase i aB Fraction of pellet volume occupied by solid reactant B
(−ṁA ) Molar rate of consumption of the fluid reactant A per γo Raoultian activity coefficient at infinite dilution
unit area Gwm Mixture effective transport coefficient
[%M]i % of species M in phase i 1 Emissivity
ni Number of moles of species i m Gas viscosity
Ni Molar flux of fluid species i r Mass density
p(X) Conversion function for the system rate-controlled by rB Molar density of solid reactant B
pore diffusion ŝ2 Generalised
 fluid-solid  reaction modulus
pi Partial pressure of species i aB kCAn−1 Fp A g V p
pT Total pressure ; 0

τ 2De Fg Vg Ap
Pr Prandtl number
rc Position of the reaction interface within a grain Average residence time in a reactor
w Generic dependent variable (various)

CONTACT Hong Yong Sohn Department of Materials Science & Engineering, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT 135 S 1460 E
RM 412, USA
© 2020 Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining and The AusIMM Published by Taylor & Francis on behalf of the Institute and The AusIMM
2 H. Y. SOHN

Subscripts average velocity in a reactor, but cannot describe how

b Bulk these properties vary with position within the reactor.
B Solid reactant B Thus, important questions such as how large the unit
e Equilibrium must be or whether conditions for a local hot spot or
Fg , Fp Shape factor for grains and pellet, respectively (=1, 2
and 3 for flat plates, cylinders and spheres,
excessive erosion may be created cannot be correctly
respectively). answered by such a model.
g Grain To be able to describe these details, the conservation
mt Matte laws must be applied to a very small portion of the unit –
p Pellet
sl Slag the smaller the control volume, the more accurate the
results. Thus, a microscopic model that can describe
Operators the continuous variation of the system properties is
based on an infinitesimally small control volume,
∇ Nabla∂ operator
∂ ∂ in Cartesian coordinates;
∇ = dx + dy + dz
usually giving rise to differential equations (Bird et al.
∂x ∂y ∂z 2002). A balance is performed on the quantity (quantity
of species, heat, or momentum) to be conserved over
such a control volume, as follows:
General approach to mathematical
modeling ⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤
Input across Output across
⎣ boundary of ⎦ − ⎣ boundary of ⎦
A process model consists of process steps of similar nature
as common blocks. Thus, a process model is a description control volume control volume
⎡ ⎤
of a process as an abstract combination of these blocks and Net generation
is used to describe how the actual process works. Since one +⎣ within ⎦
wants to obtain quantitative results from the model, the control volume
behaviour of the block is typically described by mathemat- ⎡ ⎤
ical equations representing the process taking place =⎣ within ⎦ (1)
together with known properties and knowledge about the control volume
process. The purposes of process models are to describe,
explain, and/or predict what happens in a process. The These balance equations yield the governing equations
major individual objectives include: to increase fundamen- for concentration, temperature, and velocity in terms
tal understanding of a process; to assist in scale-up; and to of position and time. The solution of these governing
be used in process control and optimisation. equations has become convenient with the availability
The development of a process model starts with the of many powerful commercial software packages.
definition of what aspects of the process one wants to These include process simulation programmes that
simulate. This is followed by the determination of mainly solve material and energy balances for complex
which phenomena must be included and which to sim- flow sheets that include chemical reactions, thermo-
plify or ignore. Next, the type and complexity of the chemical software, and fluid-flow solvers.
model must be chosen. The purpose of the model The results of the model predictions, especially for
should dictate what phenomena are included, and con- problems with complex model equations such as those
sequently how complex the model should be. The next involving fluid flow, must be verified by testing the pro-
step is to model phenomena in proportion both to their gramme under appropriate conditions that will yield
importance to the problem and to how well they are known solutions. Once the process model is verified, its
understood mechanistically. Important phenomena predictions should be compared with experiments and
that are well understood should be included in detail. any disagreements must be reconciled either by modify-
Overly complex models are too difficult and time con- ing the model equations or by repeating the experiments.
suming to solve; on the other hand, unreasonable sim- Reliable results can only be obtained by engineering and
plifications lead to erroneous conclusions. operational judgment, careful examination of input par-
Mathematical equations that make up a process model ameters and assumptions, and laboratory, pilot-plant or
are obtained by applying the laws of mass, energy, and plant operating data.
momentum conservation. In a model that deals with Of particular relevance in highly intense processes is
the global behaviour of a unit operation or process within the development of mathematical formulations capable
the overall system, these conservation laws are applied of reproducing the important phenomena occurring in
macroscopically to the entire unit (Himmelblau and the process units. Mathematical tools of this kind are use-
Riggs 2004). This type of a model describes the global ful because they provide a quantitative description of the
average behaviour of the process, but cannot simulate process behaviour, thus eliminating subjective and often
the details of what happens at different positions within fallible human judgment. Upon validation with exper-
the unit. Thus, the macroscopic model may describe imental data, well-constructed mathematical models can
the average temperature, average composition, and be used to simulate the process behaviour under different

conditions, thus replacing test runs that are costly and and removing the turbulent components. The Reynolds
time-consuming in industrial or even pilot plants. stress terms −ru′ u′ are typically related to the time-aver-
When the overall balance principle expressed in aged velocity terms through a turbulence model. For
Equation (1) is applied to the transport of momentum, example,
energy, and species in a process, which in general involves Realisable k-ε model:
fluid flow, the following general equation is obtained:

+ ∇†(ruf) − ∇†(Gf ∇f) = Sf −ru′ u′ = mt [∇u + (∇u)T ] − (rk + mt ∇ · u)I (10)
∂t (rf) (2) 3
where ϕ is any dependent variable (for total mass balance,

ϕ = 1), Gf is the coefficient for the diffusive transfer, and ∂(rk) mt
Sϕ is the source term. + ∇ · (rku) = ∇ · m+ ∇k + Gk
∂t sk
In a typically turbulent fluid phase of a chemically
+ Gb − r1 − YM + Sk (11)
reacting system, the conservation principles expressed
by Equation (2) take the following forms:
In Vector Form:
∂(r1) mt
Continuity: + ∇ · (r1u) = ∇ · m+ ∇1
∂t s1
∂r 12
+ ∇ · (ru) = Sp (3) + rC1 S1 − rC2 √
∂t k + n1
Momentum: 1
+ C11 C31 Gb + Sk (12)
+ ∇ · (ruu) = −∇p + ∇ · (t) + ∇
∂t In modelling typical real systems, the rectangular
· (−ru′ u′ ) + rg + F p (4) coordinate system is typically used, and the above
equations take the following forms, using the Einstein
where summation convention:

t = m (∇u + (∇u) ) − I∇ · u
∂r ∂
+ (rui ) = Sp (13)
Energy: ∂t ∂xi
+ ∇ · (reu) = ∇ · (keff ∇T) + ∇ · (t · u) Momentum:
− ∇ · ( pu) + rg · u + Qr ∂(rui ) ∂ ∂p
+ (rui uj ) = −
+ Sg (6) ∂t ∂xj ∂xi

where ∂ ∂ui ∂uj 2 ∂ul
+ m + − dij
∂xj ∂xj ∂xi 3 ∂xl
p 1
e = hg − + u·u (7) ∂
r 2 + (−ru′ i u′ j ) + rgi
Species m: + F p,i
∂(rYm ) (14)
+ ∇ · (ruYm ) = −∇ · J m + Rm + S p,m (8)
Realisable k-ε model:
mt ∇T ∂(rk) ∂ ∂ mt ∂k
J m = − rDm,mean + ∇Ym − DT,m (9) + (rkui ) = m+ + Gk
Sct T ∂t ∂xi ∂xi sk ∂xi
In the above equations, S represents the source term from + Gb − r1 − YM + Sk (15)
another phase, if any, per unit volume, and F represents
the drag component due to the presence of another
∂(r1) ∂ ∂ m ∂1
phase, if any. u denotes the time-averaged velocity vector; + (r1ui ) = m+ t
∂t ∂xi ∂xi s1 ∂xi
I = identity tensor; e = specific internal energy; keff = effec-
tive thermal conductivity; Ym = mass fraction of species m; 12
+ rC1 S1 − rC2 √
Jm = diffusive flux; Rm = molar rate of generation of species k + n1
m per unit volume. These equations are also valid in a 1
+ C11 C31 Gb + Sk (16)
laminar flow system by keeping the molecular properties k
4 H. Y. SOHN

Energy: Edition (Stull and Prophet 1971); Thermochemical

  Properties of Inorganic Substances (Knacke
∂(re) ∂ ∂ ∂T ∂
+ (rui e) = keff + (tij uj ) et al. 1991); Metallurgical Thermochemistry
∂t ∂xi ∂xi ∂xi ∂xi (Kubaschewski and Alcock 1967).

− ( pui ) + rgi ui + Qr
+ Sg (17) Submodels
Species m: Before constructing a mathematical model for an entire
process or for the purpose of examining a specific por-
∂(rYm ) ∂ ∂Jm,i
+ (rYm ui ) = − + Rm + S p,m (18) tion of the overall process, it may be necessary to
∂t ∂xi ∂xi develop a model for subprocesses. Some examples
in which ui denotes the time-averaged velocity com- will be discussed here.
ponent in the i-direction; dij = Kronecker delta.
These equations are also valid in a laminar flow system Mass and heat transfer processes
by keeping the molecular properties and removing the Metallurgical processes typically involve interactions
turbulent components. between different phases involving heat and mass
transfer. Mass transfer process between phases has
been extensively studied. Let us consider the process
Constitutive components of mathematical in which material is being transferred from a surface
modeling into a moving fluid stream. Let i denote the transferred
In order to apply the above general modelling species, the molar concentration of which is then desig-
equations to specific processes, it is necessary to have nated by Cis and Cib at the surface and in the bulk of the
the physical, transport and chemical properties of the fluid stream, respectively. Then, the molar rate at
materials involved as well as the knowledge of the prin- which a species is transferred from the solid surface
ciples and behaviour of subprocesses. The latter may into the fluid per unit area is given by
require developing submodels. We will discuss this Ni = km (Cis − Cib ) (19)
further below.
First, it is realised that the continuity and species where km is the mass transfer coefficient. Some authors
equations are related because the sum of the masses have expressed the concentrations in terms of partial
of all the species in the system gives the total mass. Sec- pressures or mole fractions, leading to mass transfer
ondly, if the process does not involve fluid flow, the coefficients that are different from the above.
momentum equations are not necessary. Further, if Frequently, the mass transfer coefficient is expressed
the process is isothermal, the energy equation is not in terms a Chilton-Colburn jD, factor, which is
needed, and if the process involves just a pure phase, defined as
the species equation is unnecessary. Depending on
jD = Sh/ReSc1/3 (20)
which equations are needed, the corresponding phys-
ical, transport and chemical properties must be known. where Sh ; kmL/D is the Sherwood number; Re ;
uρL/μ the Reynolds number; and Sc ; μ/(ρD) the
Schmidt number. L is a characteristic dimension, e.g.
Physical, transport and chemical properties the diameter of a spherical body; μ/ρ is the kinematic
Many sources are available from which these properties viscosity; D is the diffusivity; u is the linear velocity
can be found. Here only some limited sample refer- of the fluid stream flowing past the solid (measured
ences are listed: outside the boundary layer surrounding the solid); ρ
is the mass density of the fluid.
Physical, transport and chemical properties: Perry’s Mass Transfer involving Single Solid Bodies: Because
Chemical Engineers’ Handbook (Green and of the industrial importance of operations involving
Southard 2019); CRC Handbook of Chemistry mass transfer from drops or solid bodies, tyoically
and Physics (Rumble 2017); Transport Properties represented by spheres, this topic has been much
of Chemicals and Hydrocarbons (Yaws 2015); investigated. One of the early studies was that of
Yaws’ Handbook of Thermodynamic and Physical Ranz and Marshall (1952), who developed the follow-
Properties of Chemical Compounds (Yaws 2003); ing equation:
The Properties of Gases and Liquids (Poling
Sh = km d/D = 2.0 + 0.6Re1/2 Sc1/3 (21)
et al. 2001).
Thermodynamic properties: Thermodynamic Data for The definition of Sh for a spherical drop or solid body
Mineral Technology (Pankratz et al. 1984); is most appropriate by taking its characteristic dimen-
JANAF Thermochemical Tables. Second sion to be the diameter, as indicated in this equation.

Much of the earlier work on this topic was reviewed material balance equation that does not separately
by Rowe and Claxton (1965), who proposed the follow- recognise these features. This approach may be suitable
ing correlations: for non-reacting systems such as evaporation and
adsorption processes, but may not be applicable for
Sh = 2.0 + 0.69Re1/2 Sc1/3 for air (22) chemically reacting systems, especially at low fluid
Sh = 2.0 + 0.79Re1/2 Sc1/3 for water (23) flow rates.
For correlations of mass transfer coefficients under
with analogous expressions for heat transfer. different assumptions and in various phases of a
Mass Transfer in Packed Beds: There are different fluidised bed, the reader is referred to literature sources
types of transport phenomena in multi-particle sys- (Kunii and Levenspiel 1991; Gupta and Sathiya-
tems: One is the transfer between the particle assem- moorthy 1999; Makkawi and Ocone 2011).
blage and the surface of another object such as the For liquid–solid reactions limited by diffusion
wall of the vessel or a tube immersed in the particle through the mass transfer boundary layer, the hydro-
bed, and the other is the transfer between the particles dynamic flow regime at the reacting surface is of
and the fluid flowing through them. The mass transfer importance in understanding the reaction kinetics.
rate between particles and fluid in packed beds is typi- Mass transfer in an aqueous phase containing ionic
cally described with a correlation equation of the form species has been analysed in detail by Newman
(1973) and Bockris and Reddy (1970). In such a sol-
Sh = f (Re, Sc, geometric factor) (24)
ution, mass is transferred by
Examples of published correlations include those by
Wakao and Kaguei (1982); Selman and Tobias . diffusion, i.e. motion of both charged and uncharged
(1978); Wakao and Funazkri (1978); and Petrovic species due to concentration gradients,
and Thodos (1968). Much more extensive investi- . migration, i.e. motion of charged species in an elec-
gations have been reported on heat transfer than on trical field, and
mass transfer. Fortunately, an analogy between mass . convection, i.e. transfer of mass due to the bulk
transfer and heat transfer can be used for estimating motion of the liquid phase.
mass transfer coefficients from heat transfer corre-
lations in packed beds (Rosner 2000; Bird et al. 2002). Pore Diffusion: Diffusion through pores of a solid
Mass Transfer in Fluidised Beds: There are a number matrix often plays an important role in fluid-solid reac-
of different regimes of fluidisation: bubbling, turbulent, tions. A comprehensive treatment of this topic was
fast fluidisation, and dilute-phase flow (Gupta and proposed by Mason and Marrero (1970) and Mason
Sathiyamoorthy 1999). Different mass transfer charac- et al. (1967), for which the reader is referred to the orig-
teristics are present in different fluidisation regimes. inal papers or other references (e.g. Szekely et al. 1976).
For example, in a bubbling bed, mass transfer involves A convenient approach involves the use of the follow-
transfer between the particles and the fluid in the emul- ing equation:
sion phase; between the emulsion and the cloud phases;
and between the cloud and the bubble phases (Mak- 1/DABeff = (t/1)[1/DAB + 1/DAK ] (25)
kawi and Ocone 2011). As mentioned above in the dis-
where ε is the porosity of the solid, τ a tortuosity factor
cussion of mass transfer in packed beds, much more
characteristic of the solid, DAB the molecular (ordin-
extensive investigations have been reported on heat
ary) diffusivity for the pair A-B, and DAK the Knudsen
transfer than on mass transfer in fluidised beds. An
diffusivity of A.
analogy between mass transfer and heat transfer can
Convective Heat Transfer between a Solid Body and
also be used for estimating mass transfer coefficients
a Fluid Stream: The subject of heat transfer has been
in a fluidised bed from heat transfer coefficient corre-
investigated widely and is extensively covered in
lations (Rosner 2000; Bird et al. 2002).
many engineering texts (e.g. Szekely et al. 1976;
Some correlations combine effects of the individual
White 1988; Hagen 1999; Bird et al. 2002; Kaviany
steps, and thus caution must be taken in using corre-
2002; Holman 2010).
lations to recognise the accompanying assumptions.
Let us consider a solid body the surface temperature
In designing a fluidised bed, a Sherwood number cor-
of which is at Ts in contact with a moving fluid stream,
relation with the same assumptions used in developing
which has a bulk temperature Tb. The heat flux from
it must be used. Thus, the Sherwood numbers esti-
the solid surface is related to Ts and Tb according to
mated just for the emulsion phase must be used in
combination with mass transfer between different q = h(Ts − Tb ) (26)
phases, while a Sherwood number correlation for the
overall bed without taking into consideration the indi- where q is the heat flux (rate of heat transfer per unit
vidual features like the bubbling, channelling and dis- area of external surface), and h the heat transfer coeffi-
persion should be used in combination with a cient. As for mass transfer coefficients, in most cases we
6 H. Y. SOHN

have to rely on empirical correlations for the heat not be applicable for chemically reacting systems,
transfer coefficient. especially at low flow rates of the fluid.
The Ranz and Marshall (1952) correlations for heat For correlations of heat transfer coefficients under
transfer is given by different assumptions and in various phases of a
fluidised bed, the reader is referred to literature sources
Nu = 2.0 + 0.6 Re1/2 Pr1/3 (27) (Kunii and Levenspiel 1991; Molerus and Wirth 1997;
Gupta and Sathiyamoorthy 1999).
Moreover, the previously given relationship for jD, the j
Thermal Radiation: At high temperatures radiation
factor for mass transfer [Equation (20)], may also be
may become an important mechanism for heat trans-
used for estimating the heat transfer coefficient by
fer. The rate at which a solid surface emits radiation
assuming that
is given by the Stefan–Boltzmann equation:
jD ≃ jH (28) qR = 1̃s Ts4 (31)
where where qR is the heat flux emitted by the surface, 1 the
emissivity, σ the Stefan–Boltzmann constant, 1.3553 ×
jH = (hL/k)Pr−1/3 Re−1 (29) 10−12 cal/(cm2·s·K4), and Ts the surface temperature in
and k is the thermal conductivity of the fluid, L the absolute degrees. The description of radiation exchange
same characteristic dimension used for mass transfer, between surfaces of irregular geometries is a difficult
and Pr the Prandtl number. problem. For a detailed discussion, the reader is referred
Heat Transfer in packed beds: There are different to the literature (e.g. Sparrow and Cess 1978; White
types of heat transfer phenomena in a packed bed: 1988; Modest 2013). It is noted here that a simple
Heat conduction through the packed solids, heat trans- equation exists for the radiant flux received by a piece
fer between the particles and the wall of the vessel or a of solid in a large transparent space:
tube immersed in the bed, and the other is the transfer q′R = 1̃s(TE4 − Ts4 ) (32)
between the particles and the fluid flowing through
them (Balakrishnan and Pei 1979; Wakao and Kaguei where TE is the temperature of the walls and q′R the net
1982; Naterer 2003). flux received by the solid surface. Equation (32) is in
The heat transfer rate between particles and fluid in many cases a satisfactory approximation for a piece of
packed beds is usually described with a correlation solid in a furnace, among other situations.
equation of the form For combining the effects of radiative and convec-
tive heat transfer, the following procedure is often used:
Nu = f (Re, Sc, geometric factor) (30)
hr = 1̃s(TE2 + Ts2 )(TE + Ts ) (33)
Examples of published correlations include those in
Kunii and Levenspiel (1991); Wakao and Kaguei so that
(1982); Balakrishnan and Pei (1979); and Whitaker q′R = hr (TE − Ts ) (34)
Heat Transfer in fluidised beds: Like mass transfer in Conductive Heat Transfer in Porous Solids: The conduc-
fluidised beds, there are different types of heat transfer tion of heat is described by the following Fourier’s law:
processes: One is heat transfer between the particle qy = −k ∂T/∂y or q = −k∇T (35)
assemblage and the surface of the wall of the vessel
or a tube immersed in the bed, and the other is the The thermal conductivities of gases, liquids, and solids
transfer between the particles and the fluid flowing are well known (Yaws 1995; Weast 1999; Poling et al.
through them such as between particles and interstitial 2001; Bird et al. 2002). In contrast, the conductivity in
fluid; emulsion and cloud phases; and cloud-bubble a porous solid is difficult to estimate. Typically, an effec-
phases. tive conductivity is defined for the entire porous solid.
In the design of a fluidised bed a Nu number corre- There are methods for estimating the effective conduc-
lation with the same assumptions as those in its devel- tivity, as follows:
opment. Thus, the Nu numbers estimated for just the
emulsion phase must be used for heat transfer between (a) The material is made up of a solid matrix contain-
different phases, while a Nu number correlation for the ing closed voids. Thus, the thermal conductivity ke
overall bed without accounting for the individual fea- of a commonly available refractory may be esti-
tures like bubbling, channelling and dispersion should mated by (Francl and Kingergy 1954)
be used together with a heat balance equation that does
ke = ks (1 − 1) (36)
not separately take into consideration these features.
Again, this approach may be suitable for non-reacting where ks is the thermal conductivity of the solid
systems such as heating and drying processes, but may phase, and ε is the voidage.

(b) The material is made up of a continuous fluid Here, the flux is defined in the direction extending
phase and dispersed solid pieces that are in contact from the solid into the bulk fluid.
with their neighbours. The conduction takes place Equation (39) can be simplified as
through the fluid in the vicinity of the contact
(−NA ) = −kmA (CAs − CAb )
points, and the estimation of the effective conduc-
tivity is difficult. = −(1/b)aB rB (drc /dt) (39A)
and similarly for fluid species C
More advanced techniques for estimating the
effective thermal conductivity of a porous solid NC = kmC (CCs − CCb ) = (c/b)aB rB (drc /dt) (39B)
have recently been advanced. An example is that of
We will now illustrate the general procedure for
Wang et al. (2007), who obtained the effective ther-
obtaining the conversion rate in terms of the bulk con-
mal conductivity of a random porous solid by solving
dition for a mass-transfer-controlled reaction. For sim-
the energy transport equation with complex multi-
plicity, we will formulate the problem for the case of c
phase porous geometries. The structure of a porous
= 1 and kmA = kmC. In this case, the conditions at the
solid was generated with a random internal mor-
solid surface are close to equilibrium. Thus,
phology and structure generation-growth method,
and the conjugate heat transfer among different CAs = CAe = CCs /K (40)
phases was solved by applying a lattice Boltzmann
where CAe is the equilibrium concentration of A.
Further, from stoichiometry with c = 1 and kmA = kmC
= km,
Heterogeneous chemical reactions and mass
CAs + CCs = CAb + CCb (41)
Chemical changes in most metallurgical processes Simultaneous solution of the above equations yields
involve heterogeneous reactions, which take place at
CAs = CAe = (CAb + CCb )/(1 + K) and CCs
phase boundaries. Most such reactions are of fluid-
solid type, although liquid–liquid interactions are = CCe = (CAb + CCb )[K/(1 + K)] (42A&B)
important in high-temperature systems involving mol-
Substituting CAs in Equation (39A), we obtain the fol-
ten phases and in solvent extraction. Since the prin-
lowing equation for the conversion rate in terms of the
ciples involved in the coupling of interfacial reactions
known bulk concentrations:
and mass transfer are common to any heterogeneous
interactions, we will use the following type of fluid- drc bkm K
− = (CAb − CCb /K) (43)
solid reactions to discuss how heterogeneous reactions dt aB rB 1 + K
are coupled with mass transfer:
It is noted from Equation (42A & B) that the concen-
A(f ) + bB(s) = cC(f ) + dD(s) (37) tration driving force for an equilibrium-limited, mass
At the fluid-solid interface, the following relationship transfer-controlled reaction becomes
holds: K
    (CAb − CAe ) = (CAb − CCb /K) (44)
molar flux external surface 1+K
of species A area of solid The mass transfer coefficient km is in general depen-
stoichiometric dent on the size of the solid, which in turn may change
× with the progress of reaction.
molar rate of
= (38)
consumption of B Flowsheet based process modelling
Thus, we have, after some rearrangement
Metallurgical plants have many component processes
b(−NA )S = −bSkmA (CAs − CAo ) that are interconnected and usually operate on a con-
= −aB rB (dV/dt) = −aB rB S(drc /dt) (39) tinuous basis. In an industrial process, the conversion
of raw materials into final products requires multiple
where V and S denote, respectively, the volume and steps. Thus, the overall process must be divided into
surface area of the solid object at any time, αB is the individual steps that provide intermediate changes.
volume fraction of the solid occupied by solid reactant These are carried out through heating/cooling, separ-
B, ρB is the true molar density of the solid reactant B, ation/mixing, particle size reduction/enlargement,
and rc is distance normal to the surface of the solid and chemical reactions. Once individual steps have
toward the fluid phase. The subscripts s and b denote, been selected, they must be interconnected to obtain
respectively, the solid surface and the bulk fluid phase. the overall result. Thus, the synthesis of a process
8 H. Y. SOHN

involves two broad activities. First, individual values and conditions are given in Figure 1. As
process steps are selected. Second, these individual shown in Tables 1 and 2, the Reformerless Flash Iron-
steps are integrated to form an overall process that making Process generates 0.98 tonne CO2 per tonne of
achieves the desired result. A flowsheet constructed hot metal, and requires 14.7 GJ of energy per tonne of
from the integrated steps then forms the basis of a molten iron. Compared with the average blast furnace
mathematical model that is capable of describing the process, this carbon dioxide emission level is 39% less
behaviour of the process when it is practiced in the and the energy requirement is 32% less. Economic
full scale. The model requires the operating conditions feasibility was also evaluated (Pinegar et al. 2013b).
for the input feed materials and then predicts the con-
ditions for the products, byproducts, waste streams,
Reaction engineering models
and emissions as well as the yields and energy con-
sumption or generation. This section describes mathematical models for indi-
The availability of large computing power, together vidual unit operations or unit processes within an
with simulation software packages like Aspen Plus overall metallurgical process, typically taking into
(Dyment and Mantrala 2015; Al-Malah 2017), MET- account heterogeneous chemical reactions and mass/
SIM (Pinegar et al. 2011, 2012, 2013a, 2013b), HSC heat transfer. Such models form the basic building
Sim (Coleman and Lamberg 2010; Outotec 2019), to blocks for models for an overall process, which in
name but a few among many others, has made turn are a component of process models for an entire
flowsheet simulation a powerful tool the design, analy- plant.
sis, and optimisation of industrial operations. Since most metallurgical reactions are hetero-
Flowsheet modelling can further serve a basis for geneous and typically involve solids, the discussion
evaluating the economic feasibility of a new process. will start with modelling fluid-solid reactions taking
The reader is referred to the literature for more com- place within a single piece of solid. Heterogeneous
prehensive discussion on this topic (e.g. Spencer and reactions occur at phase boundaries and thus always
Scriba 2008; Pinegar et al. 2011, 2013b; Kennedy 2014). accompany transfer of mass and heat.
Here we will use an example of flowsheet modelling The overall fluid-solid reaction involves a combi-
and economic feasibility analysis of a novel flash iron- nation of the following steps:
making technology (Pinegar et al. 2012, 2013b).
Process Simulation for a Novel Flash Ironmaking (1) Transfer of fluid reactants and products between
Technology: The Flash Ironmaking Technology (FIT) the bulk and the external surface of the solid
was developed as a novel ironmaking technology by particle.
Sohn (2007, 2014) at the University of Utah to over- (2) Diffusion of the fluid reactants and products
come current ironmaking shortcomings. This technol- within the pores of the solid, if the solid contains
ogy is based on gaseous reduction of fine iron ore open porosity.
particles using gaseous fuels/reductants (Sohn 2007; (3) Chemical reaction between the fluid reactant and
Sohn et al. 2009). The process avoids the problems the solid at the fluid-solid interface.
associated with cokemaking and the use of iron ore pel- (4) Transfer of the reaction heat within the solid.
lets or mm-size particles, such as particle fusion, stick- (5) Transfer of heat between the external surface of the
ing or disintegration of pellets. solid and the surroundings by convection and
Pinegar et al. (2011, 2012, 2013a) constructed and radiation.
simulated flow sheets for several versions of this pro- (6) Changes in the structure of the solid due to chemi-
cess using commercially available software METSIM. cal reaction and heat.
A flow sheet for annual iron production of 1 million
tonnes of iron using partial combustion of natural The rate-controlling step depends on reaction con-
gas is shown in Figure 1. In this version, natural gas ditions, and thus the rate parameter obtained under a
is partially burned to generate process heat and a redu- given set of conditions may not be applicable under
cing gas mixture of H2 + CO with the recycling of another set of conditions. Furthermore, there may
unreacted hydrogen obtained after the off-gas goes not be a single rate-controlling step and several steps
through the water-gas-shift reaction and the pressure may have comparable effects on determining the over-
swing adsorption (PSA) process to bleed of CO2. This all rate. The relative importance of these steps can also
mode of the process was termed the Reformerless change in the course of the reaction. Therefore, under-
Flash Ironmaking Process. Summaries of material standing how the individual steps interact with each
and energy balances for a flash ironmaking process at other is important in determining not only the rate-
this production rate are shown in Tables 1 and 2. controlling step under given reaction conditions but
[See Sohn and Olivas-Martinez (2014) for a discussion also whether more than a single step must be con-
on the computation of ‘energy requirement’.] Material sidered in determining the rate over the entire duration
and energy flows for a standard case with the stream of the reaction (Szekely et al. 1976).

Figure 1. Material and energy flows for a commercial-scale reformerless flash ironmaking process producing 1 million tonnes of
molten iron annually. In this flow sheet, BFW stands for boiler feed water; PSA for pressure swing adsorption; and WGS(R) for water-
gas-shift (reactor) [Adapted from Pinegar et al. (2012).]

Table 1. Material balance for the Reformerless Flash Ironmaking Process compared with that of the average blast furnace process
for a plant with an annual iron production rate of 1 million tonnes (Pinegar et al. 2012).
Reformerless flash ironmaking
process BF process
INPUT (tonnes/tonne of hot metal) Natural gas 0.37
Oxygen 0.78 0.68
Iron ore 1.46 (magnetite) 1.43 (hematite)
Flux 0.06 0.29
Nitrogen 2.21
Coke 0.46
Fresh water 2.61
Air 1.61
Total 6.89 5.07
Cooling water 20.8 22.3
OUTPUT (tonnes/tonne of hot metal) Hot metal 1.00 1.05 (contains 4.5% C)
Slag 0.14 0.21
Condensed water vapour in slurry 0.83
Hot water not used 1.87
Steam not used 0.51
Total discharged gas 2.54 3.81
Carbon dioxide 0.98 1.60*
Nitrogen 1.25 2.21
Total 6.89 5.07
Cooling water in slurry 20.8 22.3**
Carbon dioxide from CaCO3 and MgCO3 calcination 0.04
*This number does not include the carbon dioxide emission from ore/coke preparation.

Because the transfer of mass and, in some systems, reaction. The most important group of reactions in
heat constitutes an important aspect of a fluid-solid metallurgical processes consists of those in which a
reaction, the quantitative analysis of the overall solid reacts with a fluid to produce a coherent layer
rate must necessarily take into account the geometry of porous products. Therefore, this discussion will
and structure of the solid before and during the mainly be concerned with this type of reactions,
10 H. Y. SOHN

Table 2. Energy requirements for the Reformerless and hydrogen-based Flash Ironmaking Process compared with that of the
average blast furnace process for a plant with an annual iron production rate of 1 million tonnes (Sohn and Olivas-Martinez 2014).
Flash ironmaking – natural gas Hydrogen Blast furnacea
INPUTb Fuel combustionc 19.22 14.05 13.6
(GJ/tonne Fe) Pelletizing/ Sintering/ Cokemaking 3.01/0.65/2.02
Limestone calcination 0.26 0.26
Total 19.48 14.31 19.28
OUTPUTd Heat recovery 4.77 2.80 1.32
(GJ/ tonne Fe) Total 4.77 2.80 1.32
NET = INPUT – OUTPUT (GJ/ tonne Fe) 14.7 11.5 18.0
Calculated based on material balance following the same procedure as that for flash ironmaking.
All raw materials are considered to enter the system at room temperature (25°C).
Fuel combustion energy input in this case is the heat of combustion of the entire fuel + reductant.
Energy output is the useful heat recovered (plus any heating values which in this case are zero because we considered fully oxidised species) in both flash
ironmaking processes and blast furnace.

which is represented by the following general (DA /d)dp DA kmA dp
equation: Sh∗ ; =
A(f ) + bB(s) = cC(f ) + dD(s) (45) DA
= Sh (49)

gFp (X) ; 1 − (1 − X)1/Fp ;

Reaction of an initially non-porous solid (the
conversion function for reaction control (50)
shrinking-core system)
In this type of fluid-solid reactions, the reaction typi-
cally progresses in a topochemical manner from the
outer surface of the solid towards its interior, as and
shown in Figure 2. The reaction produces a coherent
Fp (1 − X)2/Fp − 2(1 − X)
porous product layer around the unreacted part of pFp (X) ; 1 − ;
the solid, with the chemical reaction taking place at Fp − 2
the sharp interface between the two parts. This shrink- conversion function for (51)
ing-core scheme has been applied to a wide range of pore-diffusion control
systems. Szekely et al. (1976) generalised the results (Sohn and Sohn 1980)
of many investigators and formulated the following
equation incorporating chemical kinetics, pore diffu- ; X 2 for Fp = 1 (51A)
sion, and external mass transfer for three basic geome-
tries of the solid: ; X + (1–X)Ln(1–X) for Fp = 2 (51B)

gFp (X) + s2s [pFp (X) + 4X/Sh∗ ] = t∗ (46) ; 1 − 3(1 − X)2/3 + 2(1 − X) for Fp = 3 (51C)
where Fp is a shape factor (= 1, 2, or 3 for a flat plate, a It can be seen that chemical reaction controls the over-
long cylinder, or a sphere), and all rate when s2s < 0.1 or 0.01 depending on the level
    error that can be accommodated (< 10% or < 1%,
bk Ap CCb
t∗ ; CAb − t (47) respectively). On the other hand, pore diffusion and
aB rB Fp Vp K
external mass transfer control the overall rate [gFp (X)
    becomes negligible] when s2s > 10 or 100. These criteria
k Vp 1
ss ;
1+ (48) apply equally for all geometries of the solid when the
2DeA Ap K
fluid-solid reaction modulus s2s is defined as above.
Other definitions of the modulus have been used in
the literature, but the numerical criteria for the rate
controlling steps then become dependent on the
shape of the solid (Szekely et al. 1976).
Individual forms of Equation (46) have been used for
various metallurgical reactions (McKewan 1960; Kawa-
saki et al. 1962; Themelis and Gauvin 1963; St. Clair
1965; Seth and Ross 1966). This shrinking-core model
is attractive for its conceptual and mathematical simpli-
Figure 2. Reaction of an initially nonporous solid that forms a city. It should be noted, however, that its validity is lim-
coherent layer of porous product (the shrinking-core reaction ited to the reaction of a nonporous solid occurring at a
system). [Adapted from Sohn (1991).] well-defined sharp reaction interface. In general, an

Many reactions can be described by a simple kinetic

expression with m = n = 1 and K1 = K2 = 0 in
Equation (53).
The molar rate of consumption of the solid reactant
per unit volume of the solid is expressed by
rB = b( − ṁA )Sv = b( − ṁA )S◦v · f (w) (54)
where w is the local fractional conversion of the solid
reactant and S0v is the initial surface area per unit
volume of the solid.
The fluxes of gaseous species may for a binary mix-
ture or by using an effective binary diffusivity be writ-
ten as follows:

Ni = −CT Dei ∇xi + xi Nj (55)
Figure 3. Reaction of an initially porous solid. [Adapted from
Szekely et al. (1976).]
The rate of production of fluid species i per unit volume,
improper application of the shrinking-core model to a Ri, is related to the rate of reaction of the solid reactant
porous solid results in an erroneous analysis of exper- through the reaction stoichiometry, as follows:
imental data. Thus, one may obtain incorrect depen- aB rB ∂w
dence of the rate on reaction conditions and physical RA = = −aB (ṁA )S0v f (w) (56A)
b ∂t
parameters such as temperature, reactant concen-
tration, and particle size. The proper analysis of the caB rB ∂w
RC = = caB (ṁA )S0v f (w) (56B)
reaction of porous solids is discussed below. b ∂t
When temperature in the solid changes during the reac-
tion, the conservation of energy is described by
Reactions involving an initially porous solid
rcp = −∇ · q + ( − DH) · ( − RA ) (57)
Many solid reactants are porous, allowing diffusion and ∂t
chemical reactions to occur simultaneously in the porous
Simultaneous solution of Equations (52)–(57) produces
solid. The progress of reaction in a porous solid is illus-
the fluid species concentrations as functions of position.
trated in Figure 3. The reaction in general takes place
The local conversion of solid, w, can then be calculated
throughout the pellet volume, and the concentration of
as a function of time by integrating Equation (54)
the fluid reactant decreases as it diffuses into the interior
together with Equation (53). The overall conversion X
of the solid while reacting on its path. The reaction given
is then obtained by integrating the local conversion
by Equation (45) taking place in a porous solid can be
over the entire solid.
described mathematically by starting with the diffusion
The Grain Model: This model pictures the porous
equations for the fluid, combined with the energy
solid to be made up of fine non-porous grains of a uni-
equation if a substantial heat effect is involved.
form size each of which reacts according to the reac-
The conservation of fluid species per unit volume of
tion-controlled shrinking-core process, as shown in
the pellet (including the pore space) is given by
Figure 4 (Sohn and Szekely 1972; Szekely et al. 1976).
∇ · Ni = Ri ; i = A or C (52) This picture is somewhat unrealistic and restrictive
but gave an early basis for incorporating solid structure
This equation incorporates the pseudo-steady-state in the analysis of fluid-solid reactions in porous
approximation, i.e. the accumulation term can be neg- solids. In addition, this model also provided an early
lected (Bischoff 1963, 1965). basis for more realistic and less restrictive approach to
For fluid-solid reactions in general, the molar rate of the description of fluid-solid reactions, as will be dis-
consumption of the fluid reactant per unit area of the cussed later.
reaction interfaces is given by the following Lang- The generalised grain model developed by Sohn and
muir–Hinshelwood-type equation: Szekely (1972) was constructed for an isothermal reac-
k(CAm − CCn /K) tion with equimolar counter-diffusion or diffusion at
( − ṁA ) = j low concentrations. It was further assumed that the diffu-
1 + K1 CAi + K2 CC
sion in the product layer around an individual grain
A − pC /Kp )
kp (pm n
= (53) offers little resistance to the overall rate. This assumption
1 + K ′ 1 piA + K ′ 2 pC
is valid for small grains but can readily be relaxed (Sohn
12 H. Y. SOHN

under the bulk conditions controls the overall rate

when ŝ < 0.1 or 0.01 depending on the level of toler-
able error (< 10% or < 1%, respectively), and pore
diffusion and external mass transfer control the over-
all rate [gFp (X) becomes negligible] when ŝ > 10 or
The above analysis of the grain model was made for a
constant effective diffusivity. In many fluid-solid reac-
tions, the product solid layer has a substantially different
effective diffusivity than that of the reactant. One of the
simplified methods of incorporating this structural
change is to assign different effective diffusivities to
the completely and partially reacted zones. Sohn and
Perez-Fontes (2010) and Szekely and Sohn (1973)
reported the results of computation for this two-diffu-
sivity system.

Figure 4. The grain model for an initially porous solid. Sohn’s law of additive reaction times
[Adapted from Sohn (1991).]
Based on the conversion-vs.-time relationships for por-
and Szekely 1974). Sohn and Szekely (1972) considered ous and nonporous solids discussed above, Sohn
porous solids in which the pellet and the grains may (1978) formulated the ‘Law of Additive
each have the shape of a flat plate, a long cylinder, or a Reaction Times’. This law states for an isothermal reac-
sphere – nine possible combinations. tion that:

Time required to attain

Time required Time required to attain the the same conversion under
to attain a  same conversion under the conditions + the rate control by inter-grain
certain conversion of rapid inter-grain pore diffusion pore diffusion and external
mass transfer

For systems in which the effective diffusivity

remains unchanged during the reaction, Sohn and Sze-
kely (1972) obtained the following approximate con- or mathematically
version-vs.-time relationship:
t  t(X)|ŝ 0 + t(X)|ŝ 1 (61B)
tg∗  gFg (X) + ŝ2 [pFp (X) + 4X/Sh∗ ] (58)

where  a · g(X) + a · ŝ2 [ pFp (X) + 4X/Sh∗ ] , (61C)

bk Ag CCb
tg∗ ; CAb − t (59) where a is a constant term containing the reaction-rate
rB Fg Vg K
constant.1 In general, the term t|ŝ 0 is related to f (w)
aB Fp k Ag Vp 1 in Equation (54) by (Sohn 2004a, 2004b)
ŝ ;
1+ (60)
2De Fg Vg Ap K
and gi(X ) and pi(X ) have been defined in Equations (50) rB dw
t(X)|ŝ 0 =
and (51), except in this case the g function is defined b( − ṁA )b S0v f (w)
with the shape factor of the grains.
The definition of the generalised fluid-solid reac- rB dw
tion modulus ŝ given above makes the criteria for bkSv (CAb − CCb /K)
0 f (w)
the controlling steps the same as those for an initially 0

nonporous solid and independent of the shapes of = a · g(X) (62)

the grains and pellet (Sohn and Szekely 1972; Szekely
et al. 1976). Thus, the reaction of individual grains in which ( − ṁA )b is ( − ṁA ) at bulk conditions. From
Note that kS◦v in this derivation is equivalent to k·ρB in Sohn [1978].

Figure 5. Graphical representation of Sohn’s Law of Additive Reaction Times. [Adapted from Sohn (1991).]

Equation (46) or (58), the term t|ŝ 1 is given by Sohn and Chaubal 1986; Sohn and Xia 1986, 1987;
Sohn and Baek 1989; Sohn and Wall 1989). The appli-
Vp aB rB Fp 1 cation of this Law by Patisson et al. (2006) and Dus-
t(X)|ŝ 1 = 1+ soubs et al. (2002, 2003a, 2003b) is noteworthy in
Ap 2bDe (CAb − CCb ) K
(63) that it was found to have many advantages over other
× [ pFp (X) + 4X/Sh∗ ] models when modelling a complex reaction system in
= a · ŝ2 [ pFp (X) + 4X/Sh∗ ] a multiparticle moving bed furnace.
It is stressed that this law was developed based on
Figure 5 illustrates how this Sohn’s Law of Additive the reaction modelling of an initially porous solid,
Reaction Times can be applied in general solely based thus providing an example of the benefit of mathemat-
on information on the chemical reaction rate in the ical modelling, even based on simplification, beyond
absence of the resistance due to intra-pellet diffusion describing the reaction of an individual piece of solid.
and that on the rate controlled by intra-pellet diffusion. Furthermore, such mathematical modelling of various
Equations (46) and (58) are examples of the mathemat- types of fluid-solid reactions has enabled Sohn
ical expressions of this law. This law is exact for the (2004a, 2004b) to develop a quantitative theory on
reaction of a nonporous solid that follows the shrink- the effect of equilibrium limitation on fluid-solid reac-
ing-core scheme. It is approximately valid for the reac- tion kinetics and apparent activation energy.
tion of an initially porous solid with a constant effective
diffusivity. In the latter case, the exact solution must in
Development of new process schemes resulting
most cases be obtained by numerical solution of the
from first-principle-based modelling – gas-solid
governing differential equations.
reaction-rate enhancement by pressure cycling
Because it is expressed in the form of a closed-form
equation and explicit in time, Sohn’s Law of Additive A carefully constructed mathematical model based on
Reaction Times is extremely useful in the analysis of first principles not only is useful for designing, analys-
multi-particle systems involving particle size distri- ing and optimising a process but can even suggest the
bution and changes in fluid concentration and solid development of a new, improved process. Gas–solid
temperature. Thus, it yields the instantaneous conver- reactions are, in general, carried out under the con-
sion rate dX/dt as a function of solid conversion (X ) ditions in which pore diffusion of gaseous species sig-
and other conditions. This allows the application of nificantly affects or controls the overall rate. Pore
the solution to systems in which conditions change diffusion is a slow process compared with bulk flow.
with time and/or position in the reactor as long as The pumping action created by the pressure cycling
the temperature within a particular pellet is uniform increases the transfer rate of gas into and out of the
at any given time but may change with time (Sohn solid thereby increasing the overall rate. Sohn and
1978). Sohn (1978) has further shown that this law is Chaubal (1984) theoretically evaluated the effect of
valid for any functional dependences of rate on solid pressure cycling on gas–solid reaction rates. Sohn
conversion. and Aboukheshem (1992) determined the effect of
Sohn’s Law of Additive Reaction Times has been pressure cycling by experiments with the hydrogen
applied to a wide range of fluid-solid reaction systems reduction of nickel oxide and compared the results
and has shown wide applicability and significant with a similar mathematical model written for this par-
advantages (Sohn and Szekely 1974; Sohn 1978; Sohn ticular system. The work by these latter authors will be
and Braun 1980, 1982; Sohn and Kim 1984; described below.
14 H. Y. SOHN

Consider a porous pellet of nickel oxide reacting high permeability and the boundary condition
with hydrogen according to
U = 0, at r = 0 (73)
H2 (g) + NiO(s) = H2 O(g) + Ni(s) (64)
we obtain
which can be written in a general form as 1r ∂P
U =− (74)
A(g) + bB(s) = cC(g) + dD(s) (65) 3P ∂t

A mass balance including bulk flow due to pressure Since

changes on the concentration of the gaseous reactant PA = xA · P, (75)
(A = H2) in a porous solid is described by
Equation (66) can now be combined with Equations
∂CA (71) and (74) to give the following equation in terms
1 + ∇ · (CA V) − ∇ · (DaA CT ∇xA ) + vA
∂t of the mole fraction of the gaseous reactant:
=0 (66)
∂xA 1 ∂ xA 2P ∂xA 1r ∂P ∂xA
= Da P 2 + + − Rg TvA
in which the first term represents the variation of gas ∂t 1P ∂r r ∂r 3 ∂t ∂r
concentration with time, the second term the (76)
pressure-driven bulk flow of the gas, the third term
the dispersion effect associated with the bulk gas flow According to Edwards and Richardson (1968), the dis-
through the solid interstices, and the fourth term the persion coefficient is given by
consumption rate of the gaseous reactant by local 0.5Udg
reaction. Da = De + (77)
An expression similar to Equation (66) can be writ- 1+
ten for the product gas (C = H2O):
The boundary conditions for Equation (76) are
1 + ∇ · (CC V) − ∇ · (DaC CT ∇xC ) + vC
∂t ∂xA
= 0, at r = 0 (78)
=0 (67) ∂r

For Reaction (64), ∂xA

−De = km (xA − xAo ), at r = rp (79)
vc = −vA (68)
and Sohn and Aboukheshem (1992) applied the follow-
and the dispersion coefficients are assumed the same: ing pressure wave:
DaA = DaC = Da (69) P = Po (1 + A′ sinvt) (80)

Summation of Equations (66) and (67) using Equations The local rate of consumption of hydrogen per unit
(68). and (69) yields the following overall continuity volume is related to the local rate of reaction of nickel
equation: oxide as follows:
∂CT vA = −n1o · ∂Y/∂t = n1o · f (Y, pA , pC , T) (81)
1 + ∇ · (CT V) = 0 (70)
in which Y represents the local unreacted fraction of
where V represents the superficial velocity vector the solid reactant.
resulting from the external pressure cycling. The ideal The kinetics of hydrogen reduction of fine nickel
gas law relates pressure and concentration: oxide particles was described by the following nuclea-
tion and growth kinetics (Sohn and Kim 1984; Sohn
P = C T Rg T (71)
and Aboukheshem 1992):
The gas velocity is dependent on permeability. The
mbkxA PY(−LnY)1−1/m
NiO pellets used in this work are sufficiently permeable f (Y, pA , pC , T) = (82)
Rg Tn1o
that pressure is uniform throughout the solid at any
given moment. Substituting Equation (71) into The overall conversion is then calculated by
Equation (70) and considering symmetry in the angu- 
lar directions, 3 rp
X= 3 (1 − Y) · r3 dr (83)
rp 0
∂P ∂P P ∂(r2 U)
1 +U + 2 =0 (72)
∂t ∂r r ∂r Sohn and Aboukheshem (1992) varied the frequency
and amplitude of pressure wave in the ranges, respect-
in which U is the superficial linear velocity in the radial
ively, of 0–20 Hz and 0–0.67 atm. Even with this rela-
direction. Integrating Equation (72) with = 0 for tively moderate level of pressure cycling, the overall

A. Solid–Solid Reactions Proceedings through Gaseous

Intermediates with a Net Production of Gases
(Sohn and Szekely 1973).
B. Solid–solid reactions proceeding through gaseous
intermediates with no net production gas (Sohn
and Kim 1987, 1988; Soepriyanto et al. 1989).
C. Successive gas–solid reactions in which the reactant
gas reacts with the first solid, producing an inter-
mediate gas which in turn reacts with the second
solid (Sohn and Rajamani 1977; Rajamani and
Sohn 1983; Sohn and Won 1985).
D. Staged reaction of a solid with a gas in which the
solid forms a series of thermodynamically stable
intermediate phases: (Sohn and Chaubal 1984).
E. Simultaneous reactions between solid reactants and
Figure 6. Computed rate-enhancement effect of an acoustic fluids (Sohn and Braun 1980; Sohn and Braun
wave (ŝ = 10; 653 K). (- - -) constant pressure of 86.1 kPa (1 1984; Lin and Sohn 1987; Paul et al. 1992).
atm); (—) under acoustic wave [frequency = 100 Hz; ampli-
tude = 6.9 kPa (0.068 atm)].

rate of reaction increased significantly, even when the

effect of pore diffusion was rather moderate (ŝ = 10) Modelling of unit processes
due to the limitations in the apparatus, as shown in In the above sections, the discussion was mainly con-
Figure 6. These authors also showed that the math- cerned with the analysis of reactions taking place in a
ematical model yielded results that agreed well with piece of solid. The eventual objective for studying a single
the experimental results. The pressure cycling is also piece solid is to apply the results to the analysis and design
expected to enhance external mass transfer. of multi-particle systems of industrial importance. The
Based on their experimental and theoretical investi- extension of single-particle studies to multi-particle sys-
gations, Sohn and Aboukheshem (1992) summarised tems will depend on the nature of the particulate assem-
the effects of the external pressure cycling on overall blages, the mode of fluid-solid contacting, and the spatial
gas–solid reaction rate as follows: variation of the fluid properties within the system.
In the previous sections, all the analysis and derivations
(1) The pressure cycling increases the reaction rate were done for the cases in which the bulk concentration of
when the overall rate is influenced by the diffu- the fluid reactant(s) is maintained constant. In practice the
sional resistance. The stronger the diffusional fluid concentration outside a piece of solid tends to vary
effect, the greater the rate enhancement by with the progress of reaction, as in a packed-bed reactor
pressure cycling. or a closed batch system. However, the derivations made
(2) The overall rate increases with the frequency and with constant bulk concentrations are applicable to the lat-
amplitude of pressure wave. ter situation because the fluid phase in the interior of the
(3) The effect of pressure cycling was significant even solid responds to the concentration changes in the bulk
under a moderate pore diffusion effect. Much much faster than the changes in the solid phase. This is
greater effects of pore diffusion are readily pro- related to the justification of the pseudo-steady-state
vided at higher temperatures, where the effect of approximation in fluid-solid reaction analysis.
pressure cycling has been calculated to be much In applying rate data obtained for single solids to
greater. multi-particle systems, the following issues must be
(4) Even a low-amplitude pressure wave like an acous- taken into consideration:
tic wave can significantly increase the rate of a gas–
solid reaction by using high frequency of the wave. (a) Physical nature of the assembly

In the analysis of multi-particle assemblies such as

packed beds, fluidised beds, and flash reactors, attention
Complex fluid-solid reactions
must be paid to the fluid flow in the system. In packed or
The ideas and principles discussed in the previous sec- fluidised beds the heat and mass transfer coefficients are
tions have been applied to the quantitative analysis of affected by the presence of the other particles.
complex fluid-solid reaction systems. Examples are
listed below. The reader is referred to the references (b) Contact time or residence time in the reaction
given in each case for further details. environment
16 H. Y. SOHN

In single-solid studies the reaction time is well-

defined. In most systems involving particle assemblies,
only the average contact time is known and there may
be a spread of residence times for both the solids and
the fluid. With more advanced computational tech-
niques, it has become easier to follow a group of par-
ticles or even an individual particle as they move
through multi-particle reactors.

(c) The effect of spatial variation of fluid composition

In experiments on the reaction of single solids, the

fluid concentration can be maintained constant. The
situation is more complicated in most multi-particle
assemblies, in which the solid particles are in contact
with a fluid at varying temperature and composition.
With the development of high-speed, high-capacity
computers and techniques, complicated processes have
become easier to analyse and model. Examples in the Figure 7. A schematic diagram of the bubbling fluidised bed.
[Adapted from Zhou and Sohn (1996).]
field of metallurgical process modelling are discussed
the following equations:
A. Flash smelting process
−fg,b Ub = dKbe (CAb − CAe ) + fg,b ( − rg,b ) (84)
The flash smelting process is important in the pro- dZ
duction of nonferrous metals from sulfide minerals.
In this process, fine mineral particles are injected into dCAe
and burned in the furnace with tonnage oxygen or −fg,e Ue = dKbe (CAe − CAb ) + fg,e ( − rg,e ) (85)
air enriched with oxygen. The design of a flash-smelt-
ing furnace is complex mainly due to the difficulty of where fg,j is the fraction of the bed volume occupied by
quantifying the turbulent fluid flow, convective heat the fluid in phase j; Kbe is the interchange coefficient
and mass transfer, chemical reactions, and radiative between the bubble and emulsion phases based on the
heat transfer. Modelling of such complex processes in bubble volume; and ri,j is the consumption rate of
which fluid flow is the main component is conveniently fluid reactant i per unit volume of the fluidised bed in
performed by computational fluid dynamic technique. phase j; and δ, the fraction of the bed volume occupied
Modelling of a flash smelting process is discussed in a by the bubbles, is given by (Kunii and Levenspiel 1991),
subsequent section.
⎧ U −U Umf

0 mf
when Ub 
B. Fluidised-Bed Reactors for Fluid-Solid Reactions ⎨ U +U 1mf
b mf
d= (86)

⎪ U0 − Umf Umf
⎩ when Ub  5
Fluidised-bed reactors are often used in metallurgi- Ub 1mf
cal processes, such as the roasting of sulfide minerals
and the gaseous reduction of oxide minerals. In a The following experimentally determined rate
fluidised-bed reactor, solid particles are dragged expression for the chlorination of rutile (Sohn et al.
upward by bubbles and descend by gravity in the emul- 1998) was used:
sion phase, as shown schematically in Figure 7. Par-
ticles may be fed continuously and discharged dr
= −kv (RT)1.29 Cco CCl2 .
0.55 0.74
through an overflow pipe. dt
Zhou and Sohn (1996) investigated the fluidised-bed
chlorination of rutile by CO–Cl2 mixtures, using the Assuming steady state, an overall mass balance of
bubble assemblage model to describe the bed behav- the solid yields (Kunii and Levenspiel 1968; Levenspiel
iour. The model assumes that the solid particles are et al. 1968)
well mixed throughout the bed, but the fluid reactant
concentrations vary with the bed height. rate of solid consumption in
The fluid flowing through the bubble and emulsion F0 − F1 − F2 = size interval rto r + dr
phases exchanges mass between the two phases. The all r in the whole bed
mass balances for the fluid in these two phases yield (88)

and in terms of rate gives,

⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞
Solids solids solids
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎝ entering in ⎠ − ⎝ leaving in ⎠ − ⎝ leaving in ⎠
⎛ ⎞ the feed overflow carryover
Rate of mass consumption ⎡⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞⎤
⎜ in the size interval rto ⎟ solids shrinking solids shrinking
⎜ ⎟ ⎢⎜ ⎟ ⎜ out of the ⎟⎥
⎝ r + drper unit ⎠ ⎢⎜ into the ⎟ ⎜ ⎟⎥
+⎢⎜ ⎟−⎜ ⎟⎥
volume of the bed ⎣⎝ interval from ⎠ ⎝ interval to ⎠⎦
⎛ ⎞
rate of mass consumption a larger size a smaller size
⎜ in the size interval rto ⎟ ⎛ ⎞
=⎜ ⎟ solids
⎝ r + drin bubble phase ⎠ ⎜ consumption ⎟
⎜ ⎟
per unit volume of the bed ⎜ ⎟
⎛ ⎞ − ⎜ due to the ⎟

⎟ = 0.
rate of mass consumption ⎜ ⎟
⎜ in the size interval rto ⎟ ⎝ shrinkage within ⎠
+⎜ ⎝ r + drin emulsion phase ⎠.
⎟ (89)
the interval
per unit volume of the bed (91)
The formulation of the quantitative expressions of the
various terms in the above conceptual balance
equations is described elsewhere (Zhou and Sohn
In the bubble and emulsion phases, 1996).
Zhou and Sohn (1996) carried out batch exper-
iments using a deep fluidised bed. The model yielded
the particle-size distribution and the amount of solids
in the bed as functions of time. The mathematical
⎛ ⎞ model was verified with the results of experiments
Rate of mass consumption
⎜ in the size interval rto ⎟ under conditions in which both the kinetics and
⎜ ⎟
⎜ ⎟ mass-transfer effects play a significant role. In this
⎝ r + drin bubble phase ⎠
way, generally valid verification of the model was
per unit volume of the bed obtained.
⎛ ⎞ Examples of the model predictions compared with
number of particles in
⎜ the interval rto r + dr ⎟ the experimental results are shown in Figure 8 for a
⎜ ⎟
= r⎜ ⎟ (90) feed with a wide size distribution. It is seen that the
⎝ in bubble phase per ⎠
mathematical model yields results that are in good
unit volume of the bed agreement in terms of overall conversion vs. time.
⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞ The calculated results of the particle size distributions
rate of volume
⎜ decrease for ⎟ ⎜yb wP1 (r)dr dV ⎟ in the bed and in the elutriation are given in Figure 9.
⎜ ⎟ ⎟.
×⎜ ⎟ = r⎜
⎝ 4 
⎝ one particle in ⎠ 3 dt ⎠ C. Bottom-gas-injected solvent extraction process
r pr
bubble phase 3
Solvent extraction is used to separate, purify, and
concentrate metal values in aqueous solutions (Ricci
1980; Lo et al. 1983; Blumberg 1988). The widely
used mixer-settler contactor is operated under the con-
In the preceding equations, Fo is the feed rate of ditions of near equilibrium between the organic and
solids with a particle-size density function of Po(r); aqueous phases. However, it has complicated struc-
F1 is the withdrawal rate of solids with a particle- tures of impellers, inter-stage pumping, and piping.
size density function of P1(r); F2 is the Furthermore, its maintenance is difficult, especially
elutriation rate of solids with a particle-size density for the processing of corrosive and/or solid-laden
function of P2(r); ρ is the mass density of solid; yb liquids (Laddha and Degaleesan 1978).
is the fraction of the entire solid present in the A new solvent extraction process without these pro-
bubble phase; w is the solid weight per unit volume blems is the SOHNEX process (Sohn 1997; Sohn and
of the bed; r is the particle radius; and V is the Doungdeethaveeratana 1998). The process uses a
volume of a particle. cylindrical contactor, in which the liquid–liquid emul-
Using the population balance approach, the mass sion is generated by bottom-blowing of gas, as shown
balance of solid in the particle-size interval r to r + dr in Figure 10. The gas jet generates an emulsion of the
18 H. Y. SOHN

mixed reactor. The flows around each plume were

described as recycling plug-flow reactors (Iyer and
Sohn 1994). The model has a single parameter α
(Figure 11), the throughput fraction through a reactor
unit, which was determined by matching the exper-
imental residence-time distribution with the reactor
The residence-time distribution response E(t) of a
plug-flow reactor to a pulse input, applied to the
lower recycling reactor is
E(t) = d(t – tP ). (92)
where δ is the Dirac delta function and τP is the average
residence time in the reactor.
The E(t) of a perfectly mixed reactor to a pulse input
is given by
E(t) = t−1
C exp − (93)
Figure 8. Experimental data vs. model prediction for the
fluidised-bed chlorination of rutile particles with a wide size where τC is the average residence time of the perfectly
distribution. (The feed particle size distribution can be found mixed reactor. The residence-time distribution for the
in Figure 9.) [Adapted from Zhou and Sohn (1996).] recycling reactor in the aqueous phase is
E(t) = a(1 − a)n {d[t – tp –n(tP + tR )]} (94)
where τR is the average residence time of the upper

t − tP
recycling reactor, and n = integer . Consid-
tP + tR
ering a perfectly mixed reactor with a normalised
input function Y(t) such that
Y(t)dt = 1, (95)

the residence-time distribution response to the input

introduced between time θ and θ + dθ is given by

−1 t−u
dE = tC [Y(u)du] exp − . (96)
Therefore, the residence-time distribution at any
time t is

t t−u

E(t) = t−1
C Y(u)e
tc d u. (97)
Figure 9. Calculated particle-size distribution in the bed and
elutriation for the fluidised-bed chlorination of rutile particles. The equations for various combinations of reactors is
[Adapted from Zhou and Sohn (1996).] obtained by combining the responses of the individual
reactors. The residence-time distribution of the first
organic and aqueous phases for rapid mass transfer. recycling reactor unit and perfectly mixed reactor com-
The two liquids then disengage and flow in the oppo- bination is given by
⎧ ⎡ ⎤⎫
site directions before entering another mixing zone. t −t−u
n ⎪
⎨ t−t −

This unit has no moving parts or other internal struc- n−1 ⎢ −tp1 −1 t ⎥
E1 (t)= a(1− a) ⎣ e tC1 Y(u)e C 1 d u⎦
tures. Thus, the process is simple and efficient (Zaidi ⎪
i=1 ⎩ u=0 ⎪

and Sohn 1995).
The fluid flow and mixing patterns in this reactor

were modelled by an ideal-reactor-network model, as t − tP1
where τ = (2i + 1)τP1 and n=integer , with the
illustrated in Figure 11 (Iyer and Sohn 1994). In this 2tP1
model, the plume region was represented as a perfectly assumption of equal residence times in the upper and

Figure 10. Sketch of the SOHNEX solvent extraction process. [Adapted from Sohn and Doungdeethaveeratana (1998).]

Figure 11. Ideal-reactor-network model of the gas-injected solvent extraction process. [Adapted from Iyer and Sohn (1994).]

lower recycling reactors, i.e. τP = τR (Iyer and Sohn A comparison of experimental data with model
1994), whereas that for the recycling section after the results for aqueous-phase residence-time distribution
perfectly mixed reactor is given by is shown in Figures 12–14. There is an overall excel-

n lent agreement between the predicted and the exper-
E2 (t) = a(1− a)n−1 [E1 (t − t)] (99) imental results. The fluctuation in the E(t) value is
i=1 due to the behaviour of the idealised recycling reac-
tor. The recycling reactor output consists of pulses
where τ = τP1 + (2i + 1)τP2 and

at intervals of (τP + τR) (Iyer and Sohn 1994). Even
t − tP1 − tP2
n =integer . for the largest value of α, for which the fluctuation
is largest, the peak time and the average residence
These equations may be repeated for identical sec- time are predicted adequately.
tions along the reactor by using the output from the Iyer and Sohn (1994) developed a correlation for α
previous section as the input to the next section. against the experimental conditions characterised by
20 H. Y. SOHN

Figure 12. Calculated and experimental residence time distri- Figure 14. Calculated and experimental residence time distri-
butions in the aqueous phase of gas-injected two-liquid con- butions in the aqueous phase of gas-injected two-liquid con-
tacting. [α = 0.025. Test conditions can be found in Iyer and tacting. [α = 0.644. Test conditions can be found in Iyer and
Sohn (1994).] Sohn (1994).]

For the organic phase, the model equations are simi-

lar to those for the aqueous phase. The output from the
first recycling reactor and perfectly mixed reactor set is
identical to Equation (99). For the plug flow reactor
unit after the perfectly mixed reactor, the residence-
time distribution is given by

E2 (t) = 0 for 0 , t , tP1

= E1 (t − tP2 ) for t . tP2

These equations can also be extended, as for the aqu-

eous phase, to subsequent identical sections along the
reactor by using the output from the previous section
Figure 13. Calculated and experimental residence time distri- as the input to the next section. A comparison of the
butions in the aqueous phase of gas-injected two-liquid con- calculated with the experimental results for the organic
tacting. [α = 0.225. Test conditions can be found in Iyer and phase is presented in Figure 16.
Sohn (1994).]

a single dimensionless parameter ε defined based on

dimensional analysis:
 2 2
r1 QL1 h1 h2 r2 pdinj
1= 1+ . (100)
rg Qg L h1 r1 4A1

where ρ is mass density, Q the volumetric flow rate, h

the liquid depth, L the distance between the adjacent
gas injectors, A the cross-sectional area perpendicular
to the liquid flow, and the subscripts 1 and 2 denote,
respectively, the aqueous and the organic phases. The
correlation is given by
a = 0.2 log10 1 + 1.623, for 8 × 10−9 , 1
, 2 × 10−5 (101)

The correlation for α was tested for a much larger

unit (1 m diameter and 7.2 m length) to test its applica-
Figure 15. Calculated and experimental residence time distri-
bility for scaling-up (Iyer and Sohn 1994). A comparison butions in the aqueous phase of a large-scale model of gas-
between the experimental and the calculated results is injected two-liquid contacting. [α = 0.181. Test conditions can
shown in Figure 15, indicating good agreement. be found in Iyer and Sohn (1994).]

(2) All the injected oxygen reacts completely with the

molten phases and fuels if used.
(3) The physical suspension of materials from another
molten phase does not affect the minor-element

A. Steady-State Operations

The smelting processes are becoming continuous with

the conditions in the vessel remaining constant with
time. Modelling of minor-element behaviour during a
steady-state operation will be described using the
work of Kim and Sohn (1996, 1998) on copper matte
smelting as an example.
The important impurity elements in copper smelt-
ing are Pb, Zn, Bi, Sb and As (Nagamori et al. 1975;
Kim and Sohn 1996, 1998). Matte is usually made by
Figure 16. Calculated and experimental residence time distri-
a continuous process.
butions in the organic phase of gas-injected two-liquid con-
tacting. [β = 0.601. Test conditions can be found in Iyer and Assuming that all copper in the feed goes into the
Sohn (1994).] matte phase, the following mass balances are estab-
The parameter β for the recycling part of the organic m fd [%Cu] fd = x · mmt (105)
phase was correlated against the experimental con-
ditions characterised by a single dimensionless par- m fd [%Fe] fd = mmt [%Fe]mt + msl [%Fe]sl (106)
ameter γ defined by

 2 2 m fd [%M] fd = mmt [%M]mt + msl [%M]mt /LIII
r2 QL2 h1 h2 r2 pdinj M
g= 1+ . (103)
rg Qg L h1 r1 4A2 + yM
no AM (107)

and the correlation equation is where

b = 0.288 × 10(2.46× 105g), for g M = [%M]mt /[%M]sl

LIII (108)
, 1.4 × 10−6 (104) and mfd, mmt and msl are the mass rates of feed, matte and
slag, respectively; x is the matte grade; yM is the mole frac-
Thermodynamic equilibrium process tion of impurity M in the output gas (= pM /pT ) where pTM

modelling is the sum of the partial pressures of all the gaseous

species containing the element M as defined below; LIII M
Smelting processes operate at high temperatures where
is the distribution coefficient of element M between
chemical reactions are rapid and therefore largely pro-
matte and slag; no is the total molar flow rate of output
ceed near the equilibrium conditions. Kellogg (1967),
gas; and AM is the atomic weight of element M.
Nagamori and coworkers (Chaubal and Nagamori
The effective total pressure of all the M-containing
1982, 1988; Nagamori and Chaubal 1982a, 1982b;
species is calculated by
Chaubal et al. 1984), Itagaki and Yazawa (1983), Ita-
gaki (1986), and Kim and Sohn (1996, 1997, 1998) con- pTM = pM + pM2 + bpMb Od + mpMm On
tributed significantly to the equilibrium modelling of
such processes. Examples of this approach are dis- = (k1,M )i [M]i + (k2,M )i [M]2i + (k3,M )i [M]bi
cussed below. + (k4,M )i [M]ni
Minor-element behaviour in bath smelting of
where i denotes a molten phase and the (kn,M)i are
sulfide minerals
functions of temperature, pO2 and pS2 that are com-
The distribution of minor elements in bath smelting is puted from the equilibrium between the gas and con-
typically analysed under the following assumptions: densed phase i. In copper smelting only M, M2, MO
and MS are significant (Kim and Sohn 1998). Details
(1) A system composed of different phases is at equi- for computing (kn,M)i are given in Kim and Sohn
librium conditions. (1996, 1998).
22 H. Y. SOHN

C. Unsteady-state operations An example of a CFD model of metallurgical processes

is presented below.
Some smelting processes take place in time-depen-
dent batches. The analysis of impurity behaviour in a
transient process, such as the Peirce-Smith converting, CFD modelling of flash smelting and converting
has been performed by Kim and Sohn (1996, 1998). processes
Specific examples of applying the above discussed An important example of a metal production process is
procedure of equilibrium modelling to copper matte the flash smelting process in the production of nonfer-
smelting and converting can be found in the literature rous metals from sulfide minerals. In this process, fine,
(Chaubal et al. 1984; Chaubal and Nagamori dried mineral particles and fluxes are injected into the
1988; Chaubal et al. 1989; Kim and Sohn 1996, 1998). furnace with industrial oxygen or oxygen-enriched air.
The mineral particles are rapidly ignited and burn in
Computational fluid dynamics modelling the turbulent gas jet.
The CFD modelling of flash smelting and convert-
This section discusses the principles involved in com- ing processes is discussed here using the work of
putational fluid dynamic (CFD) modelling and pre- Perez-Tello et al. (2001b) and Hahn and Sohn
sents examples of metallurgical process models based (1990a, 1990b). A schematic representation of a flash
on CFD. This tool allows the simulation of multiphase furnace for the purpose of CFD modelling is illustrated
fluid flow in complicated geometric systems, into in Figure 17. In developing a computer model of a
which other subprocesses such as heat and mass trans- complex process such as a flash-smelting furnace, it
fer and chemical reactions can be incorporated. Indus- is necessary to start by first separating the overall pro-
trial processes have become amenable to more detailed cess into and obtaining good understanding of identifi-
analysis and simulation, thanks to this versatile and able components. These components are then
useful technique. assembled into the overall description of the process.
In traditional metallurgical process modelling, it was An important sub-process in flash smelting is the
possible to incorporate only the simplified aspects of gas-particle reactions, i.e. the oxidation of sulfur and
fluid flow, mixing, and heat/mass transfer into the iron in the mineral particles. To describe the ignition
analysis of process rates and reactor design. As a result, transient as well as the main combustion period follow-
accurate and realistic incorporation and simulations of ing the ignition, information on the intrinsic kinetics of
many aspects of complex processes were not possible. the mineral particle oxidation is needed. This infor-
With the advent of high-speed, high-capacity comput- mation is preferably obtained by carrying out separate
ing devices and technologies, complex processes have experiments (Chaubal and Sohn 1986).
become amenable to more detailed analysis and mod- Sohn and coworkers (Sohn et al. 1988; Sohn and Seo
elling. Developments that exemplify this in the field 1990; Perez-Tello et al. 2001a) carried out experiments
of metallurgical process modelling are discussed in
this section.
The mathematical modelling of complex processes
using the computational fluid dynamic (CFD) tech-
nique requires quantitative description of the coupled
gas-phase transport and chemical reaction rate
equations, i.e. fluid flow, heat and mass transfer, and
reaction kinetics.

Governing equations
The governing equations in a process involving turbu-
lent fluid flow, including heat transfer, given in Section
1 are used in a CFD model. In addition, the following
subprocesses are incorporated into the basic fluid-
flow model when necessary:

. Radiative heat transfer

. Gas-phase reaction kinetics
. Gas-particle reaction kinetics
. Nucleation, growth, and coagulation of particles Figure 17. Schematic Representation of a Flash Furnace for
. Population balance model to describe changes in Mathematical Modelling Purposes. [Adapted from Perez-Tello
particles et al. (2001b).]

Figure 18. Comparison of the calculated and measured results

from a laboratory flash furnace shaft. [Test conditions can be
found in Hahn and Sohn (1990).]

in a laboratory flash furnace under various experimen-

tal conditions. They also verified their CFD model
results against the independent measurements by
other research groups (Hahn and Sohn 1990a), provid-
ing further evidence of the dependability of the CFD
Figure 19. Comparison of the calculated and measured results
model. One can thus use the CFD model with much from an Outotec pilot flash furnace. [O2 (MexOy) denotes the
confidence to describe, analyse, and design the percent of input O2 used to produce metal oxides. Test con-
sulfide-smelting processes. An example is the appli- ditions can be found in Hahn and Sohn (1990).]
cation of this mathematical model to the description
of impurity behaviour (Seo and Sohn 1991), which is
(2) The smelting reaction is largely completed within
an important problem in any smelting processes.
fractions of a second and thus within a fraction
Figure 18 shows a typical comparison between the
of the furnace height typically used for most indus-
model predictions and measurements in terms of the
trial units. There are several reasons other than
SO2 concentration in the gas and sulfur content in
reaction rates for the larger furnace height than
the particles at various positions along the furnace
the calculated value, such as less reactive recycled
shaft (Hahn and Sohn 1990). The overall agreement
dusts and aggregates formed from the feed par-
is adequate. It is of interest that the model satisfactorily
ticles. However, the heights of industrial flash fur-
predicts the location at which the particles ignite. A
naces may, in general, be excessive. This has been
comparison between the computed and measured
verified by a commercial plant when they removed
data obtained by Outotec Co. in their pilot reactor is
the upper 3 m out of the original 13.5 m from their
shown in Figure 19. The upper figure shows the SO2
furnace without any undesirable effects. This work
and O2 concentrations along the axis from the burner,
has also been credited to be a critical factor in
as well as the amount of oxygen consumed in the oxi-
increasing the feed rate into a flash smelting fur-
dation of metal components. The second graph is for
nace, thereby doubling its capacity, without
the case in which the feed gas was preheated. The bot-
increasing the furnace size (Suzuki et al. 1998).
tom graph compares the temperature profiles for these
(3) Many ‘test runs’ can be performed with the com-
two cases.
puter model without the costly and time-consum-
The most significant features of the modelling of a
ing plant tests.
flash-smelting furnace are

(1) By providing a radial velocity component to the

Physical modelling
solid feed at the burner, particles distribute more
uniformly in the furnace, and hence a larger fur- The behaviour of a selected aspect of an industrial pro-
nace volume contributes to smelting. cess, especially one that requires harsh conditions, is
24 H. Y. SOHN

often investigated in a smaller scale at room tempera- . Bottom-gas-injected solvent extraction process, dis-
ture using model materials, typically water, air and/or cussed above in Section 4.6(C): Iyer and Sohn
kerosene. Sometimes, low melting metals are used in (1994); Sohn and Doungdeethaveeratana (1998).
the physical models. Such a cold model is especially
useful for investigating high-temperature metallurgical
systems. The observations in such a model system have Concluding remarks
traditionally been applied to the real process through
similarity analysis by the use appropriate dimension- The principles and techniques involved in formulating
less groups such as the Reynolds number, the Froude mathematical models and how they are useful in the
number, and the Euler (or Newton) number. More design, analysis and optimisation of metallurgical pro-
recently, they are increasingly used as a means to cesses have been discussed. It is noted that a reliable
validate a comprehensive mathematical model of model of a process should be based on first principles
the real process. Such a model is more reliable for and contain carefully studied and understood com-
design, scale-up and optimisation of an industrial ponent steps. The reader is also encouraged to carefully
process. examine the correctness of assumptions made in the
It is worth noting here that a physical model for one formulation of a mathematical model in order to
process may also lead to a development of a new pro- avoid an indiscriminate and erroneous application of
cess in a completely different field. An example is the a model. The use of physical modelling to understand
development of the Sohnex Process for solvent extrac- certain aspects of highly complex processes associated
tion discussed in Section 4.6(C). This process was with harsh conditions has also been discussed. It is
invented by Sohn (1997) while performing a cold pointed out that the interpretation and utilisation of
model study of the QSL leadmaking reactor (Queneau the results from physical models is significantly
1989; Queneau and Siegmund 1996) by recognising improved when they are combined with suitable math-
that the requirements for good contact between the ematical models. Examples of developing new pro-
two liquid phases in QSL while keeping the countercur- cesses based on a first-principle mathematical model
rent arrangement of the two liquid phases are identical or a physical model have also been presented. Finally,
to the requirements in a continuous solvent extraction it is emphasised that reliable results can only be
process. obtained by judicious judgment, careful examination
There are a large number of investigations of phys- of input parameters and assumptions, and laboratory,
ical modelling reported in the literature. Here, only a pilot-plant or plant operating data.
limited number of examples in various groups of met-
allurgical processes are listed:
Disclosure statement
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author.
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. Peirce-Smith converters: Fabritius et al. (2001); ORCID
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. Steelmaking tundishes: Mazumdar et al. (1997);
Rogler et al. (2005); Zheng and Zhu (2006);
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