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Prova 1: Geoffrey Chaucer

1) Geoffrey Chaucer: life

Scegli l'alternativa esatta tra quelle proposte.

Chaucer had very close contacts with [ the royal \ his own ] family.
Chaucer travelled to [ France \ Spain ] and Italy, where he had the chance to study Dante, Petrarch
and Boccaccio.
Chaucer was in charge of very important offices and he was also a [ King's Man \ Member of
Parliament ].
In 1389 Chaucer rented a house at Westminster, where he lived until his death in [ 1400 \ 1404 ].

2) Geoffrey Chaucer: works

Per ogni domanda scegli la risposta che ti sembra esatta tra le opzioni proposte.

a. About 1387-1400

□ French period

□ Italian period

□ English period

b. Greater realism

□ French period

□ Italian period

□ English period

c. Romance styles and subjects

□ French period

□ Italian period

□ English period

d. The Boke of the Duchess

□ French period

□ Italian period
□ English period

e. The Canterbury Tales

□ French period

□ Italian period

□ English period

f. The couplet is used for the first time in English

□ French period

□ Italian period

□ English period

g. The Parlement of Foules

□ French period

□ Italian period

□ English period

3) Geoffrey Chaucer: legacy

Scegli dall'elenco tutte le risposte esatte.


A. □ was a clerk poet.

B. □ wrote anonymously.
C. □ wrote in his native dialect.
D. □ described the English society of his time in his masterpiece.

4) The Canterbury Tales: plot

Vero o falso? Scegli la risposta esatta.

Vero Falso
a. The time setting of the work is summer. □ □
b. There are thirty characters involved, narrator included. □ □
The characters are going on a pilgrimage to Thomas Becket's shrine in
c. □ □
d. On their way, the pilgrims have to tell one story each. □ □
e. A prize will be given to the pilgrim who tells the best story. □ □

5) The Canterbury Tales: frame narrative

Trova e sottolinea gli errori nel testo. Ce ne sono in tutto 4.

The Canterbury Tales has a 'frame narrative', that is a story which includes other stories within it.
The 'frame' is represented by the Big Prologue. Here the pilgrims are introduced by the host. Then
we have the twenty-four jokes told by the different pilgrims, which are the 'stories within the story'.
All these stories are preceded by their own proverb where the narrator expresses ironically what he

6) The Canterbury Tales: style

Scegli dall'elenco tutte le risposte esatte.

Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales

A. □ presents rhyming couplets in ten-syllable lines.

B. □ consists of thirty tales.
C. □ starts with an epilogue.
D. □ moves ably between real and unreal.
E. □ has a strong moral.

7) The Canterbury Tales: characters

Scrivi negli spazi vuoti la risposta che ti sembra esatta.

In The Canterbury Tales Chaucer portrayed the English __________.

Chaucer did not include nobles and __________.
Chaucer described members of the '__________ class' of merchants and craftsmen.
The pilgrims are given __________ which have something to do with their profession.

8) The Canterbury Tales: characterisation

Vero o falso? Scegli la risposta esatta.

Vero Falso
a. Realism is not the main feature of The Canterbury Tales. □ □
b. Chaucer writes in a realistic way, which was new for the Middle Ages. □ □
c. Chaucer observed and selected from what he had around him. □ □
d. Chaucer did not use exaggeration, caricature and satire. □ □
e. The journey of the pilgrims can be seen as an allegory of human life. □ □
9) The Canterbury Tales: themes

Scegli dall'elenco tutte le risposte esatte.

Tick the words and phrases related to the themes of The Canterbury Tales.

A. □ Spiritual journey
B. □ Summer
C. □ Death
D. □ English society
E. □ Rebirth

10) The Canterbury Tales: women

Scrivi negli spazi vuoti la risposta che ti sembra esatta.

Among the characters introduced in the General Prologue there are some women. Women are not
presented in a __________ way. Chaucer stresses the new __________ of women in the society of
the time. In Chaucer's time, there were some very independent women. Chaucer's __________, for
example, worked and earned a salary. In the General Prologue Chaucer shows a genuine
understanding and __________ for women.

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