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This is to certify that the project work on ‘Student

Management system’ –based on the curriculum of
CBSE has been completed by
KARL JOHN SHOY of class XII-A of St. Mary’s Sr.
Sec. School, Mayur Viihar.

The above mentioned project work has been

completed under my guidance during academic year
I would like to extend my sincere and heartfelt
obligation towards all those who have helped me in
making this project. Without their active guidance,
help, cooperation and encouragement, I would not
have been able to present the project on time.
I am extremely thankful and pay my sincere
gratitude to my teacher Mrs. Payal Sahgal for her
valuable guidance and support for completion of this
I extend my sincere gratitude to my Principal Rev.
Sr. Merlin C. J. for the moral support extended
during tenure of this project.
I also acknowledge with a deep sense of reverence,
my gratitude towards my parents, other faculty
members of the school and friends for their valuable
suggestions given to me in completing the project.
My topic for the project is “Student Management system ”

A Student Management system can provide a good picture of the

volume of the students and also student profile details . It can also help
school teachers and other officials to work easy.

It contains two binary files one that contains the details of student
marksheet like name ,class, rollno., and marks.

Other binary file will contain the details of the student profile like name,
phone no. and address , etc.

In order to do the project, I will be using Python. Python is a powerful, easy
to use, object-oriented, high level programming language.

I will be using the file handling feature of Python. I will use Binary Files to
store the Data. Binary files stores information in the form of a stream of
bytes. It is used to read/write data onto a file, using structure like a list,
dictionary or tuple. There is no delimiter for a line and also no translation

As a result, Binary files are faster and easier for a program to read and
write than text files.
Modules used-
To read and write into the files ‘PICKLE’ module will be used. Pickle
module is used for storing data in binary format. We can import this
statement by using import statement.

To open a file in binary mode use ‘b’ in the file access mode.

We use various operations to input, add, and search data in these files.
Some basic operations include: print(),input(),etc.

Pickle module uses some Operations such as:-

dump()-used for writing in binary file opened in write mode.

load()-used to read from a binary file.
Sometimes load() method raises EOFError When end of file is reached
while reading a file. This is handled by 2 methods-

1. Try and except block

2. With statement

Random Access Function: Python provides two functions

that help to manipulate position of file pointer in order to read and write
from desired position in the file.

1. tell() function: returns the current position of file pointer in file.

f.tell() (where f is file handle)

2. seek() function: places the file pointer at specified position., mode) (mode-0,1,2)

USER-DEFINED FUNCTIONS: I also used user-defined

functions within my program to perform to add, display and update data in
my files. The function header stars with keyword def followed by a function
name, round brackets and a colon to mark the end of the header. The type
of functions I used are ‘Functions without Parameters’.

BINARY FILES: I used two binary files, in which I performed

addition, display and updation of data using menu driven files:

1. “crimescene.dat”: It contains the details of the crime scene, data on

eyewitness and the evidence related to the incident.
2. “criminals.dat”: It contains the records of criminals and the status of
their trial.
Although this project is done on a small scale, but with certain
enhancements it can be made to cope up with the daily life challenges

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