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A soldier on the battle for the Philippines, 1945

Sometimes, while slapping away in the jungles there arose the great big "What the hell am I in
this for" — Well — I know now — Regulations prohibit atrocity stories in mail but for unmitigated
brutality — barbarism — cruelty — the Japanese take the grand prize — Every time we enter a
town the Filipinos turn out with tears of joy . . . I’m glad we’ve helped these people and hope we
can drive the enemy out of the Philippines quickly.


Our civilization is founded on the belief that every human life has equal value. What makes each
of us human is our capacity for selfless love, and our sense of duty towards those who are
incapable. Each person has an intrinsic dignity, inherent to themselves, and humans consequently
have to treat one another equally with dignity. With such an intrinsic value, it is hence
unimaginable for a person to take the life of another. Ergo, it is more appalling when hundreds
and thousands of lives were put to an end with barely any consideration towards their intrinsic
dignities. The Battle of Manila in 1945 is a stark example of such disregard towards not only
human life, but the humanity of our countrymen during this grim period of our history.
It resulted in a catastrophic destruction of the capital: landmarks were demolished, bridges were
wrecked, and houses were reduced to ashes. It terrorized the civilian population: women were
assaulted, and men and children were murdered. It is through the lack and eventually loss of
humanity in the Japanese leaders that such a rampage resulted from their decisions and actions.
Much greater than the destruction of public and private property, of economic and cultural
bastions, however, was the destruction of the humanity of the Filipino people. The morale of our
people are as damaged as the structures that make up our cities. Such devastation is not easily
forgotten, especially by the survivors of events such as these. However, it is not our task to forget
this point of our history, but to cherish the lessons that come with it. Being able to see for myself
the places where the Battle of Manila took place shaped my view on such an event, and changed
it forever.
It was, by coincidence or by fate, exactly 10 days before the talk that I was able to visit Intramuros
for the first time in my life. Incidentally, I passed by that memorial, and there was even a banner
commemorating its establishment. As a symbol of the heinous crimes that befell the Filipino
people during this part of our history, it is also a beacon of hope for the humanity left in our
countrymen and ourselves, who are not only surviving, but thriving despite the ruin that war and
invasion caused us. We are reminded through this memorial that we are resilient as a people. We
survived, and we shall continue to survive and grow even stronger.
Such a memorial from the past talking about our invaders lack and loss of humanity reminds me
as an individual, a student who appropriately is Mastering in Humanities, that I must use my
humanity, my humanness and human nature, as well as my freedom for the good. The rampage
in the Battle of Manila only proves to remind us that such a gruesome event in our history is not
enough to destroy the humanity of the entire Filipino people. On the contrary, we must exemplify
the humanity that we have today, in order to revere and preserve that which was lost to our
countrymen decades ago. From their darkest days, we must become a light, a fire burning with
and for the goodness and humanity of the Filipino people.

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