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Realizable Reduction for RC Interconnect Circuits

Anirudh Devgan and Peter R. O'Brien

IBM Corporation, 11400 Burnet Road, Austin, TX 78758,

antee the realizability of the reduced circuit equations. Realizability

Abstract of the reduced-order models has been shown for single-port cir-
cuits[ 13][ 151. Uniform transmission lines can be matched to
Interconnect reduction is an important step in the design and reduced-order non-uniform lumped segments by numerical least-
analysis of complex interconnectsfound in present-day integrated squares techniques[ 171. Techniques for determining reduced models
circuits. Thispaper presents techniquesfor obtainingrealizable and
accurate reduced models for two-port and multi-port RC cimits. for line structures via Gaussian Quadrature through circuit-element
The proposed method is also particularly suitable for interconnect distribution moments are presented in [16].
reductionfor nonlinearcircuit simulation andfor interconnectpost- Realizable model reduction is particularly useful in interconnect
processing in a parasitic extractox The method has two limitations. analysis. In a typical design methodology, various circuit analysis
First, it only considers thefirstf a v moments of the transferfunction; and verification procedures (e.g., static timing, dynamic simulation,
howevel; that is accurate enoughfor RCcircuits. Second,the amount
of interconnect reduction is topologv dependent.Although, most on- noise analysis, circuit checking, power analysis, etc.) are performed
chip interconnect topologies are well suited for the method pro- on the extracted parasitic data. If the model reduction of the parasitic
posed. Accuracy and eficiency of the proposed method is demon- data is not realizable, it produces reduced transfer functions or
stratedfor various realistic examples. reduced state equations and not reduced RC circuits. Hence, all
downstream circuit simulators and associated programs have to be
1. Introduction modified to handle reduced-order equations. Realizable reduced
models are even more useful when both linear and nonlinear parts of
Interconnect effects are critically important in the design and ver- the circuit have to be analyzed together. Furthermore, several circuit
ification of integrated circuits. On-chip interconnects are typically analysis programs (like circuit checking) only work if the input is in
modeled by linear resistive (R) and capacitive (C) elements. For glo- form of an RC circuit.
bal nets (i.e., nets connecting one macro to another macro) the inter-
connect delay can typically be much greater than the logic delay. Apart from realizability, another significant problem in intercon-
Even among nets within a macro, the interconnect delay can consti- nect analysis is the large number of ports. For example, RC circuits
tute a significant portion of the path delay (i.e., typically up to 25%). originating from clock and power distribution networks may have
hundreds of ports. For onchip interconnects, addressing the need for
Model reduction takes an original linear circuit and reduces it to an increase in number of ports is often more important than increas-
a much smaller linear representation while maintaining much of the ing the order of the approximation. On-chip interconnects do not
circuit performance. Model reduction has been area of considerable require a large number of moments to produce: accurate results.
research over the last several years, with lot of the work originating However, they often do have a large number of ports. Model reduc-
from Asymptotic Waveform Evaluation (AWE) [I]. AWE computes tion of these circuits will yield a dense reduced-cader model which
the moments of the original circuit and then matches these moments can be prohibitively expensive to analyze in downstream circuit
to a reduced-order transfer function using Pade approximation. anal sis tools. The matrix factorization of a dense matrix is order
Along with the moment matching techniques, AWE, and later O(nY ) ,whereas the matrix factorization of a sparse matrix is order
RICE[4], proposed an efficient way of computing the circuit O ( n ' ' 5 ) .For the case of circuits with a large number of ports, the
moments by repeated DC solutions. The repeated DC solutions to simulation with reduction may often take longer than simulation
compute moments causes the accuracy of the moments to decrease without reduction.
as the number of moments increase. Several techniques, notably
using Krylov-subspace methods [3][6][7][8], were developed to This paper presents realizable model reduction and linear circuit
partitioning techniques to address the problems discussed in the pre-
increase the accuracy of the model reduction procedure. Krylov-sub-
space methods can match a much higher number of implicit vious two paragraphs. A multi-port circuit is first partitioned into set
moments yielding to much higher accuracy. These techniques are of two-port circuits. This partitioning maintains the spatial sparsity
also more suitable for analyzing the frequency response of linearized of the original circuit. Each two-port circuit is then reduced to equiv-
analog circuits. Block Krylov-subspace methods were developed to alent and realizable RC circuit. Instead of assuming a transfer fimc-
handle multi-port circuits, however these methods typically work tion or state equations as the model for the reduced system, a
well only when the number of ports is less than ten. Krylov-subspace representative RC circuit is assumed as the model for the reduced
methods match the original circuit to a set of state equations that system. The model reduction procedure consists of computing R and
describe the reduced circuit. However, the reduced-order state equa- C element values for the assumed reduced-order circuit. Closed-
form expressions are derived to compute the element values. The
tions may not be passive or realizable. Techniques in [I41 and [6]
realizability and passivity of the reduction procedure is proven.
extend the Krylov-subspace methods to guarantee passivity of the
reduced-order state equations. However, these methods do not guar- Interconnect reductions of each two-port circuit are reconnected to

0-7803-5832-5/99/ 810.00 Q 1999 IEEE 204

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yield the final reduced circuit. This procedure works exceeding well
for most on-chip interconnects. The procedure presented in this paper
does not handle coupling capacitors.
Moments of the transfer function need to be computed for each Port 1 I_ 1_ port2
two-port network. The moments can be computed by setting appro- cl 7' I-
priate excitation and by performing matrix factorization[ I ] . The w
I w
moments can also be computed by a linear-time path tracing tech-
nique, which is more efficient for large original circuits. Figure I Reduced RC circuit model.
The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 presents the realiz- 2.1. Computing the RC values for the Reduced Model
able model reduction procedure for two-port circuits. Circuit parti-
The transfer function of the original circuit can be expanded into
tioning into a set of two-port circuits is described in Section 3. Results
its moments
for representative industrial circuits are presented in Section 4, fol-
lowed by Conclusions and Future Work.

2. Reduction Procedure
The behavior of any two-port circuit can be completely described The first two expansion terms of the transfer function are used to
by its transfer function matrix, Y ( s ). Let I, be the current into port compute the element values of the reduced circuit. The first two
1, V , be the voltage across port 1, I , be the current into port 2 , and expansion terms contain eight moments. However, the following
V , be the voltage across port 2. The transfer function can be written relationships among these eight moments are always true:
( Y , , ) o = (Y22)o = -tYl,)O = -tY21)0>0
(Y12), = (Y211,
( Y l l ) , > O , ( Y 1 2 ) , > ; , (Y22I1>O
( Y , , ) , ( Y 2 2 ) 1 - ( Y 1 2 ) ,> o
Traditional reduction procedures model the exact transfer func- Given these relationships among the first eight moments, there
tion, Y ( s ) ,with an approximate transfer function, Y ( s ) . The com- are only four truly independent moments in Equation (2). The first
putation of moments (explicit or implicit) of the original circuit is the independent moment is ( Y , , ) ~ from . the zero-order term, and it is
first step in the reduction procedure. These moments are then simply the inverse of the effective resistance between the two ports
matched to an assumed model to get the reduced circuit equations. with all capacitors open-circuited. Three additional independent
The reduced model is usually another set of statekquations or another moments are ( y l , ) ,, ( y Z 2 ),and , ( y I 2 ) ,from the first-order term.
transfer function. Hence, it is difficult to convert these reduced circuit These three first-order moments each have the dimension of capaci-
equations to a realizable circuit. For realizable reduction, it is better tance, and they are each equal to weighted sums of capacitances in
to assume another smaller RC circuit as the reduced model. The pro- the original two-port circuit. Define a dimensionless variable xk at
posed reduction procedure consists of computing the numerical val- every node k in the original two-port RC circuit as follows: Xk is
ues of the elements in the assumed RC circuit. the resultant voltage when a unit voltage source is applied at port 2
The choice of the reduced RC circuit is an important part of the with port 1 grounded and all capacitors open-circuited. Thus,
Xk = 0 at port 1, Xk = 1 at port 2 , and x k equals some intermediate
realizable reduction procedure. The reduced RC circuit should share
the same properties as the original RC circuit. For the case of on-chip value at each internal node. The moments ( y , , ) ,, , and
interconnects, the following assumptions can be made for the original ( Y , ? ) ~are each equal to weighted sums of all capacitances in the
RC circuit: original two-port RC circuit, where the weighting factors are given
2 2
respectively by ( 1 - x k ) , xk , and xk( 1 - x k ) . The total capaci-
The original multi-port circuit has been partitioned into set of tance of the original two-port RC circuit is equal to
connected two-port RC circuits. (Y,,)~+ 2 ( y 1 2 ) ,+ ( Y ~ ~ The ) , . Elmore delay from port 1 to port 2
Each two-port RC circuit has no DC path to ground. is equal to [ ( y 1 2 )+, ( y 2 2 ) l ] / ( y 1 1 ) oand , the Elmore delay from
Each two-port RC circuit has a DC path from one port to its port2toport 1 isequalto [CY12), + ( Y I I ) , I / ( Y ~ ~ ) ~ .
other port.
The assumed reduced-order circuit in Figure 1 has five elements
Most on-chip interconnects exhibit the above mentioned proper- (three resistors and two capacitors). The circuit elements are rewrit-
ties and partition nicely into set of two-port circuits. Given this set of ten in terms of four independent variables. A single dimensionless
assumptions for the original circuit, the circuit shown in Figure 1 is parameter k is introduced that relates the values of the two capaci-
chosen as the reduced circuit. Realizable reduction is possible if one tors. Alternatively, the capacitor values are written as
Compute the values of circuit elements (R l . , R , , R , , C , , C , = ( I - k ) C and C2 = ( 1 + k ) C . (3)
C, ) from the moments of the original circuit. For the reduced circuit to be passively realizable, the following
Demonstrate that all circuit element have positive values, i.e., conditions must be true:
R I > ? , R 2 > 0 , R , > O , C , > O and C 2 > 0 .
R 1 > 0, R , > 0, R 2 > 0


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c>o 3. Linear Partitioning and Spatial Latency
Linear circuit partitioning is essential during model reduction. A
The parameter k may be viewed as a “realizability parameter” general multi-port circuit is partitioned into a set of two-port circuits.
since only a range of values for this parameter will yield a realizable Partitioning into a set of two-port circuits maintains the spatial
circuit. The parameter k is not an independent variable. It is consid- latency of the original circuit. If circuit partiti0nin.gis not performed,
ered to be a fixed value during moment matching, so that the number traditional model reduction will yield a dense reduced circuit. Once
of truly independent circuit variables and the number of unique the original circuit has been partitioned into twoport segments, the
moments are both equal to four. Later, it will be shown how a value model reduction technique described in Section 2 is applied to each
for k can always be chosen ahead of time to guarantee realizability individual two-port segment. Often, each individual two-port seg-
and passivity of the reduced circuit. ment in the partition may correspond to a line sbucture in the origi-
The four independent moments of the original circuit from Equa- nal multi-port circuit, but this is certainly not ti requirement. The
tion (2) are symbolically matched to the corresponding moments of model reduction technique described in Section 2 works equally well
the reduced circuit in Figure 1. This set of equations can then be sym- for a two-port segment that is not a line (e.g., it may contain loops).
bolically inverted to solve for R I , R2 , R, and C in terms of The final reduced circuit is obtained by recombining the individual
@ l l ) o , olll)l, 0 1 1 2 ) 1 , (y?2II ,andthefixedparameter k.Thefo1- reduced circuits.
lowing expressions are obtained for R I , R2 , R, and C : It should be noted that interconnect partitioning schemes can also
be used in conjunction with previous model reduction procedures.
However, the resultant reduced circuit may not b’erealizable.

2 E 4. Results
The efficiency and accuracy of the reduction procedure is illus-
trated through various industrial examples.

(Percentage Error)


cktl I 6 1 33.3% I -0.45% I 1.62%

- ckt2 10 60.0% -0.80%

ckt3 32 76.92% -0.17%
The next step is to demonstrate how to compute,a value of k ckt4 65 81.13% -0.03%
which guarantees realizability. By examining the numerators of I ‘I

expressions for R I and R 2 , two boundary values for parameter k I ckd I 152 I 95.52% I -0.19% I 0.94% I
can be computed

I .87%

k2 =
D-(cy,z), +cvll),)2 I cktlO I 5924 I 99.74% I -0.23% I‘
0.73% I I
((YlZ), +cvII),)2+D *
I cktll I
10211 I 99.85% I 0.09% I 1.17% I
When k = k, , R I is zero. When k = k 2 , R2 is zero. Any Table 1 Reduction percentage and timing accuracy for the
choice of k in the range k, < k < k1 yields a passively realizable proposed method.
reduced-order circuit model, since it can be shown that the relation-
ship -1 < k, < k, < 1 always holds. In the reduction procedure, we Table 1 shows the amount of reduction and the accuracy of the
choose the average value: model reduction procedure. Circuits denoted by ckt5, ckt8, ckt9, and
cktl 1 also have loops. The accuracy is defined as a percentage error
k, -- k,-. +k2 (7)
in the circuit waveforms between the circuit with no reduction and
2 the circuit with reduction. The accuracy data shown in the table are
Or, expressed in terms of the original circuit moments: worst-case errors for the set of all primary inputs and primary out-
puts for a given circuit. As seen from Table 1, the proposed method
tcv22)~--cvl1),It(Y,l), +2cv12), +dY22)]1 provides high reduction percentage (from 33.3% to 99.85%) with
k, = * (8) very high accuracy (with the worst case delay error being -0.80%,
t(0112), +cv22)1)2 + ~ l t ( c v 1 2 ) 1+ c v 1 , ) , ) 2 +Dl and worst case slew error being 3.65%). As expected, the model
reduction procedure works better for larger circuits.


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6. References
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original circuit are computed through a linear-time path tracing
method. .-
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ckt5 152 0.16
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cktll I 10211 I 23.09 I 0.54 I 0.11 I [I51 R.W. Freund and P. Feldmann, “Reduced-Order Modeling of Large
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Table 2 Efficiency of the model reduction procedure.
[I61 K. Nabors, T.T Fang, H-W Chang, K.S. Kundert, and J.K. White,
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[171 A. B.Kahng and S.Muddu, “Optimal Equivalent Circuits for Intercon-
5. Conclusions and Future Work nect Delay Calculations using Moments:’ Proceedings of IEEE Euro-
DAC, 1994.
Realizable interconnect reduction techniques for on-chip RC
interconnects have been presented in this paper. The original circuit
is first partitioned into set of two-port circuits to maintain the spatial
sparsity of the reduced model. Each two-port circuit is matched to a
reduced RC circuit, instead of reduced state equations as in previous
techniques. Efficient closed-form expressions are derived for compu-
tation of the element values of the reduced RC circuit. Efficiency and
accuracy of the reduction technique has been shown for various
industrial circuits. Future work includes modifying the proposed
reduction procedure to handle interconnect circuits which contain
coupling capacitors.


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