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Name: Edwin Giovanny Guacaneme


For me, learning, managing and practicing English is fundamental because it is a

language that opens up miles of opportunities for the world. The first thing I think of
when I hear the word English is my education. I am a very curious person. For this
reason, I like to investigate and learn new topics and to know what happens
around me, I am in constant intellectual growth and in most universities a basic
level of English is required to enter any of their programs, doctorates or
specializations. There are even studies that say that about 56% of Internet sites
are published in English, the second what comes to mind is my career as a
professional, work opportunities will multiply as soon as the language is mastered,
English It is a very useful language in any area, as it is the language used in
business all over the world.

And if all goes well with the previous points, having the opportunity to travel to visit
different countries, a good reason to practice what you have learned. I believe that
if an English study trip abroad is the best way to learn and practice, get to know a
new culture and interesting people, visit incredible places and, in general, enjoy a
once-in-a-lifetime experience. open the doors to a better quality of life, jobs inside
and outside the country. They need expansion, connections with other companies,
and if workers are well prepared to meet these challenges, they will be able to
achieve successful businesses and actually be more productive.

On a personal level, my experiences to this day have led me to understand the

importance of listening to others, and learning from them. I think that the wisdom of
overcoming you ask, research on any topic that raises doubts and stay with the
basics, but go further. My strongest strengths are the ability to work quickly and
accurately, focus for long periods of time and be open to the opinions of others, I
like it Be analytical, pay attention to every detail, apply logic to solve problems.
After leaving school, I had to take a break from my academic studies, duties due to
somewhat difficult family situations, and I postponed my studies, but as the years

passed I realized that it was necessary to resume my studies, that it was not too
late to fight for my dreams and that I had to set an example of improvement to my
children, so I enrolled in SENA and began my technological training in a virtual
way, in my spare time I did English courses also in the virtual platform of SENA,
My experience There, showed me that to carry out a purpose , I had to give my
best every day and not diminish in the face of adversity and I decided to continue
strengthening my studies, I discovered that I was prepared to face new challenges,
in terms of my work experience I work in an insurance company where I work as a
secretary, there I perform basic functions such as making reports, answering calls,
the best job The discharge for this company is that they support their staff to
continue their professional career and move up from position Within the company a
basic level of English is required, there is I have learned a lot of vocabulary,
developing conversations, writing documents in a foreign language.

I am really interested in being part of the program offered by the university because
it is one of the best qualified in the country, it has excellent facilities and the most
important thing is its curriculum is magnificent it sticks to everything I am looking
for, I am sure that I can successfully develop the activities that are handled in the
training, in addition to giving my experience and willingness to reach the initial goal.

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