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Assignment 1

I. Determine whether the following arguments are best interpreted as being inductive or
deductive. Also state all the criteria you use in reaching your decision.

1. On the inside surface of this gold ring some small print reads “14k”. Therefore, the ring
must be made of 14karat gold.
2. When a cook can’t recall the ingredients in a recipe, it is appropriate that she refreshes
her memory by consulting the recipe book. Similarly, when a student cannot recall the
answers during a final exam, it is appropriate that she refresh her memory by consulting
the text book.

II. Try to determine whether an argument is offered or the passages are given for some other
purpose. Identify the premise and conclusion if the passage is an argument.

1. The human mind is not the same thing as the human brain. The human body, including
the brain, is a material thing. The human mind is a spiritual thing. Nothing is both a
material thing and a spiritual thing.
2. Since women tend to live longer than men and on average earn less than men and have
less pension coverage than men, women need to invest more for retirement.
3. Ordinary things that we encounter every day are electrically neutral. Therefore, since
negatively charged electrons are a part of everything, positively charged particles must
also exist in all matter.
4. Since Peter the Great, there has been a long, distinguished list of non-Westerners who
have sought to bring the ideas of the West to their countries.
5. President Nixon resigned because of the scandal associated with the Watergate break-in
and his desire to avoid impeachment.

III. Describe a situation (if any) in which the conclusion of each of the following arguments
could turn out to be false even though the premises are all true.
1. Every senior can register for this class. Sally is not a senior. Sally cannot register for this
2. Every student admitted to this college has the ability to perform well in college classes.
You have been admitted to this college. Thus, you will perform well in this logic class

IV. If we define a deductive argument as one in which it is impossible for the conclusion
to be false if all the premises are true, which of the following sentences are false?

i. A deductive argument can have a false premise.

ii. A deductive argument can have a false conclusion
iii. A deductive argument can have all false premises and a false conclusion.
iv. A deductive argument can have all false premises and a true conclusion.
v. A deductive argument can have all true premises and a false conclusion.
vi. A deductive argument can have one false premise, several true premises,
and a false conclusion.
vii. A deductive argument can have one true premise, several false premises,
and a true conclusion

V. Identify first the type of the argument and evaluate

1. If James is a secret agent, then he is licensed to carry a gun. James is not a secret agent,
so he is not licensed to carry a gun.
2. All strawberries are fruit. All strawberries are plants. It follows that all fruit are plants.
3. If Leo went swimming, then he is at the lake. Leo is not at the lake. Thus, Leo did not go
4. Dawit was born before 1989. Jemal was born before 1959. Thus, Jemal was born before
5. Most antibiotics are effective for treating bacterial infections. You have a bacterial
infection. You are taking the antibiotic Q. Thus, the antibiotic you are taking will be
effective in treating your bacterial infection.

6. If Mary stayed home from work, then her car is in the garage. Mary’s car is in the garage.
Therefore, Mary stayed home from work.
7. All skateboards are items made of wood. All items made of wood are flammable objects.
Therefore, all flammable objects are skateboards.
8. Senait tossed a coin ten times, and in each case it came up heads. Therefore, the next toss
will be tails.
9. Senait tossed a coin ten times, and in each case it came up heads. Therefore, the next toss
will be heads.
10. If animals have rights, then animals can vote. Animals have rights. Therefore, animals
can vote.

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