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Lesson Plan for a General English student who wants to travel to an English-speaking

country. This lesson will cover the language for ‘Asking and Understanding Directions’


Share a link to a demo video on Asking for and Giving directions-

Look out for expressions such as-

Would you mind telling me?
Could you please guide me?
How can I get to?

Vocabulary to understand-

Directional expressions to understand-

Go Straight ahead
Turn around the corner
Go Along the street
Go over the bridge
Go past the bank

Ask the student to watch the video and obtain a visual understanding of the above words
and phrases.


Activity 1: 5 minutes

Greet the student and exchange pleasantries. Ask them how their travelling plans are
coming along. Once the student has spoken about their planning, ask them if they got the
chance to look at the video that you shared. Get them to talk about what kind of challenges
they faced in understanding the video.

Activity 2: 12 minutes

Present your screen and play the video again. As and when the important words and
phrases come up in the video, elicit their meaning from the student and help them if they
are facing any difficulty in expressing them. Use miming when necessary.

Activity 3: 10 minutes
The student can practice asking the questions. Encourage them to think about possible
situations they can find themselves in and prompt them to ask questions on directions. In
this stage, also look out for any pronunciation or intonation improvements they can make in
their speech.

Set the after class activity.


Ask the student to write a report with the new vocabulary and directional phrases learnt,
using drawings of the same. For example, to understand an “Intersection”, the student
could draw a drawing with four lanes in four directions and circle the point of intersection in
it. For the directional phrase “ Go along”, a drawing could be made with a lane and arrows
can be used to describe the direction along the lane. The student needs to do this for all the
new language learnt in the class today.

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