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Shiva Mudra with explanations.

Shiva is the symbol of self-liberated mind, that

defeated all its faulty qualities.
Mudras in this video are useful for meditation on Shiva- the Master of Yoga.
Articles, Gallery…Meditation, Yoga, Dharma, Buddhism)
Full Shiva Mudra sequence
- 0:22 Mudra of Trident (Shiva's weapon)
- 1:15 Destruction of Ignorance
- 1:45 Destruction of Insatiability
- 2:03 Destruction of Ill Wil
l- 2:22 Lord Shiva, the Master of Yoga, has a weapon- a Trident. With this
trident, He destroys 3 citadels of 3 Demons: -Ignorance -Insatiability -Ill Will
When destroying ignorance, Lord Shiva takes for of a Lingam, that is like a
flame of a candle. When destroying insatiability, Lord Shiva takes for of a
Lingam inserted in Yoni (in this case- the Heart).
When destroying ill will, Lord Shiva takes form of a Lingam surrounded by aura
of light.

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