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banner :

1. The purpose of the banner ad is to promote the brand and they are Promoting discount ice cream in
their shop

2. contains information or slogans that are large in size and don't need to read someone who sees it
already knows like it's drawn buy one get one free

3. usually use paper made from albatross. This is because albratos paper has a good quality material
when placed indoors. Not only albatross paper, banners can also use PVC paper that is rigid and tear-
resistant. and usually contains simple sentences to convey the message

poster :

1. The main function of a poster is to capture a moving audience with a message

2. posters consist of titles, graphics, text, and spaces. and bright colors

3. The poster consists of a large sheet of paper and is given a simple and attractive message
pamhlet :

1. Pamphlet is a sort of booklet which is not bound. It may only consist of a single sheet printed on both
surfaces. The uses of pamphlets usually are for marketing various products and also for the
dissemination of social or political information.

2. Authors present text and images in an organized fashion to communicate a clear message

3. a piece of paper that cannot be bound and can be folded containing the title, body text or intent of
the pamphlet and a contact person

leaflet :

1. Leaflet is printed sheet with different sizes of papers. It can be either of A4, A5 or A6 size, where A6 is
the smallest one. Leaflet is not that explanatory than brochure. Its font size is small, so that the brief
information can be written in the appropriate form. The reason of their small size is that they can be
easily handed over to anybody. Though its sizes are small, its main focus is to grab the reader's
attention. Leaflets texts are usually small and are expected to be clear. Leaflets should be the way that
persuades readers to buy a product, or take action.
2. A leaflet is a small sheet of printed paper that puts across a short message clearly and concisely.
Businesses use leaflets to advertise their products and services. They're often also used to let people
know about new stores, special offers and events

3. Title: the name of products or service offered in brochure. Contain: the information given about the
products or service offered in brochure. Contact person: name, address, or phone number person to
find out more information about something that’s offered in brochure. Specific text: brochure usually
succinct in languange and eye-catching in design, and usually using a headlines.


1. a large billboard found in many cities and on the highway that aims to promote a product

2. have a clear and concise message and a big picture of the product

3. For assessment purposes, billboards are grouped into four structural categories
based on the building materials used and the underlying support system. The four
categories, or classifications, include: wood, steel frame, multi-mast steel, and

1. Brochure is a publication consisting of one folded page, or several pages stitched together but not
bound, used mainly for advertising purposes

2. Only once published. Made as attractive as possible in order to attract a public attention. Distributed
separately by the maker of a brochure. Has a beautiful design

3. product title, content or description of the product and use an attractive design and easy-to-digest

flyer :

1. A flyer is a form of paper advertisement intended for wide distribution and typically posted or
distributed in a public place, handed out to individuals or sent through the mail

2. Both wording and design should be exciting enough to attract attention, but should also be plain
enough to easily read and quickly recognize what the subject matter is about

3. flyer in the form of one sheet of A4 size paper without folds with promotion printed on one side

1. The Booklet function is as complete information, and detailed content in the booklet creates the
perception of all consumers more positively. Consumers believe in the promotion of products from the
company, and they will eventually think if the product or company is indeed good and matches the
willingness of consumers.

2. A Booklet is a small bound book that has a paper cover and a limited number of pages. As you would
expect from its name, a booklet is generally smaller in size than most books. For example, 5.5" x 8.5" is a
very popular size for a printed booklet.

3. A booklet cover has four pages, which are called front outside, front inside, back inside and back
outside covers. Some thick booklets and books also have a spine, which is the part you see then looking
at a book stored in bookshelf.

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