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Tell us a little about yourself – Name and where you are from.

Hi everybody. Today I will talk about me, so that you know me a little more.
my name is david oscar, i am from of Cusco city in peru.
I am 38 years old, I studied mathematics at the university of my city. Also, I studied specialties related to training such as physical
education and sports, dance fitness, yoga, Pilates, spinning, sports bodybuilding, functional training, sports nutrition and other
my hobbies are: exercising to maintain a healthy physical condition, reading, dancing, writing, watching movies and eating.

Describe your experience in the fitness industry?

My experience in the fitness industry began 12 years ago, previously I have been an athlete since I was 10 years old.
I started in a small gym here in my city, as a junior instructor, here in Cusco the culture of fitness was not yet so fashionable, but
it was necessary to learn and study more if I wanted to earn more money, so I started studying and even now I'm always looking
for a way to update myself.
I worked in the gold gym and smart fit, both are transnational companies, I worked in local gyms, in some educational institutions
and municipalities as a physical trainer

Tell us about your training philosophy?

I believe that channeling your energies properly helps yourself to maintain a positive attitude in the face of circumstances that
contravene the position in which you find yourself. consequently you inspire others to act in a similar way.
When I was a child, I was very hyperactive, my mother decided to always keep me doing something, she enrolled me in different
activities of summer courses, I did cycling, swimming, boxing, karate, music.
and so on.
at school I participated in soccer, basketball, volleyball; That is reason now I consider that it is necessary to focus energies in a
positive way, which means that we could obtain good results for our projects that we wish to carry out.
and physical activity is a great source of motivation to start changing or improving a lifestyle

How do you keep clients motivated and engaged?

First, I have to keep their objective in mind all the time and I constantly remind them, I set short-term objectives for clients, and
gradually I increase them new objectives, once they feel they have made it, I make them feel that they are not It is so difficult.
I motivated them that a new lifestyle will be much more satisfying in their day-to-day performance.
Obviously, I have to show the same attitude with myself as well

What do you see as your greatest strength?

I consider that strengths and weaknesses are inspired by our environment, in my case my family is.
But if I have to explain in a context exclusively of personal training, I believe that my greatest strength is that I like to take risks to
learn, I like to take on new challenges, that makes me feel like a discoverer of new worlds.
keep learning and know different contexts is what I like to show, so that others see that it is possible.

What do you see as your greatest Weakness?

my greatest weakness is that I am too sensitive or touchy, even more so when I see that my family may be affected.
I move easily and that may be a reason for people to take advantage of me.

How did you find out about OneSpaWorld?

I was looking for job opportunities abroad on the internet, when an advertisement appeared on Facebook inviting to belong to a
prestigious company called OneSpaWorld, I entered the link and i saw what it was about and registered. I went to Bolivia for the
interview and here I am.

Why do you want to work on board Cruise Ships as a Personal Trainer?

I want to work on the cruise as a personal trainer, because I want to make a career with new experiences, meeting people from
different cultures and customs, I want to travel around the world earning money, I want to learn other languages and above all
improve my English.

What is more important to you? Money or Travel?

In this context, for me both are important, but the plus would be money, because the money allows you to get some benefits in
the future, save to continue traveling, buy things that one considers important, be able to study others things.

If you answered Money, how much do you want to save in 9 months?

I would like to save in the period of nine months the amount of approximately 15,000 dollars

If you answered Travel, what destination most excites you?

I would like to know much of Europe, for example, Spain, Italy, France, Great Britain, Portugal, Greece etc

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