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Third Quarterly Assessment




Multiple Choice
Choose the best answer in each item. Provide a separate answer sheet.
1. A welding position where the joint is on a vertical plane and the line of weld runs parallel with the
a. Flat position b. Horizontal position c. Vertical position d. Overhead position
2. In making lap joint using horizontal position, the electrode position is slanted in the direction of weld
a. 5 to 20 degrees b. 10 to 25 degrees c. 15 to 30 degrees d. 45 to 75 degrees
3. The required electrode for depositing root pass.
a. E- 6011 b. E- 6012 c. E- 6013 d. E- 6015
4. In tacking the plates to be welded, the gap to maintain between plates should be
a. 2 mm b. 3 mm c. 4 mm d. 5 mm
5. A weld type in a cross-sectional shape of a triangle is called
a. Fillet weld b. Groove weld c. Backing weld d. Spot weld
6. The common weld used in metal works industry.
a. Groove welds b. Fillet welds c. Plug and slot welds d. Spot welds
7. The area where the filler metal intersects with the base metal opposite the weld face is
a. Weld toe b. Weld joint c. Weld root d. Weld leg
8. It is the condition that occurs when the base metal and the filler metal are melted together.
a. Union b. Fusion c. Joint d. Connection
9. Fillet weld sizes are indicated by
a. Note on prints b. Dimension on the left side of symbol
c. Graphic representations d. All of the above
10. The cross-sectional shape of a completed weld face is
a. Weld contour b. Weld finish c. Weld toe d. Weld bead
11. The most common type of electrode used in performing lap joint using horizontal position is the.
a. E- 6011 b. E- 6012 c. E- 6013 d. E- 6015
12. A welding position where in the joint is on a vertical plane and the line of weld runs parallel with the
horizon is
a. Flat position b. Horizontal position c. Vertical position d. Overhead position
13. Before depositing weld beads, it is important that the welding machine be adjusted to the
a. Resistance b. Current setting c. Position d. Connection
14. For easy deposition of weld beads in performing lap joint in horizontal position, steel plates should
be fastened to a ___________.
a. Bench vise b. Vise grip c. C-clamp d. Long nose
15. The electrode angle in depositing weld beads for lap joint using horizontal position is____________.
a. 50-60 degrees b. 45-75 degrees c. 45-55 degrees d. 50-80 degrees
16. To show concern about safety and health of welders, the government has
a. Enacted laws prescribing safety regulations b. Publish safety regulations and control
c. Ensure safety and health of workers d. ALL OF THE ABOVE
17. These are hazards related to welding, except
a. Electric shock b. Arc radiation c. Water contamination d. Fire and explosion
18. To prevent arc rays from skin contact, welders should wear clothes without
a. Collar b. Openings or gap c. Buttons d. Sleeves
19. Here are safety devices that welding workplace must have EXCEPT:
a. Circuit breaker b. Fire extinguisher
c. Life saving and support equipment d. First aid kit
20. The type of clothing that will not disintegrate from arc radiation or will not catch fire quickly is
a. Leather b. Linen c. Woolen d. Cotton
21. The exposed surface of fillet weld bounded by the weld toes of the side on which welding was done is
a. Weld root b. Weld face c. Weld leg d. Weld joint
22. Fillet weld leg is the distance from the joint root to _________
a. Weld toe b. Weld bead c. Weld face d. Weld root
23. The surface of the base metal that is melted during the welding process
a. Depth of fusion b. Fusion face c. Fusion area d. Length of fusion
24. The fillet weld sizes are indicated except:
a. Notes on print b. Dimensions included on the weld symbol
c. Graphic representation d. Specific instruction
25. To obtain the desired contour in fillet welding, it requires
a. Surface finishing b. Mechanical finishing c. Weld finishing d. All the above
26. Which part of the fillet weld that has an exposed surface of a weld bonded by the weld toes of the side
on which welding was done. It may be concave or convex. A concave weld face is curved inward. A
convex weld face is curved outward.
a. Weld face b. Weld joint c. Weld root d. Weld leg
27. The intersection of the base metal and the weld face. It is the point at which weld meets the base
a. Weld face b. Weld joint c. Weld root d. Weld toe
28. A part of the fillet weld that has the distance from the joint root to the weld toe.
a. Weld face b. Weld joint c. Weld root d. Weld leg
29. The condition that occurs where the base metal and filler metal are melted together.
a. Weld face b. Fusion c. Weld root d. Weld leg
30. To achieve the required surface finish, what method must be applied?
a. Weld contour b. Weld finish c. fillet weld d. Weld
31. In welding shop management, it is very important to implement for preventing any accident.
a. Safety rule and regulation b. Procedure
c. Instruction d. Steps
32. They are the responsible to learn, observe safe practices/obeying safety rules and regulations except:
a. Welders and other employees b. Customer
c. The job d. Shop
33.During welding If the arc rays contact the skin for a period of time, it will result to:
a. painful “sunburn” or “arc burns”. b. Cancer
c. Asthma d. Tuberculosis
34. It means protecting yourself from possible danger or accident.
a. Instruction b. Procedure c. Safety d. Signing
35. How many lines you must draw on the plates in depositing straight beads in horizontal position?
a. 3 b. 5 c. 4 d. 7
36. In depositing a beads in horizontal position, what degrees should the electrode has to maintain the
slanted direction of the weld?
a. 10 degrees b. 20 degrees c. 30 degrees d. 45 degrees
37. Wire is made of a single strand of copper or aluminum wire. These are used in wiring installation
inside and outside the buildings. It is best use also for connecting or installing the welding machine.
a. Wire joint b. Stranded wire c. Solid wire d. Conductor
38. To connect or disconnect the flow of the current in a circuit, what device that is applicable to use?
a. Fuse b. Switch c. Connectors d. Lamp
39. Which of the following parts of the welding machine that holds the electrode?
a. Electrode Cable b. Electrode Holder c. Ground clamp d. Selector
40. A device that have two windings inside of the welding machine.
a. Selector b. Transformer c. Light indicator d. Capacitor
41. Which of the following are NOT BELONG among the three type of fillet joint?
a. Corner joint b. Y joint c. Tee joint d. Lap joint
42. E6011 is typically used for.
a. Tacking b. Finishing c. Root pass d. Less Fusion
43. The fillet weld is indicated by what shape placed on the reference line of the welding symbol.
a. Triangle b. Circle c. Square d. U Shape
44. A device that rotates round or tubular work pieces such as flanges and pipes through 360 degrees to
allow a welder to stand in one position and constantly work on a level surface.
a. Bench vise b. Hand vise V block c. Welding positioner d. Vise clamp
45. How many flat bar that is required in doing Depositing Straight Beads in Horizontal
Position as your activity?
a. 2 b. 3 c. 5 d. 1
46. In weld-all-around changing the direction of the weld it is require on the welding symbol to indicate
the location of the weld.
a. Multiple arrow b. Tail c. Lines d. Circle
47. Which of the following profile fillet weld that has a good result?
a. Normal b. Unequal c. Deep penetration d. Fusion
48. You must wear or used this PPE to protect your ears from extreme noise during your work in handling
or using the grinder.
a. Earmuff b. face mask c. Goggle d. Gloves
49. Lap Joint is commonly welded on________ to provide additional strength.
a. One side of the plate c. Edge of the plate
b. Both sides of the plate d. None of the above
50. This kind of fillet weld that has filler metal on both sides to produce an extra strength.
a. Double fillet weld b. Groove weld c. Filler weld d. Flat position

Prepared by: Approved by:


TLE Teacher Principal IV

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