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1. Write down five (5) things you learned about the article.

The five things I learn show the following:

 Our digital lives are not always safe. There are hackers who attempt to gather important
information that might destroy us that is why we must be cautious about what we input
 There are many hackers out there more than we know that pose a threat not only to
individuals but also to some entities. It is imperative for businesses and companies that
have online transactions to be more careful and make sure that each identity of employer
and employee is protected.
 Businesses and companies must also protect and secure their financial statement from
getting leaked in social media. They should strengthen their awareness towards cyber-
related attacks to not put their company at risk.
 As for students, it is also vital to protect themselves against cybercrimes. There are some
ways for them to prevent themselves from getting cyber-attacks such as being
“cybersmart”, knowing the forms of cybercrime, securing smart phones by setting
passwords or passcodes, turning on privacy and security features, and developing critical
thinking and news literacy skills to ward off false information online. It is best if they stay
alert of these cybercrimes.
 Digital offers a lot of benefits but it also has its downside. Its risk and potential harm can
still be prevented once we adopt and practice privacy protection and educate ourselves
with the crimes that are caused by it.

2. How are you able to relate the article to the actual digital world that you now know?

I have encountered many instances similar to the article that I have read. As what
I have noticed from the digital world that I know, many people especially teenagers are
precarious of what they showcase online. People born in the new generation tend to
expose themselves more on the digital word and many of which have been victimized by
these cybercrimes. A study by the National Crime Agency (NCA) in the UK reveals that
61% of computer hackers identified in that country begin their activity before the age of
16. In 2015, the Australian Bureau of Statistics and Crime Investigation reported that
cyberfraud crimes committed by under-18s had risen by 26% in the previous two years
and by 84% in the previous three. In a recent survey conducted by an online security firm,
roughly 1 out of every 6 adolescents in the US and 1 out of every 4 in the UK disclosed
that they had attempted some kind of Internet “hacking”. The number of cybercrime cases
investigated by the Philippine National Police (PNP) went up by almost 80 percent last
two year, according to the PNP’s Anti-Cybercrime Group (PNP-ACG). During this time of
pandemic, cybercrime rates are growing. Cybercriminals took advantage of this pandemic
since almost all transactions are made online. During the recent webinar series entitled
“Cybercrime in the Time of Corona: PH Cybercrime Trends During the COVID-19
Pandemic” hosted by the Office of Cybercrime of the Department of Justice (DOJ), Justice
Secretary Menardo Guevarra said that it is critical for the law enforcement agencies to be
vigilant over cybercrime, upgrade their technologies, and enhance their investigative
capabilities. Many companies and business are also prone to cybercrime during this
Pandemic. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), there is a dramatic
increase in the number of cyberattacks that are pointed at its staff, and email scams
targeting the public at large. Cyberattacks are now more directed towards the organization
compared to last year. Cyber Security PH-CERT also issued multiple warnings about
securing not only servers but also personal identity and safety in the midst of the Covid-19
pandemic. Hence, the digital world is not totally the world where we can live without
constraint even in this time of Pandemic. We should still be more careful and aware of the
things that might cause us harm and be not precipitous in our online interaction.

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