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A Sean PS Ea eeCM Cum lel eli) Rea MasterClasses Cres ea ig Download App rE .od ocd aac go Question View this Question Online > The ability of an acceptance sampling plan to distinguish between good and bad lots of products is known from its ___. This question was previously asked in Mechanical held on 21/04/2018 View all ISRO Technical Assistant Papers > 1. Trend graph 2. Quality history 3. OC curve 4. None of these Answer (Detailed Solution Below) Option 3 : OC curve Detailed Solution Explanation: Acceptance sampling: Acceptance sampling is the process of evaluating a portion of the product/material in a lot for the purpose of accepting or rejecting the lot as either conforming or not conforming to a quality specification. Operating Characteristic (OC) curve: The operating characteristic curve for an attribute sampling plan is a graph of fraction defective in a lot against the probability of acceptance. For any fraction defective p in a submitted lot, The OC curve shows the probability P, that such a lot will be accepted by the sampling plan. In a sampling plan, three parameters are specified, NN = lot size from which the samples are drawn, n= sample size, C= acceptance number It means, takes a random sample of n from a lot of N if the sample contains more than C defective, rejects the lot otherwise accept the lot Indifferent Quality Region Probability of aceptance —> 6 Consumer's risk Proportion of defectives (P) —> OC Curve There are two terms on the OC curve: Producer's risk: + If the quality is good still from the sampling plan some lots are rejected the producer has to suffer. + The producer risk is the probability of rejecting a good lot that otherwise would have been accepted. Consumer's or Purchasers risk: + if the quality is bad still from the sampling plan some lots are to be accepted the consumer will suffer. + Consumer's risk is the probability of defective lots being accepted which otherwise would have been rejected.

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