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Carrera de Administración y Negocios Internacionales

Castañeda Guzmán, Erick

Limache Avedaño, Judith

Mines Ayuqui, Deyse

Morales Alayo, Angie Anais

Pachamango Díaz, Percy

Valverde O´hara Nataly Vanessa

Business Trends


1. Company description...............................................................................................................4
1.1. Name of business..............................................................................................................4
1.2. Business goal.....................................................................................................................4
2. Product description and innovation........................................................................................5
2.1. Product description..........................................................................................................5
2.2. Product evolution.............................................................................................................6
2.3. Product benefits................................................................................................................7
3. Market.......................................................................................................................................8
3.1. Target market...................................................................................................................8
3.2. Market trend.....................................................................................................................9

Today, the way humans eat is undergoing several radical transformations, either for
health reasons or for the fact of feeling good about what you eat. In other words, it is
increasingly common to find people who have adapted to their life a diet control, better
known as "diet", in which they have chosen to replace foods high in sugar, gluten and fat,
with organic foods with high value nutritious and capable of fighting deadly diseases.

Likewise, many companies that have decided to reinvent themselves and focus on
this new market niche, mainly motivated by its growth potential, which is why the organic
market increasingly presents a greater variety of products derived from food such as coffee,
soy, fresh fruits, among other foods that produced in Peru and represent a great business

That why this business project aims to produce and market a product that is in line
with the new consumer food trend, a market that registers significant growth every year,
which can find the satisfaction of its customers, needs in a Peruvian product rich in
nutrients and proteins.
1. Company description
1.1. Name of business
Agroindustrias Osho is a Peruvian company founded in 2007that is a leading
producer and supplier of sustainable natural and organic ingredients from the
Peruvian biodiversity ideal for the food & nutrition, personal care and
pharmaceutical industries.
Address: Calle Manuel Arispe 210, Callao – Perú.
Telephone: +51 (1) 465-1449

1.2. Business goal

Mission: Promote sustainable Peruvian natural and organic ingredients worldwide
while continuously creating the highest value for our customers, employees,
partners and shareholders.
Vision: Be worldwide recognized as a leading company in the production of
sustainable natural and organic ingredients from the Peruvian biodiversity.
o Ethical Business Practices: Maintain the highest standards in our dealings
with partners, employees, customers and suppliers.
o Respect: Be respectful with human being and with the environment.
o Quality: Achieve and maintain high quality of our products and services.
o Excellence: Strive for excellence in personnel development, customer service
and in results.
2. Product description and innovation
2.1. Product description

Organic Quinoa Flour is a food obtained by grinding previously washed quinoa grain. Rich
in iron, calcium, phosphorus, fiber, vitamin E and complex B. This nutrient-rich grain is a
wonderful source of complete protein, but all the essential amino acids. This powerful little
grain is a great addition to any diet, but it is an ideal solution for those on a gluten-free,
vegan, or vegetarian diet.

Quinoa was a staple food for the Indians of South America who lived in the high altitudes
of the Andes and recognized for its superior nutritional qualities. It was "mother of all
grains" for the Incas and had spiritual significance for them.
2.2. Product evolution

Quinoa has been produce in Peru for thousands of years, in recent times it had been
consolidate only in the high Andean regions of Peru and Bolivia, becoming a strategic food
for this population, being consume in smaller quantities by the marginal populations of the
coast and the inter-Andean valleys of the country.

From 2000 to 2008, the volume of national production remained between 29 thousand and
31 thousand tons. Since In 2009 onwards, a new jump in production was appreciated
40 thousand tons), encouraged by the greater requirements from abroad and growing
domestic demand, starting to rediscover quinoa and incorporating it in the Peruvian
gastronomic boom. As of 2012 prior to the “International Year of Quinoa 2013”, the
demand has expanded international quinoa, which is even reflected in a higher production
in 2013 (52.1 thousand tons) and reaches a level record of 114.3 thousand tons as of
December 2014, a result of the interest of the State and the national producer in developing
this crop nationwide. It was complement by the FAO declaration in 2013 as the “Year
Quinoa International”, in recognition of the great nutritional value of quinoa, which
contains eight amino acids for human consumption, in addition to proteins, carbohydrates
and minerals, which makes the whole world interested on this product.
This graph shows the evolution of exports of quinoa and its derivatives from 1999 to 2008,
observing an upward trend, from 164 tons in 1999 to 2 134 tons in 2008.

2.3. Product benefits

It has more protein than any cereal: of high biological value, since they contain all the
essential amino acids for human beings in the right proportions.
Ideal for vegans: Due to its level of vegetable proteins, it is a very good source to complete
the vegan diet.
Prevents diseases: such as breast cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular, tuberculosis and others.
In addition, it contains alkaline substances such as magnesium and calcium.
Contains good fats: Contains more compared to other cereals.
Great contribution of fiber: It is an ideal food that acts as a cleanser of the body, managing
to eliminate toxins and waste that can damage the body.
It produces a feeling of fullness, since, by absorbing water, it can remain in the
stomach for longer.
It favors intestinal transit, stimulates the development of beneficial bacterial flora and
helps prevent colon problems.
Something very important is that it is gluten-free, making it the ideal substitute for
wheat flours and other cereals with gluten, for people intolerant to gluten.
The importance of quinoa lies not for protein, but in the quality of these, that has a
balanced composition of essential amino acids. Aside from protein, quinoa offers a
good source of starch.

In this way, quinoa is the best substitute for the proteins contained in foods of animal
origin, more complete than the popular soy, chia, and linseed. It is that vegetarians and
vegans, who only eat foods of plant origin, need to consume large amounts of products
to obtain the same amount of amino acids that they would obtain by eating meat and
drinking milk.

What can we do with it?

Prepare bread: We can make sliced bread that does not require a great kneading and
those we can then consume in slices.
Prepare cakes and cookies: In any cake or biscuit recipe, you can substitute normal
wheat flour for quinoa flour. In this way, we will obtain a cake with fewer calories,
healthier and with all the properties of quinoa.
Crepes or pancakes: Normal flour is also substitute for quinoa, to make fabulous
Savory doughs: You can make doughs for pizzas or bases for sweet or savory pies.
As a thickener for sauces or purees: You can also use it as a thickener just like
cornstarch. A couple of teaspoons of quinoa flour are dissolve in a little water, they
are add to the stew and thus we give it consistency.
3. Market
3.1. Target market

Schiffman and Lazar (2001) point out that the term consumer behavior refers to the
behavior that consumers have when they search, buy, use, evaluate and discard products
and services with which they hope to satisfy their needs. The study of consumer behavior is
in itself how people make decisions to spend their time, money and effort (available
resources) in matters related to consumption.
The consumer of these products is usually between 30 and 50 years old, usually a woman
who is a homemaker, or a professional with an average position, although supermarkets and
grocery stores also sell quinoa. The same consumers interested in their health buy these
products in organic stores; they buy them in mass consumption channels.

Consumers who generally buy these products do so throughout the year.

However, organic food stores explain that incomes go up a bit during the winter, as people
use the products to make bread, soups and other recipes.

In addition, people cook more at home during the cold, dark winter months than during the
sunny summer months.

3.2. Market trend

The consumer is in the trend of healthier foods, with the characteristic of not having gluten
in its composition, very substantial for people who suffer from celiac disease.

The world market is shifting towards the consumption of natural products and foods that
are sustainable and do not affect the environment, in addition to carrying out its operations
by paying an adequate and fair price to producers (Minagri, 2018).

Agroindustrias Osho was the selected company, due to its experience in the food and
nutrition industries, in addition to its vision, which focuses on obtaining worldwide
recognition as a company in terms of the production of organic and natural products,
performing good practices with the human being and the environment.
The product under development is Organic Quinoa Flour, a food with a high value of
nutrients and proteins that since ancient times has been a staple food in families in
South America. In addition, this product is a great addition to any diet and also an
ideal solution for those who maintain a vegetarian, vegan or gluten-free diet.
Peru has established itself as the main product of quinoa despite the fact that its
production is concentrated in the high Andean regions, the national production of this
grain is constantly growing, this is mainly due to external demand and growing
internal demand with countries such as United States, Holland, Germany, among
others, beginning to recognize the great value and nutritional content of this product.
Quinoa is the best substitute for the proteins contained in foods of animal origin. This
product is a very good source to supplement the diet, since it has more protein than
any cereal, a high fiber content, does not contain gluten and prevents diseases.
The target audience for our product characterized by being men and women who are
between 30 and 50 years old, who seek to take care of their health and usually make
their purchases in ecological or organic products stores.
Currently, the consumer trend focused on the consumption of healthier foods, low in
fat, sugar, gluten, etc. Thus, the world market is shifting towards the consumption of
this type of products that are also environmentally sustainable.

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