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Thousands of Kenyans will win a quarter acre of beautiful land in Mavoko, outside Nairobi, if

they get the Covid-19 booster vaccine starting April 1. At least 2,000 acres between Mlolongo
and Konza City have already been set aside for the lottery. The lottery will see at least 8,000
Kenyans get the opportunity to win and own a quarter acre property in Mavoko, outside Nairobi.
The National Treasury, the Gates Foundation, and the United Nations are all contributing Sh58
billion to the lottery initiative. According to the Ministry of Health, Kenyans will be encouraged
to get booster shots during the cold season, when a new wave of diseases is expected. Winners
will be chosen electronically among patients who get booster shots between April 1 and August
1, when the cold season ends.

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