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República Bolivariana de Venezuela

Ministerio del Poder Popular para la Educación

U.E.I.P. Boyacá

Los Teques – Edo. Miranda


Used To and Be Used to

Profesora: Alumna:
Melanie Acosta
Cruz Mazarelli

Los Teques, Abril de 2020

Used to and Be Used to

Be used to: se usa para hablar de algo a lo que estamos acostumbrados, de nuestros hábitos.

Para decir que estás acostumbrada o acostumbrado a algo, ese algo siempre va después de to:

I’m used to the noise.

-> Si esta estructura va seguida de un verbo, éste tiene que ser gerundio (terminado en -ing). <-

Ejemplo: I’m not used to having a big breakfast.

Used to: también se usa para hablar de hábitos y cosas que solían ser de un cierto modo, pero en
el pasado.

Ejemplo: I used to play Basketball everyday

Exercises with Used to:

I. I used to go to the gym a lot / Did I use to go to the gym a lot?/ I didn’t use to go to the
gym a lot

II. He used to eat pizza everyday/ Did he use to eat pizza every day?/He didn’t use to eat
pizza everyday

III. She used to play videogames the entire day/ Did she use to play videogames the entire
day? / She didn’t use to play videogames the entire day

IV. My mom used to cook pasta on Mondays/ Did my mom use to cook pasta on Mondays? /
My mom didn’t use to cook pasta on Mondays

V. They used to play basketball / Did they use to play basketball? / They didn’t use to play

VI. He used to live in Venezuela / Did he use to live in Venezuela? / He didn’t use to live in

VII. She used to like RAP music / Did she use to like RAP music?

VIII. Jane used to play with dolls / Did Jane use to play with dolls?/ Jane didn’t used to play
with dolls

IX. Richard used to watch cartoons/ Did Richard use to watch cartoons? / Richard didn’t used
to watch cartoons
X. I used to sleep with the lights on / Did I use to sleep with the lights on? / I didn’t use to
sleep with the lights on.

Exercises with Be Used to:

I. He used to be a vegetarian when he was a kid / Was he used to be a vegetarian when

he was a kid? / He didn’t use to be a vegetarian when he was a kid
II. I’m used to the noise / Am I used to the noise? / I’m not used to the noise
III. I am used to exercising everyday / Am I used to exercising every day? / I am not used
to exercising every day
IV. He is used to getting up early / Is he used to getting up early? / He is not used to
getting up early
V. I’m used to speaking in English at work. / Am I used to speaking in English at work? / I
am not used to speaking in English at work
VI. Older people are used to handling computers / Are older people used to handling
computers? / Older people are not used to handling computers
VII. I’m used to my own pillow/ Am I used to my own pillow?/ I am not used to my own
VIII. They are used to this kind of treatment/ Are they used to this kind of treatment? /
They are not used to this kind of treatment
IX. Jane is used to doing overtime / Is Jane used to doing overtime? / Jane isn’t used to
doing overtime
X. I am used to studying hard / Am I used to studying hard? / I am not used to studying

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