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Unit Overview

Subject: Surreal Collage Dates: 02/09/2022-3/07/2022

Grade: 3rd

Summary of Unit:
This unit is meant to aid in students’ development and understanding of terms and artistic
practices such as collage, surreal, background, middle ground, and foreground. Firstly, students
must learn the term collage and the steps of making a collage. Next the style of this project
surrounds the surreal, students must know this term and how to create this style in their collage.
Lastly, before organizing their collage students must understand background, middle, ground,
and foreground for layering and perspective building purposes.
Colorado Standard:
Third Grade, Standard 3. Invent and Discover to Create
6. Create works of visual art and design that demonstrate increasing levels of mastery in skills
and technique

Demonstrate your understanding of the terms collage, surreal, as well as background, middle
ground, and foreground through the creation of your surreal collage.
Materials: Magazines, scissors, glue, black 9x12 inch paper, white 10x13 inch paper, zip lock
bags, paperclips.
Lesson 1: In group discussion introduce project, examples, materials, and terms including
collage and surrealism. Begin cutting magazine pictures that interest you for your background.
Place pictures in zip lock bag and paperclip bag to your black paper with your name, date, and
teacher written on it.
Lesson 2: In group discussion review information from last class, introduce layering through use
of new terms (background, middle ground, and foreground). Add pictures to your zip lock bag
and start practicing layering.
Lesson 3: Introduce how to clean the edges of your pictures, review layering techniques, and
keep adding and cleaning pictures until black 9x12 inch paper is no longer visible.
Lesson 4: Glue collage together in your layers of background, middle ground, and foreground.
Lastly, glue your finished collage onto your white 10x13 inch paper as your frame.
Lesson Plan One
Introduce new terms (collage and surreal) as well as examples. Have students begin picking
pictures to use in their collage.
Ask in a group forum as a class who has heard of terms collage and or surreal?
Take note of amount of hands raised and begin discussion on previous knowledge and or ideas of
presented terms.
Ask each student while working their ideas for their collage (how they will make it using
pictures to create a new image). Ask each student about their surreal style and or their ideas to
keep their work surreal.
Big Ideas:
Collage: A new art piece created by taking separate images (and or other materials) and placing
them together.
Surrealism: A style of art that is dreamlike, unrealistic, and or illogical.
Essential Questions:
What is a collage?
How do we make it surreal?
What kind of pictures do I want to use?
Colorado Standard:
Third Grade, Standard Three Invent and Discover to Create.
Six: Create works of visual art and design that demonstrate increasing levels of mastery in skills
and technique

Demonstrate your understanding of the terms collage, surreal, as well as background, middle
ground, and foreground through the creation of your surreal collage.
Safety Concerns:
While using scissors be cautious, use respectfully, and keep them at your desk.
Content Integration:
English is integrated through the surrealism aspect of considering the realistic storytelling and
the unrealistic storytelling. Math is used as we cut out our pictures, and consider sizing on our

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