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UNLV/Department of Teaching & Learning.

Elementary Lesson Plan

EDEL 481- 1001

UNLV Student: Laurie Maureene Antero PSMT Name: Ms. Katie DiCarlo
Lesson Plan Investigation 2: Part 2 - Lesson Plan Trees and Weather
Title: Leaf Shapes Topic:
Date: February 19, 2022 Estimated 10-15 minutes
Grade Level: Kindergarten School Site: Doral Academy- Cactus

1. State Standard(s): 
● LS.1.A- All organisms have external parts. Different animals use their body
parts in different ways to see, hear, grasp objects, protect themselves, move
from place to place, and seek, find, and take in food, water and air. Plants
also have different parts (roots, stems, leaves, flowers, fruits) that help them
survive and grow. (1-LS1-1)

2. Teaching Model(s): 
● Whole group discussion
● Demonstration

3. Objective(s):.
● SWBAT distinguish the different leaf shapes. .

4. Materials and Technology Resources: 

● Presentation slides
● Overhead Projector

● Eyes and Ears

5. Instructional Procedures: 
a. Motivation/Engagement: 
● T: Do you remember when we learned about leaves and how we can sort them?
● T: We will sorting the leaves by shape or color and then we will take a look at the
different shapes they come in.
● T: Lets take a look at this video.
Introduce video:

b. Developmental Activities or Learning Experiences: 

T: introduce the website:
(This website requires you to allow use of Adobe Flash Player. Works best when using Internet

T: After watching the video, tell me, how did the little elephant sort the leaves?
S: He/She sorted it by shape. (Or size or color)
T: Awesome job! In this activity, I will be calling some students to help me sort these
leaves. Raise your hand if you want to sort by color? By shape? (sort by the majority of votes).
T: Activity should take about 2-3 minutes.
T: How did you like the sorting game?
S: Answers will Vary.

Introduction of Leaf shapes.

T: Shape is a property of leaves. Leaves have different shapes and one way to tell if they
are the same or different is by their shape. Let’s count how many different leaf shapes there is.
T: There are 9 different leaf shapes!
T: Take out felt leaves and tell students that you have other shapes. Pull out the triangle
and have students identify the shape.
S: A Triangle.
T: Yes, it is a triangle
T: Let’s take a look at the other shapes in the bag. (Spear, Oval, Heart, Line, and Paddle).
T: Let’s count how many shapes we now have. (Should have 6 shapes).

T: Alright good jobs identifying the different shapes of the leaves, friends!
T: Introduce video:

c. Closure:
● Students will return the objects they got and go back to their table seats.
● Teacher will then ask closing questions to the students.
○ What did you learn in today’s lesson?
○ What are the different shapes you learned today?

d. Extension/Contingency Plan:
Extension: N/A

Contingency: If a student does not understand the teacher will display the Post-it notes made
in class.

6. Accommodations, Modifications and Differentiations for Diverse Learners: (in person)

- Accommodations:
1. Lots of visuals to accommodate all students including ELLs.
2. Students will have the video shown earlier in the class to view for a resource.
3. Make full use of the overhead projectors to display demonstrations, videos, etc.
4. Have designated areas for classroom materials and resources.
5. More time for students who are having difficulty understanding lessons. Allow students
to ask questions.
6. Allow students to finish at a later time when they are not finished on time.

- Modifications:
1. Use a short video as a backup or for students further learning.
2. Reword instruction or reiterate instructions for students better understanding of

- Differentiations for Diverse Learners:

1. Different methods of approach and strategies to accommodate ELLs.
2. Student helpers will help each student including the ELLs.

7. Assessment and Evaluation of Learning: 

a. Formative
- Observation: Students will be asked questions as they are completing their worksheet.
b. Summative: N/A

8. Homework Assignment: N/A

9. Reflection: 
● Strengths:
● Concerns:
● Insights:

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