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. So Went Bet (mathematics) se Semegle $ HIGH SCHOOL ENGLISH COMPOSITION EXERCISE 148 ani ite summaries of the following passages of about ane-third of the original length: 1. In every country people imagine that they are the best and the cleverest and ine others are not so good as, ‘are not so good as they are. The Englishman thinks that he and his country are the best; the Fronchman is very proud! France and everything French, The Germans and iialans think no less oftheir counties and many Indians lmmagine that india isin many ways the greatest country inthe weld This is wiong Everybody wants to ihink well of himself ang his country But realy there is no person who has not got some qood and seme bad qualities. In the ‘same way, there is no country which is not party good and partly bad. We must take the good wherever we find it ‘and try to remove the bad wherever may be. We are, of course, most concerned with our own country, india Unfortunately, tis in 2 bad way today Many of our people are poor and unhappy They have na joy in thelt ives, Wo have to find out how wo can make them happier. We have to see what is goad m our ways and customs and try 10 ‘keep it, and whatever is bad we have 1 throw away Itwe find anything goodin other countries, we should eactainly takai 2. There are hundreds cf superstons which survive in various parts of the county, and the stury of them is rather amusing We are Iold, lor exampie, that tis unlucky lo point to the new moon or a lock at through glass, ‘but we bow nine times to it we shall have lucky month, Now suppose you tella scientist thal you believe a certain superstition — let us say that he howling of a dog {s @ sign of death. The scientist wil immediately require evidence betore ho can accept your betel, Ho wil want gures to prove itt wil be useless to quote two oF three cases; he wil want hundreds. He will want also to know (a) iti ever mappens mat the hawing of dogs is at followed by a death, (0) if ever a person's death is prodicted bythe bowling of dogs. The answer to the former question is in the affirmative, and to the latter in tho negative Your ‘Superstiton will not bear investigation. may impress an ignorant person; bul R cannot face the light of facts, Your €€a8e would not carry carviction in a court cl law, Apart Irom this process of testing by results, any intelligent man wil want ta know the “reason why”, What connection can there be between a howiing dog and an approaching death? Can itbe causa and ellact? Can it be that the dog has a git of foreseeing such ovens? Or is the dog the instrument employed by some uncanny power that moves invisibly In our miss? 3. Over-eating is one ofthe mast wonderful practices among those who think tha thoy ean afford Infact, ‘sutvoriies say that neerly at who can gel as much as trey desire, over-eat to their disadvantage. Ths clase of People could Save a great mere {sod than they can seve by missing one meal per week and atthe sama ime thoy ‘could improve their haath ‘ heavy meal al rsh. he so-called “inne, isthe fashion wih many and often itis taken shorty botore . {ating Wis unnecessary and could be forgene, net only once a week but dally without loss of strengih. Fem inrec to fe hours are needed to dlges! food. Wha sleeping, hs lcod nol being requred to gue energy fr work, in ‘many cases converted into excess lt, gjving rise 0 cver-weighl. The evening meal should be lghy, taken three or four hours belore reting, This prevents over-eating, conserves enargy and reduces the cost ol food, 4. Trees give shade lor he bene‘ of ethers and whi hey ihemselves stand in the sun and endure scorch- ing heat, ey produce the It by which ahers prt The character o! good men is tke that of trees, Wnat is to use ofthis portshatle boo, no use of sis made lor he brett of mankind? Sandalwood — the mero ts rutbed the more scent does lt yeld Sugarcano — the move its peeled and cut ino pieces, the more leu dows i produce (Gold — the more its burt, the more brightly does it shine. The men whe are nbie at heart do ret love thee ‘ates even in losing thew ives. What does it matter whother men praise thom ot not? What eierence dows it ‘make whether riches abide win them ar not? Whial does it sigrly whether hey do at this moment or whether ther |r ate prolonged? Happen what may, viose who ead in the ight path wil nol set loot in any other Lite teat i ‘wjsattabia {0 a man who does not live for otvers, To ive for tho mera sake of Kving on's lie isto vw thw hte ot d098 and cows. Thos who lay dawn the ives fr the sako ofa friend, or even Kx tha sake of a sanger, wil ‘ssimedly dell forever in a world of bis 5. Wa mutt insist that 60 oratory s only the buginning ot lree speech, is not the eri, but a tn ‘ond. The end is to find the ruth The practical jusiicaton of ci ibory 18 ua tho we 1 te necessitoe of man For experience tls us thal Is only wha lieedom of operon by |zdabate thal tha Sood which out lara pla Le cherishad nol becausa Ilsa vent lor our epinuns ns fo a ination of opinon is one vecomes ino compulsion 43 pruthiced is it When tha 's understood, treedom wi but because Wis th surast mothe of correcting them. ‘The unexamined ite, said Socrates, sunt tbe lvwd by man’. This the vtue of ibe, andthe ground fon which we may bes! jusily Our Holic in H, Wa X foketates evar wa orar Ho serve tha tuth, When more ron are ‘brought face 1 face wit he oppononts,lorced 1olistan and learn arid mien thor Kleas, thay cease lo be chiren and savages and bug to lvo lke cialzed men. Then un because they mus! examine thei opinions ‘The only reason for dwellng on all his Is that wa ave to preserve domocracy we must understand its + And the principle which distinguishes i from all other forms of government Is that in a democracy the ls roadom a ally, when men may voice thelr apinions Scanned with CamScanner

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