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Tubianosa, Stacey Luiz P.

10 - St. Dominic de Guzman

Science A & C pp.283-285
5. It allows us to detect a person's genetic vulnerability to specific diseases,
recognize abnormalities, and develop new medications. If we have a deeper
understanding of its structure, it will be possible for us to cure incurable diseases
and disorders and even solve the unsolvable issues of society.

6. Nucleic acids are essential in heredity because they contain a cell’s genetic
blueprint and instructions for a cell’s function, which is essential for life's survival
of humans and other species.

7. A cell must provide protein because it is essential for the formation, function,
and control activities of the body’s tissues and organs. Proteins, in general,
contribute to structural support.

8. Genetic mutations are advantageous when it comes to evolution, having the

chance to produce new types of protein that would help an organism adapt to
changes in their environment; they improve an organism’s survival and/or
reproduction. On the other hand, they’re disadvantageous when it comes to
proteins that can’t function well or are not able to function at all. Genetic diseases
and even cancer may be a factor if this takes place.
9. When chromosomes and DNA are tested to check if there are abnormalities in
certain enzymes. Physical signs include when an individual has two or more
abnormalities, misshapen or unusual shape, less or excessive, and or if they have
loose or stiff physique features.

10. Genetically engineered products help us solve problems in society in different

ways (problems such as lack of food storage and poverty result in most of the
world’s hunger). But with these would be helped because agricultural problems can
now be aided by having the option of making genetically modified food. This will
make it easier for economists, politics, and for the whole society to take part and
help those in need because we have enough food supply to support everyone. These
GM products will also help reduce soil erosion and pollution by being substitutes to
chemical fertilizers that waste land (leading to soil pollution, harming vegetation
and agriculture).

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