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Tubianosa, Stacey Luiz P.

10 - St. Dominic de Guzman

CLVE Book Activity

According to the survey, half or fifty percent (50%) of the Filipinos

consider themselves poor. In comparison with the previous survey, an
addition of 1.5 million Filipino families consider themselves poor.
Which all adds up to an estimate of 11.5 million Filipinos conaider
themselves poor.

Being "poor" means having little or no capability of meeting basic

needs such as shelter, clothes, access to food, water, and electricity
supply. While being "food-poor" is a specified classification of poverty,
it is the incapability of consuming enough or adequate quantity of food
that our body needs for a healthy lifestyle.

According to the spokesperson, the government is working with other

sectors to reduce poverty. That they are continuously taking efforts
with the "pro-poor" that include higher pension for seniors, free
medicine for indigents, an added salary of incentive, and duty pay for
police officers and soldiers.
I don't think the problem of poverty can't be easily solved by the
government, and we know that in multiple terms of different
presidents and their different administrations, the problem of poverty
in our country continues to get worse. This is because we vote for
unjust and greedy leaders that continue to steal from our hard work. I
think that if we don't let the chance of voting for compassionate and
great leaders, our country can overcome poverty.

I feel genuinely sad for my fellow Filipino people that continue to suffer
from poverty. To think that there are families that had never known the
feeling of being free from deprivation saddens me more.

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