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Transport Policy 29 (2013) 303–314

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Internalisation of external costs of transport–A target driven approach

with a focus on climate change
Antonio Musso a,n, Werner Rothengatter b
Sapienza Universita di Roma, Italy
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany

a r t i c l e i n f o abstract

Available online 25 September 2012 The traditional answer of economists to the problem of internalising external costs of transport is
Keywords: ‘‘setting prices right’’. In a neoclassical economic world this would correspond to setting prices according
Internalisation of external costs of to marginal social costs. The neoclassical world is far from reality, however, and therefore workable
transport instruments have to be developed with respect to technology, transaction costs and social acceptance.
Neo-classical approach versus approach of From this follows that the appropriate lever point for public intervention has to be identified for every
ecological economics type of externality of transport. This results in a strategy bundle for which every instrument should be
Deriving shadow prices for environmental optimised according to economic rules. While the principle appears simple its implementation leads to
resources from optimisation rather complex follow-up problems. Some instruments have only partial effects and should be
Application for noise and climate change
complemented by further instruments (e.g.: emission trading in the case of climate change). Other
instruments have various side impacts and influence some external effects in the desired direction but
others in a counterproductive way (e.g.: emission standards for NOx and PM and their impacts on CO2).
In this paper we give a brief outline of the theoretical foundation of the problem, which can be
formulated as a multi-objective programming problem. Based on this we suggest a heuristic solution,
which translates essential objectives into constraints in form of safe minimum requirements for
objective achievement. The problem reduces then to find least cost solutions for the design of
instruments, which are employed to achieve the safe minimum requirements. In this approach the
‘‘right prices’’ for external effects come out as by-products of the optimal solution (shadow prices) and
can be compared with the results of direct marginal external cost estimations. We give examples for the
quantification of external costs of noise and of climate change, based on this approach.
& 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction instruments only like carbon taxes or emission trading. Regula-

tion, infrastructure policy and enhancing technical progress
Transportation leads to external costs, of which the climate towards a low-carbon economy have to be combined with
change impacts are presently considered the most serious ones. economic incentives and tailored according to country conditions
Traditional economic theory offers the Pigou-concept of setting to achieve the targets formulated by the IPCC (Intergovernmental
prices at social marginal costs (Pigou, 1924). As Coase (1960) has Panel on Climate Change-2007).
shown, the very rigid assumptions of the Pigou-concept have to This paper is organised as follows: Section 2 will summarise the
be thought over when it comes to practical application. The Coase theoretical foundations of the traditional neoclassical and of the
postulation of carrying out a benefit-cost analysis for pricing alternative target driven evaluation concepts. The target driven
strategies, which are foreseen for the internalisation of external approach is based on an explicit formulation of ‘‘safe minimum
costs, implies that the ‘‘optimal’’ internalisation strategies have to values’’ for climate protection, which is transferred to the set of
be assessed with respect to transaction costs and other side constraints of an optimisation programme. The value of CO2, then,
impacts. From this follows that extended strategies have to be comes out as a side result of optimisation, i.e. the shadow price for
developed for designing and testing the appropriate bundle of the climate constraint. Practical application of the concept implies to
tools for internalising external costs of transport. In particular the develop a heuristic procedure, which is presented in Section 3.
climate issue cannot be tackled by focusing on economic Section 4 presents the application of the approach to the internalisa-
tion of external costs of noise and of climate change and Section 5 will
show that single piece meals of the concept are applied in European
Corresponding author. Tel./fax.: þ390644585146. climate policy in transport, while a consistent and balanced policy
E-mail address: (A. Musso). approach is still missing. Section 6 gives the conclusions.

0967-070X/$ - see front matter & 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
304 A. Musso, W. Rothengatter / Transport Policy 29 (2013) 303–314

2. Neoclassical versus target driven approach When it comes to the types of environmental impacts, a clear
distinction is made between externalities, which generate some
2.1. Neoclassical approach inconvenience and utility losses for the affected parties on the one
hand, and externalities, which cause ‘‘existential’’ risk for human
Neoclassical theory is the mainstream of economic welfare life and for nature on the other hand (e.g. for rare species,
theory although it is based on a set of not very realistic assump- biodiversity, or climate change), see Hampicke, 1992. While the
tions as for instance: first category of externalities can be traded-off against monetary
compensation the second category is not tradable. From this
 Convex preferences (‘‘law of diminishing marginal utility’’) follows that such externalities cannot simply be integrated into
 Convex technology (‘‘increasing marginal cost of production’’) a social cost function in an additive way.
 Rational agents (‘‘homo oeconomicus’’) First conclusion is that the different categories of external
 Perfect information (incl. ‘‘rational expectations’’). effects have to be treated separately, they cannot simply be
mapped into a scalar type welfare function and then added up
Welfare can be formally represented by one function (‘‘scalar as done in the neoclassical approach. Second conclusion is that
type welfare function’’), or its dual formulation, the (scalar type) externalities, which represent ‘‘existential’’ risks, cannot be trea-
social cost function. The general economic objective is then either ted by a continuous functional mapping.
to maximise social welfare or to minimise social costs. The part of
social costs, which is observed and influenced by the producer, is 2.3. Programming formulation
defined internal while the other part, which is processed
unplanned and outside the market mechanism is defined exter- It follows from Section 2.2 that formally a multi-objective
nal. Social cost minimisation implies to solve the following programming problem arises. According to the conclusion derived
problem1 : in Section 2.2 we can separate the set of objectives into two
minC ðX Þ ¼ C V ðX Þ þ C I ðX Þ þC E ðX Þ ð2:1Þ categories:

s.t. (1) Objectives, which can be traded-off and measured/evaluated

AnX rB (at least after a transformation) using monetary scales.
(2) Objectives, which represent ‘‘existential’’ risks and cannot be
X is the vector of traffic activity patterns; C is the total social traded-off. Safe minimum values for objective achievements
costs; CV is the individual costs of vehicle operation; CI is the have to be met to control the ‘‘existential’’ risks.
infrastructure costs; CE is the external costs (CE ¼CE1 þyþCEn);
A is the matrix of coefficients; B is the vector of constraints. This separation offers the opportunity to assign the monetised
In this formulation all social objectives are amalgamated in the objective achievements to the objective function and the ‘‘exis-
objective function C, while the set of constraints includes techni- tential’’ risks to the set of constraints such that two types of
cal conditions, only (e.g.: flow conservation, traffic distribution, constraints arise: A set of technical constraints and a set of safe
capacity constraints, etc.). CV is the part of social costs, which can minimum values constraints.
be observed and controlled by the user, i.e. it is internal. CI is the
infrastructure costs, which is partly internalised through infra- max U ðX Þ ¼ u1 ðX Þ þ u2 ðX Þ þ . . . þ uk ðX Þ ð2:2Þ
structure charges or use-dependent taxation (fuel taxes). CE is the s.t.
external cost of transport which consists of several elements
AnX rB
(e.g. noise, air pollution, climate impacts), which are assumed to
be additive. It follows immediately from this problem formulation C nX rD
that the optimal solution implies that the transport activities are
priced at their social marginal social costs.2 Social marginal costs ui is the monetised achievements for objective i; A, C is the
are the central element of optimal pricing and as such this idea matrices of coefficients; B is the vector of technical constraints; D
can be found in many textbooks and policy recommendations (for is the vector of safe minimum values.
instance in the EC White Paper on Fair and Efficient Pricing of This means that the safe minimum values are introduced by
Transport Infrastructure Use, 1998). exogenous boundaries D, which can be founded by medical,
biological or geological research. This formulation offers an
additional possibility of interpretation, based on the dual pro-
2.2. Ecological economics
gramme of (2.2)3:
Ecological economics is a branch of economic theory, which minðBDÞT nY ð2:3Þ
focuses on a long-term sustainable economic treatment of ecolo-
gical resources. It is not a compact theory like neoclassics, which
integrates micro-, meso- and macro-economic theory under a ðACÞT nYUP
common set of assumptions. By contrasting the abstract theore-
BD is the aggregate matrices B and D; AC is the aggregate matrices
tical norms of neoclassics it tries to construct a real world
A and C; Y is the vector of dual variables; UP is the vector of utility
environment with a focus on the dynamic development of an
parameters; T is the index for transposed matrix/vector.
economy in harmony with the ecological systems. Outstanding
In the optimal solution of (2.3) the dual variables indicate the
contributions are due to Baumol et al. (1979), Baumol and Oates
strength of the associated constraints of the primal programme
(1988) or Costanza (1991). The programming formulations can be
(2.2). The optimal value of a dual variable can be interpreted in
found already in (Halbritter, 1977 or Hwang and Masud, 1981).
economic terms as the shadow price (opportunity cost) of the
constraint, i.e. the increase of the objective function value by
This is a most simplified formulation. A full formulation for transport relaxing the associated constraint by one unit. In other words:
networks can be found in LeBlanc and Rothengatter (1982).
As a consequence, the modal choice and routing decisions follow the
principle of equalising social marginal costs. Assuming that (2.2) is a linear programme.
A. Musso, W. Rothengatter / Transport Policy 29 (2013) 303–314 305

Once we know the optimal solution of the programme ((2.2) and are free of charging, while the producers on the left hand side of
(2.3)) we simultaneously receive information on the optimal En have to pay the charge. The adjustment dynamics to the charge
prices for the constrained resources, i.e. of the externalities will be that the producers develop incentives to reduce emissions
associated with ‘‘existential’’ risk. per unit of production such that the marginal avoidance cost
curve shifts downwards. This type of technological progress can
be anticipated in the charging system by lowering the standards
3. Instruments of internalisation periodically (dynamic standard setting).

In the neoclassical marginal social cost approach the optimal 3.2. Multiple instruments
design of instruments is determined simultaneously with the
optimal solution of the problem (2.1). It implies a charging of In general one cannot expect that a linear and uniform pricing
traffic activities at a price, which equals the difference between system as the only instrument is capable to solve the overall
individual average costs and social marginal costs at the point of internalisation problem. This would contradict the hypothesis of
system’s optimum. In practical applications this leads to serious multi-objective programming that every objective has to be
quantification problems such that in many cases the point of treated differently according to its intrinsic characteristics. From
system’s optimum is not determined and substituted by the this follows that in principle different instruments have to be
present state of network activities and the non-linear social introduced for different types of external effects to optimise the
marginal cost curve is substituted by a constant marginal cost triggers with respect to cost/effectiveness issues. The following
value. Although this leads to more or less large deviations from phenomena may occur:
the theoretical optimum the protagonists of marginal costing
presume that the first-best property still holds even if the  Mutual influences of instruments, i.e. an instrument which is
optimum and the magnitude of the approximation step towards applied to externality i is also influencing externality j.
the optimum, effected by ‘‘first-best pricing’’, are not known.  Increasing resistance (costs) if the intensity of an instrument is
Contrasting the neoclassical approach the multi-objective increased, e.g., for reasons of acceptability or technology.
approach developed in Section 2 presupposes that the optimum  Specific instruments might be highly effective for one objec-
pattern of transport activities is explicitly derived in a first step. tive while being counterproductive to other objectives.
In a second step the instruments are designed which guide the
transport system towards the optimal solution. If pricing were the These interdependencies of instruments bring about the pro-
only instrument this may lead to the charges-and-standard blem that it cannot be optimal to introduce m instruments for m
approach of Baumol and Oates (1988), which is presented in the objectives and trigger them separately for every objective. It
following sub-section. But it is more realistic to check several might be the case that more than one instrument should be used
instruments and try to develop an optimal mix of strategies. for one objective or that there are ‘‘basic’’ instruments which can
be applied to several objectives and need to be fine tuned by
3.1. Charges and standard approach supplementary instruments. This leads to the problem of defining
an optimal bundle of instruments to achieve the desired patterns
Baumol and Oates, (1971; 1988) recommend to set environ- of the transport system.
mental charges in a way that they equal the marginal cost of The formal representation of this problem leads to a program-
avoidance for the desired target level. Fig. 1 exhibits the simple ming problem of the following type:
principle: The marginal avoidance cost curve is downward slop- jX
¼1 X
ing with increasing emission level, or in other words, the costs min cij mij ð3:1Þ
reducing emissions by one unit increase with lower emission i¼1j¼1

standards. If a standard or target level has been fixed politically or s.t.

by optimisation calculus, then inserting the standard into the
marginal avoidance cost curve will derive the associated charge. eij mij Z Rni ; 8i
The producers which are producing on the right hand side of En j¼1

mij is the volume/intensity of instrument j with respect to

objective i; cij is the cost of a unit of instrument j with respect
to objective i; eij is the effectiveness of instrument j with respect
Marginal Standard
Avoidance (Target to objective i; Rni is the optimal reduction volume for objective
Costs Value) indicator i (result of (2.3)).
The idea behind (3.1) is to maximise the cost-effectiveness by
composing the best bundle of instruments. This is achieved by
minimising the sum of costs, which are associated with the
Technological employment of instruments to keep the safe minimum targets.
Progress The formulation allows for the use of one instrument for different
objectives and the use of several instruments for one objective.
Non-linearity can in principle be handled, e.g. by formulating a
t Optimal Charge quadratic objective function in the case of convexity or concave
programming in the other case. If fixed costs would play a major
role then the approach would have to be extended to a mixed
integer programming problem. The specificities for such cases are
E* E0 E not treated here because at the end of the day it will be necessary
Fig. 1. Baumol/Oates Pricing. MAC is the marginal avoidance costs; E is the
to develop a heuristic technique (see Section 3.3).
emission level; E0 is the current emission level; En is the standard (target) The costs include the (transaction) costs of the instruments
emission level; t: optimal charge (tax). (e.g.: costs of payment systems) as well as the costs of suppressed
306 A. Musso, W. Rothengatter / Transport Policy 29 (2013) 303–314

or diverted economic activities (e.g.: time delays by using more low, because these are most time consuming. It consists of the
environmental friendly transport modes). The effectiveness of an following components:
instrument is measured by the volume of reduction (e.g.: of
emissions) per unit (dose) of instrument. The optimal reduction 1. Lexicographical ordering of instruments: The criteria for order-
values can be derived from taking the differentials between the ing the instruments are costs and generality. Generality
current levels and the optimal/safe minimum levels from pro- means that the instrument influences several objectives
gramme (2.2). This corresponds to the Baumol/Oates principle simultaneously into the desired direction. Costs include
with the difference that charging is only one out of a number of the transaction costs of the internalisation instrument and
different instruments for achieving the desired standards. the costs of demand adjustment. It is also possible to
include the acceptability of interventions as a criterion,
which might be different in different countries (e.g: speed
3.3. Heuristic approach limits).
Examples for general and low-cost instruments are:
In this section we focus on a heuristic solution for problem Better information and guidance
(3.1), which is on the optimal design of instruments for inter- Standards for newly licensed cars and trucks
nalising external costs. The basic information, which has to be ISO standards for environmental quality
generated in the process, is the transport activity pattern. This
presupposes to employ a transport model with demand and Examples for general and medium costly instruments are:
supply side and generate all information on motorisation, traffic Road pricing (all roads, modest price levels)
generation, distribution, modal split and assignment. Secondly the Taxation
data and functional relationships on costs and effectiveness of Emission trading
different instruments have to be provided. This presupposes Limitation of car/truck access to city areas
thirdly a detailed knowledge on the impacts paths for the external
effects, i.e. a detailed impact modelling. This implies that the Examples for specific and costly instruments are:
optimisation problems presented above cannot be solved exactly City cordon pricing
and have to be approximated by simplified heuristic procedures. Car bans in cities
The heuristic procedure exhibited in Fig. 2 focuses on keeping Truck bans or commodity related freight transport
the number of model runs for the transport and impact models regulation.
2. Lexicographical ordering of objectives: First the objectives can be
separated in those, which allow for trading-off the objective
achievements, and others, which cannot be traded-off and call
Lexicograpical ordering of
for a control of safe minimum values. The first category
concerns inconveniences and material damage, which can be
compensated for. The second category includes ‘‘existential’’
risk for human health, nature and cultural heritage. The
Safe ordering of ‘‘existential risk’’ objectives can be done on the
Lexicographical ordering of minimum
base of comparing the trend scenario results with the safe
minimum values. The higher the relative difference is, the
Trade-off higher the rank of the objective can be set.
Examples for ‘‘existential’’ risk objectives are:
Greenhouse gas emissions and climate change
High concentration of particulate matter, nitrogen
oxide, ozone
Transport Model Impact Models High noise levels with serious health risk
Accident fatalities
Disturbance of natural reservation areas, rare species
Trend Disturbance of cultural heritage.
3. Transport modelling: Transport modelling should include all steps
including motorisation, traffic generation, distribution, modal
Scenarios split and assignment. In freight transport the modelling of
roundtrips, bundling and trans-shipment processes or of the
loading of vehicles are much more important than the assign-
1 general effects, low costs ment of trucks to routes, which is in the focus of the neoclassical
. approach. Although the issues of modelling are strategic it is
. important to model the reactions to the instruments in some
. spatial detail because otherwise the impact modelling will not be
k specific effects, high costs
accurate enough. European transport models, which fulfil this
requirement and start from a NUTS 3 desegregation of regions
Safe minimum values take several hours (this holds e.g. for the VACLAV model4) or
achieved several days (this holds e.g. for the TRANSTOOLS model used by

Least cost combination of instruments

VACLAV is a passenger transport model developed at IWW (University of
Karlsruhe) which integrates freight matrices generated by a partner institute
Fig. 2. Least Cost Design of instruments. (NEA, Rijswijk).
A. Musso, W. Rothengatter / Transport Policy 29 (2013) 303–314 307

Table 1
Selected handbook results on external cost of transport. Source; European Commission, 2008

Cost component Passenger car Heavy duty vehicle (HDV)

hct/vkm Unit costs (bandwidths) Unit costs (bandwidths)

Interurban, day 0.12 (0.04–0.12) 1.1 (0.39–1.1)
Interurban, night 0.22 (0.08–0.22) 2 (0.72–2)

Congestion Interurban, peak 10 (0–20) 35 (0–70)

Interurban, off-peak 0 (–) 0 (–)

Climate Change Interurban, petrol 0.44 (0.12–0.79) (–)

Interurban, diesel 0.38 (0.11–0.68) 2.2 (0.6–4)

the JRC5). As the computational inputs are in that order of The methodology suggested above is not a fixed algorithm in
magnitude it will only be possible to apply such tools for a the sense that the process runs automatically without a participa-
limited number of iterations in the computation process. tion of expert intelligence. On the contrary: Expert creativity is
4. Impact modelling: The transport activity figures are the basic needed during the process in particular when composing the
inputs for impact modelling. This includes generalised costs, scenarios, because otherwise a huge number of scenarios would
accidents, noise, air pollution, climate change and distur- have to be constructed to determine a good solution only by the
bance of nature or cultural heritage. In the case of major computational process (e.g. by introducing strategic variables into
changes it also may be necessary to estimate the impact on the models and using brand-and-bound/genetic algorithms). This
land use. While generalised costs represent internal effects is a strength and at the same time a problem of the methodology,
and congestion and can directly be derived from the transport because the outcome depends on the qualification of the
model it is necessary to use specific impact models for the expert team.
other effects. This means that the whole bundle of tools,
which is usually employed for the assessment of transport
master plans, is also needed here. This seems to be natural
insofar as infrastructure investments (e.g.: to improve the 4. Application to noise and climate change
modal split for public transport) can be a key strategy for
reducing external effects of transport. The development of We choose the examples of noise and climate change because
concepts for internalising externalities of transport therefore in both cases the limited applicability of the neoclassical
has to go together with long-term master planning for the approach is evident. In the case of noise the underlying function
transport system. of noise emissions (see Rothengatter, 2000), measured in decibels
5. Scenario runs: First, a trend scenario is constructed. This can (dB(A)), has a concave shape. After weighing noise emissions with
include already general and low cost measures for internalisa- monetary equivalents this property remains valid for the noise
tion (at the top of the lexicographical order), because it is cost function. From this follows that marginal noise costs are
unrealistic to expect that nothing will be done towards decreasing with increasing traffic volume and the marginal noise
externalities in industrialised countries. The results can be cost for a vehicle would be almost zero in most congested areas.
checked against the safe minimum values set. The next On the side of climate costs the neoclassical approach is usually
scenario should be composed of instruments, which have a based on market values, such as the present carbon prices at the
high impact on those objectives, i.e. which show the largest bourse, which are very low. This contradicts the long-term issue
deviation between the model output and the safe minimum of bringing down the GHG emissions dramatically, which is only
value. The instruments are selected from the medium part of possible if the prices for climate externalities are set very high.
the lexicographical list, i.e. they also may have an impact on Table 1 illustrates the outcome of the neoclassical concept as
other objectives. In the next iterations the same selection exhibited in the Handbook on External Costs of Transport (2008)
principle is applied successively for the next objectives of the (European Commission, 2008) which has been prepared for the EC
lexicographical list. The instruments in this iterative process and is based on a number of marginal costs studies performed on
successively include measures, which are more costly and this issue. Noise impacts of transport which disturb more than
specific to a particular objective. If all safe minimum values one third of EU population but come out almost negligible in the
are met it might be recommendable to add a few runs for fine- economic evaluation. Mark-ups of 0.1–0.2 cts/km for pass cars or
tuning the instruments. In particular aspects of acceptability 1–2 cts/km for trucks in interurban transport will hardly influ-
and transaction costs can play a major role in this context. For ence the choices of agents. Also the mark-ups for climate change
instance it is well known that pricing instruments are often externalities are very modest (about 0.4 cts/km for pass. cars and
preferred by economic experts but rejected by the population. 2.2 cts/km for trucks). They are too low to achieve significant
Therefore a capping of pricing elements and a substitution by changes of behaviour or technology. Congestion costs, on the
soft regulation (i.e.: dynamic standard setting) might be a other hand, come out as the most important externality for
more successful strategy. society. In peak hours marginal congestion costs are 10–20 times
as high as the sum of noise and climate externalities.6 Internalisa-
tion of congestion costs in this order of magnitude gives strong
incentives to avoid peak hours and over-congested areas. But they
JRC is the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission. TRANSTOOLS
has been developed by a consortium of European institutes lead by CTT Note that congestion externalities only include time losses and increased
Copenhagen. vehicle operation costs.
308 A. Musso, W. Rothengatter / Transport Policy 29 (2013) 303–314

Table 2
Noise limit values for different land use categories and time of day. Noise measurement scale: dB(A)

Germany Land use category Day (6.00–22.00) Night (22.00–6.00)

dB(A) dB(A)
Health resort, school, hospital, nursing home 57 47
Residential 59 49
Industrial 69 59
Mixed 64 54

Italy Protected areas (Healthcare, school facilities etc.) s 45 35

Mainly Residential 50 40
Mixed 55 45
Industrial 65 55
Mainly Industrial 65 55

also can induce counterproductive detours in the short run and

increased urban sprawl in the long run such that congestion
phenomena have to be treated with care to avoid undesired side
impacts. In the following we will show that applying the target
oriented assessment of essential externalities leads to strategies
which are more compatible with the experts’ estimation of
human risks stemming from these externalities.

4.1. Noise

Traffic noise at lower levels causes inconveniences and annoy-

ance, i.e. effects, which can be traded-off with positive effects.
Once noise exceeds certain levels it causes health impacts, which
can be avoided if limit values are introduced and enforced (see
WHO, 2007 and WHO JRC, 2011). In most industrialised countries
such limit values exist for the provision of new transport infra-
structure. These relate to the type of land use and the time of the
day (day, night). The following Table 2 is taken from the German
Federal Control of Pollution Act and the Italian Law on Acoustic
Recovery Plans and gives an example for the setting of safe Fig. 3. Noise Modelling with GIS Tools for Urban Areas.
minimum values. Source: Schmedding, 2006.
The further procedure presupposes to prepare a GIS model
with the appropriate land cover data on the land use categories
and the number of inhabitants/people exposed to noise. These to reduce noise compared with adding marginal costs of noise to
geographical data are matched with geographical network data. infrastructure charges.
This is the base for modelling the noise distribution and exposure As pointed out in Section 2.2 it is possible to calculate the
alongside the network links after assignment of traffic activities. shadow prices or opportunity costs for the safe minimum values,
In urban areas a further spatial differentiation according to the i.e. in this case for every noise level. This leads to a variety of
type of buildings (form, texture, layout, etc.) and the conditions of shadow prices/opportunity costs depending on:
noise distribution is necessary. The noise levels alongside the
influenced corridors can be modelled as well as the number of (1) Category of land use or settlement type
exposed people for every noise isophone. Then the modelled noise (2) Time of the day
levels can be compared with the safe minimum values. (3) Excess of noise emission over the safe minimum value
The noise related scenarios comprise four steps: (4) Feasibility of avoidance measure

(1) General and low cost measures, as proposed for all safe In a study for the German Federal Environmental Agency IWW
minimum objectives (e.g.: lower speeds) et al. (1999) have applied this approach and received the follow-
(2) Avoidance measures for vehicles (encapsulated engines, low- ing values of noise opportunity costs, resumed in Table 3:
noise tires) The relevant input data for noise evaluation stem from
(3) Avoidance measures alongside the guideways (noise walls, transport and noise impact modelling. The latter can be per-
low-noise asphalt layers, noise protected windows for exposed formed on three levels: European, non-urban and urban. For
houses) all three levels specific GIS tools can be applied (see
(4) Prohibitions and bans for vehicle categories (trucks). Schmedding, 2006). Fig. 3 shows an example for the urban level
to identify hot spots, i.e. areas for which the safe minimum values
Contrasting the marginal cost approach little emphasis is are exceeded.
taken on influencing route choice by user charges. This is because For the selected region of the study it was found that the
the noise dB(A) scale is logarithmic such that a theoretical cut of shares of the three categories of measures is almost equal and one
the traffic volume on a road by the half will reduce the noise level third each. If the number of exposed inhabitants is 1500 per km
only by 3 dB(A), which will hardly be perceived by the exposed motorway on average (500 for non-urban road, and 2000 for an
population. Therefore, measures at vehicles and the infrastruc- urban road), the traffic load per day 50,000 for motorways, 20,000
ture, and incentives for reducing speeds, are much more effective for non urban and 20,000 for urban roads, on 300 day per year,
A. Musso, W. Rothengatter / Transport Policy 29 (2013) 303–314 309

Table 3 temperature to 2 1C. This implies to reduce the concentration of

Selected results for noise opportunity cost calculation; Unit: Euro per inhabitant GHG in the atmosphere to about 450 ppm. This is only possible
and year per km, Source: IWW et al., 1999
if the emission of GHG is reduced by 50% until 2050 compared
Transport General/low cost Specific medium Specific high with 1990. If the developing countries, which are not responsible
Mode measures cost measures cost measures for the emission of GHG in the past two centuries, are allowed
to increase emissions modestly then the industrialised countries
Road, motorway 20 35 1,200 have to reduce emissions by 80% until 2050. As this reduction is
Road, non-urban 20 35 1,800
Road, urban 20 35 2,600
measured on the base of 1990 emissions and the transport
Rail 4,400 4,400 5,500 activities are growing world-wide at high rates–in particular in
emerging economies-this implies that the reduction compared
with the trend development until 2050 would be between 90%
and 95%, i.e. an almost carbon-free transport world.
then the opportunity costs per km and vehicle on roads, where When it comes to the timing of reduction steps there
the safe minimum values are exceeded, would come out: are two philosophies: On the one hand one can argue that the
first steps are very hard to go because technology and behaviour
– 4.2 cts/PCU km on motorways have to be changed and there are risks of economic losses
– 5.2 cts/PCU km on non-urban roads if the changes overstress the economic capabilities. On the other
– 13.3 cts/PCU km on urban roads.7 hand the argument is put forward that it is necessary to start as
early as possible with substantial steps (see IPCC Assessment
Although the values are not directly comparable with the Report 2007) and that there might be economic cutbacks
Handbook results (see Table 3) one can make two observations: only in the short run while in the long run the environmental
First the marginal cost approach leads to very low values of noise challenge would create a new dimension of economic growth.
costs (note that the share of truck in urban areas is low such that The EU and some other countries originally planned to follow
the values per PCU are dominated by passenger cars). This is the second philosophy and to implement big steps already until
partly due to the logarithmic shape of the noise curve, which 2020 and 2030. In the case of the EU a 20% reduction is aimed at
leads to lower marginal noise costs with increasing traffic volume. until the year 2020, which is increased to 30% if other
Secondly it seems to be very risky to transform the cost values countries follow. In Section 5 we will show that the EU has
directly into prices. The Handbook values are so low that no noise relaxed its top-runner strategy and set the targets for 2020/30
specific reactions can be expected on the demand side. This does much less ambitiously in the recently published White
not reflect the behaviour of exposed citizens towards traffic noise. Paper 2011.
In the case of aviation or railways there is heavy resistance
against new infrastructure projects (runways, HSR links) in
particular because of noise emissions. Against this background it 4.2.2. Choosing CO2- or all greenhouse gas-emissions as indicators
is not appropriate to treat the noise problem by setting linear and Greenhouse gases (GHG) include CO2, methane (CH4), nitrogen
uniform prices based on marginal noise costs. In the case of oxides (N2O, NOx emitted in high altitudes), contrails and water
opportunity costs the values reflect the costs of a bundle of vapour emitted by aircraft. Also PM concentrations can have an
dedicated reduction measures, which are adjusted to the type influence on climate. If CO2 is defined as climate indicator the
and the location of noise problems. These opportunity cost values contribution of transport is about 25%. In the case of GHG this
indicate the severity of the noise impacts and the intensity of share is about 18% (worldwide) or 20% (EU). This lower share
strategies to achieve the safe minimum values set. caused by the high emissions of methane from the agricultural
The choice of indicator has a big influence on the composition
4.2. Climate change of measures for reduction strategies. The GHG indicator is
composed of a number of sub-indicators, which call for specific
From the formal point of view the treatment of climate change in treatment, while the CO2 indicator leads to a much more simple
the target driven approach is much easier compared with other set of instruments.
externalities like noise or air pollution. This is because neither spatial
nor impact chain modelling is necessary, because climate change is a
global phenomenon. Nevertheless there are some important assump- 4.2.3. Defining the share of transport of the overall target
tions to be set which have big impact on the result: achievement
It is often argued that the transport sector should be exempted
– setting the target levels and the time of desired achievement from the strict reduction target because of two reasons: First, the
– choosing CO2 or all greenhouse gas-emissions as indicators transport sector is growing at high rates compared with other
– defining the share of transport of the overall target economic sectors and therefore the progress with carbon effi-
achievement ciency is partly eaten up by high growth of traffic. Secondly it is
– defining the share of transport modes within the transport argued that the mitigation costs in transport are higher compared
system. with other sectors (energy, industry, households). The EU Com-
mission has followed this argument and set the medium-term
reduction target for the transport sector as one half of the target
4.2.1. Setting target levels and the time of achievement for ETS sectors.8 Also the McKinsey (2007) study goes along this
The target levels can be taken from the IPCC assessment report line and estimates mitigation costs for single transport categories
2007, based on the general goal to limit the increase of world and comes to the conclusion that the biggest polluters (e.g. road
freight, aviation) show also the highest mitigation costs. It would
PCU means passenger car unit. Small trucks are 1–2 PCU and large trucks
3–5 PCU. The share of heavy goods vehicles is about 13% on German motorways This relaxation holds for all ‘‘non ETS sectors’’, i.e. sectors, which are not
and much lower for non-urban and urban roads. integrated in the CO2 Emission Trading System.
310 A. Musso, W. Rothengatter / Transport Policy 29 (2013) 303–314

be not economical to impose equal reduction targets for all Table 4

sectors, if the mitigation costs vary that much. Results of CO2 evaluations in the literature.
Other authors contradict this argumentation and point to the
high potentials of reduction of GHG in the passenger transport
sector (see e.g. Geurs et al., 2011; Netherlands Environmental Value in h/ton of IWW et al. INFRAS/IWW Handbook,
Assessment Agency et al., 2009; see also European Environmental CO2 (1999) (2004) 2008
Agency, 2007 and 2011). The passenger cars used are over- low 90 20 25
short term short term
powered on average and could be designed in a much more central 140 85
energy efficient way without a sacrifice of functioning. Logistics long term long term
have developed towards just-in-time and just-in-sequence pro- high 200 180
cesses, minimising inventory holding. Little effort has been long term
invested in energy saving transport processes, i.e. through better
bundling, cooperation of partners and using the environmentally
superior transport modes. Big potential can be additionally
exploited by reorganising manufacturing processes and the There are only a few studies, which apply such a stepwise
world-wide supply chains. From this follows that calculating calculus to estimate the opportunity costs of GHG emissions.
mitigation costs in the transport sector on the base of past Because of different assumptions on the reduction instruments
technology and organisation is misleading. From a forward look- they are not directly comparable. Only the study of IWW et al.
ing perspective the transport sector in general should be capable (1999) follows the above sketched evaluation path. The study of
to achieve the same reduction targets as they are set for the other Infras/IWW uses a standard avoidance cost approach to derive the
sectors of the economy. central value and follows the sketched out approach implicitly.
The lower value is taken from the literature on damage cost
estimations while the high value is derived from a backward
4.2.4. Defining the share of transport modes within the transport calculation of IPCC reduction values for 2050. The results of these
system approaches can be compared with the values suggested in the
A report of the Dutch and Swedish Federal Environmental Handbook on Estimating External Costs of Transport (2008)
Agencies (2009) analyses the potentials of GHG reduction of all which has been launched by the EU Commission to prepare an
transport modes, against the background of the presently known internalisation of external costs of transport. The Handbook
technologies. Result is that there are sectors like passenger includes short-term values, derived from CO2 ETS trading and
transport, which are capable to operate almost carbon free in long-term values derived from the Stern Review (2006). The
the year 2050. Freight transport will have more difficulties, in resulting numerical figures are exhibited in Table 4. As can be
particular maritime transport, to come close to this target. For air seen the opportunity cost approach of IWW et al. (1999) comes to
transport this will be practically impossible. The most promising relatively high values already for the short term, because it is
option is to develop alternative fuels, e.g. bio-fuels of the third strictly oriented at IPCC values and a target-oriented implemen-
generation produced by algae farming or micro-organisms, but it tation scheme.
is unclear presently, what the volume of this fuel production The large differences of CO2 valuation reveal a basic evaluation
might be, such that the above report assumes that still fossil bias between market and target based evaluation schemes: Taking
sources will be necessary to satisfy the energy needs of aviation. the findings of the IPCC and the political announcements given on
The GHG related scenarios comprise six steps: this base as a benchmark of evaluation then the CO2 value per ton
should be set at least at 90 Euro (left column) already today. In the
(1) General and low cost measures, as proposed for all safe long run an increase to 140–200 Euro would be necessary to meet
minimum objectives (e.g.: fuel saving technology, new pro- the IPCC target value of 450 ppm. Strict standard settings, as they
pulsion technologies (e-mobility), bio-fuel of 2nd and 3rd have been introduced with the 120 g/km–90 g/km rule in Europe9
generation, strict control of regulations and standards, traffic or the new CAFE standards in the US, are only rational if the
management, traffic information). emission of CO2 is evaluated that high.
(2) Emission trading, inclusion of the transport sector into the If market values are assumed to be the relevant indicators or
ETS, tightening the caps. damage costs are estimated which come out significantly lower
(3) Increase of fuel taxation (carbon taxes). than the opportunity costs (20–25 Euro in the short and 85 Euro
(4) Improvement of public transport with high investments. in the long run according to Handbook values) then the IPCC
(5) Standards, tightening the 120 g/km standard (e.g. 90 g/km in targets and the associated political announcement would not
2020), inclusion of trucks, inclusion of international transport appear economically rational. If such low values would present
in reduction strategies. the accepted decision base, then adaptation policies were super-
(6) Prohibitions and bans for vehicle categories (quotas for car ior to mitigation policies. In this context it should be added that
licensing, bans for cars in city centres, bans for trucks for the damage cost estimations come to values between 5 and
particular commodities/OD relationships). 800 US$ (see Hohmeyer, 2001). This follows from the fact that
such estimations are derived from impact scenarios and the
In an ideal world the first two categories of measures would be economic treatment of impacts which may occur in the far future.
sufficient, because the emission trading could be designed in a If a high social rate of discount is applied, for instance, then the
way that the caps for trading correspond to the desired reduction present value of future damages is low. If there is no discounting
path and the final target levels. But looking at the reality of CO2 and a long time horizon (e.g. 300 years) then the present value of
trading through the ETS and the problems with finding interna- impacts comes out very high. As the magnitudes of impacts, the
tional agreements on reduction levels and country contributions costs and effectiveness of future mitigation measures and the
one cannot invest too much confidence into the effects of this
instrument in the next decades. Therefore it has to be supple-
mented by a host of additional measures, which don’t presuppose 9
See Directive 2009/33 for restricting CO2 emissions of passenger cars in
international agreements. section 5.1.
A. Musso, W. Rothengatter / Transport Policy 29 (2013) 303–314 311

Table 5
Most relevant documents concerning externalities. The directives are explained in the following text.

General documents Specific documents Related directives

 Aalborg Charter, 1994  The Green Paper, 1995  Directive 1999/62

 The Sixth Environmental Programme Action of EU, 2001  The White Paper, 1998  Directives 1999/30
 Freight Transport Logistic Action Plan, 2007  The European Council of Helsinki, 1999  and 2008/50
 EU Climate and Energy Package, 2008  The White Paper, 2001  Directive 2006/38
 United Nations Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen, 2009  Green Paper: ‘‘On adapting to climate change in Europe’’, 2007  Directive 2008/101
 Focus Groups’ Report, 2007, European Commission, 2007  Directive 2009/33
 The White Paper, 2011

costs of adaptation measures are highly uncertain one can argue  General GHG reduction goal extended to 80–95% by 2050
that a precaution strategy has to be preferred which favours below 1990 levels.
mitigation measures. This would suggest the choice of high CO2  Reduction of the transport sector at least 60% until 2050; at
values. least 20% in 2030 below 2008 level.

Ten goals for a competitive and sustainable transport system are

formulated that contribute to achieve the 60% emission target. They
5. EU climate policy include for instance innovative vehicle technology, modern infra-
structure for environmentally friendly transport modes, low carbon
5.1. Regulatory tools, targets and instruments of EU climate policy in fuels, e-mobility and pricing measures to set incentives right.
transport Strategies to achieve these goals are for instance:

The European Commission, during the 1990 s and the first (1) Creating a single European Transport Area. This concerns in
decade of the 2000 s, published a number of policy documents the first instance the railways and the ‘‘Blue Belt’’ around EU
concerning environmental safeguard and climate change issues. ports, furthermore common rules for safety and security.
Even though the problem of external costs is acknowledged as a (2) Innovating for the future—technology and behaviour. Inno-
crucial topic in the field of transportation in most of such vative control systems for rail and air, management systems
documents, those addressing it directly are a few, whereas the for roads, information and surveillance systems for maritime
majority of them frame it within more general political visions on and inland waterway shipping are basic requirements for an
how to solve environmental and climate change problems. innovative transport sector.
Table 5 gives a comprehensive overview on general and specific (3) Modern infrastructure and smart funding. The Commission is
documents as well as the most important related Directives, propagating a core network (TEN-T) carrying large and con-
further commented in the text. solidated volumes of freight and passenger traffic.
The general targets of EU climate policy have been published (4) Getting prices right and avoiding distortions. Internalisation
in the EU Energy and Climate Package in 2008. It includes the of externalities and elimination of tax distortions and unjus-
‘‘triple 20’’, i.e. a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions of 20%, tified subsidies are core instruments. As regards GHG emis-
and improvement of energy efficiency of 20% and a share for sions, two main instruments shall be used: Taxation and
renewables in the bloc’s energy mix of 20%, until 2020 based on emission trading systems. Before 2020, the Commission plans
1990 levels. An extension of the GHG emission target to minus to develop a common approach for the internalisation of noise
30% was announced if other industrialised countries would and air pollution cost on the whole rail network.
follow. As other countries such as the US or China are hesitating (5) Focusing on the external dimension. Transport is fundamen-
with formulating concrete reduction targets the 30% target of the tally international and substantial progress with cutting emis-
EU is presently out of discussion. The package has, furthermore, sions requires the involvement of international organisations
analysed the reduction contributions of different sectors. GHG (WTO, ICAO, IMO, OTIF, OSJD) and international agreements.
emissions from sectors not included in the EU ETS–such as
transport–should be cut by 10% compared with 2005 levels.
Specific measures are described in Directive 2008/10110 for 5.2. EU White Papers 2001/2011: an anatomy of ambition
aviation and 2009/3311 for passenger cars.
Further goals and measures are discussed in a number of The Commission’s Transport Policy White Paper of 2001 ‘‘Time
documents. The 2011 White Paper on ‘‘Competitive and Sustain- to Decide’’ included a clear analysis of needs for an integrated
able Transport’’12 includes the most far-reaching policy goals: transport policy towards sustainability goals and the necessary
policy instruments to apply. It attached a detailed action pro-
Directive 2008/101 integrates aviation into the CO2- emission trading gramme, consisting of more than 60 policy actions to tackle the
scheme (ETS). All flights are included starting from European aerodromes, challenges of shifting the balance between modes of transport,
beginning with January, 2012. In the year 2012, the number of allowances will eliminating bottlenecks, placing users at the heart of transport
equal 97% of the historical CO2-emissions. From January, 2013, 15% of the
policy and managing the globalisation of transport. While this
allowances will be auctioned.
Directive 2009/33 introduces CO2-emission caps for newly licensed pas- White Paper was appreciated as one of the most ambitious and
senger cars. Fossil fuel consumption of the vehicle fleet of manufacturers is limited transparent EU policy documents it soon became obvious that the
to 120 g/vehkm, beginning with 2012. In 2015 a further reduction is foreseen and possibility was limited to transpose the programme into political
a reduction target of 95 g/vehkm is planned for 2020. The penalties foreseen can reality. This is best documented by the mid-term review of the
reach an order of magnitude of 95 Euros per gram of CO2 emission exceeding the
cap value.
White Paper published in 2006 which does not check and balance
Commission Working Document. Road Map to a Single European Transport the achievement of goals and implementation of the suggested
Area—White Paper on Competitive and Sustainable Transport. Feb. 2011. actions rather than presents more general and moderate goal
312 A. Musso, W. Rothengatter / Transport Policy 29 (2013) 303–314

formulations as well as more general and partly fuzzy concepts as (3) Introduction of some externalities into this charging system:
for instance the co-modality issue: While the White Paper The revised Directive 2006/38 EC allows for adding external
propagated the inter-modality goal and an action programme to costs of noise and air pollution to the infrastructure costs and
revitalise the railways the co-modality issue formulated in the for an extended differentiation of charges according to con-
mid-term review relaxes this challenge by propagating the gestion. However, the mark-ups for externalities are so low
‘‘efficient use of different modes on their own and in combina- that practically little impacts on road freight transport can be
tion’’, which can be interpreted towards all convenient directions. expected. It can easily be shown that the differentiation of
The example of the White Paper 2001 and its mid-term review charges according to Euro emission standards in Germany is
illustrates that the Commission often has to find political com- much more effective compared with the internalisation of air
promises with the EU Council and the EU Parliament such that the pollution costs on the base of capped values of the Handbook
ambitious political announcements in the White papers have to (2008). When it comes to noise the concept of km-based
be smoothened in the phase of political implementation. charging fails because it does not generate enough incentives
Nevertheless one has to recognise that the Commission has for changing the technology or the transport mode. Differ-
achieved substantial progress on several fields: entiating charges according to congestion is in principle a
promising way to shift transport to other parts of the network
– liberalisation, deregulation of the transport markets, recently or times of the day. For long-distance freight transport,
including the railway market and interoperability of however, it is almost without any effect; a route of for
technology; instance 1000 km is in any case composed of congested and
– charging heavy goods vehicles on motorways and freeways; less congested network parts such that at the end of the day
– introduction of some externalities into this charging system; the total external costs of different routes and different
– integration of aviation into the ETS; transport times equalise. Such a differentiation of charges
– introduction of CO2 emissions limits for newly licensed would only be effective if other transport categories like light
passenger cars; duty vehicles or passenger cars were included in the charging
– setting local concentration limits for NOx and PM emissions. system. Under this condition it would also help to reduce CO2.
(1) Liberalisation, deregulation of the railway market and inter- (4) Integration of aviation into the ETS:
operability of technology: For the first time international aviation is included in a regional
The principle of free market access, introduced by the First trading system, after a long period of ‘‘no-touchability’’ of
Railway Package (Directives 2001/12-14) and reinforced by international aviation after the Chicago Convention 1944. In
the Recast of this package, is certainly a progress with respect this way the EU integration of aviation into the ETS can be
to fostering intramodal competition and increasing the total regarded as a milestone and a top-runner strategy. But one
market share of rail. On the other hand, it encourages small cannot fail to notice that there will be little impact and
and medium sized rail companies to apply old environmental partially counterproductive results in the short and medium
technologies, as for instance diesel driven locomotives and term. The effect of a cap-and-trade system is dependent on the
wagons lacking noise protection. Comparable to other market caps and the trading rules set. With respect to aviation
sectors the EU policy is successful with liberalisation, but Directive 2008/101 defines the caps with 97%/95% for 2012/
hesitates with corresponding harmonisation. Lacking harmo- 2013 of the historical levels. No further adjustment rule is
nisation the climate issues are only taken up by the big defined for the caps. The trading rule of the Directive says that
railway companies to protect themselves against ambitious 15% of the allowances shall be auctioned, beginning with 2013.
competition policy of the governments. Again there is no announcement for a further development of
(2) Charging heavy goods vehicles on motorways and freeways: this rule. The price for emitting a ton of CO2 is presently below
The charging systems developed under the regime of Direc- 15 Euro. Even if this price would double the effect on aviation
tive 2006/38EC13 have proven successful. Full recovery of would be very low, in an order of magnitude of 3–5 Euro
allocated infrastructure costs is possible and a differentiation per seat for a short distance flight. Reducing the share of
according to Euro emission categories and congestion. In auctioned allowances to 15% implies that the additional cost
Germany this has induced a rapid change of the truck fleet load for the flight carriers is negligible. The ticket tax which has
operating on motorways. Meanwhile more than two thirds of been introduced by the German government beginning with
truck (km) with heavy trucks are operated with Euro V January 2011 is much more biting (8/25/45 Euro for short/
technology and better. Austria has introduced the environ- medium distance/intercontinental flights) and has provoked
mental differentiation of HGV charges in 2009 and other reactions of the airlines (Ryan, Air Berlin). Unfortunately, the
countries like Poland and Czech Republic are following this motivation of the ticket tax has nothing to do with climate
promising scheme. These positive impacts remain limited protection, rather than with generating revenues to consolidate
because of the incompleteness of the charging system. It only the public budget after the economic crisis.
includes the motorways and some freeways and is restricted In the maritime sector the governance situation is comparable
to heavy vehicles (in Germany: 412 t). A more comprehen- to aviation, because international maritime transport is regu-
sive charging system, as for instance in Switzerland, would lated by international organisations (IMO). However, the pro-
cause less transaction costs, generate more revenues, foster blem of defining caps and the trading rules is more complex
modal split and avoid undesired deviations of traffic to the compared with aviation and the Commission until now has not
secondary network. indicated how they will tackle this problem in the medium run.
(5) Introduction of CO2 emissions limits for newly licensed
passenger cars:
Directive 2006/38, amending Directive 1999/62, revised in 2011 (Directive Directive 2009/33 EC (‘‘120 g/km rule’’) has been fostered by
2011/33) allows for charging HGV on motorways and similar roads on the base of DG Environment against a heavy resistance of the automotive
allocated (average) infrastructure costs. The charges can be differentiated accord- industry. Although the penalty system has been relaxed the
ing to congestion and environmental characteristics of vehicles (Euro emission
categories, not including GHG emissions). The recent revision (2011) allows for
Directive implies a big challenge in the medium run if the 95
mark-ups on the infrastructure costs by adding external cost elements, restricted g/km rule is actually imposed in 2020. This regulatory
presently to noise and air pollution. instrument has proven successful insofar as the industry has
A. Musso, W. Rothengatter / Transport Policy 29 (2013) 303–314 313

been enforced to increase fuel efficiency of their cars within a action programmes, their intensities over time and their asso-
short period. Tightening the standard periodically (i.e. avoid- ciated costs. As pointed out in chapter 4 the measures can be
ing the failure to keep the standard constant as has been done classified with respect to their cost implications such that it is
in the US with the CAFE standard for a long time) generates economically rational to start with low cost and widely accepted
the right incentives for the development engineers. actions, while high cost actions and rigid restrictions on beha-
This policy is incomplete insofar as the freight sector is not viour can be avoided or come at the end. This might look to be a
included, i.e. there are no similar incentive-compatible reg- complex exercise but it has a number of advantages:
ulations for trucks and railway engines.
(6) Setting of local concentration limits for NOx and PM: (1) Packaging of measures: A packaging of measures avoids the
Directive 1999/30 EC, followed by 2008/50 EC14 , had a big risk of overusing one instrument, as for instance pricing, and
impact because they enforce cities with high air pollution to increases the acceptability by the stakeholders. It makes
introduce sharp measures towards car mobility and trucking. evident, furthermore, that some measures only work into
This induced an indirect impact on CO2: As many cities the desired direction if others are taken. This addresses in
banned cars equipped with dirty technology (worse than particular the role of regulation, because pricing measures
Euro 4) from the city zones public transit was stimulated or only work right if the regulatory environment is set properly.
the purchase of passenger cars with with lower fuel con- (2) Allowing for country differences: Although the harmonisation
sumption. of country taxation and regulation within the EU is a high
Summing up, a number of EU activities aim at reducing the priority goal would be an illusion to assume that this were
climate impacts of transport. While the papers on green achieved within a realistic time perspective. Transportation
mobility and green logistics present comprehensive lists of taxation is still varying considerably between member coun-
measures to be taken the actual actions are fragmented and tries and only minimum (fuel taxation) or maximum rates
don’t reflect a comprehensive and balanced programme with (motorway charging for HGV) are harmonised. In the case of a
substantial incentives for reducing GHG emissions. The strat- target-based internalisation scheme for climate change the
egy of the Commission is to describe the options for such a member countries would have some degree of freedom to
consistent action programme for the long time horizon on the compose the measures according to the country conditions
one hand. On the other hand the Commission hesitates to while the target are set in common. This would also reflect
work out a road map of concrete actions to achieve ambitious the fact that instruments like emission trading will by far not
medium-term results. This is underlined by comparing the lead to price levels for CO2 which are consistent with the
long-term and medium-term CO2 reduction targets with the reduction targets, such that complementary country taxation
intended short and medium-term actions planned as pub- (carbon/eco/energy taxes) are necessary.
lished in the White Paper 2011. The long-term reduction goal (3) Change of intensities over time: As there is uncertainty about
for the transport sector until the year 2050 is set rather the future change of technology an internalisation scheme
ambitious at least minus 60% of GHG emissions of transport, needs some flexibility to adjust over time. Therefore, a recast
compared with the 1990 level. The 2030 reduction target is can be foreseen, for example in five years steps. This would
only set at 20% below the 2008 level. This means that–taking allow for completing strategies which have been started in
into account the growth of traffic in the next two decades–the particular market segments but not harmonised for all
transport sector emissions 2030 would be even 8% above the (e.g.: Fuel consumption regulation for freight vehicles).
1990 level. Analysing the comprehensive list of 40 initiatives (4) Transparency for top runner position: As the target achieve-
which are announced in the White Paper to achieve these ments are permanently observable it is possible to relate the
targets one cannot fail to notice that most initiatives are packages of instruments applied to the success achieved. This
described in a very general way and denote only the level is important to create competitive incentives within the EU as
playing fields which are intended to be influenced. well as between the EU and other countries (US, Japan,
What is missing in particular is a road map which links the emerging economies).
time path of desired target achievements with the activities to (5) The political benefit of a target based internalisation scheme
be taken and their intensities. Therefore, the visionary part is that it allows for a continuous monitoring of the policy
looks very ambitious and challenging while it lacks a concrete action programmes which are aiming at target achievement.
list of measures which the EU is planning to take in the next As shown in Section 5.2 the EU transport policy has achieved
years to meet the IPCC requirements. some important progress, but it is still a piece meal policy and
lacks coherence as well as a dedicated road map for future
actions. A target based internalisation scheme would provide
a transparent framework for such a monitoring process.
5.3. Internalisation Schemes and political action programmes

While the neo-classical internalisation paradigm is based on a

6. Conclusions
costing principle (social marginal cost) a target-based internalisa-
tion scheme relates to action programmes, which include least
We have shown that ambitious goals for the control of climate
cost combinations of measures to achieve the targets set on a
change require a set of instruments, which are combined on the
dynamic trajectory. With this respect the target-based internali-
base of a least cost strategy. The recommendations given by the
sation scheme can give direct indications for appropriate political
economic mainstream analysis on the base of the neo-classical Pigou
concept fail to generate sufficient incentives to change technology
Directive 1999/30, amended by 2008/50, ‘‘Relating to limit values for sulphur and behaviour. A target driven approach will lead to higher cost
dioxide, nitrogen dioxide and oxides of nitrogen, particulate matter and lead in estimations for GHG emissions compared with marginal cost
ambient air’’ enforce limit values and alerts threshold for the concentration of approaches of the literature. But this does not imply that the charges
air pollutant emissions, in particular of particulate matter (starting in 2005) and
nitrogen oxides (starting in 2010). Air quality analyses have to be performed by
for using the transport infrastructure should be increased to peak
standardised measurement techniques, which have to be common for all Member levels. Instead of ‘‘setting prices right’’ the conclusion of this paper is
States. A number of cities still have difficulties with meeting the limit values. to ‘‘set incentives’’ right on every level of decision making in the
314 A. Musso, W. Rothengatter / Transport Policy 29 (2013) 303–314

transport sector. This concerns the provision of the infrastructure, transport indicators tracking progress towards environmental targets in
the production of vehicles and rolling stock, the use of appropriate Europe.
European Commission, 2008. Handbook on Estimation of External Costs in the
energy sources, the choice of organisation schemes as well as the Transport Sector. Prepared by CE et al. Brussels.
choice of modes, routes and travel times. European Environmental Agency (EEA), 2007. EEA Environmental Statement.
The challenge is to reduce GHG emissions by around 80% until Corporate Document no. 2/2007. Copenhagen.
2050 compared with the 1990 level, which is almost 95% com- Geurs, K., Nijland, H., Ruiven, B.v., 2011. Getting into the Right Lane for Low-
Carbon Transport in the EU. In: Rothengatter, W., Hayashi, Y., Schade, W.
pared with a business-as-usual development. The IPCC (2007) (Eds.), Transport Moving to Climate Intelligence, New York.
postulates that major efforts have to be done now, in the short and Halbritter, G., 1977. Standortoptimierung von großtechnischen Anlagen (Optimal
medium term, and not shifted to the far future. Against this Location Planning for Large Industrial Plants). Diss. Univ. Karlsruhe.
Hampicke, U., 1992. Ökologische Ökonomie (Ecological Economics). Opladen.
background the long-term targets set by the new White Paper
Hohmeyer, O., 2001. Vergleich externer Kosten der Stromerzeugung in Bezug auf
2011 of the EU Commission are conforming with the long-term das Erneuerbare Energien Gesetz (Comparison of external costs of electrical
IPCC landmark. But the road map until the year 2030, allowing power production with regard to the Renewable Energies Law). Study for the
transportation to increase GHG production by 8% compared with German Federal Environmental Agency, Berlin.
Hwang, C.L., Masud, A.S., 1981. Multiple Objective Decision Making: Methods and
1990, fails to set the signals right for the industry and the Applications. A State of the Art Survey. Berlin.
consumers to start early with a change of technology, organisation INFRAS/IWW, 2004. Facts on the Competition in the European Transport Market.
and behaviour. Research Project for the UIC. Zürich and Karlsruhe.
IPCC Intergovernmental Panel of Climate Change, 2007. Fourth Assessment Report.
There are many unexplored options in the transport sector
already in the medium term for better technology, behavioural IWW et al., 1999. Entwicklung eines Verfahrens zur Aufstellung umweltorientier-
change and efficient green logistics, which can be stimulated by ter Fernverkehrskonzepte als Beitrag zur Bundesverkehrswegeplanung (Devel-
an incentive-compatible framework of pricing, regulation, stan- opment of a Methodology for Deriving Sustainable Transportation Concepts as
a Contribution to Transport Master Planning). Berlin.
dards and network configurations. The risk for the economy
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