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Madskillz Trade Geniuses

A-Z From Apple Iphone to “Z” Tanks Treading Over Ukraine

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Two seemingly unrelated topics used to explore the current state of humanity.

This is not a list of the latest Iphone features, nor a political rant on foreign policy or sanctions.

File this short story under “half-empty pot of boiling ice”. It’s okay if you do not understand. I
rarely understand myself or anything else in life. What I am writing about, however, is my
perspective of human growth.

Now, I’m not a big Apple fan. I haven’t owned an Iphone since the 4 series but I have heard
about some of the features: I believe it has one of the most advanced cameras available on a
mobile device, advanced security features with facial recognition, and some other shit..

This is just one of the “advances” of technology. The technology sector is booming in a straight
line upwards and carrying the whole weight of major indices.

We have artificial intelligence, robots that are human-like, dance, and make jokes, drones, smart
phones, smart homes, etc. It seems we have made so many improvements in humanity.

We have had a, somewhat, black president, a, somewhat, woman run for president, we have
women’s rights and black rights, somewhat.

Wait.. wait just one minute.. I have a shit ton of explosive shit and these people aren’t doing
what I want them to do.. I’m going to blow ’em off the map. :) Thank you, Einstein. Fucking
genius. Great job Oppenheimer!

Most of the problems we’re “solving”, we created.. but it is what it is. As far as how advanced we
are.. so was the Egyptian civilization, so much so that some are certain that extraterrestrials
were present to help with the architectural wonders that were created at the time.

Still viewed as quite impressive a feat, hieroglyphics ain’t got shit on a 4k, ultrawide, super
retina xdr display at 1080p.

But I like to measure progress by analyzing the most fundamental questions, historically and
presently, and judge the era by the amount of questions left unanswered.

Where did we come from? Where are we going? Why are we here? Why can’t we all get along?
How can I get a bj by using eye contact and some sort of telepathy that is consensual?
Why are crickets chirping?

Still no answers?

Not any subjective, religious or spiritual bs. Something concrete, like gravity. An answer so
unanimous and globally agreeable that only the smartest 1 of 1% quantum mechanics majors
can argue about.

And no one gives a fuck what they’re debating about because their views are over our head and
we have an ego to protect.

Of course, like all things human and inherently complicated as fuck, this is no black and white
issue. It is just to say that maybe our achievements are overrated and we are just retarded
kindergartners that get a gold star for being alive.

I don’t have any answers, either, but my suggestions are to focus more on constructing than
tearing down. This can be implemented at an individual level and spread on to the bigger

Someone ever step on your shoes and you thought they did it intentionally, so you planned on
fucking his or her whole outfit up?

Maybe they did, maybe they did not. Blowing their country up will only cause hate, revenge, bad
karma, and more nuclear explosions.

Escalated quickly, huh? Life is like that.

Imagine if splitting the atom was used in some way to provide a force field that could be used as
a defense.

I dunno.

In 1,000 years we will probably still be killing each other and it’ll probably stem from an issue
over a female or some scuffed J’s.

Maybe we’ll cure death and I’ll get that telepathic bj. My luck it’ll be from a fat ugly chick. Ftw. { }

You have to read this shit!

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