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PORM TP 2020061 MAY/ATNE2020

C A R I B B E A N E X A M I N.A T I.O. N”B C‘ O U N. C F L


Paper 01 - Geññrel Pro8cteney


us:›tn mc rozzowmcersxeucxlonscaecvuzzv.
Thi‘» test i›onsis‘ts .of ñ0 itams. You will have 1 hour and 30 minutes to answer them.
z: In addition to this test bo.oklet, you shnuld have an a ‘sw sheet.
Esoh item’in tliis test‘has fOLt£ GH QCBtKd &tl£iwers littered (A), (B), (C); (D). Read each item
you are about to answer.and d'ecide which choice is best.

O.n yoiir anawer sheet, find the number which corresponds to your i'tem and bade the. spac‘c
having the same letter as the nnswer you ’have chosen. Look at the.aample.item below:

’The.MOST appropriate:galutatinn fñr a.businesB.letter is Sample Answer

(A) Hi Jariiss
(B) Dear Mrs.Ali
(C) My Deer So'1ornnn
(D) To Staff Members

The best answer to this item‘ i's “D'ear Mrs Ali”; en (B) has b’eén:shadéd.

lf ynu want to change your aNwN, erase it completely bsfore you fill yDur new chOlcfl,
When ydu are told to begin, turn the page and work quickly ând as carer lly as you can.
If you cannot answer an iiero, go on to the next one. You may return to that item later.

no «o'r wie‹ txrs rnci: u«m von one vozn vo no so.

Copyright 2019 Caribtienfl’ ExaniiñationS COI112CIJ
A]i righis reserved.

Some of the fpllpwing sentences contain errors of punctuation or capitalization. Some of them are
correct Select the letter (A), (B) or IC) to identify the error. Select (D) if there is ne error.

1. “I mm going to live with my father in Jamaica;” Kasia whis Red, “and I wt›n’t come back
(A) (B) (C)
here.” NO filtROR

1. The final stop on the itinerary is port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, NO ERROR
3. “Altbougb we read the book.” snid Alice, we mere siill confused or the tesi. NO ERROR
(A) (B) (C) (D)

Items Wl0 refer to the following incomplete SBRiTElCR8. Choose the w'ord or words that BEST complete
EACH sentence.

4. The principal ................... ihe students to walk whh their own water.

(A) advice
(B) fldvise
{C) advised
(D) advised

S. Everyone was when Mr Richards announced that the practical examinstion as


(A) refered
(B) relieved
(C) referred
(D) reieeved

6. Shame and her assistant prefer to type the letters' .......... ....

(A) tbeirsetf
(B} themseU
(C) theirselves
(0) themselves


. ‘’‘ “' 0J 251010/MJ/CSF,C 2020
7. Nathan who recently won a
gave an inspiring speech at ibe graduation

(A) scholarship, eermony

(B) s'fihnlanhip, cemnmy
tc) scholarship, ceremony
@) schoolnrship, ceremony

8. hMls6tudentS ...........
themselves, they were rewarded.
(A) behave
(B} behaves
(C) behaved
(D) behaving

9. All the students who sat the History exam last week
a passing grade were
. . - their teacher.

{A) received, congratlatcd

(’B) received, congratulated
(C) received. cnngratuated
(D) received, cangratulated

10. The C bbean Site Festival was pnstponeddue to the inclement . , ..........
. conaiii us,
(A) whether
(B) waether
(C) weather
(D) wheather

01251010/MJ/CSEC 2020

Which of the iollowing abbfeviations may 16. Which of the lol1‹iwing sbould be given
Be used in a manuscripttn represent ths the COST considRFBtlOl2 if a company
WOl'd IS dBf'•1 foufl OF dRSIgDlflg Rfl OF CC thfit i5
ergonomically efficient7
(A) necy
(B) neccy (A) Employees' personal attire
(C) necry (D) Employees' personal desire
(D) nesry (C) types of office furniture being

(D) Types of office equipment

Which ofdie follovnng words is represented being used
by the abbreviation ‘ffly'in a manuscript?

(A) fulfil 17. Prolonged viewing ofa computer monitor

(B) Llfiling may result in health problems. Which
(C) fear“fully one or ihe follow(rug would MOST likely
to› r»ith1\¿ prevent hi5 injury7

(A) A screen' flicker

13. A visual display unit is BEST categorized (B) An anti-gears screen
as (C) An ergonomic foot rest
(D) An ergunpmic keyboard
(A rpul
(B) output
(CJ backup Which of tie roiiow Ing storage media
normally requires a USB connector

(A) FlaSh drive

Whlch o1“the following is NOT an operating (9J Clnud drive
(C) Compact dJsJ‹
(D) memory card
(A) Linux
(B) Mac OS
(C) Windows 19. Which o(the following soM'are is used to
(D) MS Office boot a computer ?

'•› utaiiy
15. Which of the fo!losing devices may be {B) System
clarified as BOTT input and output? (C) Firmware
(D) Application
(A) Mouse

(C) Headset
(D) Keyboard

0]251Dl0 PCSEC202O
20. Computer software ia BEST’defined as 21. Repetitive strain injury may be avoids by

(A) the process of RXecuting the (A) tlSlCQ 8 S DfIShVB

func- tions of the computer (B) co rig the CPU after use
(‘B) the process oFperforming calcula- (C¿ changing the loGation nf the
tions and electronic comrnunica- computer
(D) typing'with an ergonomic keyboard
(C) a set of instructions that perform a
spmific task when executed by a

(D) s set of instructions that accepts,

proi:esses and stores data for later

Item 22 refers to the following acrnenshot,

by the arrow is
22. The correct t'erm Mr the rectangle indicated

’(A) status bar

(13} name box
(C) active cell
f’D) formula bar

0\21t h10/hI7/6SEC 2020
I tems 23-24 refer to the following Item 26 refers to ihe following extract from
a dncument.
xssn sva-o-yz34-s»7s-n The StaffWelfars Committee meeting will
be field on Monday the 2Znd NOVClTt f.. ñt

All the membErs I'll 1

be informedby email ab‹iui the exact date
rind time nf the meeting.
V8O1 23 4B6TBd
z6. Which of the following manusci'ipt signs
23. Which of the following devices is used to should he used in extract above?
rend the datn7
(A) Trs.
(A) Mouse (B) Stet.
{B} SEanncr
(C) Joy stick rn) *
(D) Keyboard
Which of the following is the COST
24. Which of the following gives a distinct efficient input de 'i e that can be used to
ADVANTAGE to this data capture method* capture daia <•1ectronically?

(A) Autuma0cally shows wbich (A) Barcode reader

Optinns JBVfl been chosen (B) Trackball
(B) A.utomatica1ly processes informa- (C) Keyboard
tinn (D) Mouse
(C) Enab lms atitomati c ending
ofmanufactured products *"
28. Which of the following features is used
(n Enables automatic itemized billing
to create a presentation Cth d consistent
of items purchased
appearance on all slidesT

Whai does the proofreader's mark ( ) (A) Animation

(h) Slide master
(C) Design template
(A) Close up (D) Auto correctwizard
(B) New heading
(cj Insert a number
29. At the end of a business !etier. fix e
(u) Leave a space
âl6nk lines are inserted before the xvl“l tET“›
name For tfte

(B) typist's ltiiiiBlS
( ›witer*s signalrM“e
(D) enc]osutE notañnn


01251010/MJ/CSEC 2020
- 7-

30. Which of the following saws the currant

Order for the. bdadings th .a Oiemorandum2
’Which of the following items are nomislly
loeaed-»n a’fimi's ieoerhead?
fA)’ To, From; Subject, 0ate I.
(B) To, From; Dare, Subject Name and address of thg firm
(C) Frñm., Subj i, ‘Date, To
u, fax number‘
(DI’ firom, Signature; Date, To Snlutation of the recipient

I on’]y
3 i. hich ofthe Follnwing‘fields:would be th'e J'and lJ ñRly
I and DI
BEJT‘chOlcB for tire key‘fieidofastudent's
fOM ft IGC Ofd‘’8fi6terD 1.11 B .4GdOOl'/
Only I, II
and Ill
(A) Surname
(B) Date of birth
(C) Telepljone’ number 3d. Whicli ofi the fnllowing is NOT a 1ega'l
(D) Admission number dOcU2TlCnt*

’32. be minutes of:a mating am required to

(A) VB notice ofanupcoming Hl8gtjflg

( ‘) li'st’ the decisions taken at. the. 3-7. Electronic mail is transmitted using a
(C) list items’ to .be ’discu s gt tyg
(A) printer
=eeting (B) pager
(D) Summarize what has taken pipe (C) computer
the meeting
(D) fax machine

83. The pCtiment stali ng what its to

br 38. Aweñsite-to-web’sita connection normally
acconpiis;i°S during a meeung is the usex ’a

(B) scheiiule‘
(C) memorandum
(D) attmdan ce sheét

34. lii which .of the fo'llowing letter styles ‘39. iVhich of followfig is NOT ‘a form of
sbould the layout ofALL component's start Electronic coriimunié'itnon?
at the’ left margin?
(A) Weblogs
(A) Blocked (B) Facsi‘milé
(B) Indented (C} Courier mail
(C) St ii-hlocked (D) Tel’econferenmn’g
(D) Modifiersblockdd



40. Which of the following are nowally used 43. A document tbat is used tor the initial
when sending an elecuonic mail† recording nf data relating to business
tmnssctio»s is called a
I. Reference
11. Subject (A) source document
lfI, To (B) Wuplate document
(U) turnaround document
(A) 1 and II DfllJ (D) machine-readable document
(B) I and flI only
(C) 11 and IU only
(N) I, II and UI 44. Which of the folloivinq storage systems
would be MOST suit hle for a client
register in a large organization7
4t. Which of the f'o1lowing factors should
be considered when sending - (A) Electronic
communication abnu apudingstor'? (B) Microfiche
(C) Paper-based
(A) Location {D) Magnetic tape
(B) Efficiency
(C) Degree of urgency
(D) Level of coiifidentiality 45. Which of the following strategies would
BEST reduce the risk ofinx'asion of pnx'acy
over the Internet?
Um 42 refers to the following icon.
(A) Ser the browser to disallow cookies.
D) Use encryption techniques during
IC) C hu ngc the Intern et serv inc
provider regularly.
(D) Increase the level of sevuri ry
settings en the browser.

46. The BEST mechanism to secure files

42. Which of the following activities is against corruption and uncontrolled accsss
associated Wfth the email icun Rbove? i*

(A) Send a file iA1 a virus

(h} Create a ale (B) a passwnrd
(C) Forward a mail ( ) CRD {3tIOIl

(D) Reply to a mcl (E) mstricted retrieval


0l25l0l0/MJ/CSfiC 2020
— 9-

47. Which of ttie: fo'1lowIng. gives 8 distinct 52. Which nf the folloNng is NOT .a desired
ADVANTAGE ofelecnonic filing? habit in the woikplacei

(A) Dnpli-ation of data (A) Recogniz‘ing diversity

(B) Hxmssive. maintenance (B) Respecting the riglits ofnthers
C) Increased efficiency and speed (C) Wenrtng the appropriate attire
(D) In rease‹i stat and teehnnlogies @) Sharing confidential forrriñtion

48. Whi'ch of the raiiowing. devices is BEST 53. Which .of the foIUwing actions would he
used in capture responses directly from a. illegal uñdér the Copyright Acts
(A) Askingle owner pemiission to’use
(A) Data readier nne of his photographs iñ a
(B) .Document reader book, you art writing
(C) ’lnformailotl reader IB) Citi‘ng a quotation in an Assign nt
(D) Transforming reader (C) PNñhasing ati origihal movi'e and
making a copy for e friend
(D) Preparing a bib]iogrñphy ât book
49. Which of ihe'folIowing 1s used £tB tliai you used in ari assignment
a'guide in scheduling. when the content
of a fil’e should be'destroysd?
54. Wtiicli of the'fnIlowiaq is ihfi current
(A) Filing APA referencing fomiai w1ien the
(B) Service information is soured ñom a book*
(C) Retention
(D) Destruction (A) Last Name, laidal ’(Year). Title
of Booit, Publication Data.
(B) Publicmion Dritn. Title of BooK
fi0. Which of the following is 1i›hatsd at the (Year). Last Name, Initial.
LOWEST level of the structure in an (C) (J98f). fkfl .O &OOk. USt 8IYI’C.
ethnic filing sjslem? Initial, Pnblication’Data.
(D) Title Df Book. (Yeay).
(A) ’ Ei1e Publication Data. Last Name,
(B) Orive Initial.
(Cl Folder
tD) Sub-folder
55. Which of the following lists is placed gt
the end‘ of a research.paper and includes
SI. Which of the following include(s) information on the. titles of sources and
charaileristics such as honesty, their authors, and publiGRtiOR I) ta?
trustwotthineas and having: strdng moral
pnnciples.7 (A) Citation
(B] Quotation
to-) s«iiis (D) Bibliography

(D) Attributes

10 -

56. Which of the follmving is an example of S9. The illegal copying, distribution or sale
of literary work? proprietary softwttre is knn aa

(A) Poem (A) computer fraud

(B) Dance (B) cnrnputer thefi
(C) Movie (C) software fraud
(D) Painting (D) software piracy

57. to prevent plagiarism researcher's should 60. Which of be fOlloWiRg symbols indicates
thai a literary wo rk is protected by
1. obtain apprnval for using another cnpyright?
person's work
II, copy and paste mfonraiinn from
OR Internet
III, cite the work in a bibliography
(A) I only

(C) I and III only

(D) Il and III only

Item 58 rsfefs tO the following extract,


58. Which elements of a desirable work

approach are described in rhe exira

(A) Personal integrity and willingness

(B) Respect for othsrs and courtesy
(C) Respwt fot others and willingness
(D) Courtesy and cooperaiIDl3


01 251010/MJ/CSES 2fl20

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