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For the week: 10/01/2022-16/01/2022

Enrolment Number: A3906419071

Program: BBA

Student Name: Sayjal Thukral

Faculty Guide Name: Dr.Khushboo Bhasin

Organization : Sai Samanta Foundation Trust Regd.

Targets Achieved:

 Taught some basic of algebra in Math.

 Solved doubts of children in academics.
 Get familiar with children and try to collect their feedback.
 Played some indoor games.

Work done for the Week-2:

During the second week I carried on with the basics of mathematics

and gave them simple problems to solve. As a reward I asked one of
them who would be the first to solve the problem correctly. We played
Tic-Tac-Toe and Ludo with each other. This helped in maintaining their interest as well
as made learning fun for them. Being from different
backgrounds I was not able to understand some of what they said and
sometimes they could not understand me.
But due to weekend curfew and covid we can't engaged most of the
classes.But later, at weekend they helped me in understanding themselves
better and opened up to me. They share their stories with me and I
shared with them.

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