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Allon Ginst Keddicle ad oiler Chats ISSA HIGO (San Frandaco i Cihy Ligets orks, Met) KADDISH, For Naomi Ginsberg 1894— 1956 1 Strange now to think of you, gone without corsets & eyes, wile ‘T walk on the sunny pavement of Greenwich Vilage Alowntowss Manhattan, lear winter noon, and Tve bees up ‘ll night, talking, talking, reading’ the Kadlah loud, Tsering to Ray Charest shot blind onthe phonograph the shythi the thythm— and your memory in my head thece ‘eats after And read Adonai lat tunphane kanuas Aloud — wep, easing how we effer ‘And how Death is tht remedy all 'singer team of, sing, femember, prophesy atin the Hele Anthem, ot ‘Bhahist Book of Answers snd my own imagination of a withered laf — at dawn ‘Dreaming back thru lf, Your tine —and mine accelerating toward Apocalypse, ‘the fal moment — the lower burning in the Day —and what ‘comer afte looking back on the mind ie that sw an Amescen city flash away, andthe great dream of Me er China, ot you and 2 phantom Risin, or 8 crumpled bed tha hover Ike a poem in the dark —eseaped back to Oblivion [No more to sa and nothing to werp for but the Beg in the ‘Dream, trapped in ts dimppearane, Sighing, creaming with it buying and sling pices of phantoms, ‘worhipping each the, ‘wonhipping the God inched in ie all—longing or incite Tal? wle lass, a Von anything wore? 1 ape about ey as I go out and walk the ster, lok back over my shouldes. Seventh Avent, the baements of ‘window fice buildings sbouldring each thr igh, ‘under cloud tall ar the sky a inant andthe sky ‘hove anal he place cor down the Avenue tothe South to—a6 I walk toward the Tower Eat Side where you wake 50 year ago, Lisle ‘gel trom Raia cling the fist polsonow tomatoes Sf Amerie —frighiened onthe dock then strgging in the crowds of Orchard Stet toward what? — toward Newask— toward eandy see, ist home-made sodas ofthe century, hand huned ice erm in Backoom on musty brwafoot nervous breakdown, operation, Teaching schoo, sd Tearsog to be mad, in'a ream ‘vat thi ie? | ‘Toward the Key in the window —and the great Key lye Se ‘bead of light on tp of Manhatten, and over the for, td ys down on the sidewall—in single vate beam, T ralk down ‘Fit toward the "Yedda ‘nd the place of poverty yo hnew, and T know, Bit without eating now — Strange to have moved thru Fatenon, and the West, and Eurepe and here again with the eres of Spaniards now in the dorstoops doors and ‘dak boy on the ret, fire exper old a you Th you're nt ld ow, thas lft here with me— ‘Myself, anyhow, maybe as old 36 the univene—and 1 guess ‘hat die wih enough to cael all that comes rcs Whyte fre ory ine — 8 good! ‘That Teaver i open for no reget—n0 feat sat, laciwn, torte even todas Inthe en “Though wile canes if Hon tht ext the sul and the amb, the sul nu alm fering Tl i sacri to lange fers mgr bal and fsth sed the oar of benepai, sal bar, break rotain, aad Simla. Al ail we do wore! We are in ft! And you're out, Death “jo oat, Det had the Mercy, yout dae hye century, done with God, dome withthe pth tha Re Dove with youre a last Pure~-Batk to the Babe dark before your Father, before wall—befre the oid ‘There, te No more suffering for you. T now where you've gone, is good, [No more flowers inthe summer Slds of New Yor, no joy now, ‘0 more fea of Loi, and no more of hit syeeines and glass his high schoo! derades, iy, oes ened elie cals cocepton ey [No mote of ster Hlanor,— she gone before you—we i ‘ectet—you killed erat she kiled enelt to ‘with you-an arthte heart But Deats killed you Doth No mater Nor your memory of your mother, 1915 tear in lent movies weeks and weeks forgetting, ageeve watching Mate Dreser address humanity, Chaplin dance in yout, of Boris Godinoy, Chaliapin's a the Met, baling his vice of ‘weeping Gzar—by standing room with Hlanor & Max watching aloo the Capitalists take seats in Orchests, ‘wite fury amends, 10 ‘with dhe VESL' hitch-hikingthra Penoylvanin, i bck baggy ym skits pants, photograph of 4 ie being eachother Found the! waste, and aughing eye, to coy, vrgoal felt of 1820 all gies grown old, or dead, now, and that long hair in the ‘rave lucky to have husiands later — ‘You matle eT came too Eugene my brother before (all, ‘eving now and will gream onto bis It sf hand, a¢ Ihe goes dru is caneer™~or Bll Inter periape = on he wl think) ‘And ie the last moment 1 remember, which T see thes al, thru myself, now —the not you 1 dide't forate what you flt-—what more hideous gape of bd mouth came ist —t you ~~ and were you prepared? ‘To go where? Tn that Dask— hat in that God? a raclane? ‘ArLond inthe Void? Like an eje inthe blac cloud in a ‘eam? Adonai at Inst with you? ‘eyond my retombrance! Tacapableto gue! Not merely the ‘yellow sll inthe grave or a bow of worm dist, and 2 stnioed ikon —Desthaead with Halo? cat) you believe i? {et only the sun that shine once fr the sind, only the fash ‘of existence, than none ever was? [Nothing Beyond what we have what you had — thats pitiful yet Teamph, to have been hee, ad changed, ike a tee, broken, ox fower— ed tothe ground-but mad, with ite peal enor, ‘Woking Great Universe, shaken cut in Whe head, eat trip, hid in an egy erate hort lth wrapped, sone Tfeaked in the sion bra, Neugben, [No flower ike that lower, which knew fell i the garden, and ought the knife lot 4 ‘Gut down by an idiot Snowman’siey-—even in the Spring — ‘range ghost thought—some Death Sharp icc in 1s hand — crowned with old roses—a do for his eet eock of a heart of eectre tons. All the accumulations of if that wear ws ont — clock, bods, ‘conscioumes, soe, breasts bette tna ~ your Cam ‘munis Paranda" into horas You once kicked Elmer in the leg he died of heart faite Tater. You of stoke. Asleep? widin a yea, the two of you, sisters a death Te Hlanor happy? ‘Max gieve alive in am offes on Lover Broadway, lo large ‘mustache over midnight Acoountings, not ree Hit fe [aes —as he sees—and what dote he doubt now? Bill dream of mating money, or tat might have made money, ed mun ad chilies, found evn your mortality, Neon Til se him soon, ‘Now T've got to ext ehough —to talk to you ss dee when you had a mouth, Forerer. “And were bound for that, Forover—ike Emily ‘Dickinson's ores headed to the End. ‘They know the way — These Steeds—ron fter than we think ies our ova Ile they erose— and take with them, Magnificent, mourned no more, mare of heat, snd behind, maved dreamed, moral changed Att and fare done with murder Tn the word, given, flower mldened, made no Utopia, shut under pine, sled ia Hart, balmed fa Lone, Jehoral, "Narde, One Faso, Forever beyond me, begining, odie, Fathern rth‘ am ot ere fr is Pep, Pim ‘mare, Tm hymna, Tin Heaveies heads i 2 ishood T woud sil adore ‘The, Heaven, after Desh, only Oe Bleed in Nothing es nt ligt or dahoes, Dyien Hermty dag bie ty hs By fon me te fom my and in 4 ay, some of my Tie, no given to Nothing to rae Thee Smoen oe . = ‘This ithe en, th redemplion from Wilderes way fot eNotes He ou or Ae bade ye ‘weeping — page beyond Pil —Last change of mise sad) Nacai to God’ pero: Datona Dea say thy 1 Over and ofer—refrsin—af the Hoppitls— sti Ihaven' writen your history leave it sbtrct —a lew images run thra the mind the sxapone chor of houses and years remembrance of electrical shel By long nites a a child in Paton apartment, watching ‘over your newvousnen you were fat-— your next move ‘By that aftermoon'T stayed home ean school to take ‘ate of Jou once and fr all—when T vowed forever that ‘once man diagreed with my opinion ofthe cosmos, Iwas lost — By my ster burden —vow to illuinate mankind — this is release of partculan—— (ad at you) Canty tick of agreement) — But you stared out the window on the Brosdway Church core, and pi tea ami rom Neat, ‘So phoned the Doctor-—"OK go way for 8 ret" —so T ‘pat on my cont aad walked you downsteet—On the way a ‘Bammanshcol boy seeamed, unaceountably —* Where you goin Lady to Death"? Esbudered — ‘nd you covered your sos with motheaten fur cola, 2s mask gait pion seaked into dowatown atosphere, ‘spmyed by Granda — " ‘And was the diver of dhe checebor Public Service but fa mener of the gang? You shuddered at his fae, 1 could hardly got you en to New York, very Times Squane, o gab another Grohound— ‘were we bung around 2 hours fighting invikile bugs and sev enone pony Ror ‘out 10 gt you~ and me taggag along hoping it woud ed in 2 quiet rom ina victorian howe by ake ‘Ride 3 hours thea tusrls past all American industy, Bayonne preparing for World War IE, tas, gas Beds, soe 4 fete, dine, emote rounds frase acy ov Ke ery sca ang ns = = ge by di eral, wampom strand down tes atl or lene bope sd hl dns for Racal a Bowe al hs ‘dial he Made ighey = eihps 2 wk ins rc, om Beit king for an conta tc Ale ie aging afi of ange in he vant ote at saring tan“ bale theyre ea “Alles, you dost sndertand —its—ever singe thse 53g wicks up ny back thy aid somthing ton Hosp, Shy nel hy wate ede 9 ga “the Bich! Old Grandma! Last week Ts hey, reed in pat ikea ld an, wth sack on her bee, ching ap thet fhe parent “On he fe ceape with pon gems to ew on me — ataight may Lass epg ber-"he under het power “Tm your ste, takes t Lakeweod (eee hoe Graf Zeppelin had rthed bor, all Hier ia Expaon) ‘iene Ten ie ‘We got there —Dr, Whats et hm —he hid bind det demand a Bot tan, ‘We were ck ot tpg ith Valle unknown shady lawn hows — disk, pine tees ster akong dead ‘tet led wih ces and oto ry Tahu ber up by owe-tg howe REST: HOME ROOMS eae the lndldy her omy or the week oh ths ion vite sat on bed wang Weep — ne ‘Neat room in attic with friendly bedcover — lace curtains 5 —inning wheel rug—Staned wallpaper old as Noon, We ‘wer hoe ne {ft the next ts to New York —y my head back in the ast wa depresed the wort yet to come? abandon, lng he, rode in torpor Twas only 12, Would she hide inher roorn snd come out cheer for breakfast? Or lock her dooe and tare thew the window for es sree mies? Liven at Keyhole for Hilevan inves? Dream in a chair——or mock me, by-—in front of 2 nite, alone? 12 ing the bust nite dr New Jersey have left Naat to Pare in Lakewood’ Haunted howe lett ty tors fate bus—sunk ina seat—all ioline broken iy hear ste ie say ris aind wat empty Would she were ne in her catia (Or back at Normal Sehool in Newatk, studying up on ‘America in a Hack sit winter on the steel withog nel a penny a pickle —home at night t take cae of Elsar in he bedroom Fint nervous breakdown wat 1919—she stayed home tom achool and ly ina dak room for three weet soeth td —never uid what—every noe hurt dreams afte eaks of Wall Stra Belore the grey Depresion—went upstate New York — recovered — Lou took photo of her sting ere om the eas he long hat wound with flowers pitsing hie ‘on mandoline — poison Ivy smoke fn letwing nummer comps land mein infancy sw tees or back teaching schoo, laughing with idiot, the backe ward clases —her Ruslan specialty ~ morons wi dresay ip great ‘eyes hin fet icky fingers swaybacked, mace sat heads pendulous ove Alice in Wonderland black. board filet GAT Naomi reading patiently, story out of « Communist fairy ‘ook —Tale of the Sndden Swertors of The Dictator ~ Fe ‘vena of Warlcks-~ Armiea King — ‘Deatabeads Around the Gren Table ~The King & the Worters— Patton Pre prated them up in dhe 30% til she ‘went mado they folded, both (© Patenon! “T got home Inte that nite, Lous was word. Hove could Tbe 30—dde't I thnk? T should have either: Msd in Lakewood, Call the Doctor. Phone the home | Inthe pine. Too ate | ‘Went to bed exhausted, wanting to leave the world (probably that year newly in lve with It my high school ‘Bind hero, jew boy who came & doctor later” then lent eat id ater laying down life for hm, moved to Manhattan — followed him to college Prayed on fey to help mankind suited — vowed, the day 1 journeyed to Entrance Exam — by being honest reroutionary aboe lawyer — would tain for that inapired by Stoco Vanarti, Norman Thomas, Dts, ‘Altgeld, Sandburg, Poe-Litde Blue Bods, wanted #9 be President of Senator. ignorant wor —Ister dram of kneling by R's shocked knees declaring my love of 16H — What swectnen he'd have Shown me, tho, that 1 wished him & despaired fet love — acruh— ‘Laer a mortal avalanche, whole mountain of homesex ality, Matterhors of cok, Grand Canyons of autole— weight ‘ny melancholy bead — ‘meanwhile Twlled on Broadway imagining Taiity he ‘rubber ball without space beyond — whats eutsde? — coming home to Graham Avenue sil melancholy psn the lon geen Sede scr he et, deg ae ite mores) © telephone rang at ZAM — Emergency — she'd ‘ad — Naomi hiding under the bed sessing bog of Msi ‘Help! Louis! ‘Bubat™ Fascists! Death! he landlady feghtened —eld fag attendant sereaming back at er ‘Teor, tat woke the neigibos—old Indes on the second floor recovering fm menopsine al Un ag between thighs clean shee, sery over lon babes — husbands ashen chikren snering at Yala or potting olin hair at CONY ot twenbling in Montchir State Peach College ie Bogene — He big leg couched to ber bess hand oubtetched ‘Keep Away, wool dre on her thighs fur coat dragged under the Bed — the barcaded heret under bedpring wah ese, ‘Lous in_pyjamas Tstening to pong frightened — do now? —Who ‘cold know? my faut, delivering ber to sls sg in he dck om o he el, eng seo pe Na ate Be ee eet fee ee wa ee are arab ore os Ty bel nro nh tem sie bed in ing tom, net Lou? Sok” abog he ta ELDASSROS SS Sop soe Sy gt om —- re senegal om SRS ee lat 2 “Louis in horror at the sd fountin —with Lakewood sidseto™ cde adc —uner—busmen ag oa sche Sefae fem cunry precinct bed and a pit dean inet en aan Si tage a—Loxs_polnng to emptinen? — Custom vung tht kero ang Los ited CiNtou! Uumphet=—‘The Announcement of the Plot Bus {eto the ever a have them on tp © Now Work ‘Poor or. Wha Sha meds a ret The meta pital State Grojione Decors "Drng hee bee, Mr Gaia? rly on hes leering for Blond tena ‘Sehtous hand upraied a’ aoe in ie-—bareloot in the Pharmacy “Ths comes approach — what oo? Tape recorders? DI? Zhdanow hiding bhind the coer? “Tek mixing at See fe ack ot i se Une an Newt ie “aly patunes inthe Negro dict? Uncle pba, Arch ardor inte polis bay aening of Hague? ‘Rone oe paning water th te neds of the Seni Col Ware ‘ithe hired $5 ambulance came fom Red Bask — —Grabbed her arme—tapped het onthe ether am Jog, posed by inagiatity vriing chemise thre Jesey, iigglag mercy for Ene County to Mertown— “ind back to Greyson er he Iny hres yeas — that vs the st “iver her f9 Matte asin ‘On what watdseT walled there ae, oft old extar toate late ey as oud or hoe walls roning eter fronpece nis vand he wrned hag accep, acting — begging my 13-year-old merey — “Take me heme’—T yet alone sometises lokng for the lst Nao, taking Shock and Tay, "No, youte tray Mama;—Trut the Dr — ‘And Bogen, my trots, her elder son, away sty aw ina forte rom in Newsske= ny SHOE came Pte nextday — and at onthe bken- ow conch inthe fv Zoom" We had fo send er ack to Greytene— his face perplexed, so young, then eyes with tars — then crept weeping all over fis face" What for?" al vibrating in is cheetbones eyes coed py igh voice — Eugene's Thee of pain, Hla faraway, saped to an Elevator in the Newark Library, his botde dally mile on windowal of $3 wesk fun room downtown at ly tacks ‘Hl worked 8 ha day for $20/¥k— thru Law Shoo! year—atayed by hie inoecent neat negro howe nll, poor virgin wring poems about Ideals and polis tert fo the elitr Pet Ev Nowe (we beth wos, Scnouncing Senator Borsh spd” Tcaionst—and’" fk smyteowr oward Peter City Hall Tsyeaked imide it once——lowal Moloch tower with ‘halls spite & cap oP omamens atange gohe Posy that toed on Marker Steet—~repn Lyon Hotel de Vile — tng bnlony& scrollwork poral gate Yo the plant city loc, eet map roc fall of Hawthorne atk De in the Board of Tax-— embrande auoking fn the gloom — Silent poled des inthe great commie room — Aidemen? Bd of Fsance? Mosca the faitdrener splot Capp ‘he gangster ising odes fom the fn The aden tag. Bling eve Zone, Fire, Cope & Backroom Metpbyscr es 2 denote by tetas Eugen ads ‘0 pers th Brant preached madly or decade ae ain ele eget ae Bie” ted ep hastens dnt pee” ‘or God is Love on the rioad overpass concrete —he et et te ne ge Doo ay ma ou Cen, you, been Mone Teh Clee vane x al hed Rt Seas Se Se ga ie ae ce dmqated “aal be Sd so nor oe ee “we broke his Me in two and paid for Law —read huge sae NEN tose Ear 1 bas ceey We E ciel ciate ee ae on hs lu de, tort Ba, Nal poy beh eg oe : ee ed re eet ta Res even oe ST Sad ef eS ha sa etal — ce 198? — ow at in cone ceo = By, nig ‘ei oe ‘And Metrasol had made her fat, Se that afew yes Inter se came home inch sand and noel vated fo aint cosk play the piano — a wefan See, & Stk Resi, & dhe comment Une on the a var with Finland — and Tox in. det—nepeied to be Potoned money smptiou cpations aed down the lg feat Hall & Joked a dhe fumitre. She never remenered al. Some “anne Exannad the dolle—and the ning room set wa ald the Matogany ale-20 yen ove=~ pene othe Jon sean" sl ad the piano and the bok of Por and the Mandolin, tho edd me sng ey She went to the badscom toy down in bed and rumint,of pap hide ent Im wih het, not leave be by Ineo fn bel ext thera alle dy, ae afternoon "Louis infront room at Gok, "aing perhaps ian chicke for sper “Dont be afd of me been Ti jut coming back tome from the etal hot —-Pin your mae oor ve oa et —T ny ee Sa ve you Noo i nt fe ny Fol ve re, tt the eof ove union? —~Nerouy and he gt up soon ‘Was she eer mised? And by hel to the new couch by the font window, teary check ean on et Itnd—narowing een what fate ay — Picking her tooth wih her ta life fom an O, sopieon = Gough's od worm vagina" abet dsglnte of yen tere el debt won fn the wall unpaid the aged ‘enuf New com neat ‘May have head radi opt he wires ner Red eu ner ay ene anes thn Whe bapieated pn etre Ne fale Tor ead ook thet kn hero te wl ‘me— Aledo ler, nowy thatthe gvetent Ia the pare ~trced tak t Hite —wated to leave Lo” boas fore ee Oe ih mn ker nn eae — ee ere eee Ss Sit die Ca re wr partic aan ee Prom fee epee ne eos ‘et el le de dng we re es neces eostecons Sct reo tenth ee eerie canan! pee coveaneee esa age een et feet Fegan to whem exape from commie fnancal murder on a eertee eee a Sadar ntaatt artes Or thr Blanr oF the Woman's Gil where she wend lla hn te me a apn foe Gaia ona sop ned money ou ma er’ “Late the fol oyna heme dat tna weed for Neola aio now Tan bl ‘apy ed lwo was Nol at xpan—bu ey TERM coe Ou cue Eloy ct rs edo tl, In coe dein snl hater gig ft ed ae ah {Catal ere betas I went the orp ten ie men mela Won Ts fred aed OWN 19 : lng at kd baby pce in the magne — baby 2 Powder sdvetiement,stsiond lamb carols" wil think Dothing ut bral oop’ sea, Roting her hed round and round on her neck at dow like Th stmerinn i hyped, a ovens, “1 toch hic hee, Itouch his cect, he touches my ip ih Mshsnd in beuifl soug,he baby har fel popes ‘Or s Noshake of ber body, digst some thought of some inn pases ti her head bere shuder a¢ Involuntary (ar ser when Tp} ad hema inher cortex" No dont nko that HES tat ‘Naomi: “And when we ele we becmme an culo, a cabbage ato, oa vgn,» vege” T came dvmntn ‘fom Catmbin and agree She red the Bile, thinks Leal Ahonght al dy "Yesterday T sw God. What he ook He?” Wal in {he afternoon I climbed up adder —he hava cheap cate fe {Be county, ke Monro, NY the ehh Tanase eee “He waa uly old man vith whee " eoked supper for him. Tad him nce soppec — Fen soup, vegetal, bead © butier “mitre Soom the ble and ate wed “1 ol hi, ook ll hee Sigs a igs down ther, What's the mater Why dent ou pa ep ots “iy, he sid Tha all os ould do, he ed tied Hetssbachele long andes eat so Serving me mil, plat ef ld dh ra cabage dpe with topwater aly tomes este Hath foad— rated bets fe carts with leaky ln, was ner and ore cinoma ood -Yemit en fe onic eretimes™ the Charo her haods wining wth Meshes, a ” anaes, dsr plete meld uneteoked fh — pale red eat the bones, Her small—~and oft naked in the Yoom, » that Tatar ahead or tum a book ignoring her ‘Gost i thought He a eying to make me come lay Iher—firng to evil a slay tack on huge bed that filed ment ef the voor, des up round er hip, big lsh of Tha, teas of operons, panteay belly wound, orton spp, sting of nang pling do nthe fe He Iideous thick zippess— ragged Jong lips between er Tegs— Wat ven tne of aslo? Twas ekd™latr revolted ai, tot toth--remed perhaps 2 goed idea to try —hnow the Mone fie Begin Womb Peta tht way. Would ear? She mtdea lover, “Vatorach,vyinabach, vipa, vysroman, vyinaeh, idan, yale vyshaloh nah dead, Wich hi “Ard Lau resalshing Nims in Paton gry pars ment in negro dteiet—lvog in dark. rooms —but found Fmt be later arsed, fling in love again —tho ere ‘Sy — rt with 20 years Nac mad dealin. ‘Once T cane home, after lng in NY, b's lonely — ing inte bern, td ct ured round to face me ep teaenin ed eyes under gases That we'd Ie hi Gene gone srangey into army — she out on her own in NY, anesthe ished oo Eo Lous waked downto poze to ge mal taught in Fighieheolstayed at poety de, foriom ate gue at Bick fora hee years are gone Tagen pot out of the Army, cme home ehanged and Joge—eut ff ft owe in jit operation —for yea {2a oo Diouay for ope of caer to git Id Went to [RYU eis there, 0 Bah Law ‘Sad. Gene lived with hes, ate naked fihcakes,chep, a nseracmoneid 2 ile she got ersee—He gt ths, o lt Helen, Naomt Dilsg 108 pea te sos aad ie het ree hi ett sgt" the wd a tot year he mono ts men Ha Celenbi ‘wanted to live with her children — eat “Listen to yout mothers ple, The you"—Lox il sedi er cio“ wai ghee yar 8 hh ‘youn ib uration in hse Lae at then vent half mad Hiern ber oem, he se is mace ate ata of Ds ae oy hapecng that he wat nom the Newark plot vnt up t Bos ns ‘ear Banrs Rete Heat ‘And Unk Mi ever g up Bore non th Nao at 6 AM was {othe rao for spies sat a ‘peso sarin vain the only bt dows anol man ep wih is batting acoge of age ih haa lak ee ioe we? yg Neo ne Riera oe hg RES a a es ‘Who enrlled for painting cases at night in Bronx Adult igh Schock athe loge der Van Corian Besed ee ae rome ee ES Bee Se ae sre eee 2% Jeet Bl tain running over dhe Babylonian apartment rooftops nthe Bron Sad paintings—but se expred here. Her mandolin gone ll ings broke in her head se teed, Toward Beauty? frome oldie Menage? "But started hiking Elanor, and Planor had heat rouble ‘—eame ‘peti snd asked her about Spydom for hour anor fried. Mix sway at ofc, accounting for ig stores ‘iat ihe "Tain gest woman —am truly» beatfl soul —and because of that they (Biter, Grandia, Heat, the Capitals, Franco, Daly New the 25 Miso te Iving dee) want to st or up— Bulbs the head ofa spider network —" ‘Kicking the it, Ea & Elanor — Wake Pie a midnite ‘to tll er she war 5 apy and Elan art, Ble worked al ay land couldse tke t=-She wat organising the union. And $lanor began dying, upstairs in bed ‘The relatives eal me up, sb’ getting worse —T was the only one let Went on the tabway with Bagene to ae bes, steal fh "My diter whipers in the radio— Louis mus be inthe apartments mathe tlle him what to say LIARS! ‘Choke for my two chieen 1 played dhe mandolin —" ‘ast night the ightngale woke me Lat ght when all ‘yas sil Hear inthe golden meoonighe/ fram on the wintry Bal," She aia T pushed her again the door and shouted “DONT CK PLANORT—"she stared st me Contempt —die— Gishele her wane are wo nave, #0 du fy! She’ taking order "No ites in the scom! ’—1'm yelling at her —Iast ‘itch, Eugen Inteing on the bed — what cane do to escape csc a Sat ft Maa —Ysve emaay fom as Grandma's too old to walk econ eet al sex Ste hn ere me & ene & Nam in ce eyhcngel Graen pom scan ch ‘thera he Fert im Cline af nese 1 beng ent ee Hed we a Raton Ss ies th hott gf HatucsaSon=- fr elt Swe Teepe al thn ge sevice ay orm nc rtenen swe = Th joey al p,m Van Coy md Hama sleet lt d= aha fv a yar gaat "O sop Nac M0 or cred ge!” Sh Pal fa Sa you ‘in death? he Your nt sight in the aif she Brot — phos called tubs ome pole “ha cam, we ou of vere sn, shiig at gor in hy tat beaten aoe be et ior il forget, the dorkneck, a your ght of pies — Law avenge ey Taint the roar ou nnn ‘dred, hiding potato The ust bere fate — Nerd Ne staring at my eye, betrayed —the nal cop of mde cing efron your fot gun the tren at of "your voice at Edie weary of Gimbels coming home 10 broken radio and Louis esta poor divers, he want fo fet marie soon —Bogene dieing hiding at 125 Sy ang egron for money on ered foritre, defending black ge Prot from the batheom Seid you west lane — a

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