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VOL. 2

A compilation of Extracts
from the Edgar Cayce Readings

Edgar Cayce Readings Copyrighted by

Edgar Cayce Foundation
1971, 1993-2014
All Rights Reserved

These readings or parts thereof may not be reproduced

in any form without permission in writing from the
Edgar Cayce Foundation
215 67th Street
Virginia Beach, VA 23451

Printed in U.S.A.

Circulating Files are collections of verbatim quotes of what Edgar Cayce said during his readings
on a given subject or, in some cases everything. We have medical circulating files which focus on
the over 9,000 health-related readings with subjects from Acidity-Alkalinity to Weight Loss. We
also have non-medical circulating files on a broad range of topics, for example Egypt: Sphinx,
Pyramids, and Hall of Records, Fear and Its Far-Reaching Effects, Advice to Parents, Serving in
Accord with Ideals, and Business Advice.

Each circulating file is simply a collection of reading quotes or full readings given for different
individuals on a similar subject or disease. The A.R.E. cannot and does not suggest treatments
for physical ailments nor make claims about the effectiveness of the therapies. We encourage
anyone working with the health readings to do so under a doctor's care and advice.

The circulating files support the research aspect of the Cayce work. We appreciate any feedback
informing us of progress made in improving one’s life or achieving good health by applying
suggestions given in the readings. Please send any feedback (testimonies, experiences, results,
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Please note: The complete Edgar Cayce Readings are available through the members only
section of our web site, or on CD-ROM.

Some circulating files contain commentaries or summaries written by physicians. These reports
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Our hope is that through the Cayce readings you will find the wholeness and oneness which is
God's plan for us.

Blessings, A.R.E. Member Services Team

There are in truth no incurable conditions…. 3744-2

This Circulating File consists of an overview (on rheumatism [fibromyalgia]) and the Edgar Cayce
psychic readings where both rheumatism and neuritis were mentioned [Also see the separate
circulating files: “Rheumatism, Vol. 1, 2 & 3” and/or “Neuritis, Vol. 1 & 2”.] The information is not
intended for self-diagnosis nor self-treatment. Please consult a qualified health care professional
before following any advice contained within this file.

Articles may be included because the information supports the remedies and therapies described
in the Edgar Cayce readings or are of a helpful nature. Their inclusion does not imply
endorsement or recommendation. Before following any advice contained in the articles, please
seek the counsel of your doctor. [Articles on fibromyalgia are included in the circulating file on

Products may be purchased from Baar Products, the official worldwide supplier of Edgar Cayce
health care products: or call 800-269-2502.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2014 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


Rheumatism and Neuritis

Vol. 2

Contents Pages
A. Case Studies from the Readings (continued from Vol. 1):
1. Reading # 1663-1, 3, 4, 5, 50-yr-old woman 5
2. Reading # 1680-1, 43-yr-old woman 20
3. Reading # 1800-4, 6, Research Readings 23
4. Reading # 1820-1, 42-yr-old man 25
5. Reading # 2036-5, 15-yr-old girl 28
6. Reading # 2189-3, 39-yr-old man 29
7. Reading # 2392-1, 56-yr-old man 31
8. Reading # 2413-1, adult man 36
9. Reading # 2533-3, 37-yr-old man 40
10. Reading # 2743-1, 2, 42-yr-old woman 44
11. Reading # 2750-2, 44-yr-old woman 49
12. Reading # 2866-1, 2, 32-yr-old woman 53
13. Reading # 2975-1, 65-yr-old woman 57
14. Reading # 2980-1, 81-yr-old man 60
15. Reading # 3255-1, 64-yr-old woman 62
16. Reading # 3501-1, 51-yr-old man 64
17. Reading # 3547-1, 56-yr-old woman 66
18. Reading # 3599-1, 51-yr-old woman 72
19. Reading # 4324-1, 2, adult woman 74
20. Reading # 4482-1, adult woman 80
21. Reading # 4511-1, adult woman 83
22. Reading # 4852-1, 54-yr-old woman 87
23. Reading # 5066-1, 57-yr-old woman 90
24. Reading # 5197-1, 56-yr-old woman 94
25. Reading # 5571-1, adult woman 98
26. Reading # 5734-1, 45-yr-old woman 101

(continued on the next page)

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2014 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


B. Related Circulating Files and Research Bulletins*:

1. Acidity-Alkalinity
2. Appliances: Radio-Active
3. Appliances: Wet Cell Battery
4. Arthritis (Osteoarthritis)
5. Atomidine (electrified iodine)
6. Castor Oil Packs
7. Neurasthenia
8. Neuritis, Vol. 1 & 2
9. Osteopathy
10. Rheumatism, Research Bulleting
11. Rheumatism, Vol. 1, 2 & 3
12. Rheumatism and Neuritis, Vol. 1
13. Rheumatism: Sciatica
14. Toxemia

(Q) What has caused the arthritic condition?

(A) Accumulations of poisons to the muscular forces of the body from the lack
of the eliminations. This is more of the NEURITIC effect, NOT arthritic; though if
it is allowed to remain it may BECOME static or arthritic in its nature. But if there
is the use of the properties indicated, these should make for such conditions as
to eliminate the sources and causes of this reinfecting the system.
For as we have indicated, such conditions as neuritis, arthritis, rheumatism,
or even fevers of many natures, are the EFFECT - and are reinfection in portions
of the system. 1820-1

Circulating Files & Research Bulletins are available from A.R.E. membership services at
(800) 333-4499 or:

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2014 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



Appliances: Radio-Active: Arthritis: Tendencies Par. 31--37, 43-A
Arthritis: Tendencies Par. 4, 16
Blood: Coagulation: Arthritis Par. 7--9
Diet: Acidity & Alkalinity Par. 40
Doctors Suggested: Tucker, A.R.: D.O. Par. 27, R1, R3
Eyes: Asthenia Par. 46-A
Glands: Arthritis Par. 4, 11, 15, 21, 43-A, 45-A
Healing: Oneness Par. 47-A
Hormones: Lutein Par. 44-A
Injections: Hypodermic: Lutein: Glands Par. 44-A
Intestines: Colonics: Toxemia Par. 43
Katabolism: Metabolism Par. 9, 10
Meditation: Appliances Par. 37, 38, 43-A
Oneness: Healing Par. 47-A
Osteopathy: Arthritis: Tendencies Par. 26--29, 31, 38, 43-A
Physiology & Anatomy: Blood Par. 8--15
Physiotherapy: Massage: Swedish: Toxemia Par. 39
: Rubdowns: Salt Rum: Par. 39
Prescriptions: Atomidine: Glands Par. 24--26, 31, 38
Prophecy: Prognosis: Arthritis: Tendencies Par. 38
Psychosomatics: Arthritis Par. 21, 30
Rejuvenation Par. 30, 43-A
Religion: Christian Science Par. 47-A
Sensations & Symptoms: Asthenia: Toxemia Par. 22
: Melancholia: Glands Par. 21
Toxemia: Arthritis Par. 16, 17
Triune Par. 47-A
Uterus: Flooding Par. 12--14
Womb: Packing: Radium Par. 45-A

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2014 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at his home on Arctic Crescent,
Virginia Beach, Va., this 18th day of August 1938.

1. GC: You will go over this body carefully, examine it thoroughly, and tell me the
conditions you find at the present time; giving the cause of the existing
conditions, with special reference to condition diagnosed as arthritis; also
treatment for help and relief of this body. You will answer the questions that may
be asked, as I ask them.
2. EC: Yes - we have the body here, [1663].
3. Now as we find, there are some disturbing influences in the physical forces of
the body; that prevent a normal activity.
4. While these are allayed in some respects, we find that the disturbances are of
such natures through the glandular system - and this is the source of the
infection, that has been called arthritic in its tendencies.
5. But the complication that arises is from greater disturbing factors, as we find,
than that which is even the source of this disturbance.
6. These then are the conditions as we find them with this body, [1663], we are
speaking of, present in this room:
7. First, IN THE BLOOD SUPPLY, here we find there is a lack of leucocyte
performance. Not that there isn't at all times sufficient in number, but in their
EFFICIENCY! This is rather an unusual condition.
8. But owing to those activities in which there has been an injection into the blood
stream, we find that these - WITHOUT correction of that condition which
CAUSED the disturbance in the blood stream - have hindered an activity in the
blood supply; WEAKENED it in some directions; to prevent proper coagulation -
but aided it in some other directions.
9. Hence as we find, in the hormone of the blood and through the activity of the
hemoglobin, there is a little disturbance occasionally in the metabolism - or in
what may be physically seen as periods of irregularity in the heart pulsation.
10. But the greater disturbances arise in the katabolism; in the ability of the
leucocyte, through the activity of the lymph and the emunctory circulation, to
carry at all times sufficient activity. And the lack of efficiency in the plasm of
same produces a weakness, a condition in which there is a drawing upon the
nerve supply itself; not indigency, nor the lack of impulse, but the lack of the
REACTION to that impulse for activity.
11. The sources for the disturbance through the circulatory forces in this body, as
we find, are in a condition existent in the cerebrospinal system, from which the
impulses arise through the sympathetic as well as the cerebrospinal system for
activities of glandular forces; as related to thyroid, adrenal, and the glandular
forces as WITHIN the activity of the spleen, gall duct and a part of the liver
12. Hence as we find, in times back there were the periods when the
profuseness at Periods called for the drastic measures to prevent such flows as
to drain the system.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2014 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


13. Such measures HAVE aided, yet there has not been the relieving of the
impulse for activity.
14. Thus we have this strain upon the general nerve system, or coordinating
between the activity of the sympathetic AND the cerebrospinal as related to
impulses and activities even in the RATIONALIZING of impulse through the
sensory forces.
15. Not, then, the need of other than removing the pressures, to allow the
impulses of the activity through the nerve forces in the ganglia of the
cerebrospinal system - through which there is impulse and activity to the
glandular system; with the purifying of the glandular system.
16. Thus we may eradicate the poisons that have been accumulations, making
pressures upon nerve tendons through the system so as to create an arthritic
reaction - when there is NOT, in the present, a true arthritic condition!
17. However, if the impulse in this direction is not removed - and continues
backing into the system those poisons, with a thinned leucocyte - we would find
these conditions would gradually become as it were more and more crystallized
and affect the nervous system, then gradually the locomotory system.
18. These as we find, then, have made complications with the ORGANS OF THE
BODY - in these manners:
19. At times the impulses to the organs of the sensory system become
accentuated; as the hearing, the sight, the feeling, the speech, the touch; while at
other times they become - instead of the KEENNESS to reactions - exaggerated
in such manners as not to function even as has been by the body considered
heretofore as normal.
20. These we find are only indications and impulses.
21. We find in the throat - as about the glandular forces in the thyroid, the whole
of the vagus system - a fullness occurs; with especially the depressed feelings,
the desire to be alone, the desires for the holding to self in activities from the
impulses that arise from the sensory forces.
22. Also we find that the deeper or cerebrospinal impulses, as it were, are TIRED
OUT; the feet and lower limbs heavy, achey impulses through those portions of
the system; through the abdomen and torso rather just conscious of the organs
being present within the activity of the body without particular hurt or particular
distress - unless aroused by acute conditions from nervous digestion, and then
they become more of the acute disturbing forces.
we are speaking of, present in this room:
24. First we would begin with small doses of Atomidine; one minim (drop) in half
a glass of water before the morning meal for three to five days. Then increase
the dosage to two minims, for about five days.
25. Then leave off for two or three days, and then commence over again.
26. But after the five days of taking the two minims, we would begin then with
osteopathic treatments twice a week - and do not take the Atomidine, either the
one or the two minims, on the days that the osteopathic treatments are to be

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2014 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


27. The osteopathic adjustments we would have under the supervision of such
an one as in the Osteopathic Hospital at Raleigh.
28. Have the adjustments made specifically in the lumbar axis, 9th dorsal, and
from the 3rd dorsal to the 1st and 2nd cervical - but rather in the ORDER as
indicated; which, to be sure, is somewhat reverse to the manner these would
29. These adjustments would be made about twice a week; and it shouldn't be
necessary to have more than six or eight, before there would be a rest period
from same for at least two to three weeks - and then another period of taking
30. Then, keep that attitude of constructive, creative forces within self. For all
healing of every nature must arise within the self. For there is the ability within
the physical body to recreate or reproduce itself, as well as the activities for
assimilating that from which the re-creation is to be brought about.
31. After the second or third osteopathic adjustment (not before then, because
these vibrations are not to be taken until the glandular system has been stirred to
activity by the use of the Atomidine in the system - which is atomic iodine), we
would begin then with the use of the Radio-Active Appliance. This is to be used
preferably as the body rests in the afternoon, rather than at night or morning.
Use it in the afternoons, at periods when long waking, long thought, long activity
has WEARIED the body - not so much mentally as physically, yet mentally tired
also. Use for thirty minutes to an hour, and circulate the attachments about the
body in this manner:
32. 1st day - the first attachment (coming from the anode marked to ALWAYS be
attached first) would be made to the right wrist; while the other plate would be
attached last, to the left ankle.
33. 2nd day - make the first attachment to the left wrist, the last to the right ankle.
34. 3rd day - the first plate would be attached to the left ankle, the last to the right
35. 4th day - attach the first plate to the right ankle, the last to the left wrist.
36. Thus a circle of the body will have been made in the attachments; the first
attachment each time becoming the positive, the last the negative.
37. And when the Appliance is attached, use that period for the meditation - or
the affirmation as to the body's oneness with the Creative Forces for a
purposefulness in manifesting among its associates and fellow men the glory of a
38. Thus we will find that the periods of the Atomidine, the periods of the
mechanical adjustments (osteopathically), and the periods of rest while using the
Appliance, will all become more and more sort of "looked for" as helpful
experiences; and we will bring a near normal force, ELIMINATING all of these
39. During all of these treatments, it is well that occasionally - about once a
month, or oftener if so desired - there be the use of the colonic irrigation, with the
bodily massage - not adjustments but a general hydrotherapy treatment with a
Swedish massage, and followed with the oils or salt rum rubs; that such
stimulation may aid the superficial circulation.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2014 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


40. In the matter of the diet - this should not be of such a nature that the body
becomes subject, as it were, to same. Rather follow the inclinations - keeping a
proper balance in alkalinity and acidity, with the inclination for greater alkalinity
than acidity.
41. Thus we will find we will bring near to normal forces of this body, [1663].
42. Ready for questions.
43. (Q) What causes the severe ache at the back of my neck and through the
shoulders and other parts of the body?
(A) As has been indicated, there are specific centers where IMPULSES -
through the ganglia between sympathetic and cerebrospinal systems - have
become improper; or where there is the lack of proper impulse to the system.
These give rise to their activity in the very impulses or aches that are felt.
After the second or third of such osteopathic adjustments (provided, of course,
that the glandular system has been cleansed), we find that these effects should
But even when these disappear, do not leave off those periods of rest, when
there is the raising of the creative energies and forces within the body - through
the use of the Radio-Active Appliance, which - as indicated - is to equalize
impulse by the very use of energies within the own body.
44. (Q) Shall I continue to take the intravenous injections of Lutein (glandular
fluid extracted from ovaries of hogs)?
(A) We would not; PROVIDED all of these others as suggested are taken.
45. (Q) What are the effects now, if any, of the radium packing used in the uterus
two years ago to block menopause?
(A) As indicated, this has been effective; yet, owing to the impulses and
pressures, there has been a lack of proper distribution of the energies that are a
part of the glandular activity at such periods.
Hence the necessity not only for the cleansing of the glandular forces and
system, but for the stimulating of the ganglia along the cerebrospinal system and
those specific centers over the body in such a way and manner that the proper
eliminations and coordinations may be set up - and then the equalizing of the
energies and the raising of the impulses properly, through the vibratory forces of
the body being coordinated in the use of the Radio-Active Appliance. Thus we
will bring the better and near to normal force for this body.
46. (Q) How can I strengthen my eyes?
(A) Through the application and use of those things just indicated. For when
we remove the pressures, as we have indicated, we will find the new flow of
blood, the new flow of impulse will QUICKEN and make for better conditions
47. (Q) Will a study of Christian Science by Mrs. Eddy be more effective than
(A) Rather use each in its own sphere. As the body understands, we have a
body-physical, we have a body-mental, we have a body-spiritual. They are one,
yet each has its attributes that function either separately or coordinantly. The
active force in all of these is of the spiritual nature; but release same within each
sphere, so that the spiritual forces may function - not so much by the use of

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2014 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


drugs, but rather those stimulations as indicated that may only aid the impulse for
the activity of the creative energies and forces through the system.
All healing is one, whether in the laying on of hands, by word of mouth, by
mechanotherapy, mechanical applications or what not. GOD is the Creative
Force that gives life - and not the medicine or the application!
48. We are through for the present.


R1. GD's note: Mrs. [1663] said after the reading that she fully believes that the
reading is correct in every detail; she will certainly follow the suggestions; will talk
to Dr. Tucker first and get him to agree to follow the directions for the osteopathic

R2. 8/18/38 P.M. She had 1663-2, her Life Reading [not included in this file].

R3. 9/18/38 Letter: "I took my Physical Reading to Dr. Tucker last Thursday and
he seemed deeply interested. He said, 'Before I read what you have brought me
I'd like to give you my opinion on your condition.' I consented, and when we
compared notes with the reading you gave, the diagnosis was the same. He
said, 'Mr. Cayce MUST have had training in osteopathy.'"

R4. 10/5/38 Letter: "I am decidedly better, altho the aches have not entirely

R5. 12/3/38 "I have followed directions and my improvement has been wonderful,
altho one or two little things still persist."

R6. 12/14/38 See 1663-3, her second Physical Reading.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2014 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



Appliances: Radio-Active: Rheumatism Par. 14, 26-A

Assimilations: Eliminations: Rheumatism Par. 5


Diet: Cholecystitis Par. 8

Feet: Arches: Sprains Par. 20-A

Intestines: Colonics: Rheumatism Par. 11, 16-A, 17-A

: Walls: Injuries: Colonics Par. 17-A

Liver: Kidneys: Glands Par. 23-A, 24-A


Osteopathy: Cholecystitis Par. 12, 13, 18-A, 19-A, 21-A

: Feet: Arches Par. 20-A
: Rheumatism Par. 10

Physiotherapy: Packs: Castor Oil: Cholecystitis Par. 21-A

Prescriptions: Eno Salts: Rheumatism Par. 11, 21-A, 22-A, 25-A

: Epsom Salts: Eliminations Par. 21-A
: Olive Oil: Par. 21-A


B1. 12/10/38 Questions submitted.


This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at his home on Arctic Crescent,
Virginia Beach, Va., this 14th day of December, 1938.

2. EC: Yes, we have the body here, [1663]; this we have had before.
3. As we find, there has been a great improvement in the physical forces of the
body, as well as the general mental attitude.
4. However, there are still in the physical forces the sources of disturbance
causing the nerve pressure in muscular portions of the shoulders and arms, as
well as affecting at times other portions of the body.
5. These as we find arise from a condition which has existed with the sources of
elimination in the alimentary canal and the activity of the ducts and glands as to
the producing of some activities for the assimilating of elements in the system.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2014 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


6. Hence when there are fats of a nature, these are more in evidence than at
other times, - the gall duct as related to liver activity.
7. These as we find, then, are the SOURCES that need the greater consideration
and activity in the present.
8. And the diet should be maintained as has been indicated. Stress, though,
rather the eliminating of any quantity of fats.
9. These will be then such changes as we find necessary.
10. Keep the manipulative forces occasionally, also the enemas to cleanse the
colon of the excess.
11. But now we would also use small doses of Eno Salt, - a level to a heaping
teaspoonful once or twice a day. While this will produce an inclination for a
greater activity through the alimentary canal, this should be aided occasionally by
the use of the colonics, - high colonics, - to make for the elimination of these
poisons through the very nature of the condition, or from the lack of the greater
quantity of the peristaltic movement through these portions of the system, - so
that the poisons may be cleansed from the body.
12. Eventually it may be possible to drain the gall duct through the osteopathic or
manipulative measures. This should NOT be undertaken, however, for some
time yet, - not until there is a greater and better coordination established between
the upper and the lower hepatic circulation.
13. Stimulate, though, osteopathically, the drainages from the alimentary canal.
Stimulate gently the activity of the liver and especially the area about the
pancreas and the gall duct.
14. These as we find, with the keeping of the other suggestions of the Appliance,
the general activity, should be the measures for the body in the present.
15. Ready for questions.
16. (Q) How often would you suggest the colonic irrigations?
(A) This, to be sure, may depend upon the reaction of the influences
indicated in the present. But at least once a month, though just enemas and
NOT a high colonic may be taken somewhat oftener. We would give them body-
temperature, and take precautions that antiseptics are used in the last waters, so
as not to prove a strain or drain upon the body.
17. (Q) There was a slight injury to the walls of the lower bowels as a result of
childbirth. Will colonic irrigations be harmful to this condition?
(A) Not if they are given properly.
18. (Q) Have the osteopathic treatments produced the desired results?
(A) These as we find are PRODUCING the desired results, and are very well
given. There should be more consideration, too, in the osteopathic adjustments,
to drainages of the areas as indicated for the present.
19. (Q) How often should they be given?
(A) Once in ten days or such a matter, depending upon the manner in which
the general reactions are apparent. If it is felt that these are needed more often,
very well.
20. (Q) The arch of the left foot is apparently sprained. It has been strapped
tightly with adhesive tape. What is the condition? Should something else be

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2014 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


(A) We would make the osteopathic adjustment in same, in the muscular

forces on the underside of the limb, and then through the bursa of the feet and
especially in the arch support or in the center of the foot THROUGH the
osteopathic adjustment.
21. (Q) Is the gall bladder the source of the infection? [As Dr. Tucker thinks?]
(A) As indicated, this area. It is as much the disturbance through the
functioning of the liver itself AS the gall duct - which they combine, of course, to
make the disturbance.
If there is continued disturbance in the area, we find the use of the Castor Oil
Packs would be most beneficial. However, until after the Holiday Season we
would use rather the Eno Salt as indicated, - and then when there is the ability to
have a greater rest, use the Packs, - at least three thicknesses of flannel dipped
in and wrung out of Castor Oil, as hot as the body can stand, and applied directly
over the liver, the gall duct, and even to the caecum area. Each time that the
Pack is put on, let it remain for at least two hours. Rest during the period, to be
sure. Such application may be followed (the next day) by the use of the Epsom
Salts OR a large quantity of Olive Oil, internally, as so desired. When begun, we
would use such Packs once or twice a week. The Epsom Salts OR the Olive Oil
would be taken afterwards to FLUSH the system, see?
22. (Q) Altho lessened greatly, the rheumatic ache is still felt in different parts of
the body. Why?
(A) As indicated, this is why we would in the present use the Eno Salt, -
which is a character of fruit salts which will act as a manner of elimination to
reduce the inclinations for these poisons to produce pressures in various portions
of the system.
23. (Q) Is the glandular system functioning properly now?
(A) Naturally there are still some disturbances, but with the general
distribution by and through the manipulative forces, and the greater activity or
stimulation for the liver becoming more normal as to its functioning in assimilating
and eliminating, these will improve the general glandular system also. For the
liver is AS a gland, see?
24. (Q) Is any specific organ in the body not properly functioning now?
(A) The organs of the hepatic circulation are sympathetically affected,
especially; that is, about the liver and the kidneys are involved. Naturally from
the very sources or nature of these in their activity, there is felt at times a
depression through other portions, or organs. But as indicated, these effects are
functional and sympathetic in some manners.
25. (Q) Is the massage being given by the trained woman in Raleigh correct, or
the type that was indicated for me?
(A) This is very well. This we would leave off gradually, if there is the
osteopathic adjustment, - and if the Eno Salt is taken.
26. (Q) Should the Appliance be continued in the same manner?
(A) It should be continued. See that the connections are tight, and that the
applications to the body are not TOO tight when applied but that they are
attached firmly; also that the plates are kept polished before and after being used
on body. We are through with this Reading.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2014 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



R1. 12/28/38 Letter: "I was so glad to get the reading and am following it to my
great joy. Dr. Tucker said yesterday I have improved GREATLY. He is very
much pleased and seemed quite interested in the Castor Oil Pack. He certainly
has cooperated. So I'll go along now for the next many months until every trace
of poison is removed as I am sure it will be...
"Christmas is always a hard season for me - I fear because we do not
celebrate it enough with the main idea in view. This year was the best I have had
in many years - thanks to you. It was a thrilling experience to get the reading in
your presence last August but to get it at a distance was even more so."

R2. 2/3/39 She referred Mrs. [1810] for a Physical Reading.

R3. 2/23/39 Letter: "I am closer to my Maker because of your help and, Mr.
Cayce, little did I know when I sent you a card last August wishing that I could
study the Bible under your direction, that I'd really be doing it. I don't know how
much I am getting but even I can see an improvement in my living. It is not
always so easy, this self-discipline, but I am glad to be trying.
"It is the first time in my life I have really gotten down to a serious study of that
great book. I think I was waiting for you as a teacher."

R4. 6/22/39 Letter: "A year ago I had never heard of Mr. Cayce. I was in physical
pain and considerable mental anguish; scarcely knowing which way to turn.
Today, returning from the Congress I have a different outlook on life and feel I
can go on with a better understanding of service.
"Your message to me on Sunday afternoon [262-121, Par. 16-A], I heard, of
course, but did not get the meaning as I should, so I'll be waiting eagerly to get it
in print from Gladys. I pray to understand it intelligently and put it to use...
"I'll be home for my physical check-up this afternoon."

R5. 6/22/39 See 1663-4, her third Physical Reading.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2014 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation




Doctors Suggested: Hardin, J. Ella: D.O. Par. 9-A

: Tucker, A.R.: D.O. Par. 9-A

Intestines: Colonics: Neuritis Par. 4, 9-A

Osteopathy: Neuritis Par. 4, 9-A

Psychosomatics: Neuritis Par. 5

Sensations & Symptoms: Ache: Head: Toxemia Par. 4


This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce, this 22nd day of June, 1939.

2. EC: Yes, we have the body here, [1663]; this we have had before.
3. As we find, in many respects the body is near to normal in the reactions. To
be sure, there are still those weaknesses and tendencies in those areas from
which the source of infection arose, - namely, through the inclination for the
disturbance in the colon, that caused the toxic forces to become magnified and
thus affecting the nervous system and producing the pressures in portions of the
extremities, especially.
4. Then, we find that occasionally there needs to be the precaution by having the
colonics with the adjustments, - when there is the feeling of depression, or the
slight headaches that may occur from the accumulation of toxic forces and
pressures from same upon the nerve forces, causing those indications of
disturbance. Thus we would keep the drainage set up in the system.
5. These, with the general mental attitude towards creative forces and energies
as expended in the relationships with others, should keep the body near to the
normal conditions in the present.
6. As to how often such applications would be made, then, would - of course -
depend upon just how oft there is the recurrence of those conditions indicated.
7. Follow these, and as we find we should keep the better forces and influences
for this body of [1663].
8. Ready for questions.
9. (Q) Would it be well or best for me to go to Dr. Ella Hardin, Durham, N.C., for
both the osteopathic treatments AND the colonics, or just for the colonics and
continue osteopathic treatments under Dr. Tucker?
(A) We would have them both together, - one following the other will be much
more beneficial. These, then, should not be necessary more than once a month,
or possibly once in six weeks, - until the system has adjusted itself to the
purifying forces and the cleansing and the natural reaction through same to the
circulatory forces. We are through with this Reading.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2014 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



R1. 7/39 Mrs. [1663] referred Mrs. [1947] for readings.

R2. 7/9/39 Letter: "My physical reading was so encouraging, and the message
enclosed, which was given me at the Congress meeting [262-121, Par. 16-A],
means much to me...
"I took the readings to Dr. Hardin of Durham and she is most willing to
cooperate. She asked me to get Dr. Dobbins' address in N.Y. as she is to be up
there in August and would like to meet him, after my report of his lecture at the
Congress... Dr. Hardin is INTENSELY INTERESTED in what I told her.
"I think I was just as thrilled with Mrs. [1947]'s reading as she was. We spent
two hours talking about it. You see, this is the first reading I have seen other
than my own (I find it easier to understand than my own!)...
"My niece [1992] will be in contact with Mr. Cayce later...
"If my plans go as I wish, Mr. Cayce will give readings for all my family. It is
such a wonderful opportunity!"

R3. 7/15/39 Letter: "Is it time to send more money for the lessons? [A Search for
God, Book I] They are worth more than all my worldly possessions. What a
treasure-house to work in and with! Applying them may not always be easy but it
is a challenge!"

R4. 10/39 She referred her sister [2035] and nephew-in-law [2298] for readings.

R5. 6/27/40 See 1663-5, her fourth physical and last reading.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2014 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation




Appliances: Radio-Active: Insomnia Par. 13

Arthritis Par. 9

Diet: Toxemia Par. 12

Doctors Suggested: Tucker, A.R.: D.O. Par. 6

Feet: Arches: Sprains Par. 14

Osteopathy: Anemia Par. 4--7

: Cholecystitis Par. 5--7

Physiotherapy: Massage: Camphor: Feet: Sprains Par. 14

: Mutton Tallow: Par. 14
: Turpentine: Par. 14

Prescriptions: Eno Salts: Arthritis Par. 9

: Figs, Syrup Of: Eliminations Par. 10


B1. 6/27/40 Wire: "Give specific diet - recommend laxative - cause of insomnia -
examine left foot sprained and fractured two years ago - further instructions to Dr.


This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at his home on Arctic Crescent,
Virginia Beach, Va., this 27th day of June, 1940.

3. As we find, in many respects conditions are improved from that as we have

had at some periods before; yet in others there are inclinations for a form of
anemia to manifest itself, - and with this character of anemia there is the
tendency for the crystallizing of the salts or acids for the body.
4. The osteopathic adjustments should be of the nature to stimulate the activity of
the liver, the gall duct AND the kidneys.
5. The nervous condition has been more from pressures on the general nerve
system. The gall bladder is NOT so disturbing, or will not be if there is that
character of stimulation osteopathically as we have indicated; for, eventually the
gall bladder may be emptied osteopathically, or drained, and thus prevent a great
deal of disturbance.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2014 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


6. Hence the suggestions for Dr. Tucker are that he stimulate drainages from the
system, and from those centers from which those organs indicated receive their
impulse. These are to be stimulated, and then there is to be the general relaxing
of the body for the general nervous condition.
7. And when the manipulations or adjustments are given, arrange to rest for at
least thirty minutes afterwards; not just sitting or moving about, but rest lying
8. Then the diets should be followed very closely in line with that which has been
indicated for the body. We find that the diets will have much more than anything
else to do with the tendency for the muscular forces to be affected, or with
keeping down the acids; except the character of eliminations kept, which will be
aided by the manner and kind of the osteopathic adjustments needed and
indicated for the body.
9. The diet should be the greater laxative measure. Otherwise, we find that the
ENO SALTS are less irritating and better for the eliminating of the calcium
deposits which at times cause distress in the extremities. When taking this, take
about a teaspoonful in a glass of water each morning before breakfast for four to
five days. This is a fruit salts, rather than mineral.
10. Then, after this is left off, take a mild laxative of a vegetable nature, the base
of which is Senna; such as Syrup of Figs or the like.
11. These would be the better eliminants.
12. In the diet, keep away from white breads, too much of cakes or pastries.
Have plenty of green, raw vegetables, as well as cooked vegetables. Fish, fowl
or lamb are preferable for meats, if and when these are desired. No fried food at
all should be taken.
13. The use of the Radio-Active Appliance would eliminate the insomnia and
relieve the nervous disturbance, if used when ready to retire, or when resting
during the day.
14. As for the conditions in the extremities, or foot, where there have been the
strains, we find that a local application would be most beneficial. Once or twice,
or three times each week, bathe the member with considerable amount of warm
or hot water, and for quite a period. Then massage into the foot, and the joints,
an equal combination of Mutton Tallow (melted), Spirits of Camphor and Spirits
of Turpentine. After such a massage it would also be well to wrap the foot in
flannel until the next day. This done several times, we should find a great deal of
the pain and strain should be removed from the member disturbed in the present.
15. Doing all of these, in the manners indicated, we should find great
16. We are ready for questions.
17. (Q) Any further instructions as to how I may get back to normal health?
(A) If we will keep these, and be consistent with them, the body may get back
to normal. We are through with this Reading.


R1. 6/28/40 Son's letter [who later had a son born for whom they secured a life
reading - Case [2584]]: "I want to write and thank you first of all for what you have
done to help pull my mother [1663] out of the doldrums. I have been very much
Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2014 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


interested in her reports of your excellent work and, most of all, have enjoyed
seeing her get a better hold on herself... Her trouble is, I feel, shared by many,
many women of her class. 'Too much leisure time.'... Her study with you has
done her a world of good, helping her over a critical time. But that again is
introspective and individual. What her life cries for is ACTION outside of
herself... She, of course, thinks she is tremendously busy!! She thinks she has
and has had for many years much more than she could do. This is obviously a
mental limitation she has imposed to dodge social activity... She is not using a
fraction of her really very able gifts of mind and personality. This, I believe, is the
cause of her great unrest, her dissatisfaction with herself, her over-abundance of
worry, her feeling of inferiority... [1663] isn't putting out her best, and hasn't been
for many, many years. She is full of fears - fears of ill health, fears of
entertaining, fears of really plunging into the middle of life and giving her splendid
talents. She's done a good job of her home, and her young'uns (even if this one
seems to contradict that in this impertinent letter!) - BUT 'the young'uns have flew
the coop' - the past is gone and it's time to get her going at something
constructive to occupy happily the next 30 to 40 years of her life. She has so
much to give, that I hate to see her tearing up herself, and holding back, when I
know she might be so very much happier and do her fine talents justice.
"I am writing you very frankly, feeling that you are the one person who can
help her accomplish this end. I could never tell her what I have confided in you.
I could - but it would defeat the end I have in mind. She can gain that confidence
only by DOING, GIVING...she needs confidence, not criticism ...there's more in
her to give than she has ever dreamed...
"If you feel there is a germ in what I say, recommending to her some of these
outside activities, or anything else you feel would do the trick, I believe it would
remake her...if you see her problem in somewhat the same light, you can be the
means of bringing it to pass. And I should be ever grateful to you."
R2. 7/1/40 EC wrote an encouraging letter to the son, saying he would talk to
Mrs. [1663] in that light, as he had already done and as her Life Reading [1663-2]
had also done.
R3. 7/4/40 Letter: "Thanks once more for everything - the Readings for my
youngest son [2285] and me, and the inspiration of the group at the Congress...
I'll take my physical check-up to Dr. Tucker tomorrow. I am going to ask him to
write to you. I think I am doing pretty well considering the fact I was down with
bronchial 'flu' twice last winter and was laid up six weeks with a sprained knee
(from a fall on the ice). All that in addition to my bad foot."
R4. 9/15/42 Mrs. [1663] had Life Reading for her other grandson, - [2814], little
brother of [2584]. See EC's ltrs. & hers in their files.

R5. 1/16/45 Letter: "Dear friends - I, too, loved Edgar Cayce dearly. He remade
my life for me and I am bearing my loss of my husband more bravely because of
all Mr. Cayce taught me."

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2014 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation




Blood: Coagulation: Poor Par. 11


Clairvoyance Of E.C.: Action & Places Par. 2

Diet: Assimilations: Eliminations: Incoordination Par. 19

: Vitamins: Codiron: Assimilations: Eliminations: Incoordination Par. 20

Electrotherapy: Diathermy: Eliminations Par. 17, 20

Healing: Consistency & Persistency Par. 21

Intestines: Colonics: Eliminations Par. 18


Osteopathy: Neuritis: Tendencies Par. 16, 20

Research Potential Par. 2




B1. 9/1/38 Letter: "I have been indifferent to bad health ever since I was a young
child. I should like to overcome this in order to be of greater use in this life...
Can you explain why, twelve years after her death, I am troubled with terrifying
dreams of my mother? She was of a very violent temper and I was always very
much afraid of her. I have also an immediate need of finding an assistant in my


This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at his home on Arctic Crescent,
Virginia Beach, Va., this 8th day of September, 1938.

2. EC: (While mumbling over address and trying to locate body - "Yes - it's
beyond where the street car turns.")
3. Yes.
4. Now as we find, the disturbing conditions that prevent the normal or better
physical functioning of the system arise from rather a complication.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2014 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


5. The effects are from the one or same cause, yet the multiplicity of activity
through various portions of the system has made and does make at this
particular period for disturbing conditions that become quite aggravating to the
body at times.
6. These then are conditions as we find them with this body, [1680], we are
speaking of.
7. In times back (when a child) there were left the effects of temperature and
infectious forces. These produced within the lymph circulation a catarrhal
condition, or effect, which has prevented and does at these times prevent proper
functioning; producing disturbances to the functioning of the system.
8. Hence as we have found, there are times when the body feels much better, yet
few times that it could say it was entirely free from some disturbance.
9. It has affected mostly the digestive system. And those effects upon the ability
of the body to assimilate and to eliminate nominally have been only aided by the
effects of applications made from time to time.
10. This naturally has created and does create a disturbance in the very nature
and character of the blood supply.
11. Hence we find at periods there is the breaking down of the ability of
coagulation, even through the functioning of organs themselves. Hence at times
we will find disturbances to the soft tissue of face, head and neck, throat; and at
other time disturbances through the pulmonaries, or pains through same; at
others a great disturbance is seen through the abilities of elimination and of
assimilation. At other times we find, when there is a particular weakness in the
system or an overexertion of any kind, there are rather disturbing and distressing
12. It has been very necessary then for the body to be very precautious as to its
activities, in the abilities to keep the feet warm or dry, to keep out of drafts; and to
engage in at times exercises or activities that were appealing yet owing to the
very nature of the disturbances the body was prevented from becoming active.
13. With the changes that are coming about in the functionings of the system as
related to the blood supply, now we find the effects that become as of a neuritic
nature; and at times a rheumatic disturbance through the system.
14. And unless there are the abilities of the system to make for changes that will
produce better building and reserve supply, these conditions will gradually make
for greater disturbance through the body.
15. As we find, then, in making applications for the body that would be the more
16. Through deep manipulations osteopathically administered, we would
stimulate all centers along the spinal system. While it will be found that some
segments need alignment - as through the lumbar area and through the upper
dorsal - it is rather the general stimulation that is needed THROUGHOUT the
system for the greater help or benefit, WITH the specific alignment where from
time to time there will be the congested areas - through the attempts of the
system to adjust itself, through better stimulation to the impulses for activity
through the nerve forces in the ganglia along the cerebrospinal system. These
treatments would be given twice a week.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2014 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


17. Once a week, during the same periods, and under the supervision of the one
giving the osteopathic adjustments, we would use the Diathermy; with special
reference to this being applied as a stimulation for the liver and the gall duct
areas. But these treatments should be rather LOW and not too HIGH a vibration,
though sufficiently high to create the heat NECESSARY for assisting the system
with the activities of the manipulative forces to not only RID the system of the
poisons but to stimulate the eliminations in such ways and manners as to bring
about the better forces for the body.
18. As we find, then, it would be necessary also at times to use the colonic
irrigations for removing the excess poisons through the colon areas.
19. In the DIET - this should never consist of fried foods at all! Not so that the
body becomes where it is as it were just following a routine, but rather observe
these precautions. The meats should only consist of fish, fowl or lamb. As to
vegetables, never combine too many of those that grow above the ground
without some of those that grow beneath the ground. Such an observance would
be more specific for the body.
20. AFTER there has been at least one month of the treatments osteopathically,
twice a week; and four of the Diathermy treatments; THEN we would begin with
Codiron as a tonic.
21. Do these, being persistent and consistent; and we will bring the better
conditions, better strength, better vitality, better resistance for this body.
22. We are through for the present.


R1. 9/10/38 EC wrote advising that her questions would be best answered in a
Life Reading.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2014 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



Appliances: RADIO-ACTIVE

Catarrh Par. 7

Eliminations Par. 2, 7

Headache Par. 7

Neuralgia Par. 7

Rheumatism Par. 7

Sleep: Appliances: Radio-Active Par. 7


B1. GD's note: This is apparently the first reading on the general directions for
making a Radio-Active Appliance….
TEXT OF READING 1800-4, 7/27/25
2. In giving the conditions for which this would be a relief, we would first give that
of the effect as is produced by such a combination of metals and elements, and
their relation to the conditions that may become unbalanced in the human
organism, thus causing distress or disease to various portions of the body. The
metal, as is seen, is the element as is understood, and known already, to
produce a form of electronic vibration, which to the body becomes a form of
motion for same, for we find (turning then to the body) the human body made up
of electronic vibration, with each atom and element of the body, each organ and
organism of same, having its electronic or unit of vibration necessary for the
sustenance of, and equilibrium in, that particular organism. Each unit, then, being
a cell or a unit of life in itself, with its capacity of reproducing itself by the first
form or law as is known of reproduction, by division of same. When any force in
any organ, any element of the body, becomes deficient in its ability to reproduce
that equilibrium necessary for the sustenance of the physical existence and
reproduction of same, that portion becomes deficient, deficient through electronic
energy as is necessary. This may become by injury, by disease, received from
external forces; received from internal forces by the lack of eliminations as are
produced in the system, by the lack of other agencies to meet the requirements
of same in body.
7. Then for others, or for the general or specific conditions: Any catarrhal (and
the body is more heir to this than any other condition existing in the forces of the
human body) condition existing in any portion of the organism of the system,
whether head, throat, nasal, ear, lung, stomach, liver, kidneys or urinary organs
of the system. Any condition as borders on any of those in which eliminations
produce a condition, this would be found beneficial. Such as some of these: In
the early form of rheumatism, neuralgia, headaches, or any condition produced

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2014 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


by poor eliminations of the system. To be sure, this is as an equalizer and would

only act in that same force wherein normal rest to the body becomes
recuperative powers for same. This, then, rather a preventive of such conditions
arising in the body than of a curative force, save as the body through mental
forces, and through the action of the normal forces, pertaining to appetite and
rebuilding forces of the body, would become assistance to same.


:Solutions: Camphor, Spirits of: Curative Par. 8-A
:Gold, Chloride of: Par. 8-A
:Silver, Nitrate of: Par. 8-A
Neuritis: Appliances: Radio-Active: Curative Par. 8-A
Rheumatism: Appliances: Radio-Active Par. 8-A
Tumors: Appliances: Radio-Active Par. 8-A

TEXT OF READING 1800-6, 8/8/25

8. (Q) What would spirits of camphor, silver nitrate and gold chloride, each, cure
[with the use of the radio active appliance]?
(A) Silver nitrate is a nerve stimulant, see? Any condition pertaining to the
nerve system. Chloride of Gold - any condition wherein there is any form of the
condition bordering on rheumatics, or of the necessity of rejuvenating any organ
of the system showing the delinquency in action, see? Nitrate as is added
through the silver solution to central portions (which may be alternated with gold
and silver) for those of a neurotic condition, even unto neuritis, or any form of
condition pertaining to enlarged joints, muscles, tissue, any protuberance as
comes to portions of body.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2014 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



Arthritis: General Par. 20-A

: Tendencies Par. 20-A

Cancer: Tendencies Par. 6

Diet: Ulcers Par. 11, 21-A

Intestines: Enemas: Ulcers Par. 16

Nausea: Vomiting: Ulcers Par. 6

Neuritis: General Par. 20-A

: Tendencies Par. 20-A

Physiotherapy: Packs: Castor Oil: Eliminations Par. 17

Prescriptions: Alcaroid: Ulcers Par. 13

: Castoria: Eliminations Par. 22-A
: Figs, Syrup Of: Par. 22-A
: Mercury: After Effects Par. 4
: Olive Oil: Ulcers Par. 10

Rest: Ulcers Par. 12, 14, 15

Rheumatism: General Par. 20-A

Surgery: Preventive: General Par. 8



B1. For years has had stomach trouble; terrible pains, - when attacks come he
has to lie down, no matter where he is. Goes for days doubled up with pain,
holding his stomach. Also has begun to have arthritic tendencies. Was in the
war, and exposed a great deal; the family think something happened to him then.
He has spent months in government hospitals, they've taken a hundred or more
X-Rays but have never been able to determine the cause, or at least they didn't
tell him, and none of his family were with him for them to tell. So we've been
afraid he has ulcers or cancer. [See 1820-3, Par. R1.]


This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce at his home on Arctic Crescent,
Virginia Beach, Va., this 13th day of February, 1939.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2014 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


2. EC: Yes, we have the body here, [1820].

3. Now as we find, conditions are rather serious with this body. These as we find
arise from conditions which have existed for some time, and their cause is rather
a complication of disturbances.
4. There have been the effects of the activity of the salts of mercury AND some
brass or brazen substance, - either from water or from some chemical taken in
the system, or the combination.
5. Hence we have in the pyloric end, as well as a portion of the cardiac portion of
stomach, the very disturbing conditions.
6. These as we find are not malignant in their nature, but HAVE produced a
thickening of the tissue and sluff at times, or become so irritated that little or
nothing agrees or is digested properly; and causes in the activities of the body a
great deal of disturbance, and even a drink of water at times would set the
activity of the system in such a manner as to produce some regurgitation - and
this making for such acid conditions as to produce a great deal of distress
through the stomach and throughout the digestive area.
7. The inabilities for digestion naturally have caused a great loss of vitality. This
as we find prevents the proper assimilation.
8. Whether this may be allayed through internal or local applications, without
operative forces, may depend upon how consistent or how WELL the body may
apply those suggestions as WE find would be the better for the body.
9. For if there is the continuance, this must make especially in the pyloric end of
the stomach such exaggerated conditions as to almost close, as the system
attempts to ward off the reaction of the activity of the sources of the acids forming
through the action of the pylorus itself.
10. As we find, there needs to be as much Pure Olive Oil taken in small
quantities as it is possible to assimilate; though never so much that this becomes
as a nature of fermenting, or of where the body belches so much of same. But
take small quantities often; this meaning some three to four DROPS taken about
four or five times a day. This should be sufficient oils for the body, and yet that
which would be assimilated by the system.
11. Have principally a milk and a curd diet; that is, ANY of the products of milk,
just so case cheese is not used in same, of course; but the principal diet should
be milk products, celery, lettuce, and things of such natures. The lettuce and
celery should be rather grated, or the JUICES of same taken, or in such a way
that the system may assimilate same.
12. Keep the body quiet.
13. A little Alcaroid may be taken after the meal whenever there are beef juices
or broths taken that have been prepared for the system.
14. Not a great deal of activity for the body.
15. Remain quiet.
16. But EMPTY the colon area with enemas at least every two or three days.
This should be done whether there is the movement from the bowels or not, so
that the activities of the properties as given may aid in eliminating the poisons
that naturally accumulate from this thickened condition through the stomach

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2014 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


17. Castor Oil Packs OVER the jejunum, or the area below the diaphragm - not
over the area of the stomach itself, but to aid through absorption the activities of
the upper bowel, would be well; so that there may not be such accumulations
from the infectious forces in the stomach as to destroy the lymph and emunctory
activity of the circulation through the upper intestines.
18. Do these for at least three or four weeks. Then we would give further
instructions for this body, [1820].
19. Ready for questions.
20. (Q) What has caused the arthritic condition?
(A) Accumulations of poisons to the muscular forces of the body from the lack
of the eliminations. This is more of the NEURITIC effect, NOT arthritic; though if
it is allowed to remain it may BECOME static or arthritic in its nature. But if there
is the use of the properties indicated, these should make for such conditions as
to eliminate the sources and causes of this reinfecting the system.
For as we have indicated, such conditions as neuritis, arthritis, rheumatism,
or even fevers of many natures, are the EFFECT - and are reinfection in portions
of the system.
Do that.
21. (Q) Should the celery and lettuce be cooked and the juice used?
(A) Should be RAW! If it should have been cooked we would have given it!
See, these should be either ground very finely or just the juice extracted and
taken; but if ground very finely be sure to keep the juices with same; if it is
ground or cut very finely, very LITTLE would be taken, you see, except the juice
of same, - so that it will assimilate.
22. (Q) Should any laxative at all be taken?
(A) Castoria or of such natures, or a combination of Syrup of Figs AND
Castoria, or a vegetable base - NOT a salts or mineral.
Do these for the three to four weeks; then we would give further instructions.
23. We are through for the present.


R1. 3/16/39 See 1820-2.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2014 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



Anesthesia: After Effects Par. 3
Diet: Body-Building Par. 5
Exercise: Head & Neck: Eyes Par. 10-A
Eyes: Glasses: Unnecessary Par. 10-A
Prescriptions: Eno Salts: Eliminations Par. 4


B1. 11/4/39 See 2036-4 advising removal of tonsils and adenoids.

TEXT OF READING 2036-5 F 15, 12/16/39

3. Now, as we find, conditions are in a way where they may be a great deal
better, or - without proper precautions, or being mindful of the effect of
anesthesia, and the inclination for the excess acidity - we may take such cold as
to produce reactions upon the general nervous system, and activities of the
eliminating forces, as to form a character of rheumatic condition, or a neuritic
effect - which has been exhibited in portions of the system, - as in the neck and
shoulder and along portions of the spine.
4. We would take the ENO SALTS in broken doses for periods of ten days at a
time, and a rest period of five days, and then again - and so on.
5. Also we would take the body-building foods, - as a great deal of milk, or malted
milk; none of hog meat or hog fats, and more of the vegetables as the diet.
6. Keep the body dry, - that is, from cold, dampness or exposure, or out of drafts
or the like.
7. And we should bring better conditions for this body.
8. Ready for questions.
9. (Q) What causes the trouble with left collar bone or shoulder, which hurts and
pops when moved?
(A) The effects of poisons in the system that must be eliminated, and
precautions must be taken that cold or congestion, or excess acidity, is not a part
of the experience during the time there is the cleansing of the system from the
poisons that have been thrown into the system by the affectation of the tonsils
and the adenoids.
10. (Q) Does the body need glasses?
(A) Not necessary if the poisons are eliminated and there is the exercise of
the head and neck, or head and neck exercise in a circular motion, to strengthen
these portions of the system. We are through for the present.
R1. 1/7/40 Mother's letter: "[2036] had a cold when I got the reading so didn't
start the Eno for about a week, but she is taking it now and hope we will soon
see a great improvement in her health, thanks to you."
Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2014 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


INDEX OF READING 2189-3 M 39 [edited]



Diet: Toxemia Par. 5-A

Environment: North Carolina: Enfield Par. 11-A

Neuritis: Tendencies Par. 3

Psychosomatics: Toxemia Par. 5-A

Rheumatism: Tendencies Par. 3



B1. See 2189-2.

TEXT OF READING 2189-3 M 39 (Merchant, Hebrew)

This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at his office, 115 West 35th Street,
Virginia Beach, Va., this 29th day of October, 1930.

3. In the physical body we find the conditions are gradually on the improve.
There needs be that the body be mindful as respecting overtaxing self
PHYSICALLY, until there is at least sufficient stability within the vital resistive
forces of the body, and that the body through the digestive system keep an
alkalin system, with sufficient of the stimuli to the various nerve centers and
plexus along the cerebro-spinal system as to keep a normal reaction through
incentives from the various nerve plexus. This we would do, else there must
come a reaction that would be of a DETRIMENTAL nature, especially as to
eliminations coming in such forms as of a neurotic, or neuritis, and of rheumatic
reactions in limbs, knees, feet, ankles, through pelvis, and a pressure in the
gastric regions as of regurgitation. Keeping these, then, for the time, we will find
the body more physically fit to meet the needs of the day, to be able to
counteract in reactions as may come for the physical and mental body, meeting
the vicissitudes of life in EVERY respect….

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2014 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


5. (Q) Has business been the cause of the body's ailments?

(A) They have been a contributory measure, but not wholly so; for, as has
been given, when there are those conditions in the mental as to cause an
accumulation in the system of poisons, these are hard to be dealt with as
respecting assimilations - for depressions, anger, wrath, sorrow, and such, make
for poisons in the DIGESTIVE system, causing an activity of an unnatural or
abnormal manner through same. Through such periods one should beware of
eating very much, and especially of any conditions as make for ACIDITY, for
already there is an EXCESS in a system when such conditions mentally surround
a body….

11. (Q) Will location body is in at present be successful for body? If not, advise
where would be the best location.
(A) Should be very successful for the body, in the present.
Keep the body-mind in an at-onement of the ideals the body prompted in self
when there was the beginning of the operations in the present location; for while
this considered as not wholly an ideal place, yet one that offered opportunities,
not only in a financial but as a satisfactory way in OTHER respects. Keep self in
that same frame of mind.
12. We are through for the present.


R1. See 2189-4.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2014 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation




Diet: Arthritis Par. 23--26, 30-A

Glands: Injections Par. 4, 7

Kidneys: Stones Reports

Locomotion: Impaired Par. 9


Physiotherapy: Baths: Epsom Salts: Arthritis Par. 13, 16, 27

: Massage: Oils, Olive: Par. 22, 27
: Peanut Oil: Par. 14, 16, 22, 27
: Packs: Turpentine: Kidneys Par. R4

Prescriptions: Atomidine: Arthritis Par. 11--13, 15, 27

: Bromide of Soda: Par. 17--22
: Gold Chloride: Par. 17--22
Prophecy: Prognosis: Arthritis Par. 30-A



Venereal Diseases: Gonorrhea Par. R1


B1. 10/30/40 Wire: "Have been in considerable pain for two weeks. Please wire
me collect earliest possible time you can give reading."


This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce, this 4th day of November, 1940.

2. EC: Yes, we have the body here, [2392].

3. As we find, there is rather the complication of disturbances; and these have
been rather a series of changes that have occurred, that have brought about the
present disturbing conditions.
4. These have to do with the eliminating system and the effects - with those
administrations and complications - that have been produced upon the glandular
5. Then, these are conditions as we find them with this body, [2392] we are
speaking of:
Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2014 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


6. In the blood supply we find the indication of the character of disturbances in

eliminations, and how there began the first unbalancing in which there was the
losing of weight and a general nervous disturbance; also the lack of elements to
create or to bring the proper coagulation in the blood flow, - that is, as related to
energies used and the nerves being sore, and a form of rheumatic reaction.
7. The administration of injections, and then the unbalanced condition produced
by the lack of the proper assimilation of the diets, brought on rather a
complication in the glandular forces of the body.
8. Thus we have a neuritic, with an arthritic tendency in the present.
9. As it is affecting the extremities, the locomotion, the activities of the body in its
nature, it requires that the body remain quiet as much as practical, until at least
two-thirds of these administrations are made that we will suggest. Then there
may be begun those violent rubs and massage activities that may bring about not
only the relief of the excruciating pains at times in the attempts of locomotion, but
in the tendencies for the muscular forces to contract at times.
10. Begin first, then, in this manner:
11. Take one minim (drop) of Atomidine in half a glass of water each morning
before any meal is taken. Each day increase the dosage two minim; that is:
12. The first day one minim; the second day three minims; third day five minims;
fourth day seven minims; fifth day nine minims.
13. Then leave off (after the nine minims) and take an Epsom Salts Bath - either
that same evening or the next evening. Have an almost saturated solution; at
least twenty pounds of Epsom Salts to forty gallons of water, as hot as the body
can stand same. Take at least thirty to forty minutes to give such a bath.
14. Then have a through rinsing and rubdown with Peanut Oil, when the body
comes from the bath.
15. Then rest; and the next two days do not take the Atomidine; but on the third
day afterward, begin with same again; taking one minim the first day, and
increasing the dosage ONE minim each day until five minims are being taken,
16. Then have another Epsom Salts Bath, followed with the Peanut Oil Rub the
same as before.
17. After this, then begin taking Chloride of Gold and Soda, prepared in two
separate solutions and only added when the dosage is to be taken.
18. The Chloride of Gold Solution would be in the proportions of one grain to one
ounce of Distilled Water.
19. The Soda Solution would be two grains Bromide of Soda to one ounce of
Distilled water.
20. Keep these separate, until ready to take. Then take one minim of the
Chloride of Gold Solution and two minims of the Bromide of Soda solution stirred
together in half a glass of water. Each day increase the dosage in this manner:
21. 1st day one minim of the Gold and 2 minims of the Soda Sol'n 2nd day two
minims of the Gold and 4 minims of the Soda Sol'n 3rd day three minims of the
Gold and 6 minims of the Soda Sol'n 4th day four minims of the Gold and 8
minims of the Soda Sol'n 5th day five minims of the Gold and 10 minims of the
Soda Sol'n

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2014 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


22. After the fifth day, leave it off; and begin then with a thorough massage each
morning and each evening with an equal combination of Olive Oil and Peanut Oil.
This is not to be in the form of other than a massage, that we may loosen the
muscular forces, the tendons and the spinal system.
23. In the diets, - keep away from any meats, especially hog meats. A little fish
or fowl may be taken.
24. No fried foods. No white bread. No white potatoes.
25. Little of sweets, save honey in the honeycomb.
26. Vegetables and fruits, raw and cooked, should be the principal portion of the
27. After the series of the last indicated massages for four or five days, if
necessary take the Atomidine again AND the Epsom Salts Baths, in the same
manner as first given.
28. Do these, if we would bring the better conditions for this body, [2392].
29. Ready for questions.
30. (Q) Will this treatment if carefully carried out give permanent cure?
(A) This will depend upon the body's returning to those things that would
bring back the reaction. Keeping off of hog meat and fats, and too much sweets,
and these eliminated as indicated should be, we find that it should be a
permanent cure.
31. We are through for the present.


R1. 11/9/40 Letter: "Received your reading yesterday and began the treatment
with the diet and one drop of Atomidine this a.m.
"My trouble started four weeks ago today with a burning sensation in the penis,
a frequent desire to urinate which caused me considerable pain in so doing.
Went to a doctor the next day and during the next two weeks he tried three kinds
of tablets on me but during that time I continued to get worse. Then he and
another doctor I consulted both thought I either had a gravel in the bladder or an
enlarged prostate gland, and advised going to a specialist with the possibility of
an operation. Being a World War veteran I made application for free treatment at
the Veterans Hospital at Memphis [Tenn.] which was accepted but owing to the
crowded condition was put on the waiting list and told that I would be called, and
have not heard from them since. In the meantime I decided to correspond with
"About a week ago I began passing some matter and corruption which the
doctor said was likely due to the bursting of a pus pocket on the prostate gland
and that it would give me temporary relief, which it has done, as I have not
experienced so much pain lately nor have I had to get up quite so often at night.
I was passing considerable amount of corruption again this morning, the first time
or two to urinate.
"I feel that you hit upon my case pretty well in a general way though do not
think I had any rheumatic symptoms unless it could be a settling of same in the
glandular organs.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2014 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


"From what I have heard of gonorrhea it seems that my symptoms are very
much the same, though I have never had it nor have I had a chance to contact it
in any way, not even through the use of a toilet, as I have used only my home
one for the past several months.
"Have not been constipated at all, have one action regularly daily each
morning about 30 minutes after breakfast.
"With this information before you, will be glad to hear from you if you have any
further suggestions; otherwise I will follow your treatment to the letter. However,
I would be glad to hear from you as to whether you think it advisable for me to go
to the hospital for a check-up when I am called, as that is liable to come at any

R2. 11/13/40 HLC's letter to Mr. [2392]: "As my father is out of town I am taking
the liberty of answering you.
"I hope that you will follow through with the treatments suggested and let us have
a report on the results. If you enter the hospital it will probably be impossible for
you to continue these treatments, so if you have begun to improve it would not
seem wise to change.
"Have you noticed any loss of weight and general nervousness? Evidently the
poisons, the elimination of which is causing you immediate concern, are coming
from a more serious difficulty of an arthritic nature. Have you had any injections
of any kind? The reading may refer here to medicines given by doctors.
"You may find it helpful to talk with [1005] who lives near you."

R3. 12/3/40 Letter: "Have completed the course of treatment you prescribed and
started over last Friday on the Atomidine again. Am much better than I was,
though still have some irritation... Hugh asked about injections. I have never
had any except for hay fever, and that was about 20 years ago. Have had no hay
fever in recent years. Am carrying out treatment and diet strictly to the letter."

R4. 12/6/40 EC's letter: "May I make this suggestion? Besides taking the
Atomidine and diet, about 3 times each week take a Turpentine Stupe; that is,
like this: Put about a teaspoonful of Turpentine in a quart of hot water (do this
when ready to retire). Stir up thoroughly, then take a cloth that when folded
about 3-4 times would be about the size of your 2 hands. Dip this in the water
with Turpentine, wring out and put across your abdomen, low down, just at the
pubic bone or just above the penis. Have this pretty warm and keep it on for an
hour or so. I wouldn't do it oftener than 3 times each week. I believe you will find
real relief here."

R5. 12/27/40 Letter: "Your letter of the 6th received and have followed your
instructions for the past two weeks with the Turpentine Stupe. Had completed
two full courses of the original treatment before beginning with the Turpentine
and am still continuing the diet.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2014 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


"For the past 3-4 days there has been considerable indication of the trouble
returning to the original annoying condition. If you care to check on me further will
be pleased to have any further suggestion."

R6. 1/2/41 Letter: "Was reading the circular that comes in the box with the bottle
of Atomidine the other day and noticed that they recommend it very highly for
glandular trouble and also they give the average dose as 10 drops 30 minutes
before meals and at night before retiring, so I started the night of the 31st taking
6 drops three times a day and increasing one drop per dose each day until I have
reached the 10 drops. Thought I would try this out while waiting to hear from you
and think I already see some improvement.
"Will be glad to have your check-up and will be in my room... Do not know of any
special questions I need to ask. I think it is some sort of glandular trouble and
am of course interested in a cure."
(GD's note: EC was ill and had to delay the appointment.)

R7. 1/11/41 Letter: "Have taken the Atomidine as I told you, increasing the dose
one drop 3 times a day up to 10 drops for 2 days, then began decreasing the
doses each day and I think it has helped me for I feel considerably better now
than I did when I wrote you for a checkup. Am down to 6 drops today and will
discontinue same today so that the effects will have time to wear off by Tuesday.
It will suit me o.k. for the reading Tuesday morning."
R8. 1/24/41 Letter (After appointment had been delayed twice by Mr. [2392]):
"It will be impossible for me to be in my room... Any other time will suit me, or if
you think it best we could wait a while for the checkup, as I feel that I am
gradually improving and am continuing the doses of Atomidine for several days
when I feel my symptoms of irritation returning."

R9. 3/19/41 Letter: "Would be glad to have you give me a check-up now if it is
convenient, as I have not been feeling very well for several days. I am still busy
some in the mornings but any time in the afternoon will suit me any day."

R10. 3/25/41 See 2392-2.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2014 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



Acidity: Eliminations: Incoordination Par. 14

Arthritis: Tendencies Par. 13


Chiropractic: Not Recommended Par. 24

Cold: Congestion: Susceptibility Par. 14, 26

Diet: Artichoke: Jerusalem: Assimilations:

Eliminations: Incoordination Par. 33
: Assimilations: Eliminations: Incoordination Par. 29--33

Glands: Adrenals: Assimilations: Eliminations:

Incoordination Par. 33

Intestines: Colonics: Eliminations Par. 21--23




Osteopathy: Lesions Par. 24, 25, 27

Physiotherapy: Hydrotherapy: Neuritis Par. 21, 22

Prescriptions: Adiron: Assimilations:

Eliminations: Incoordination Par. 26



B1. He previously secured a Physical Reading for his baby nephew, [1843];
8/3/40 a Physical Rdg. for Mr. [2318]; 7/12/40 a Physical Rdg. for Mr. [2306], and
a Physical Rdg. for Mrs. [1893].


This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at the home of Mr. David E. Kahn,
20 Woods Lane, Scarsdale, N.Y., this 29th day of November, 1940.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2014 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


2. EC: Yes, we have the body here, [2413].

3. Now, as we find, there are disturbing conditions which prevent the better
normal physical functioning. We find that these in the present, however, are
conditions rather of which the body should be warned.
4. Thus, the disturbing factors are being caused by inclinations or tendencies,
which have not as yet taken hold upon the organs of the body, but are causing
disturbances in the FUNCTIONING of same.
5. Then, while it may appear from that indicated here that much of the system is
involved, this is rather because of the nature or characteristics of the disturbing
6. These are the conditions we find being produced, then, in this body of [2413]
we are speaking of:
7. The blood supply indicates a disturbance in the eliminating forces of the body.
Thus in this body we find a COMPLEX condition in relation to this, - as of a
warring in the circulation as to the activities between the lungs, the heart, the
liver; AND the liver and the kidneys.
8. Thus we find there are those tendencies for those forms of deficiency in
eliminations that at one time may attack the general assimilating system, - as the
activity between the liver, the heart, the lungs. The next time (as has recently
been indicated) they may produce the form of repression in the elimination that
attacks the muscular forces along the cerebrospinal system, where there are the
connections for locomotion, or the general centers through which cerebrospinal
and sympathetic impulses are received. This extends the more across the area
just above the 9th dorsal, and across the hips, - or at the lumbar axis.
9. This is from an unbalanced condition in the metabolism, at times; as the
conditions or influences of the chemical reactions to the organs.
10. Thus the natures of conditions are caused as we have indicated here, - that
is, the FUNCTIONAL reactions of the organs, - kidneys, spleen, liver, heart,
11. For, at times the pain becomes severe, as to make the breath shorter; at
times as to prevent the muscular forces and the structural body from being active
or coordinating one with another.
12. These as we find affect the nervous system THROUGH the pressures upon
the areas indicated. The conditions in the nerves are not other than reflex, then,
though the nerve system becomes fagged by the excess pressures in same in
the areas from which the organs receive nerve as well as blood impulse for
13. Then, it is not purely a rheumatic condition, nor neuritic; though the
symptoms are of each of these, as well as arthritic. For, the pressures lower the
vitality, especially as related to that portion of the plasm in the lymph and
emunctory circulation; as to cause the tendons and muscles of the bodily function
(that is, as related to organs) to fail to be replenished - from that assimilated - for
full activity to the system itself.
14. As to the organs themselves of the body, - these at times cause (these
conditions or nerve pressures) such a slowing of the lymph circulation through
nasal passages, throat and the like, as to produce a DEFLECTED circulation.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2014 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


Then congestion or cold arises from same. For, the acidity produced tends to
make for a clogging of the system, - until there is an increased pulsation or that
amount of energy created or recreated by the system to eliminate this from the
system; though organically there are not other than tendencies in this direction.
15. At other times we find this same repression causes a slight deflection as
related to the organs of the sensory system; so that the sight, hearing, taste
might one or the other appear to be accentuated, or that nothing appears to
respond in quite the normal manner. This again is merely an inclination.
16. Hence ALL of these disturbances, as we find, may be eliminated, - by a
consistent effort in a given direction; and by changing the VITAL forces in the
chemical reactions of the assimilating system.
17. In the lungs, bronchi, heart, liver AND the assimilating or digestive system, -
as indicated, at periods when there are deflections in the upper portion of the
body, there is the uneasiness felt, rather than a definite pain, - through the lungs,
through the heart, through the liver, or at the pit or the cardiac end of the
stomach itself. This causes then the DESIRE for food, and yet little appetite or
ability of assimilating properly.
18. At other times, when there is the deflection of these disturbances between
the upper and lower hepatic circulation - or the activities of the pancreas, the gall
duct, the gall bladder and the kidneys AND their attempt (the kidneys) to throw
off this excess of poisons - we have a scantiness in the activity of the kidneys
(this usually when there are the deflections to the upper portion), and then the
excess activity - when there would be seen some cloudiness in tests of the urine.
This is from the attempt of the system to adjust the conditions.
19. In the organs of digestion, - as indicated, the spleen, pancreas, gall duct,
organs of assimilation as through the jejunum and the pancrean activity as with
the lacteals in the draining from foods, - we find just a little heaviness at times,
not pain; but ofttimes in such periods there is produced gas through the
alimentary canal.
20. Then, in meeting the needs of these conditions in the present:
21. First, we would begin with a regular series of hydrotherapy treatments. With
the FIRST of these treatments we would have a good colonic irrigation. With
each treatment we would have the cabinet sweat, - not raised too high, but the
dry heat; then the thorough massage and rubdown. Take this once each week, -
that is, the cabinet sweat, the massage and rubdown, etc. Do this each week,
regularly. Don't do it one week and leave it off the next, but do it EACH week
until FOUR of such treatments have been taken.
22. Then leave them off three weeks to a month. Then occasionally - twice a
month - have these again.
23. Just have ONE colonic, you see, at the beginning of the first series; though it
may be necessary in the second series - or better - to have another colonic, see?
24. At the end of the first series of the hydrotherapy treatments (that is, at the
beginning of the rest period from these - after the first four have been given), -
begin then with the good, thorough, deep osteopathic adjustments; NOT
chiropractic but OSTEOPATHIC adjustments.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2014 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


These should be given with special reference to those tendencies for lesions
in the upper portion of the 9th dorsal, throughout the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th
dorsal and through the cervical area; coordinating at the same time the 11th and
12th dorsal AND the lumbar and sacral axis.
25. Have at least four to six of THESE adjustments, you see.
26. Then rest a week from ANY of these applications. And during that week (not
before) begin taking two ADIRON pellets each day; one at the noon meal, and
one at the evening meal. Continue taking these in this manner, consistently, for
at least thirty days, see? Then leave off two or three weeks, then take again;
continuing in this ratio - off and on - throughout the winter months; though by the
time these are taken for the first month, we find that the winter season should be
practically over - that is, for the present season. These should supply the vital
forces and energies to the blood supply, enabling the body to build resistance
against cold, congestion, and generally revitalize the body.
27. If there should occur again the tautness in the muscular forces of the
cerebrospinal system, we would have another series of osteopathic adjustments.
28. However, as we find, if all of these applications are made and adhered to AS
we have outlined, the body should be brought near to the normal forces.
29. Throughout the period, we would be mindful of the diet as follows:
30. Refrain from raw or even semi-raw meats; no red or rare meats, then. Not
too much of fats. These tend to clog the system with disturbing forces to the
pancreas, the gall ducts and their activity, and to the general circulation.
31. Have plenty of vegetables of most all natures.
32. Occasionally, - that is, once or twice or three times a week, - eat a raw salad
consisting of celery, lettuce, radishes, onions, etc., but especially these as
33. Also once each week (not oftener) - for two to three months - eat one small
Jerusalem artichoke. Not too much of this, but one not larger than a guinea egg,
eaten raw - with the meal, but not at a meal when the raw salad is taken. This will
make for the proper reaction to the pancreas, purifying the adrenal glands.
34. Doing these - all of them, in the manner indicated - we may bring the near to
normal forces for the present with this body. We are through for the present.
(GD's notes 11/29/40: We would refer you to: Dr. H. J. Reilly, The Reilly Health Service,
R.C.A. Bldg., New York City, 1250 Sixth Ave. He has had experience with following
other Readings, and will do exactly as suggested. See sheet of directions [which was
enclosed] for Osteopath. We would refer you to: Dr. Frank Dobbins, 551 Fifth Ave., New
York City. You do not have these treatments, though, until the first four treatments at
Reilly's have been given. ADIRON is manufactured by The Lawrence Laboratories,
Chicago, Ill. It sells for $1 a bottle of 60 tablets. The Readings say this is the best way
of supplying iron, cod liver oil, vitamins, etc., in a way easily assimilated. You are not to
begin this until the above courses of treatment are completed; probably because your
system will then be in a better condition to assimilate and distribute properly such extra
energies. The Jerusalem artichoke should be on the market now. If not, it may be
obtained from The John A. Salzer Seed Co., LaCrosse, Wis. If anything is not clear,
please let us know. At your convenience, we'd appreciate a history of your case to the
time of obtaining the Reading, so we can have something with which to compare our

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2014 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



Attitudes & Emotions: Moderation Par. 14-A

Bible: Books Of: Genesis 1: 28 Par. 17-A

Dis-Ease Par. 17-A

Doctors: Irvin, C.W.: D.O. Par. R2

: Richardson, Martyn L.: D.O. Par. R2

Exercise: Breathing Par. 16-A, 18-A

: General Par. 16-A

Glands: Adrenals: Lumbago Par. 6

Injuries: Spine: Wrench: After Effects Par. 5

Knowledge: Application Par. 15-A

Life: Balanced Par. 14-A, 15-A


Neuritis: Tendencies Par. 6

Osteopathy: Lumbago Par. 9, 10, 13-A

Physiology & Anatomy: Nose: Exercise: Breathing Par. 16-A

Physiotherapy: Massage: Ipsab: Pyorrhea:

Tendencies Par. 18-A
: Swedish: General Par. 11
: Lumbago Par. 11

Psychosomatics: Exercise: Breathing Par. 16-A

: General Par. 14-A

Pyorrhea: Tendencies Par. 17-A, 18-A

Rheumatism: Tendencies Par. 6

Sin: Dis-Ease Par. 17-A


B1. He previously obtained two Life Readings.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2014 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce, this 26th day of May, 1942.

2. EC: Yes, we have the body here, [2533].

3. Now as we find, in the main conditions are very good throughout the general
physical forces. And yet when the disturbances are analyzed, one might
consider conditions not good at all. Yet as we find, the disturbances are such
that these would be as warnings, as things that might arise or conditions that
would develop from those hindrances which we find existent at the present time.
4. These, then, are the conditions of which the body should be warned:
5. We find that in some times back there has been a strain upon the body
structural forces, either by a wrench or by slipping, or by a fall. This is in the
sacro-ileac plexus; so that the area of the lumbar axis is affected, in that it has
set one hip out of alignment (not much; about a sixteenth of an inch, if by
6. Thus, with taxations, - that is, with long walking, long standing, or sitting in one
position for a long time, a strain is produced upon this balance. Hence the
pressures through the area upon the adrenals are disturbing the body-balance.
This - dependent upon whether there were cold or congestion, or any undue
strain or unbalanced condition towards the chemical forces of the body - MIGHT
affect either the sensory system (through the reflex, from pressure on kidneys) or
cause a form of acid in the system as to make those conditions in the structural
portions of the body become aggravated, inflamed, or bring tensions on the
areas of the muscular forces in the form akin to neuritic or rheumatic reactions.
7. This might also slow the circulation, as is the normal flow, between heart, liver
and kidneys. For, as may be indicated in the present, there is at times a
slowness or coldness. Not that there is a skip of heart beat, but a slowing of the
reactions through the lumbar and sacral - and thus to the lower extremities of the
8. In making corrections for these conditions, we find that the general condition of
the body may be greatly improved also - as those conditions for organs of the
sensory system, the conditions through the lumbar and sacral-ileac plexus, as
well as the lower extremities.
9. These we would do osteopathically. Have about five to six such adjustments,
and one or two thorough hydrotherapy treatments. These SHOULD make
corrections that might save the body great distress later on.
10. In making the corrections, have a balance between the right and the left limb,
AND the correction mostly to be made is in the sacro-ileac - or from the first
lumbar throughout the sacral, and especially in the lumbar axis.
11. The hydrotherapy treatment, to aid in the stimulation, should include a light
sweat and a thorough rubdown, such as a Swedish massage. This would only
be necessary a few times, though it is very good for anyone at least once a
month, or oftener.
12. Ready for questions.
13. (Q) Who would be suggested for the osteopathic corrections?
(A) Anyone in sympathy with the suggestions, see?

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2014 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


14. (Q) Give instructions whereby I will keep myself in good health through Mind-
Power now latent in self.
(A) By keeping an equal balance in the physical, mental and spiritual aspects
of the body-functioning. To be sure, it is necessary for normal physical
functioning. It is necessary for normal physical reactions, or the exercise as well
as relaxation in same. The same should apply also to the mental, and also to the
spiritual aspects. For, they are one. But keep a normal balance, not being an
extremist in any direction, - whether in diet, exercise, spirituality or morality, - but
in all let there be a coordinant influence. For, every phase of the physical, mental
and spiritual life is dependent upon the other. They are one, as the Father-God
is one.
15. (Q) What exercises of mind and body are best to increase my energy and
capacity for work?
(A) Keeping, as just indicated, an increase - or by learning something every
day. This doesn't mean as knowledge alone, not to be applied, but APPLY that
you know already!
16. (Q) Outline breathing exercises best for purifying the body.
(A) Three to five minutes of morning and evening - before an open window, of
course - that of rising on the toes with the hands gradually raised above the head
at the same time, breathing in deeply. The better way is to breathe first through
one nostril, then the other, but this is not easily done - in the beginning. This is
the best exercise that may be taken by most anybody. For this is not only an
exercise of the respiratory system but of all the muscular forces. Watch a cat or a
tiger as it stretches. That is the exercise for the muscular forces.
If there is the attempt to vary the breathing from the right to the left nostril,
keep same balanced. The left nostril is the spiritual, or the easing; the right
nostril is the strength. So keep 'em balanced! Don't get too much strength - that
is, don't get more physical strength than you are able to keep balanced through
the system. Two to three times through each nostril is the better way, for the
expansion of the lungs and for the purifying of circulation by same. Breathe IN
through the nostril, OUT through the mouth - when taking such exercise.
17. (Q) What is disease and the purpose of the germs produced; as example, my
throat and gums?
(A) Disease arises from, first, dis-ease - as a normalcy that IS existent and
yet becomes unbalanced. Disease is, or dis-ease is, a state at variance to the
ideal or first cause or first principle. Then, in its final analysis, disease might be
called sin. It is necessary to keep a balance.
And those who are in a material world are naturally subject to, and in contact
with, sin. Thus the individual entity or soul-entity is to meet, to come in contact
with, to overcome, to subdue same. For, what is the first premise? "Be fruitful,
multiply, but SUBDUE the earth."
Then, dis-ease is of the earth-earthy.
18. (Q) Any suggestions for the gums, teeth and throat?
(A) The use of Ipsab would be well, but this exercise will change much of
these conditions - with the kind of breathing exercise indicated.
19. We are through for the present.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2014 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


(Questions not asked: 5. Considering all forces at work as they affect my wife
and me, is the near future favorable time to us for child conception and
development? 6. Is it true that rubber or composition soles or heels on footwear
is injurious to the health by reason of cutting man off from the magnetic Earth
Contact? 7. Give any information indicated for me in the field of telepathy.
8. Any other suggestions for my development?)


R1. 9/4/42 See 2533-4, another Life Reading.

R2. 5/28/46 Report from Mr. [2533]:

Report Form For Association For Research And Enlightenment, Incorporated
Virginia Beach, Virginia
Name of Patient [2533] Case No. 2533-3 Address ..., Va.
Age at date of reading 37 Sex M
Date of Reading 5/26/42
Chief Complaint Discomfort across lower back
Date of Onset. March 1942
Duration Noticeable 2 months
Reoccurrence [No response]
Intensity [No response]
Physician's Diagnosis and Treatment: Same as Reading
Reading's Recommendations:
1. Osteopathic corrections in sacro-ileac from 1st lumbar throughout the
sacral. 2. Swedish massage with light sweat in cabinet bath 3. [No response] 4.
[No response]
Duration of Treatment: No. of years Months 2
Results of Treatments: Cured Relief (checked) Failure
At the end of 1 year 2 year 3 year (circled)
Date May 28, 1946
Signed [2533] (Patient, parent or guardian)
Note: Please give name and address of any physicians who helped you carry
out your reading.
Dr. C. W. Irvin Dr. M. L. Richardson

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2014 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



Blood: Humor Par. 8


Diet: Eliminations: Incoordination Par. 23--27

Dropsy: Tendencies Par. 4

Elephantiasis: Tendencies Par. 4


Glands: Eliminations: Incoordination Par. 11

: Thyroid Par. 11--13

Physiotherapy: Applications: Powder, Balsam &

Zinc: Dermatitis Par. 17
: Heat: Wet: Relaxation Par. 22
: Massage: Lanolin: Dermatitis Par. 22
: Oils, Olive: Par. 22
: Peanut Oil: Par. 22

Prescriptions: Alcohol, Grain: Eliminations:

Incoordination Par. 19--22
: Black Snake Root: Par. 19--22
: Buchu Leaves: Par. 19--22
: Burdock Root: Par. 19--22
: Elder Flower: Par. 19--22
: Mandrake Root: Par. 19--22
: Mullein Tea: Par. 16
: Tolu, Balsam Of: Par. 19--22
: Water, Distilled: Par. 19--22
: Yellow Dock Root: Par. 19--22



Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2014 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



B1. 5/5/42 Niece's comment when coming to hear the reading: "She's been in
bed since December - weighs over 200 lbs., something the matter with legs,
broken out and swollen. Is it rheumatism? Doctors have given no hope - just
can't put their finger on the trouble."


This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at the office of the Association,
Arctic Crescent, Virginia Beach, Va., this 5th day of May, 1942, in accordance
with request made by the husband - Mr. [2816].

2. EC: Yes, we have the body here, [2743].

3. As we find, these are rather serious disturbances - or they have reached those
conditions in which there are rather serious results approaching from those
conditions which have gradually come about.
4. These we find now rather complex in their nature. For, for some time there
have been those tendencies of excess glandular activity that has produced a
tendency in portions towards a combination between dropsical and elephantiasis
- or the condition in which the excesses of the body-forces have made for a plural
disturbance through the body.
5. Then, these are conditions as we find them with this body:
6. First, the blood supply, - this, from the lack of proper coordination in
eliminations, from those properties given the body, produced the alterations in
the manner of eliminations. Thus the rash over portions of the body has been at
times most aggravating to the system.
7. This, combined with the excesses of glandular secretions, produces quite a
variation in the blood pressure.
8. And a humor exists in same, though has NOT as yet wholly affected some
organs through which it circulates.
9. Yet there ARE disturbances, - in kidneys, in liver, and in the irregularity in the
heart's activity.
10. The nerve forces are very good, considering the other disturbances - that are
thus of the organic rather than of a nerve expression.
11. The glandular forces have become involved, - those that make for activity in
the adrenals as well as the pineal and pituitary, and the thyroids also, - from
those conditions that existed for such a period in the other portions of the body.
12. Hence the variations in the excretions through the perspiratory system and
irregularity in the respiratory system.
13. Also the disturbance at times with the nails, - as of the toes, the fingers, as
well as the hair on the various portions, - gives distress - from the thyroid activity.
14. As would be indicated from this, then, most of the body is involved.
15. We find that there may be helpful influences brought about. As to whether
these will be of a curative or only a palliative nature will depend upon the manner
in which application is made, and the consistency with which the body follows the
diet and the attempted activity.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2014 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


16. First, we would begin with taking the Mullein Tea, which should be made
fresh every other day; do not attempt to drink it after it has been kept for two
days. Unless it is kept in the fresh state it is not good for the body. As soon as
there can be the flower obtained for same, this should be included. Bruise about
an ounce of the leaves and pour a pint of boiling water over same and allow to
stand for twenty to thirty minutes. Do not let it come to a boil, but bruise the
leaves and then pour the boiling water over same, see? This would be the
quantity for a two-day period, see?
17. After this has been taken for about a week, and using a powder the base of
which is stearate of zinc with Balsam, we find that the rash will be improved.
18. Then begin with a tonic prepared in this manner:
19. To 1/2 gallon of Distilled Water, add - in the order named:
Yellow Dock Root................1/2 ounce,
Burdock Root....................1/4 ounce,
Buchu Leaves....................1/4 ounce,
Black Snake Root................1/2 ounce,
Mandrake Root...................1/2 grain,
Elder Flower......................4 ounces.
20. Boil down to 1 quart. Strain, and add 4 ounces of Grain Alcohol, with 1/2
ounce of tolu dissolved or cut in same - cut in the alcohol before it is added, see?
21. The dose will be a teaspoonful twice each day.
22. When this tonic is begun, begin also with a massage following the bath each
day. In giving same, relax the whole spinal system first by the application of hot
wet packs. Then massage into the spine an equal combination of Peanut Oil and
Olive Oil. Or, cut or dissolve thoroughly in 1 ounce of Peanut Oil 1/4 ounce of
Lanolin, before it is added to an ounce of Olive Oil, see? This will prevent the
irritation coming again.
23. Then the diet:
24. DO NOT'S: Do not eat white bread. Do not eat white potatoes. Do not eat
cheese and macaroni. Do not take hog meat in ANY form. Do not take fats of
any form. Only a little butter. No fried foods of any kind.
25. Use plenty of raw vegetables - these should be part of one meal each day. If
possible, even take more than one meal of these each day; or a combination of
lettuce, celery, carrots, radishes, or ANY of those vegetables that may be taken
26. Fish and fowl if meats are taken, but never any fried. More of the leafy
vegetables, not so many of the pod variety. Carrots may be cooked as well as
raw. Sweet potatoes may be baked, - though these should be of the yam
27. DO have the Jerusalem artichoke at least three times each week.
28. Do these, and if there is a response when half of the quantity of the tonic has
been taken, we would give further instructions. We are through for the present.


R1. 7/2/42 See 2743-2.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2014 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



Diet: Eliminations Par. 8-A



Prescriptions: Sarsaparilla Syrup: Eliminations Par. 5, 7-A, 9-A

: Syrup, Simple: Par. 5, 7-A, 9-A
: Toris Compound: Par. 5, 7-A, 9-A
: Whiskey, Rye: Par. 5, 7-A, 9-A



B1. See 2743-1 on 5/5/42 for rheumatism.
B2. 7/2/42 Mrs. [1523] submitted questions for Mrs. [2743], including "What
causes the rheumatism and what can be done to get rid of it?" and said: "Mrs.
[2743] has improved wonderfully; feels so much better she is up and doing her
housework, also working out in yard."


This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce at the office of the Association, Arctic
Crescent, Virginia Beach, Va., this 2nd day of July, 1942, in accordance with
request made by the self - Mrs. [2743].

2. EC: Yes, we have the body here, [2743]; this we have had before.
3. As we find, while conditions are much improved, there is still a great deal to be
4. We would adhere rather closely to those things that have been suggested. It
is well to keep up ALL that has been given.
5. But we would now take at least a good course of Toris Compound; one
quantity (or one ounce) prepared with the Simple Syrup, only; one prepared in
half a pint of Whiskey. To be sure, in each of the compounds there would be
added the syrup that is required for the Sarsaparilla, see? Then mix the two
compounds together. Take a tablespoonful at least twice daily, unless this
becomes too much of an activity on the alimentary canal.
6. It will clear this neuritic condition or stiffness that is indicated as a part of a
uremic poisoning, or - as some would call - rheumatic condition, which is an over-
uremic reaction here; though it is neuritic rather than rheumatic. For, there is not
the inflammation in the areas save pressures on muscular forces here.
7. (Q) Any specific kind of whiskey?
(A) Use good whiskey - don't use just corn or that colored. Rye, of course, is
the better for such conditions - or for such purposes.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2014 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


8. (Q) Is cheese alright in the diet?

(A) Alright if it isn't over-indulged in, or whole meals made on same. It
depends also upon the character of the cheese. Cream cheese, or that made at
home is very well; provided it is not too strong.
9. (Q) Continue all previous treatments?
(A) Read what has just been given, - except we would add the two quantities
of the Toris Compound; one made with the Simple Syrup, one made with the
Whiskey - adding the two together, see, after they each are thoroughly mixed.
Be sure they are dissolved. Then take two tablespoonsful; that is, one of
morning and one of evening; keeping up the rest of the treatments; being rather
more consistent with the diet.
It is well to undertake some activities, but don't get in the cold or in drafts, or
too wet from perspiration and sit in drafts.
10. We are through with this Reading.


R1. 9/16/42 Her husband, [2816], obtained a Physical Rdg., saying: "I feel like
you can help me if anyone can. You sure have helped my wife."

R2. 9/29/53 Husband reported: "[2743] is getting along fine."

R3. 9/7/61 Mrs. [1523] reported - 19 years later - "Mrs. [2743] had a stroke this
past week and is paralyzed on one side."

R4. 1/20/67 Mrs. [1523] reported: "Mrs. [2743] is getting along very well.
Apparently the stroke did no great damage. She was horribly over-weight prior to
her readings. She has lost much weight, and has remained in very good health
except for the short time when it appeared she might be permanently paralyzed
from the stroke."

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2014 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation




Diet: Menu: Rheumatism Par. 24-A

: Rheumatism Par. 24-A

Electrotherapy: Sinusoidal: Rheumatism Par. 16, 19-A, 25-A

Eliminations: Poor: Rheumatism Par. 2, 4, 21-A

Intestines: Colonics: Rheumatism Par. 15, 19-A, 25-A

Lesions: Diabetes Par. 5

Nervous Systems: Sensory: Lesions Par. 8

Neuritis Par. 23-A

Osteopathy: Rheumatism Par. 15, 19-A, 25-A

Physiotherapy: Massage: Ipsab: Teeth Par. 20-A

Prophecy: Prognosis: Rheumatism Par. 13, 17

Pyorrhea Par. 20-A


Will: Motivation: Rheumatism Par. 6




This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce at his office, 115 West 35th Street,
Virginia Beach, Va., this 13th day of March, 1930.

1. EC: Yes, we have the body here, [2750], and those conditions physical as
surround same.
2. Now, we find there are existent physical conditions as at times cause
uneasiness to the body. These, as we find, have most to do with the eliminations
in the body and the effects as are created in the functioning of organs and of the
3. These, then, are the conditions as we find them with this body, [2750], we are
speaking of, present in this room. First:

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2014 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


4. IN THE BLOOD SUPPLY, there are evidences of the characteristics of the

disturbance, or the character of ELIMINATIONS as are brought about by
disturbances in the system. These are shown especially in the pressure, or the
VARIATIONS in pressure as created in the blood stream itself. While this at
present is of minor nature, the indications are such that there should be taken
steps to CORRECT these conditions, that they (the conditions) in their activity do
not create greater disorders in the functionings of the organs as are disturbed by
same. These, as we shall see, have to do with the kidneys, the spleen, and the
5. IN THE NERVE SYSTEM, here we find, in the cerebro-spinal nerve system,
indications of the disturbance as CAUSES much of the disorder as has long
existed in the system; these coming from conditions that, having existed for some
time, have created TWO positions of lesions in the cerebrospinal radial centers;
those in the 4th lumbar and in the 8th dorsal region. These produce the tension
as is caused in FUNCTIONING organs by the non-supply of the incentive, as
which the organ functions under. Hence the over accumulation of sugar in
system. The effect as created in bladder and kidneys; ALSO the effect as
created in the upper intestinal tract, and NATURALLY the RESULTANT condition
in the lower portion, or ESPECIALLY in the ascending and first portion of
transverse colon.
6. In the SYMPATHETIC nerve system, we find the body rather well balanced,
well controlled. This more through the abilities of self to force the issue with self,
than of any disturbance; rather main strength and awkwardness, to speak in
common parlance, of the INDIVIDUALITY of the body.
7. IN THE FUNCTIONING ORGANS THEMSELVES, brain forces are very good;
keep a normal equilibrium and the ability to control self, and to easily influence
8. In the functioning of the organs in sensory system, these are very good - save
as become reflex at times through the pressures created in the 8th dorsal center,
coming reflexly through the hypogastric and pneumogastric plexus in the upper
portion of the cervical region. THEN these become accentuated. Hence the little
thumping or gnawing at times as for ear; as clearing of the throat at times, from a
tickling sensation; and the heaviness as comes to the feet at times - are the
results of these pressures.
9. In the lungs, good.
10. Heart's action shows the effect as is created, though ORGANICALLY no
disturbance. FUNCTIONALLY, we find these show the variations in the pressure
in the count, in the pulsation.
11. In the digestive system, here we find again these conditions are rather of the
reflex nature, and are subject to those conditions existent in the colon, in the
liver, spleen, and the ACTIVITIES in same.
12. In the hepatic circulation, this we find a variation in, as is seen from
conditions existent in the system, as has been outlined, and in the organs of the
pelvis AGAIN we find prevalent at times those conditions as are produced, or DO
produce irritation through those pressures in lumbar and in dorsal region.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2014 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


13. These, then, the basis of the disturbance, and THROUGH these channels
should that relief be brought, that correction be brought, as would make for the
body those of much easier, and those of a much LONGER physical manifestation
through THIS body.
14. Apply first, then, as this:
15. Those of the proper manipulations, osteopathically given, to make
corrections, adjustments, and the coordinating of the whole of the eliminating
system; using occasionally - once each month, at least - oftener in the beginning
- the colonic irrigations, that the refuses in system are clarified, so that the
elimination in this direction may be EASED in the body.
16. Also applying those of the sinusoidal ray, of the electrical forces. Apply those
to the 2nd dorsal and to the 4th lumbar. These, in that vibration as create the
proper reaction. These centers are given specific, that the reactions in the
system may work with the coordinating forces of the heart's action, as well as the
organs of the pelvis and of the torso proper.
17. Do THAT, and we will find we will bring many days, and near normal
conditions for this body, [2750].
18. Ready for questions.
19. (Q) How long should the treatment be continued?
(A) Until the corrections are made in the dorsal and lumbar regions. These
should be made at LEAST twice each week. The body should at least, through
the first TWO weeks, REST most of the time that the corrections are being made.
Not that the body should not take the proper exercise, but NOT too MUCH
exercise, especially when these conditions are being corrected.
20. (Q) Are the teeth causing any pyorrhea poison?
(A) Local condition there may be aided, but the REAL source of the condition
is through that plexus as is given, where the reflexes cause, through the junction
of the hypogastric and pneumogastric plexus to the upper portion of head. This
is lack of proper circulation; not so much the refuse or the poisons FROM the
condition, though local condition may be aided by the use of Ipsab there.
21. (Q) What is cause of rheumatism, etc.?
(A) Non-eliminations! Pus through the intestinal system, especially in that
region where the ascending and transverse colon turn, or called the pyloric
22. (Q) Are the ribs that were broken healed in proper manner - etc.?
(A) These are very good.
23. (Q) Are there any bad effects?
(A) Only the weakness and the soreness that occurs there, especially when
there is the reaction in the system of those poisons as cause the effection of
nerve and tissue, in the neurotic or neuritis effect.
24. (Q) What diet should the body follow?
(A) The diet should be those of the nearer or more alkaline in their reaction.
Little of meats, though these may be varied gradually. This would be a normal
simple of the diet:
Mornings - the food should consist of citrous fruit, gruel, or of dry cereal,
principally. Little milk, little coffee or stimulant of any kind.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2014 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


Noon - should be principally those of the fresh vegetables that are grown
ABOVE the ground. These should be principally raw. Some nuts may be taken.
In the evenings - most of the vegetable forces should be cooked, and those with
the vegetable oils rather than those of meats as seasonings. Fish, or those of
seafoods are good for the body, but none of those that are of the nature that
cause ACIDITY in the system in other meats.
25. (Q) Is the thyroid gland affected?
(A) No.
Follow these suggestions here, for the proper correction - see - of those
conditions existent in the cerebrospinal system, by making those corrections
osteopathically; also by the ELIMINATION - colonic irrigation, see? Then the
application of the sinusoidal, that the vibratory forces may be set up, that the
eliminations - both through the alimentary canal and those of the respiratory
system - may be in accord, and we will find corrections for this body. We are
through for the present.


R1. 10/31/30 Mrs. [2750] referred her sister, Mrs. [130] for a Physical reading.

R2. 11/26/30 Mrs. [2750] referred friend Miss [1913] for a Life reading; also
[2373] for a Physical reading.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2014 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation




Diet: Arthritis Par. 17, 18

: Beef Juice: Arthritis Par. 19
Glands: Arthritis Par. 22-A
: Thyroid Par. R3
Intestines: Colonics: Eliminations Par. 18


Neuralgia: After Effects Par. 5


Pelvic Disorders: Neuralgia Par. 5

Physiotherapy: Baths: Epsom Salts: Arthritis Par. 9, 13, 14

: Massage: Peanut Oil: Par. 10, 13, 14
: Pine Needles Oil: Par. 10, 13, 14
: Sassafras Root Oil: Par. 10, 13, 14
Prescriptions: Atomidine: Arthritis Par. 8, 12, 14

Rheumatism Par. 6

Uricacidemia Par. 6


B1. 12/1/42 Letter: "I am suffering with arthritis or some from of rheumatism. I
am in bed nearly half of the time with catches in all of my back from shoulder to
hips. I have been to lots of doctors and taken lots of different treatments but
nothing has ever seemed to have helped me. The doctors seem to think it is
caused from pus somewhere in my body, but have never been able to find it. I
am in hopes you can tell me where it is, and how to treat it. 1. What is the source
of the trouble? 2. Is there pus anywhere in my body causing this condition?


This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at the office of the Association,
Arctic Crescent, Virginia Beach, Va., this 8th day of December, 1942.
2. EC: Yes, we have the body here, [2866].
3. As we find, there are conditions that prevent the nearer normal physical

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2014 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


4. While the conditions in the present are quite different from that which as we
find produced same, these are at present very disturbing, - especially to the
abilities of the body in locomotion, and the excruciating pain there is to the body
at times.
5. We find that the beginning of these was neuralgia through the organs of the
pelvis. And the applications that were made, in the heat and the purifying,
brought about a condition where there are those tendencies of infection - or more
the lack of coordination in the activities of the glands as related to kidney's
6. These, tend to produce, then, from the congealing of the forces of the lymph
circulation through same, pressures in the body; at times assuming inflammatory
conditions, and causing arthritic and neuritic effects, and at times - from the
amount of the uric poisoning - a rheumatic reaction.
7. We find that these may be materially aided. While it will require some
patience, a great deal of persistence on the part of the body, if these applications
are made there may be brought relief - and without the administration of too
much of a sedative, if practical. These may require some changes later, but
these we would begin:
8. First, we would take internally one drop of Atomidine in half a glass of water
each morning before any meal is taken, for two days. Then take two drops for
two days. Then take three drops for two days. Then take four drops for two
days. Then take five drops for two days.
9. Then on the next day have a good Epsom Salts Bath. Put about twenty
pounds of Epsom Salts in fifty gallons of water, and lie in same; during the time
the body is in the bath having the hands, the limbs, the arms, and portions of the
spine massaged; especially along the area from the 9th dorsal downward. Have
the water as warm as the body can well stand. And from time to time, to keep the
body warm, add hot water. Remain in same, with the massage, for the greater
part of at least forty minutes. Be mindful that there is sufficient of
water taken, even during the time of the bath, that it does not overtax the body
too much.
10. When taken out of the bath, sponge off and rub thoroughly with a
combination of oils along the spine, especially over the sacral and the lower
dorsal area, the limbs and the rest of the body, but more in this particular area,
with this body. Put these oils together, in this manner; adding each in the order
named: Peanut Oil.................6 ounces,
Oil of Pine Needles......1/2 ounce,
Oil of Sassafras Root....1/2 ounce.
Shake together, though they'll tend to separate a bit, and pour some into a
saucer so that the fingers may be dipped in same. Massage the body with this
11. Then rest from this about three days.
12. Begin then, again, with one minim of Atomidine each morning for THREE
days, two minims for THREE days, and so on, increasing the dosage after each
three-day period until there are EIGHT drops being taken for three days.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2014 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


13. Then have the second Epsom Salts Bath, in the same manner as indicated
for the first, with the oil rub following same.
14. Then rest for three days, and have the third round of the Atomidine; not
increasing the dosage at this period - but taking it in the same manner as
indicated for the last series, see? followed by the Epsom Bath.
15. After THAT the body should gradually begin to feel better, though some
disturbance will arise following the second series of treatments. After the third
series of all the applications, the body should be MUCH improved.
16. THEN we would give further instructions.
17. In the diet, keep the foods that are easily assimilated.
18. Do have the eliminations well. There should be at least one good elimination
through the alimentary canal each day, though it requires laxatives to be taken -
or even the colonic irrigations, do have these.
19. Take beef juice as strengthening, but take only small quantities at a time and
let it be absorbed, rather than taking the spoonful at once and swallowing it to be
assimilated only in the stomach.
20. These as we find will bring bettered conditions for this body.
21. Ready for questions.
22. (Q) Is there pus anywhere in my body causing this condition?
(A) As indicated, this arises from the congestions about the glands in the
body. Hence the necessity of purifying and breaking up these congestions
through the Baths and the massages at the time of Bath as well as following
same, with properties indicated. We are through for the present.
R1. 12/28/42 Letter from Mrs. [2866: "I received your reading and letter of a
recent date. I was well satisfied with the reading, but haven't been able to start
the treatments yet, as I have had to order the medicine and haven't received it
yet. I will start the treatments as soon as I receive the medicine and do just as
you said. I believe I will receive help from them. I will let you hear from me when
I take the treatments..."
R2. 3/29/43 Letter from Mrs. [2866]: "I have just finished the three complete
rounds of treatments you told me to take. You told me to let you know so you
could give me a check physical reading and further instructions. Hoping to hear
from you soon I remain..." 1. What causes and what should be done for the
severe catch in upper part of my back and shoulders, also chest. 2. Does
overweight make the conditions worse? 3. What causes me to be nervous?
R3. Letter 4/6/43: "I followed the treatments you suggested exactly as you said,
and my condition seems to be somewhat better. However, the past 3 or 4 days I
have had a severe catch in upper part of my back and shoulders, also chest. I
would like to know if overweight would make the conditions worse. I weigh about
180 lbs. I have always had gland trouble. I had a thyroid operation about 9 yrs.
ago. I am awfully nervous. Does the condition found in my body make me
R4. 4/9/43 See 2866-2.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2014 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation




Attitudes & Emotions: Anger Par. 4, 6--8



Psychosomatics: Assimilations Par. 4, 6--8


This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at the office of the Association,
Arctic Crescent, Virginia Beach, Va., this 9th day of April, 1943.

2. EC: Yes.
3. As we find, conditions have improved a great deal since last we had this body.
4. But the allowing of itself to become vexed, because it doesn't quite have its
way at times, produces a very bad reaction in the assimilating system.
5. We find that the closer there are the adherences to those suggestions that
have been made the better it will be, as for keeping up the proper eliminations of
the body and the proper distribution of energies through those portions of
system. These are well, and as these are done consistently the body improves.
6. But when the body allows itself to become aggravated or anxious, or to tax the
body, this can undo in a few minutes as much as may be accomplished in some
time in building up.
7. Then, keep the mental attitude correct also. This has much to do with
producing those reactions in the gastric flow as to cause acidity in the body, and
upsets the system altogether.
8. Hence adhere to those suggestions given, and keep the mental attitude in that
way of not only desiring to be helpful to others but in BEING helpful; but don't be
too proud or boast about it because you do it - this will bring disturbing forces!
But be proud you have the opportunity to do it!
9. We are through with this Reading.



Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2014 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation




Diet: Eliminations: Poor Par. 18--20

: Vitamins: Purity Cross Par. 17


Inhalants: Alcohol, Grain: Bronchitis Par. 12--16

: Benzoin, Tincture Of: Bronchitis Par. 12--16
: Creosote, Rectified: Par. 12--16
: Eucalyptus, Oil Of: Par. 12--16
: Turp, Rectified Oil Of: Par. 12--16

Intestines: Colonics: Toxemia Par. 9, 11, 17, 22-A

Liver: Kidneys: Incoordination Par. 5, 6


Physiotherapy: Baths: Sweats: Toxemia Par. 9--11, 17

: Massage: Peanut Oil: Par. 10, 11, 17, 22-A
: Pine Oil: Par. 10, 11, 17, 22-A



Uricacidemia Par. 7


B1. 3/22/43 Husband: "My wife [2975] appears, both in looks and manners, like a
woman many years younger than her age. From a child she has suffered from
occasional spells of bronchitis, with an annoying bronchial cough. She suffers
from constipation much of the time. Her physician has told her that a toxic
condition exists (cause unknown) which is responsible for numerous headaches.
Another doctor has said that she is inclined to have some kidney trouble. She
tires out quickly and occasionally feels cold even in warm weather. At times she
gets very pale and never has any bright red color in her lips."
B2. 3/23/43 "I neglected to report that for about a week she has suffered with
pains in the back, similar to lumbago; but today the pain extends up and down
her spine from a point near the shoulder blades to a location about opposite her
hip joints."

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2014 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at the office of the Association,
Arctic Crescent, Virginia Beach, Va., this 20th day of April, 1943.

(Physical Suggestion)
1. EC: Yes, we have the body here, [2975].
2. As we find, there are conditions that prevent the better physical functioning of
the body. These have in some measures been long standing, and have
gradually undermined the vital forces.
3. And then with the lack of proper eliminations (for these tendencies also have
been a part of the general trouble), there are such toxic conditions as to become
a hindrance in not only the activities of the body but as to produce a great deal of
distress at times.
4. As we find, it is not of an arthritic nature, but more of a neuritic - not neurotic;
though it does cause at the present some distressing conditions in the muscular
and nerve forces that give a great deal of pain.
5. We find that these conditions alter the regulation of the pulsation. They also
disturb the activity of the liver and kidneys.
6. And the attempts of the kidneys to do some of the work that should be done in
other eliminating channels cause these to give some distress.
7. Thus we have the effect of uric acid, or a rheumatic reaction in the body.
8. These as we find, combined with the disturbances which have existed in the
mucous membranes of face, head and throat, are the sources of the disturbance
in or with this body at present.
9. To bring about bettered conditions, we should have - for the first portion of the
applications, at least - about six to ten hydrotherapy treatments with massage,
and this should include at least, during that period, three colonic irrigations. And
this should be among the first things given the body - a good, systematically
given, colonic irrigation.
10. Then a mild cabinet sweat, then a thorough rubdown; using an equal
combination of Pine Oil and Peanut Oil for massaging, and this as we find will
materially relieve the present distresses.
11. We would give these about twice each week (that is, the general
hydrotherapy treatments, not the colonics) for the first four or five. The first two
colonics should be within ten days of each other, but these should be carefully
12. As an inhalant to cleanse throat and bronchi of those disturbances that
contribute to the upsetting of the liver and the digestive forces, which have
caused the tendency for toxic forces from lack of proper eliminations, we would
prepare this combination of ingredients.
13. To 4 ounces of grain alcohol (at least 90% proof) add, in the order named:
Oil of Eucalyptus...............20 drops,
Rectified Oil of Turp............5 drops,
Tincture of Benzoin.............15 minims,
Rectified Creosote...............3 minims.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2014 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


14. Put this solution in a large-mouth bottle, so that two vents in the cork may be
put into same; these not to extend into the solution, but prepared so they may be
corked themselves.
15. Use this night and morning, and then if there is a tendency for the cough in
the evening or through the night, use same. Shake the solution well, then remove
both of the small corks from the vents, inhale into the mouth and throat. Do not
swallow, but inhale so that the fumes go into the bronchi and lungs - only the
fumes, not the spray from same. When not in use keep tightly corked.
16. Do this at least twice a day, regularly, and when there is an irritation in throat
do the same.
17. After there have been taken at least ten of the hydrotherapy treatments AND
the massage, then begin taking (not before) the Purity Cross Vitamin tablets, but
take them only three times each week - and take when ready to retire; one tablet
three times each week.
18. We would also be mindful of the diet. Do not overcrowd the system with
starches, but have plenty of raw vegetables, some each day; celery, lettuce,
carrots and greens of any kind. This may include tomatoes if so desired.
19. Do not take too much sweets.
20. But we will soon find much improvement for this body.
21. Ready for questions.
22. (Q) What should be done for constipation?
(A) As indicated, the massage - and especially the colonics should relieve
this. Then the diet. If there will be used fruits and vegetables more than
starches, we will find this will change as these things are corrected in the system.
23. We are through with this Reading.


R1. 7/15/43 Husband's letter: "The hydrotherapy treatments are impossible to
obtain here, but she has been using the treatment by inhaling the fumes of the
mixture prescribed. Her coughing is not so frequent nor so violent and I hope it
may disappear in due time. She is still troubled with constipation and has to take
medicine occasionally for that." [He indicated they would be going to visit their
son in Conn. soon and would go to Dr. Reilly's for treatment as suggested.]

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2014 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



Diet: Neurasthenia Par. 13

Electrotherapy: Violet Ray: Neurasthenia Par. 11

Intestines: Colonics: Glyco-Thymoline Par. 9, 10

: Salt & Soda Par. 9, 10
: Tyrrell Elevator Par. 9, 10, Reports

Katabolism: Metabolism: Neurasthenia Par. 6

Nervous Systems: Incoordination: Neurasthenia Par. 3, 4


Neuritis: Tendencies Par. 12

Rheumatism Par. 12

Sciatica: Tendencies Par. 12

Senility: Tendencies Par. 3, 4


4/10/43 Daughter's letter: "Please communicate with me DIRECT and DO NOT
communicate with him regarding the reading, as he has not agreed to have it -
and also when you send the reading please send it to ME."

4/25/43 Daughter [2395]'s letter: "I do not believe I will ask any special questions
about any specific conditions, as we do not know just what is the cause of the
trouble, so I will only ask what is causing the disturbances that exist at present
and that you suggest any remedies that would be beneficial for same."


This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at the office of the Association,
Arctic Crescent, Virginia Beach, Va., this 29th day of April, 1943, in accordance
with request made by the daughter - Miss [2395].

2. EC: Yes, we have the body, [2980].

3. As we find, the conditions here - while not in the immediate serious - are the
greater effects from the gradual deterioration which comes from not that as might
be called senility, nor merely old age, but from the central nervous system and
the central blood supply not coordinating with the superficial or sympathetic
nerve and blood supply.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2014 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


4. Hence it may be said that ofttimes there are short circuits. Thus the heart, the
liver, the lungs and the kidneys become involved with the overcharge of
eliminations, or that to be eliminated, and the lack of the vitality being restored
through the assimilating system.
5. Thus the languidness - at times; at others feeling very good.
6. As we find, the metabolism shows that the katabolism and the metabolism are
somewhat at variance; that is, there is the quickening of the pulse at times, and
then the slowing of same; especially through that circulation from lungs, heart
and liver, and also the kidneys at times become rather in that state of not being
controlled in their activity.
7. The effect upon the general nervous system is such that it is in a state of
collapse, rather than in a state of being overexercised or overexerted or
8. Thus we find that a form of stimuli to set up better eliminations would be well.
9. It would be well for this body to use the Tyrrell's elevator as a means for
cleansing the colon. This should be used with solutions that do not cause
irritations through the colon. In the first water used for the filling of the elevator,
and have it body-temperature, put a heaping teaspoonful of salt and a level
teaspoonful of soda - but dissolve these thoroughly in the water before it is put
into the bag. Then in the last waters put a tablespoonful of Glyco-Thymoline.
This last water may be a little lower in temperature, but not cold - to be sure,
rather tepid. But the first waters used should be body temperature.
10. The consistent use of this would be beneficial for this body.
11. Also each evening when ready to retire, we would use the violet ray (hand
machine, bulb applicator), very lightly, for about a minute and a half, along the
spine and especially across the lumbar and sacral, and on the shoulders and
arms and neck - as a stimulation on these areas, and along the limbs.
12. This done, with the colonics, will tend to relieve tendencies towards sciatica,
rheumatism and neuritis - which are the tendencies that naturally arise in this
short circuiting of the nerve forces and energies, and the slowed circulation, and
quickness of the pulse in some portions and the slowing in other parts of the body.
13. In the diet, - keep those things that will aid in good eliminations for the body;
such as more vegetables, some raw, but most well-cooked; the leafy being
preferable to those of the tubular or bulbular nature.
14. These as we find, if we will do, will make for better conditions for this body of
[2980]. Do that. We are through for the present.


5/20/43 Daughter [2395]'s letter: "I feel that the reading was a very accurate
description of his condition; however, I have not been able to get him to try the
treatment, although I finally told him about having the reading and read it to him...
I was unable to get a Tyrrell's elevator... I have not been able to persuade him to
let me use the violet ray either, but I have been giving him a hand massage,
rotary motion... From the readings would you say that it means that the trouble
comes from HARDENING OF THE ARTERIES or simply a nervous collapse that
he might be able to snap out of? He had a similar condition about ten years ago,
only it did not last so long or was not near so serious."
Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2014 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



Acidity: Alkalinity: Toxemia Par. 3, 9

Intestines: Colonics: High: Toxemia Par. 6


Physiology & Anatomy: General Par. 3, 10, 11

Physiotherapy: Hydrotherapy: Toxemia Par. 5--7, 12




B1. 4/15/43 "Late in June 1942 my knees and arms became very stiff. I took
some diathermy treatments which did not seem to help. My doctor wanted me to
go to Beverly Hospital for X-Rays and blood and urine tests, etc. The trouble
seemed to be caused by an infection in the colon. It was called fibromyositis or
old-fashioned muscular rheumatism. I ret'd from the hospital with a trained
nurse. By this time I could not get downstairs or get my hands up to my face or
behind my back. Then I twisted my right knee & had fluid around it. My knee was
put into a cast & I tried to walk with crutches. All summer & early fall I had to lie
on a couch or sit in a big chair. All this time I was unable to bathe or dress
myself. The pain became quite intense. My doctor has tried everything known
about rheumatism. I have had histamine by means of a hypodermic; colonic
irrigations, vitamins and culture called Bacillus Acidophilus. I have had massage
& infra-red treatments. My appetite is not good & very little taste to my food. My
doctor said that I was inclined to overeat before this trouble. I am very much
better now but still stiff & lame nearly all the time. It is very hard for me to walk
up & down stairs, to step into a bus & I walk very slowly. I walked fast when
B2. 9/25/43 Letter: "My condition is very much better since I wrote you in April. I
get tired very easily. Very often I have a pain in my back down low & right or left
side. It may be gas from vegetables. My arms do many things but ache when I
use them much. My right knee is still bandaged every day. I have to rest often, if
I try to walk or do some light work at home. I drive my car some. I get very
nervous at times if the children are noisy near where I live."


This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce at the office of the Association, Arctic
Crescent, Virginia Beach, Va., this 2nd day of October, 1943, in accordance with
request made by the self - Miss [3255].

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2014 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


2. EC: Yes, we have the body here, [3255].

3. As we find here, there are changes taking place in the body forces. The body
should consider as to the sources and causes for the neuritic and neurotic
conditions that exist through the body. This is what might ordinarily be called a
condition wherein the general taxation has run down the battery for the body; that
is, the toxic forces in the body have become excessive. Thus there are pains in
the arms, or shoulders at times, in the back, through the lower limbs and through
the abdominal area. All of these come and go, dependent upon how well and
how thoroughly the eliminations are in the body, and as to whether in the diet the
body keeps the general physical forces alkaline or allows the greater portion to
become acid. Then we have those reflexes that cause some disturbance with
the heart, with the kidneys and with the liver. These all arise from toxic forces
that affect naturally (for, as the body battery is) heart, liver, lungs and kidneys.
These must coordinate. When they do not, some portion of it is going to revert.
4. These for this body would be the better:
5. Take at least once each week a general hydrotherapy treatment. This should
include a cabinet sweat followed by a thorough rubdown.
6. About every twenty days have a high colonic irrigation, until there is no
reaction of mucous in the stool at all.
7. After the sweat bath there should be the needle baths or showers followed by
the massages.
8. These will aid the body in bringing back near to normal resistances.
9. In the diet beware of too much starches or too much combinations of proteins
with starches.
10. Keep the eliminations better with the use of minerals for this body rather than
vegetable laxatives. Owing to the batteries as it were - liver, kidneys and heart -
being run down.
11. These will add to the system - or being more acid, as in a battery, then the
water will create more activity in the system. Just as the creating of energies in
locomotion in any machinery where such is needed.
12. In the general activities, these should not be excessive, but the massages
with the hydrotherapy will be the better for the body. We are through with this



Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2014 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



Chemical Imbalance Par. 4

Diet: Toxemia Par. 14

Electrotherapy: Ultra-Violet Light Par. 7, 13


Intestines: Colon: Plethora Par. 6

: Colonics, High: Toxemia Par. 9, 10


Physiotherapy: Baths: Sun: Toxemia Par. 7, 13

: Massage: Swedish: Par. 11
: Packs: Castor Oil: Par. 10

Prescriptions: Olive Oil: Toxemia Par. 10




B1. 10/25/43 Letter from [3501]: "Doctors have not disagreed as to my condition,
but none of them have prescribed a remedy for it..."


This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce, this 30th day of December, 1943.

2. EC: Yes, we have the body here, [3501].

3. As we find, there are conditions that disturb the better physical functioning of
the body.
4. These have to do with the effects of unbalanced conditions in the body-
functionings and in the chemical forces of the body, also the poor eliminations -
the effects upon the organs in their reaction.
5. Then, these are conditions as we find them with this body, [3501] we are
speaking of:
6. The blood supply in itself indicates the character of the toxic forces, and a
plethoric condition in the transverse colon; while the manner of circulation
indicates the effect has upon the heart, kidneys and lungs at times.
7. The change in the environs, where there may be a great deal of the ultra-violet
rays from the sun, is well for the body.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2014 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


8. Yet the disturbances caused in the body-functions will require that the poisons
be removed from the system, else we will have reactions in the muscular forces
or a tendency toward congestion in the liver that will produce the effect either
upon the gall bladder or upon the kidneys - producing sedimentary conditions.
9. Thus we would begin having first the hydrotherapy treatments, including about
six high colonic irrigations - about ten days to two weeks apart.
10. Before each of the colonics we would have a three-day series of Castor Oil
Packs over the liver and gall duct area. Apply these for an hour each day for
three days in succession. Then take internally two tablespoonsful of Olive Oil.
When this has acted thoroughly, then have the colonic irrigation. Wait then for
about a week and have another series of the Packs, and so on.
11. Occasionally have the gentle Swedish massage, rather than attempting to
correct or make adjustments in the cerebrospinal system. To be sure, the
rotations in neck and shoulders would be well.
12. Do these and we will get rid of those tendencies towards rheumatic and
neuritic reactions in body.
13. Keep quiet, not too active but oft in the sunshine and out of doors.
14. Not too heavy foods in the diet, but plenty of fruits, vegetables, citrus fruits
and the like. Do these and we will make for better conditions of the body.
15. We are through with this Reading.


R1. 1/9/44 [3501]'s letter to EC: ..., Florida
Thank you for the report of the Psychic Reading given by Mr. Cayce on the
30th. day of December in accordance with my request.
I want to assure you that Mr. Cayce's suggestions will be followed out to the
letter and I will be glad to advise you of the results obtained when the treatment
is completed as outlined in the reading.
As I understand it, the packs are to be applied to, or rather, over the liver and
gall duct area. This would seem to me to be that area high up in the abdomen on
the right side [Front area instead of back area?]…. Thanking you for your kind
consideration and further advices….
Sincerely yours, [3501]
R2. 5/25/44 [3501]'s letter to EC: ..., Ky.
Mr. Edgar Cayce, Virginia Beach, Va.
Dear Mr. Cayce
I have intended to write to you since I finished the treatments as outlined in
your reading, but shortly afterwards we moved up to Kentucky & I have been on
the go continuously since.
I do want you to know that the treatment you suggested must have been just
what I needed, because it helped me greatly. In fact, since taking it I am now
feeling better than I have felt in 20 years. I am grateful to you & my wife [...] joins
me in thanking you. Both of us appreciate your excellent service to me very
much indeed….
Sincerely, [3501]

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2014 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation




Anesthesia: After Effects Par. 27-A


Diet: Anemia Par. 25-A

Doctors: Reilly, Harold J.: PhT. Par. R1

Exercise: Head & Neck: Eyes Par. 28-A

Eyes: Glasses: Unnecessary Par. 28-A

Intestines: Colonics: Toxemia Par. 14

Kidneys: Overactive: Toxemia Par. 24-A


Nose: Skin: Toxemia Par. 26-A

Physiology & Anatomy: Rheumatism Par. 8, 9

Physiotherapy: Baths: Fumes: Witchhazel:

Toxemia Par. 15, 16
: Hydrotherapy: Toxemia Par. 13, 14
: Massage: Lanolin: Toxemia Par. 16, 17
: Oils, Olive: Par. 16, 17
: Peanut Oil: Par. 16, 17

Prescriptions: KalDak: Rheumatism Par. 19

Psychosomatics: Rheumatism Par. 22

Rheumatism: Surgery: After Effects Par. 27-A


Work: E.C.: Quotations & Similes:

"Good For Something" Par. 22

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2014 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



B1. 9/6/43 [3547]'s letter: ..., Calif.
Mr. Edgar Cayce Virginia Beach, Va.
Dear Mr. Cayce:
. . . For years, 1916 to 1940, had very bad health, part of the time suffering
excruciating pain. I went from doctor to doctor, and thru clinics, but none could
find the focus of infection which they said caused the pain. If I had ONLY heard
then, of your power of diagnosing diseases thru the subconscious mind, I would
have been saved years of pain and suffering, which led to my becoming a very
nervous, irritable woman, and very critical of everything and everybody in my
family circle. Most of the time since 1930 have held job, in spite of pain and ill
In 1940 I began taking calcium phosphate tablets and in three months the pain
gradually became less, tho was never entirely free from pain. Last Aug 18th
1942, I had a tumor removed which was CALCIFIED, so much of the calcium I
was taking had not been used by my body - even tho apparently it had lessened
the pain. I rarely have pain in right hip & knee and lower back as I had had all
those years, but now having it in the joints of the fingers in both hands and in
back when I stand too long or stoop over. I have shortness of breath, eyesight
very poor, a tendency to sinus attacks. Though I am much better than in the
years before 1940. I would like to have a feeling of physical well being if its
possible, unless this is the result of KARMA accumulated some where along the

B2. 1/12/44 [3547]'s oral report to IMG: Had all sorts of medical, osteopathic, and
chiropractic treatments... Used Dr. Cook's [Koch's?] cancer serum with diet to
remove tumor, which worked once... Had operation for tumor in August, 1941...
Neuritis in hip and knee started in 1918. Spread to hand and arm last May...
One doctor at Scott and White Sanitarium thought she was simply neurotic... A
Doctor at University of Texas said she had heart trouble... Has used exercises
for hands... Didn't have enough calcium in system, but tablets of this with
buttermilk started relief.
1. What causes pain in hip and knee? 2. What will cure this condition? 3. What
causes and what will cure the offensive odor from urine? 4. What can be done to
prevent extreme frequency of urination? 5. What will relieve pressure on back of
neck which comes occasionally? 6. What would be the best diet? 7. What will
reduce redness of skin on nose? 8. What causes and what will cure
nervousness? 9. Is the body now free of all disturbances connected with last
operation? 10. Is there a way of strengthening the eyes so that glasses will be
unnecessary? 11. Is there anything else I should know to have perfect health in
my body?


This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at the office of the Association,
Arctic Crescent, Virginia Beach, Va., this 12th day of January, 1944.
2. EC: Yes, we have the body here, [3547].

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2014 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


3. Now, as we find, there are disturbing conditions that are gradually - through
the tendencies being indicated, and the accumulations through the system -
bringing about greater disturbing forces in this body.
4. Much of these are as we find the natural consequences, being the effect of
physical activities through the system.
5. We find that these may be materially aided if taken in time, and if proper
precautions in many ways are taken.
6. Then, these are conditions as we find them with this body:
7. In the blood supply, through the toxic forces of the body that have caused a
gradual change in the chemical forces, we find that a form of anemia exists; that
is, there is a tendency for the red blood cells to be diminished without their being
sufficiently replenished. When there are the needs, then, for the activity of the
leucocytes for the warriors in the white blood and in the lymph of the body, these
draw upon the structural portion of the body in such a manner that drosses left,
as it were, through these changes, become as crystallized conditions in the
extremities and joints of the body.
8. Hence we have not wholly a rheumatic condition, neither wholly an arthritic
condition, nor a true neuritic condition. Yet we have some appearances of all of
these. But it is rather the inflammation of the covering of the bone itself in the
areas where joints themselves are, as it were, "oiled" by lymph. Hence there is
not only stiffness but these crack considerably also at times, or as if they needed
oiling up. And that's exactly what they do need - the supplying to the system of
those elements which in the body-assimilation bring to the circulation - through
the lymph as well as the blood supply to areas - the recharging to the hormones
in the blood those properties that supply a cushion about the covering of the
joints and tendons in extremities of the body.
9. If allowed to continue, there might become eventually a taxation to the
vertebrae or segments in the vertebrae themselves. This would then become
very serious. In the present form the condition is violent enough, under any
conditions where circulation becomes impeded in any manner - as getting cold or
overexcited, overtired by a great deal of activity of the body - all of these draw
upon the conditions.
10. We find pressures upon the nerve forces of the body, naturally where nerves
pass through the affected areas - as the knuckles in hands, in wrist, in elbow, in
shoulder at times, in the toes and the bursa of the feet, in the knees and the
ankles. All of these give pressures upon the nerves, warning that these need
careful consideration or attention toward the replenishing of conditions. These
are the effects upon the nerve forces of the body.
11. Partially these affect organic conditions; that is, the organs that become
involved. For instance, if there are the reactions from overactivity, there is the
awareness of where the heart is, and a shortness of breath in the lungs. If there
is the stooping, bending, or moving too much - not just long exercise, but the
moving too much - we may have a reflex upon the kidneys. If there is long
standing or the remaining in one position the reflex comes to eyes and head, as it
were, to the hands and to the eyes and the head. These are natural results of
the effect upon organs and activities through the body.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2014 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


12. Then, in making applications for helpfulness for this body:

13. First we would give that the body begin with a thorough cleansing of the
system by the taking of four to six hydrotherapy treatments.
14. For this body there should be included at least one colonic irrigation,
thoroughly given. This is not to be given all at once - that is, all the water used at
once - but cleanse the colon. We would have two of these, about ten to twenty
days apart.
15. Each week the general hydrotherapy treatments would include a Fume Bath
using witchhazel.
16. Follow this Fume Bath with a massage using this combination of oils:
Olive Oil...............2 ounces,
Peanut Oil..............2 ounces,
Lanolin (liquified)...1/4 ounce.
17. Massage all of these into the body that it will absorb. And here they should be
massaged in the neck, the upper portion of the chest, across the shoulder
blades, around the diaphragm, across the abdomen, following the direction of the
colon; in the limbs - the hips, the knees, the ankles, the feet. Also massage the
shoulder blades, the elbows, the wrists and fingers. Give this massage
thoroughly but gently.
18. Do these.
19. Also begin taking KalDak as a tonic. Every other day take a heaping
teaspoonful dissolved thoroughly in a little very hot water, then the glass filled
with milk and cream. Stir this thoroughly and drink.
20. Do these things - we will find we will make corrections and eliminate the
sources of these disturbances in this body.
21. Do that.
22. In the reflexes - know that there must be kept creative reactions in the body.
For, the individual entity is good, but be good for something. Set definite plans,
definite ideals; not necessarily to be seen of men, but rather that which will make
within self a feeling of contributing something to the welfare of thy fellow man.
23. Ready for questions.
24. (Q) What can be done to prevent extreme frequency of urination?
(A) This, as has just been indicated, is part of the reflex condition through the
nervous system. This will gradually be corrected as there are the hydrotherapy
treatments and as the conditions are corrected by the massages and the sweats,
so that other channels of eliminations are set up. For as we find, there are
functional disturbances in kidneys and bladder but no disturbance organically.
25. (Q) What would be the best diet?
(A) This should include all body-building foods. For as indicated by the
manner in which the massages are to be given, there needs to be a supply to the
structural portions of the body of those influences that go about making more
blood supply the better real resistance in the body. So, as these applications are
made, the corrections of every nature may come to the body in the physical
26. (Q) What will reduce redness of skin on nose?
(A) All of these symptoms are a part of the activities indicated.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2014 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


27. (Q) Is the body now free of all disturbances connected with last operation?
(A) Not free entirely, for it will require about thirty months for all of those
conditions to be entirely eliminated - even from the subjugation of nerve forces.
28. (Q) Is there a way of strengthening the eyes so that glasses will be
(A) There might have been in times back, but in the present - while we may
strengthen the eyes so that glasses wouldn't be necessary for the moment, later
it would be much worse for them. But take the head and neck exercises morning
and night, and we will find that we may strengthen these.
29. (Q) Is there anything else I should know to have perfect health in my body?
(A) We will bring about that needed for the best and complete fulfillment of
those abilities and purposes of the entity. Isn't there a promise as to how thy
days may be long in the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee? Who is my
mother and my brother? Remember these. Ye do well.
30. We are through with this reading.


R1. 8/10/44 [3547]'s letter:
Dear Mr. Cayce:
I should have reported upon my condition, earlier than this.
When I reached New York City in May, I went to Reilly's Health Institute (after
a short time, while I was learning to find my way around in this big city), early in
June and had the Vapor Baths and Massage as indicated in my reading. I also
took the KalDak, and am still doing so, tho not as regularly. My hands have
apparently grown steadily worse - so I had a check up at the Naval Base Hospital
in Brooklyn, to which I was entitled as a dependent of my son. They found
nothing except a slight sinus condition which wouldn't account for the pain and
stiffness in hands. But, they didn't give a very thorough examination, as they are
very, very busy, and I'm inclined to think they thot it due to my imagination!!
I then went to a Doctor who specializes in finding "hidden" (?) infections in the
body which may cause arthritis and neuritis. He looked in my throat and said I
had tonsil stumps which would cause the pain and sent me to a nose and throat
Dr., who said there probably was enough infection in my linqual (?) tonsils to
cause the pain in my hands & other troubles, too. There was also a tooth he
wanted pulled, if it is a DEAD tooth.
So, I'm going into the Hospital Monday noon, the 14th and have these "lingual"
tonsils out. But, I can't keep from wondering WHY the Intelligences or Healing
Entities on the Other Side didn't tell me to do this, or that the trouble was caused
by a source of infection at a certain point in my body. Of course I'm disappointed
and regret the money spent on treatments at Reilly's since it did no good, but it
doesn't mean that I do not have faith in your work. There is probably some thing
in ME - that prevented a complete analysis, and that keeps me from making as
close a contact with God as I want.
This operation on throat may NOT be in DIVINE ORDER at all, but I do not
know what else to do…. May I hear, right away.
Thank you!

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2014 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


R2. 8/16/44 EC's letter:

Mrs. [3547] New York 4, N.Y.
Dear Mrs. [3547]
I have yours of the 10th, and note what you have to say about your condition,
and the results.
I, of course, have no answer for the condition which has apparently developed.
The doctor may be correct about the necessity for the operation - he may not.
Time alone can prove this.
I think it would be very well if you could have a checkup on this before you
have the operation, but maybe it will work out all right. I certainly hope that it
As for advancing the appointment, I fear this will be impossible at the present
time, for I have been unable to do any work for the past three weeks, and I am
very sure it will be impossible to advance it just now. You mentioned the 8th of
September. Is this the time you have for the appointment? We have it for the
27th of September. Let me know about this right away. I do hope that I will be
able to be back at work long before that time.
If we can be the means of any service, you know we are most anxious to do
Thanking you,
Sincerely, Edgar Cayce

R3. GD's note: Naturally, her appointment for a Life Reading had to be cancelled
due to EC's illness; her money was refunded.

R4. 9/7/52 She ordered publications and asked that we put a friend on the
mailing list of A.R.E.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2014 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation




Diet: Arthritis Par. 3, 4, 10, 11

: Meat: Hog: Not Recommended Par. 3, 4


Nursing: Attendants: Arthritis Par. 5, 7

Pelvic Disorders: Vaginal Discharge: Leukorrhea Par. 12

Physiotherapy: Baths: Epsom Salts: Arthritis Par. 5--8

: Douches: Fountain Syringe:
Pelvic Disorders Par. 12
: Glyco-Thymoline: Par. 12
: Massage: Myrrh: Arthritis Par. 6, 7
: Oils, Olive: Par. 6, 7

Prescriptions: Atomidine: Arthritis Par. 7


Surgery: Hysterectomy: After Effects Par. B1


B1. 1/10/44 Letter: "I have suffered for years from some form of Rheumatism in
my knees. Last summer I took treatments from an osteopath. He told me I have
arthritis. Am I taking food that is harmful to me? Is there some kind of foods I
should have that I am not getting? What causes sore spot on my back?..."


This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at the office of the Association,
Arctic Crescent, Virginia Beach, Va., this 21st day of January, 1944.

2. Yes, we have the body here, [3599].

3. Here we have a result of the absorption of certain food values that arise from
eating a certain character of foods. The character of dross it makes in the body-
functioning causes a fungi that produces in the system a crystallization of the
muscles and nerves in portions of the body. These have been in the pelvic
organs, the whole lumbar-sacral area, portions of the sciatic nerves, the knees
and feet - all of these are giving distress. These began as acute pain, rheumatic
or neuritic. They are closer to neuritic-arthritic reactions.
4. This is pork - the effect of same.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2014 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


5. As to activities or administrations that may purify the body-forces here, if

properly given there would be necessitated an attendant or a nurse - not
necessarily a trained nurse, though of course, this would be better, but at least a
practical nurse who knows something about the anatomy so that she may give
the body the massages properly every two weeks following the Epsom Salts
6. Use at least forty gallons of water and twenty pounds of Epsom Salts, just as
warm as the body can well stand to remain in same. While the body is in the
bath let the massage be given especially to the limbs, the sacral areas across the
hips over the back. Follow this with a good shower and a rubdown, and rub the
body over those areas - the limbs, the feet, the sacral, the lumbars, all along the
spine, with an equal combination of Olive Oil (heated) and Tincture of Myrrh.
7. The body should first be prepared for such an Epsom Salts Bath by the taking
internally of Atomidine, one drop each morning before breakfast in half a glass of
water for four days, and on the fifth day take five drops. That evening take the
Epsom Salts Bath. But be sure there is an attendant. Be sure there is the
massage given while the body is in the Bath, as indicated, and then massage
with the oils afterwards.
8. There should be the series of these Baths for at least three times, two weeks
9. Thus we should find help for the body.
10. Make changes in the diet. Do not take hog meat of any kind. Very seldom
have beef. Fish, fowl and lamb may be taken, but not any of these fried.
11. Do have raw vegetables as a portion of one meal each day, especially water
cress, onions, radishes, celery, lettuce, carrots and cooked beets (not pickled).
These may be prepared with gelatin quite often. It is not necessary that all of
these be taken the same way each day, but have some of these every day.
12. For the sources of disturbances that will be an aid to the general physical
forces of the body, do have each week warm or hot douches with Glyco-
Thymoline - as hot as the body can take. Use a tablespoonful of Glyco-
Thymoline to the quart of water, only with a fountain syringe. These will be
helpful in correcting the disturbances of the leucorrhea that has caused a great
deal of disturbance to the body.
13. Ready for questions.
14. (Q) What causes sore spot on my back?
(A) Read what we have just given. Crystallization of muscular forces for the
body. Do as outlined. We are through with this reading.


R1. 4/2/44 Mrs. [2072]'s letter: "Also, Mr. [...] whose wife [3599] you recently
gave a rdg., approached [1861] down town and said they had been very well
pleased at the results she had gotten from the rdg. already. We were glad to
hear of Mrs. [3599] as we had not heard of her since before she had it."

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2014 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation





Diet: Meatless Par. 9, 10

: Toxemia Par. 9, 10

Electrotherapy: Violet Ray: Anemia Par. 9


Healing: Consistency & Persistency Par. 7

Intestines: Colon: Impaction Par. 6



Prescriptions: Simmons' Liver Regulator:

Eliminations Par. 8
: Toris Compound: Par. 8
: Water, Drinking: Par. 9

Reincarnation Par. B1

Rejuvenation: Anemia Par. 7, 9




B1. GD's note: Identifying names are left in Miss [4324]'s two readings because
this is the only case where WE THINK the person died and returned to be
mentioned in EC's reading as another personality. See 2391-1 given on 11/4/40.

B2. 5/2/26 Elizabeth Major [4324]'s letter to EC:

Hopkinsville, Ky. R. #3 Box 65
Dear Edgar,
By the suggestion of Aunt Carrie I am asking you to prescribe for me. I have
had rheumatism for over a year. About a year ago I had my tonsils taken out
which relieved me for a while, but now I have rheumatism in my right hip and

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2014 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


lower right limb, and am in such pain I cannot stand to ride, so Aunt Carrie and I
have it all planned if I was cured I could ride in to see her sometime. I have not
seen her since March and I was not able to attend the last rites for our dear Aunt
Annie [Annie Major Sargeant]….
Now Edgar I don't have any money to pay you if you should prescribe for me
but I feel like if I had any it would be worth a LOT OF MONEY. When I get some
money I will remember you, but I know you cannot live on promises. So do what
you can about it and I will appreciate it. We all send love to you and yours. With
love, your cousin, Elizabeth L. Major (Lizzie for short)


This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at his office, 115 West 35th Street,
Virginia Beach, Va., this 27th day of May, 1926.

2. EC: Now, we find there are abnormal conditions with this body. These have to
do with the poor eliminations in the system and the effect this condition has
produced on the body.
3. Now, these are conditions as we find them in this body, Elizabeth Lake Major,
we are speaking of. First:
4. IN THE BLOOD SUPPLY, this we find below the normal, impoverished, as it
were. Low in resistive power, lacking in ability to produce that which will war
against the toxins in the system. Hence that condition in the tissue, in the
ligaments and joints where these toxins show their effect on the nerve system
and on the action of locomotion.
5. IN THE NERVE SYSTEM, many of the centers in extremities, or that in the
ends of nerve plexuses about ligaments and tissue in the extremities, especially
in the lower limbs, show the effect of the condition of toxins as are left in the
system through the poor elimination and the overloading of the system with those
food properties that make an excess of drosses for a condition of this nature and
6. IN THE FUNCTIONING OF THE ORGANS, these all show the effect of this
condition existent in the body, yet no organic conditions, as we find, exist that are
detrimental at the present time. The greatest trouble being, then, with the
digestion, the hepatic circulation, and especially the colon, for the drosses, the
impacts that show in the various orifices or the pockets in colon proper,
especially in the ascending portion, shows how the system becomes in that way
of producing toxins that produce this condition in the blood supply, or the
impoverishment to the blood, and in the impoverishment of the blood giving then
that inability to cope with the conditions in system and, leaving drosses, brings on
this condition as is termed neuritis, or rheumatic conditions in the system.
7. Then, to eliminate these will take care, persistence, and consistent conditions
for the body. The system must first produce a normal elimination as possible,
overcoming these conditions and giving a new supply of blood, as it were, for the
whole body, that this may rejuvenate or rebuild the system, as in reference to
these conditions.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2014 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


8. We would then, to overcome this in this body, do as this. First we would take in
the system at least two - yea THREE whole quantities of Toris Compound,
prepared as is given, or directions on the package, see? using that of the simple
syrup as the carrier for same. Then, following this, purge the system thoroughly,
using those conditions or properties in that compound of Simmon's Liver
Regulator, see? At least four to five such doses should be given.
9. Do not eat ANY meat! Drink PLENTY OF WATER at all times, at least six to
ten glasses full each day, keeping the system thoroughly cleansed, using after
the Toris Compound has been taken those vibrations of the Violet Ray, for this
will assist and rejuvenate the blood supply and give same an equilibrium
necessary to remove the conditions in the body. Do that.
10. Let the diet be of seasonable vegetables rather than of meats, and as much
of the green vegetable nature as possible. We are through for the present.


R1. 5/29/26 EC's letter to Lizzie Major:
Dear Lizzie: -
I am enclosing you the reading as was gotten at the appointed time. I am certainly
very much in hopes that you are going to find a lot of relief by following out the
suggestions as are given….
When you have taken at least the medicinal properties, I think it would be well for us
to have a check reading and see if you are getting along alright. You will understand, I
am sure, from what is said and what is given that this is supposed to get at the seat of
the trouble and eliminate the cause, and of course is not going to cure you all in a day. It
will take just a little bit of persistence, and of course you are going to have to be
consistent with your activities and especially with your diet, but I feel sure if you WILL
follow these suggestions closely, you are going to get the results. I don't mean by this
that I think I'm some great doctor, Lizzie, but these readings are the operations of some
higher force than we understand. I don't think that I have been especially gifted above
other people. I may be given the ability to apply that which comes through a little bit
different from most of us do, but it is with the individual in applying the suggestions to
themselves that get the results, and I hope you are going to do it, for you don't know how
much this means to me, and I doubt if you can realize how much I appreciate your even
asking me to try it. I'm only too glad to do it.
Your cousin, EC: GD

R2. 6/7/26 Lizzie Major's letter to EC:

Dear Edgar:
Received reading the first. Went to town next day and Uncle Less ordered medicine.
Today went back, he had it prepared, so have begun to take it. I found Aunt Carrie
looking better than she did in March. Swelling gone out of her ankles. Sarah is nursing
her so good. Aunt Carrie dreading when time for her to leave but she says she going up
to Mary's so I hope she be well enough for the trip. I am going to carry out your
instructions but it seems I have been enough trouble and expense to you with the first
reading and here you are offering to give me a second one. Now if second has
inexpensive treatment I may be able to carry that out. I sure do want to be well, and
appreciate your interest in me, but I have so much to be thankful for all my folks are so
good to me. I certainly appreciated your letter and Aunt Ella certainly did like being
remembered. For such a long time she says she always tried to do her best in

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2014 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


everything and glad you thought it was good results in her teaching. She and Mama are
good deal spryer than I am, but get tired out quickly but that goes with age. The old
place is very dear to us three but farming is not paying very much. Kate and her
husband Mr. Swift have the farm but I hate for them to work so hard and get nothing.
Mr. Swift is as good to Mama as a real son. His mother and father both dead. Yes,
brother John has a right to be proud of his boys, his oldest has been promoted to
Division Manager for Leggett & Myers Tobacco Co. and recently went to Dayton, Ohio to
live. I have never seen Gertrude but once and never did see your children. I have
always been a stay at home body. Well I am going to let you hear from me. I don't know
how I can ever pay you enough, as you may have to wait a long time. I am anxious to
know your family. I love them for they are my folks. I send love to one and all.
Thanking you, with love, your cousin, Lizzie Major

R3. 6/15/26 L. B. Cayce's letter to EC:

Elizabeth Major phoned this morning, said she felt that she was getting along very
well, that it was not so painful to her to get up and down stairs, (you know she rooms up
stairs and has been a great task to get back and forth to her room) said she had taken
about one half of the prescription, or the medicine and that she was going to write you
today or tomorrow and have you instruct her further, or to go over her case again and tell
her whether it will be necessary for her to any more of the medicine compounded, or
what to do next. She begun taking the medicine just one week ago yesterday, so the
improvement in this length of time seems wonderful, but she doesn't know whether to
get more or to begin the violet-ray after this, she will ask you.
Let me hear from you every chance. With lots of love, [signed] L. B. Cayce

R4. 6/16/26 EC's letter to Lizzie Major:

Dear Lizzie: -
. . . Well, I am very much in hopes that you are beginning now to see some results
from your treatment. I am sure that if you adhere to them strictly you are going to get
wonderful results from them. I don't think you expect to be cured as by magic, for you
have got to get at the base of the trouble, and eliminate the cause from your system.
That takes time. You may expect also that there will be days when you won't feel so
good, but don't get discouraged, for this will relieve the trouble, and by the time you have
taken up all of the medicine, you will want to check over the reading again and see just
what your conditions are at that time, for this is the only way to really rid yourself of the
trouble. Be careful about your diet, and get on to the violet ray treatments as soon as
you can and keep up with same just as consistently as possible for you to do so. I know
Pa will be glad to help out in any way that he possibly can. And be sure and let me hear
from you from time to time….

R5. 6/19/26 Lizzie Major's letter to EC:

Dear Edgar:
I have been trying to carry out directions and am not so sore but still crippled, though not
so painful in walking. I was talking to Uncle Les this morning and as the medicine will
just about last a week more, he thought best for me to write you for next reading, as he
doesn't want me to be without treatment….

R6. 7/3/26 See 4324-2.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2014 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation





Diet: Meatless Par. 2

Electrotherapy: Violet Ray: Anemia Par. 2




Prescriptions: Simmon's Liver Regulator Par. 2

: Toris Compound: Not Recommended Par. 2

Reincarnation Par. R4





B1. See 4324-1.


This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at his office, Virginia Beach, Va.,
this 3rd day of July, 1926, in accordance with request made by the self - Miss
Elizabeth L. Major. [Volunteered, without suggestion being given]

1. EC: Now, we have those conditions as regarding the body, Elizabeth Lake
Major. We find these are greatly improved in the body at the present time.
2. We would not, for the present, take more of the Toris Compound. We would
apply those vibrations of the Violet Ray, as has been given. Keep the body free
from meats, and keep the eliminations well in hand, using small doses
occasionally of the Simmon's Liver Regulator, see? With this kept up for two to
three weeks, we will find a great improvement, and then, with the diet kept well in
hand, gradually the body will overcome these conditions in the physical forces of
same. Do that.
3. We are through with this reading.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2014 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



R1. 7/3/26 EC's letter to [4324]:
Dear Lizzie: -
I hope you will pardon me for not answering yours long since, but it just looked
like that we didn't have an opportunity to get to this, as our time was so well
taken up with appointments, but I am in hopes you are keeping on with the
suggestions as were given and I feel sure that you are going to find results….
With kindest personal regards and love to all,
Your cousin, Edgar Cayce EC

R2. 7/12/26 [4324]'s letter to EC: R. F. D. 3 HOPKINSVILLE, KY.

Dear Edgar
. . . Yes I am improved and with patience the race is run so you see I will be
well but as you know I am very anxious to be well right now, but I do know it can
not be done by magic and this came in by degrees and will leave that way….
We all want you to remember us to your family and with love, Lizzie Major

R3. 7/28/26 EC's letter to [4324]:

Dear Lizzie: -
I appreciate yours of the 12th very much. I certainly am in hopes that you are
continuing to improve. While you have this trouble on the jump, I certainly would
not neglect getting these treatments as often as it is possible to do. I would make
some special effort to get in real often, see if you can't get rid of this now, and I
believe you can, but you know if you neglect yourself and let it run on, why it
won't take you long to get back into the same condition or even worse than it has
been heretofore….
Your cousin,

R4. 11/4/40 See 2391-1 on a baby born 10/27/40 indicating the given name
should be "Elizabeth Carol" and that her just previous incarnation was as
Elizabeth Major. EC felt that this was the same entity, and when questioned as
to when Elizabeth Major [4324] died, he said he thought she died soon after his
mother [Carrie Elizabeth Cayce] died, which was in October 1926.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2014 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



Attitudes & Emotions: Happiness Par. 10-A

Business Advice: Success Par. 9-A

Diet: Eliminations Par. 4

Electrotherapy: Violet Ray: Neuritis Par. 6, 8-A

: Rheumatism Par. 6, 8-A



Prescriptions: Bismuth, Milk Of: Eliminations Par. 6

: Magnesia, Milk Of: Par. 6
: Phenolax: Par. 6

Psychosomatics Par. 2, 5


Visualization: Healing Par. 5, 9-A


3/18/31 Letter from [4482] to EC; from Hotel Somerset, 150 West 47th St.,
N.Y.C.: "I have heard so much of you through Mr. Kahn, and Miss Sidelman, that,
at the suggestion of the latter, I am writing to ask if you will extend to me the help
in which I am of such dire need. For the past five years I have been under the
influence or control, of the most malignant and cruel forces - ill-health - an
unsuccessful operation, deafness - and worst of all, continued and enforced
idleness, with no means of support, and I am just about at the end of my
endurance - unflagging energy and effort are useless - every door is barred -
hurts, humiliations, insults, disappointments, in every direction. I have made a
name for myself - in the theatre - in England, France, S. Africa, and Australia,
and America. But in spite of my admitted reputation and standing as an artist
(and teacher) I cannot find work of any sort. If you will give me a reading at your
earliest convenience, and trust to my good faith and honesty to pay you the very
moment I can earn it - I will appreciate it, from the depths of my heart. With
grateful thanks for the anticipated help, I am..."
5/24/31 Letter verifying appointment: "I would like to know if my physical
condition, due to ineffective operation, will ever improve. Should I attempt to
wear a supporter, or would that be injurious? Is the use of an electric vibrator
helpful or harmful? If I err in writing these questions, please forget them. I cannot
tell you how grateful I shall be for your kind help."

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2014 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce at his office, 105th Street & Ocean,
Virginia Beach, Va., this 2nd day of October, 1931.

1. EC: Yes, we have the body here, [4482], and those conditions as surround the
2. In the physical forces we find there are disturbing factors that need that
awakening, for the better physical forces to function in the material way, as well
as those in the spiritual manner; for when physical conditions have been builded
by disorders to that extent to where they become active forces with active
principles within themselves, then the necessary elements for that awakening -
that the balance may be brought to a physical body - must come from without, as
WELL as from within, that the consciousness of a well-being may be awakened
within that body-consciousness.
3. These, as we find here, are from poor eliminations that have existed in the
system for times back, and having builded those conditions which make for - in
the body-functioning - those places where the activity of toxic forces are active
WITHIN the body-functioning, make for distresses in the form of neuritis and
rheumatism in the organs themselves. These elements and these conditions that
have been named, or as are named, become then active forces for a body, with
their resultant reaction in a physical body.
4. We would find were the diet, and the reactions from things taken in system,
more of the alkalin - with those added vibrations of the high electrical vibration -
these will bring about a better physical condition for the body.
5. While these are active in the system, well that there be kept that continued
attitude of SEEING the body replenished, rebuilded, in a mental, a spiritual, and
a material way and manner. This held by the body-consciousness as seeing
these things accomplished, will aid ALSO in the correcting in the physical forces
of the body.
6. These we would apply as in this manner: We would take alternately - that is,
one dose of one, one day, one dose of another the next day - those properties in
Milk of Magnesia, the next day Milk of Bismuth, the next day the Phenolax. We
would take EACH day, also, those vibrations from the VIOLET ray, this taken in
the beginning for three to five minutes - for the first day - particularly over the
cerebro-spinal system, following OUT those centers where the disorders in the
lower limbs and in the extremities of the body cause disorders at times; gradually
increasing this one to two minutes until at least fifteen to twenty minutes of the
vibration may be taken.
7. These, we will find, will bring for the physical body the nearer normal elements
and activities for the body-consciousness, for the mental forces of the body, for
the physical body itself, [4482]. Ready for questions.
8. (Q) Will the electric treatment I have been using be of any real help in relieving
the painful condition?
(A) Taken in the manner as has been outlined here, with the properties as
bring about the better eliminations for the system, would - as we find - be more

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2014 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


9. (Q) Is there any real success in my work to be attained?

(A) As the body is aided physically, as the body is able to see itself gradually
getting PHYSICALLY better and sees that as is the desire of the heart builded in
the lives of those whom the body contacts, so may there be success for the body
in bringing those necessary elements in the material life to see the success
necessary for body, and physical, and mental, and material and spiritual
10. (Q) Will the "Blue Bird" of happiness ever make its nest on my path?
(A) This depends upon self. As there is prepared, by the activities of self in
the lives and consciousness of others, that that brings happiness to others, so
will it bring those things that make for happiness, peace, love and understanding
in the heart and the mind of the body. We are through for the present.


R1. 10/8/31 Letter: "Many thanks for the reading you so kindly sent me, & I will
certainly follow your suggestions as far as possible. At the earliest moment I will
send you the fee. Again thanking you..."

R2. 10/21/31 EC's letter: "Many thanks for yours of the 8th. I hope you will be
able to follow the suggestions made, for it is through doing that you will obtain the
desired results.
"With kindest regards, and asking that you let me hear from you from time to
time, I am..."

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2014 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



Appliances: Radio-Active: Katabolism:

Metabolism: Incoordination Par. 18

Digestion: Indigestion: Nervous Par. 11

Edema: Hands: Eliminations: Poor Par. 23-A

Electrotherapy: Vibrator: Katabolism:

Metabolism: Incoordination Par. 17, 21-A, 27-A, 28-A



Liver: Kidneys: Incoordination Par. 12

Muscles: Sprains Par. 22-A


Neuritis: Tendencies Par. 6


Physiotherapy: Massage: Ipsab: Teeth Par. 25-A

Prescriptions: Petrolagar: Eliminations Par. 26-A, 29

Rheumatism: Tendencies Par. 6

Science: Polarity: Body Par. 12

Teeth: Toxemia Par. 24-A, 25-A


This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at his office, 115 West 35th Street,
Virginia Beach, Va., this 26th day of July, 1927.

2. EC: We have the body here.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2014 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


3. Now we find with the physical forces of this body there are those conditions of
which the body had best be warned concerning, rather than so much correction
of conditions - though, as is seen, these conditions are at times already
producing forms of distress to the body. These are of minor natures at present,
yet - were these allowed to get a hold on the system in such a way and manner
that tissue becomes involved direct, rather than reflex - there would be those
conditions that would cause GREATER distresses to the body.
4. These, then, are the conditions as we find them with this body, Mrs. [4511], we
are speaking of, present in this room. First:
5. IN THE BLOOD SUPPLY, this we find very good in the elemental and in the
replenishing manner, yet in the eliminations - or in that manner in which the blood
is strained, as it were, or relieved of impurities that are carried to eliminating
portions of the system - were these cleansed more thoroughly, we would not find
the resultant condition of strained forces in the muscular tissue in and about the
plexus that governs the upper portion of body through brachial plexus. Arms,
shoulders, upper portion of spine, ACHE at times, causing distress along the
spine, even, too, on the right side near the kidney. This then, as is seen, is the
lack of the blood being thoroughly relieved of those conditions that should be
eliminated from same. Why then would these portions become involved? In the
distribution of forces for the replenishing of the system, we find those active
forces in muscular tissue and in the nerve centers are at the distributing points.
Hence the upper secondary cardiac plexus - just above same - we find the
brachial plexus. So then - with the change of blood flow, as is seen, to the upper
portion of the body, as it flows through the organs of the heart and lungs, and is
given the incentives for the distributing forces for the upbuilding of the upper
portion of system - coming to the head, shoulders, neck, arms - we find here the
centers show there has been left, as it were, those particles in the tissue that
causes this tendency toward a neurasthenic, or a neurotic condition, or that of a
nerve contraction through muscular tissue, producing this condition. This, as we
see, comes from two reasons: The eliminations through the liver and through the
kidneys being deflected by a cold hepatic circulation, this in turn being produced
by pressure - as is seen - on the lower portion of the solar plexus nerve. Hence
at times we find, down the left side toward the hip, the feeling of a tingling -
especially if the body has walked considerably and then rests, as of sleep. This
is a pressure to the lower portion of the plexus as governs the locomotion. This,
then, is as the effect - as given - of lack of pure eliminations from blood stream,
or - as may be called, technically - the metabolism and katabolism of the system
becoming unbalanced.
6. IN THE NERVE SYSTEM, here we find reflexes of those conditions existent in
eliminations, and - as has been given - these are not severe at present, but
unless corrections are made, and the proper eliminations set up, this continuation
of a disturbance in the blood supply and in the nerve system would gradually
bring about those conditions that would produce neuritis, or the effects of what is
termed rheumatic effects - for, with CONGESTION - were it to happen - to the
lower portion of body, kidneys become congested in any manner, the effect of
the acid as would be thrown back in system would be detrimental.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2014 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



good. Discernment - discrimination - above the normal.
8. The effects of a hindered elimination show through the sensory system. Not
as defects to the vision, speech, nasal or any of the portions of body through
which there is functioning of the sensory organs; yet there is seen the effects of
these in the tendency of the body to - as it were - force voluntary reaction to
become involuntary.
9. In lungs, bronchials, throat - these are very good. No organic disturbance.
10. Heart's forces - only a reflex of conditions existent in an elimination that is
disturbed, and where katabolism and metabolism - BOTH - are existent, the
effects come to the reaction of nerve centers.
11. The digestive system is rather that of a NERVE indigestion that occurs, and
not indigestion from the gastric juices of digestive system.
12. The hepatic circulation, the liver, the kidneys, the spleen - these,
ORGANICALLY, show disturbance - by the change as is effective between the
liver and kidneys in forcing internal eliminations; for, as is seen, the liver and
kidneys are as the poles of the body - one acting as the negative, the other as
the positive. When disturbances exist between these poles there is seen, as it
were, short circuit. Hence there is thrown into the system, then, those poisons
that should be eliminated. These, as seen, find lodgement in centers where
distributing forces, or where centers carry - as it were - the supply back to the
body for elimination.
13. Capillary circulation, lymphatic circulation, very good - for the body responds
to reaction; yet disturbances occur through these at times.
14. Organs of the pelvis and intestinal digestion - these, under the existent
conditions, are better than would NORMALLY be seen.
15. Now, the condition that the body should be warned concerning, is as to the
continuation of these improper eliminations and disturbances as occur.
16. To rid the body of these, and to bring the body to the perfect condition in
elimination, would be to add that vibration to the body that sets the metabolism
and katabolism of the body near to normal vibration, giving to the solar plexus
ITS proper reaction, giving to the blood supply a clear stream - as it were - and
aiding the liver, the kidneys, in their normal functioning for the body.
17. Use then, each day, that electrically driven vibrator for the body that will set
anew the internal and external action of nerve and blood supply through the
centers along the cerebro-spinal system, using the hard applicator - the ball
18. Applying every second day, when the body rests - either in afternoon or
evening - those vibratory forces as would be found in the Radio-Active Appliance,
applying the applicator to the body alternately to left and right wrist, to left and
right ankle, using plenty of ice in the crock when applicator is attached, seeing
that connections are in proper shape and polished well before they are applied -
applying the positive to the ankle first, and to the wrist last - the negative.
19. Do that. Ready for questions.
20. (Q) What causes the pain in the right leg?

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2014 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


(A) This produced from that pressure on the locomotary center from the
improper eliminations, and the muscular tissue finds the contraction - produced
by nerve impulse.
21. (Q) What will relieve this?
(A) The appliance of the vibratory forces in this particular center along the
sacral, see? will relieve this, by starting the circulation and eliminations in their
proper course through the body.
22. (Q) Is there anything out of place in the knee?
(A) No. Only the strained muscular forces that are hindered - by the
conditions existent in the body - from carrying the full healing forces to the injured
portion of tissue. No portion is out of place or in that way that will not correct
itself, with the proper blood supply and nerve energy centered to same from the
radiating center in the sacral region that will be increased and brought to normal
by this application of the vibratory forces.
23. (Q) Why do the hands swell so?
(A) This same as is seen in the brachial center - we find the radiation from
same is such that the circulation does not return to body as promptly as it should.
Hence the tendency to fill up, and swelling ensues from same.
24. (Q) Should any more of the teeth be removed?
(A) Rather use the local applications for corrections of conditions, for this is
not a SOURCE of supply of poisons, but RATHER a STORAGE of the poisons
by improper eliminations. With local applications, and with corrections of
eliminations, these conditions will disappear.
25. (Q) What applications should be used?
(A) Those as found in Ipsab, massaging the gums well with this solution at
least twice each week, cleansing mouth with pure water after the use of same.
There are some teeth that need local attention by the dental surgeon. Do that.
Those on the left side, near the lower molar.
26. (Q) Should the body take any medicinal properties along with the electrical
treatments? for these eliminations?
(A) Only that which will keep the intestinal tract clear, as would be found in
mild cathartic - such as is found in the Petrolagar - that of the non-acid kind, see?
27. (Q) How often should the vibrator be used, and for how long at a time?
(A) Every day, and used for at least twenty to thirty minutes, see? used
along each center in the cerebro-spinal system. This is best applied just before
the body retires, as the body will rest well from same.
28. (Q) Can the body use this itself, or will it have to be done by an expert?
(A) The body may apply this itself, or HAVE applied to itself by one that is
near the body. Not necessarily an expert. Only follow out the cerebro-spinal
centers, and the vibrator will FIND OUT each center when it is found.
29. The Petrolagar may be taken when NECESSARY for the proper eliminations
to be set up, so this may be taken twice to three times each day until the system
shows the full action from the agar. Then this may be taken one spoonful a day.
The body should find perfect elimination set up in thirty to sixty days, following
these suggestions given. No other properties medicinal NEEDS be taken by the
body, if these are carried out properly. Do that. We are through for the present.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2014 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



Electrotherapy: Vibrator: Eliminations: Incoordination Par. 12


Insomnia Par. 5

Intestines: Enemas, High: Toxemia Par. 11


Prescriptions: Alcohol, Grain: Toxemia Par. 8--10

: Buchu Leaves: Par. 8--10
: Calisaya Elixir: Par. 8--10
: Capsici, Tincture: Par. 8--10
: Elder Flower: Par. 8--10
: Peruvian Bark, Syrup: Par. 8--10
: Podophyllin: Par. 8--10
: Sarsaparilla Compound: Par. 8--10
: Sugar, Cane: Par. 8--10
: Syrup, Squill: Par. 8--10
: Tolu, Balsam of: Par. 8--10
: Water, Distilled: Par. 8--10
: Water, Drinking: Par. 8--10
: Wild Cherry Bark: Par. 8--10
Tumors: Tendencies: Eliminations: Incoordination Par. 7


This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce at his office, 115 West 35th Street,
Virginia Beach, Va., this 21st day of October, 1927.

2. EC: We have the body here.

3. Now, while there are many conditions that are very good, yet there are those
that - left and allowed to continue to bring minor distresses - would prove
detrimental to the better functioning of the physical forces of the body. These
have to do, especially, with those drosses as have been allowed to accumulate in
the system, and the functioning organs attempting to care for or eliminate same -
and the vital forces attempting to create that bridge, or that passage about same
- oftentimes produces pressures in portions of the body - extremities, as well as
portions of the torso find distraughtness from these pressures. Hence the
continual reaction from these conditions would bring distresses hard to be dealt

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2014 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


with in the physical forces of the body. Hence that tendency towards that of the
neurotic, or of the rheumatic, and apparently a combination of the two. This, as
we see, produced from the attempt of system to adjust itself, as well as other
functioning organs attempting to eliminate. Hence, when we find drosses moved
against the eliminating channels or centers, we find resultant effects toward the
eliminating centers in the form of the distress brought to muscular centers.
Especially these occur through channels and through reactory centers of the
mesenteric system. When the system attempting to bridge or to span such
conditions, we find more of the muscular contraction as of cold, congestion, easy
for the excretory system to become involved - yet the body never OVERLY sick,
yet not feeling well, nor able to meet the better reactions in the system.
4. THE BLOOD SUPPLY, from same, shows the effect of the pressure as is
produced at times. Hence the alternations in the blood pressure, as well as the
quickened and the slow pulsation - though no organic disturbance of the heart,
though the effect at times is smothery to the diaphragm region. This comes from
pressure created in mesenteric centers.
5. IN THE NERVE SYSTEM, with those reflexes to the attempt of the impulses to
various portions of the system, that condition results when the body either has
the effect of as one drugged, or as the inability to keep in the normal sweet sleep,
or restful sleep. These conditions produced, as we see, from radiation of central
nerve system to the various portions of impulse as is carried from the central
nerve system. Sympathetic system becoming either OVERTAXED, or lax in its
reaction to such. Hence the variation in the condition.
conditions from the varying effects as produced.
7. Then, to meet the needs of these conditions is to set up the eliminations in
such a way and manner as we do not overtax either ONE of the eliminating
centers or systems to or at the expense of the other; for, as seen, the tendency
toward that condition existent in the kidneys and the lower hepatic circulation -
these becoming easily involved by producing too much taxation, or too lax in the
amount of the uric acids, the uric system of elimination. These would be as
detrimental as to produce an overtaxing or a too lax condition in the eliminating
through that of the respiratory system, or of the liver through the regular channels
of the mesenteric system - for becoming centralized would produce inflammation
to the extent as to bring about centralization of such inflammation, or the walling
off by the system of such inflammation in such a way and manner as to produce
tuberous growths, or nature's eliminating system becoming choked.
8. Then, to meet the needs at the present time, we would prepare as this - and
keep the system in that way of carrying as much water as possible - let THIS be
the drainage especially through the lower portion of hepatic or kidney circulation -
but prepare as this:
9. To one-half (1/2) gallon of distilled water, add six (6) ounces Wild Cherry Bark.
Reduce by simmering (not boiling) to one-half (1/2) the quantity. Strain. Then
add four (4) ounces of cane sugar, dissolved in two (2) ounces of hot water,
again reducing to the original quantity by simmering. Then add:
Compound Syrup of Sarsaparilla...........1 ounce,

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2014 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


Calisaya, Elixir of....................1/2 ounce,

Syrup of Peruvian Bark...........1/4 ounce,
Podophyllum (dried)................3 grains,
Elixir or Tincture of Buchu Leaves.....1/4 ounce,
Tincture of Elder Flower, or Fluid Extract..........1/2 ounce,
Syrup of Squill..............1/4 ounce,
Pure Grain Alcohol...............1 ounce, with one-half (1/2) dram Balsam of Tolu
cut in it,
Tincture Capsici.....................3 minims.
10. Shake the dose well together before taking. Let the dose be teaspoonful four
(4) times each day.
11. At least every third (3rd) day evacuate the whole of the colon with high
enemas, that the system may be cleansed entirely of drosses and of the fumes of
fecal matter being eliminated through these channels.
12. Use the electrical driven vibrator for the vibration along the whole of the
cerebro-spinal system. This is best taken just before retiring each evening. This
will bring better radiation and better incentive activity from each nerve center
toward both the rebuilding, replenishing, and the eliminating and digestive
13. Cleansing the system in such a manner will prepare the body for the full
correction of any troublesome conditions that arise in the body for many, many
years. Do this at present. When these are completed - these properties as given
- we would give further instructions for the body, Miss [4852].
14. We are through for the present.


R1. 10/29/27 Report:
(This form to be filled out and returned after reading is received)
NAME [4852]
ADDRESS ..., Alabama
AGE 54
SEX Female
REMARKS (You will please state in the space below how near, in your opinion,
reading fits your condition, as you know it yourself, and if you expect to carry out
the suggestions made for the improvement of your health.)
"The reading was fine, described my symptoms, as I feel them, perfectly. I
expect to carry out suggestions made."
[GD's note: It is my impression from conversation with Miss [4852]'s friend,
Mrs. [2457], that she did not follow the treatment in the reading - perhaps was
discouraged from doing it by her physician and members of her family.]

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2014 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



Acidity: Neuritis Par. 4, 13-A

Arthritis: Neuritis Par. 3

Cholecystitis: Neuritis Par. 4, 5, 9

Circulation: Poor: Neuritis Par. 4

Doctors Suggested: Brown, William H.: D.O. Par. 9

Intestines: Colonics: Neuritis Par. 7, 11


Osteopathy: Neuritis Par. 9

Physiotherapy: Packs: Castor Oil: Neuritis Par. 5

Prescriptions: Olive Oil: Neuritis Par. 6


Toxemia: Neuritis Par. 4


Born 7/5/86 in ..., Ohio.
10/16/43 Letter: "... I have suffered for the past 10 years from neuritis and a
nervous ailment that has made it very difficult to control my left leg, with the result
that I have to use a cane in order to get around at all. My doctors don't seem to
be able to tell me the cause of the ailment or to prescribe something that will give
me relief. I would have a great deal of confidence in any diagnosis you might get
from the other plane regarding my ailment. I am anxious to learn if you will
undertake to get a diagnosis of my ailment..."
4/13/44 Letter: "...You suggest that I may ask any questions I desire to ask. (1) I
would like very much to know the cause of my trouble, and whether I am doing
anything, such as eating wrong foods, or something of that kind, that might
aggravate the trouble? (2) I should like also to know whether I have a guardian
spirit who watches over, protects and directs me, and if so, who that spirit guide
is. I am of course, praying earnestly that you will get an accurate diagnosis of my
trouble... My gratitude for any aid I may be given will be beyond my power of

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2014 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


TEXT OF READING 5066-1 F 57 (Housewife, "Spiritualist")

This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at the office of the Association,
Arctic Crescent, Virginia Beach, Va., this 20th day of April, 1944.

2. EC: Yes, we have the body here, [5066].

3. As we find we have very definite sources of disturbances here that cause the
nerve tension, the neuritis and the arthritic-neuritic tendencies.
4. These as we find are from excesses of acidity in the system that have
gradually disturbed the equilibrium between the activities in the gall duct, the
pancreas and the spleen. These are the sources of the infection, as in the
stresses of pressures upon the nerve systems, bringing neuritic tendencies in the
extremities by the slowing of the circulation from the toxic forces carried in the
5. First then, we would begin with Castor Oil Packs. Use at least three
thicknesses of flannel saturated with the oil. Apply directly over the liver and gall
duct area. Extend this to the caecum area. When covered so as to prevent
soiling the linens, apply the electric pad. Keep this very warm for an hour each
day, for three days in succession.
6. After the third day, take internally two tablespoonsful of Olive Oil.
7. Then have, the afternoon of that day, or the next morning, a colonic irrigation.
8. Rest then for a week from any of the applications. Then repeat the whole
9. Then leave off for a week, and begin with osteopathic adjustments. Dr. Brown
would be very well. These we would have to stimulate the gastric flow from the
areas of the brachial center all the way to the lumbar-sacral axis; also
coordinating the upper dorsals and cervicals, but stimulate especially from the
4th dorsal to the lumbar axis and through the sacral area. Gradually work these
so that gradually the gall duct itself can be emptied osteopathically.
10. In the diet we would refrain from fats particularly, until at least there has been
a better balance throughout the body.
11. Do these, using the colonics occasionally, and we will not only remove these
tensions but we will save a great deal of disturbance later on.
12. Ready for questions.
13. (Q) Has diet been responsible for bringing on this condition?
(A) Diet has contributed to the cause, since there have been those superacid
conditions especially in the areas indicated.
Do as outlined, and we will make better conditions and save trouble later on.
14. We are through with this reading.


R1. 5/16/44 Letter: "I have just received the report of the reading... Therein is mentioned
a Dr. Brown, as a doctor to carry on the work after home treatments. There are a
number of doctors in this city of 300,000 or more people, and I am wondering if you
could give me the initials of the doctor referred to in the reading. The diagnosis of my
case is most interesting, and I plan to carry out the recommendations to the letter. I am
hopeful of good results."

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2014 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


R2. 5/22/44 GD's letter: "...There is an osteopath in Denver by the name of Dr. William
H. Brown, 3025 W. 38 Ave.; this may be the one referred to in the reading. He is the
only Brown listed in the American Osteopathic Journal of Members, in Denver.
However, we have had no correspondence with Dr. Brown, and I do not know whether or
not he is even familiar with Mr. Cayce's work. On the other hand, we do have on our
membership list a drugless physician, chiropractor and doctor of physiotherapy, who has
had readings from Mr. Cayce, and who is acquainted with our work. You might like to
get in touch with her. Dr. Wood's address ..., Colo. Please let us know how you come

R3. 6/9/44 Letter: "...I am following the instructions contained in the record of my
physical reading...with the cooperation of Dr. Wood. When the treatments have been
completed, I will advise you. Could you tell me at this time, how many adjustments and
osteopathic treatments in gall duct region will be necessary, and about when I should
ask for a check reading?"

R4. 6/14/44 GD's letter: "...It is not indicated in your Physical Reading that a Check
Physical will be necessary. From my experience with the information concerning
conditions of this type, I would say that you should continue the treatments in the order
and ratio indicated, then have Dr. [Wood] treatments until she feels that the gall duct has
been emptied thoroughly. Then wait a period of several weeks, perhaps, before starting
at the beginning and repeating the whole procedure. If, after 2 or 3 such rounds of
treatments, the disturbing conditions are not removed, it would then be advisable to have
a Check Reading, to find out what the trouble is, or why you haven't gotten results..."

R5. 7/19/44 Letter: "...We followed instructions as to the Castor Oil Packs and colonics
and adjustments by Dr. [Wood]. We have confidence in Dr. [Wood] who seems very
sympathetic and has a firm understanding of my difficulties. She began giving me
treatments on June 5, and since that time has given me, including that of June 5, five
colonics and four adjustments. She plans to give me one of each type of treatment each
week during this month and see what results have been obtained by that time. I feel
there has been a slight improvement in my condition up to this time, and am very much
encouraged as to future possibilities from the course of treatment prescribed in the
reading. Unless you think to the contrary, I shall be guided by the judgment of Dr.
[Wood], as to how long to continue the treatments she has been giving me, before
resuming the Castor Oil Packs..."

R6. 12/15/44 Letter: "...I have followed instruction in the reading and have continued to
receive colonic irrigations and some adjustments from Dr. [Wood] that has good results.
I am going to ..., Ill. in a few days on the recommendation of Dr. [Wood] that a lower
altitude might be beneficial to me. I expect to be there [Ilinois] for several weeks, and
would like to find some drugless doctor of the type of Dr. [Wood] who is in sympathy with
your cause... Will you please advise me as soon as possible..."
R7. 12/20/44 Letter referring her to Dr. M.S [Dr. Musselman, D.A.: D.O.] in ..., Ill.

R8. 3/25/45 Letter: "Please change our address to ..., Colo."

R9. 1/7/46 Publications ordered.

R10. 4/30/46 Publications ordered, and associate membership requested. Associate

membership renewed in 1947, 1948 and 1949.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2014 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


R11. 2/10/50 Letter: "Please change my address to ..., Colo."

R12. 3/22/50 Questionnaire sent to Mrs. [5066] and Dr. [3042].
R13. 5/9/50 Reply of Mrs. [5066] to questionnaire: "Rheumatism in arms, shoulders and
back; loss of use of muscles in left leg. At this time, almost impossible to move feet.
Date of onset: about 1932. Duration: ever since 1932 as to rheumatic pains and loss of
use of left leg. Gradually losing ground due to what medical doctors say is a nervous
disorder. Medical doctors are unable to determine cause of my trouble, and offer no
encouragement as to improvement in my condition. Name of Dr. Wood was given me in
place of that of Dr. Brown referred to in my reading 4/20/44. I took treatment from Dr.
Wood of ..., Colo., osteopathic and colonic; the former for several months; the latter for 4
years. I received some benefit from the colonics, but no noticeable benefit from the
osteopathic treatments. We asked for a check reading by Mr. Cayce, but he passed on
before the date set for it. I am very much disappointed not to have had the check
reading. I am also disappointed because of failure to get any substantial benefits from
carrying out the instructions given in the reading, given by Mr. Cayce 4/20/44."

R14. 5/10/50 Dr. Wood's reply to questionnaire: "Liver, stomach and intestinal areas
poor in function. Physician's Provisional Diagnosis: never found anything seriously
wrong. X-rays failed to give any light on her condition. Her hip knee and ankle joints
seemed perfectly normal. NO REASON APPARENT for not walking. Some relief was
experienced, treated patient for 2 years. Cure not effected. Colonics gave some relief,
otherwise little change. She is now much worse and already for a wheel chair - walks
with great difficulty. I have moved my office, 3 years ago, and my health does not permit
much practice now. Have no records in this case, as I have not treated her for 3 years."
R15. 11/15/51 Dr. Wood's letter: "In case you care to write Mrs. [5066] in regard to her
case, I may say that she has dragged along thru the years, and when she would come to
my office in the city and get treatments, rubs and electric massage and colon treatments
each week, she got along fairly well. However things have changed in my life, so that I
no longer have an office down in the city, and she is unable to get out to my apartment in
the suburbs; she tries it once in a while, but it is too great an effort and expense. We
gave her all sorts of massage work with the best masseurs, and they all agreed that
there was no reason in the world why she couldn't walk - she did not want to make the
effort; she was afraid she might fall, etc., and so she finally landed in a very nice
wheelchair, and that devoted husband waits on her hand and foot (which
subconsciously, is what she wants). She has tried every sort of mental and spiritual
healing, but seems to need somebody right at her side all the time, to drag her along.
Now I have her under the care of a big, strong, very fine positive spiritualist healer; she
does not beg her to lift her feet and just try to walk. She gets her out of her wheel-chair,
gives her a cane, and they start around the room and she really lifts her foot, not slides
it. She can lift it if she will. Don't know how long this medium will have patience to work
with her, but I noticed last week when I met her down town for lunch, that she got out of
her wheel-chair and into her seat at the table with far less fuss than usual, and really
used her legs. They live at ... That address will reach them, as they have been there for
several years."
R16. Note: Attention is called to the fact that this reading specifically recommended
osteopathic adjustments. However, Mrs. [5066] received treatments from a chiropractor.

R17. 8/29/52 No record of verbal or written contact on this case since 11/15/51.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2014 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



Apoplexy: Tendencies Par. 4


Clairvoyance of E.C.: Conditions Confirmed Par. Reports

Diet: Toxemia Par. 9

Ears: Abscessed: Cured Par. 14-A, Reports

Exercise: Head & Neck: Eyes Par. 10

Hair: Texture Par. 16-A

Hemorrhage: Nose Par. 12-A

Humor Par. 16-A

Intestines: Colonics: Toxemia Par. 5


Osteopathy: Relaxation Par. 8

Physiotherapy: Massage: Salt: Gums Par. 13-A

: Soda: Par. 13-A

Prescriptions: Eno Salts: Toxemia Par. 7

: Potato Peelings, Irish: Hair Par. 16-A


Sensations & Symptoms: Fluttering: Heart: Reflex Par. 6, 15-A


5/2/44 Questions submitted in addition to those at the end of 5197-1 [Questions
were worded by daughter-in-law as specified by [5197]]: "(1) What causes the
acute attacks of gas in my chest accompanied by a feeling of my heart flopping
around? (2) Is that rheumatism in my left hand, and if so, give cause and
possible remedy? (3) Why does my right hand go to sleep while sleeping on my
left side? (4) What is wrong with my right hand? (5) Please give cause of feet
aching? (6) Cause and remedy of my right ear being painful? (7) Can my
eyesight be improved?"

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2014 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


TEXT OF READING 5197-1 F 56 (Widow, Methodist)

This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce at the office of the Association, Arctic
Crescent, Virginia Beach, Va., this 26th day of May, 1944.

2. EC: Yes, we have the body, [5197].

3. As we find, there are disturbances which are preventing the better physical
functioning of the body. We find that these are the effects of poisons in the form
of drosses, not altogether because of the lack of the eliminations between liver
and kidneys, but rather a combination of these disturbances than uremic poisons;
thus causing what would be called rheumatic reactions; nor is it altogether toxic
forces as of poisons being eliminated by the better activity of the liver and the
alimentary canal, but a combination, as we have a rheumatic, arthritic-neuritic
4. So we have strains on portions of the body, not where there is as yet a stroke
as from blood clot, but these could easily become so, unless there are measures
taken to eliminate the sources of these poisons.
5. As we find, there should be first, then, at least one, two or even three colonic
irrigations within a month. These will be severe - the first one, but the second
and third should not be so severe. So, great precautions should be taken.
6. This combination is what causes the arm to go to sleep, as it were, at times,
and the lower limbs to be achy, stretchy and fluttering when there is gas or
pressures to the area about the diaphragm, pressing upon the lungs. But these
poisons eliminated will eradicate the trouble.
7. Then we should begin and take a small dose of Eno Salts each morning for
about a week, just a teaspoonful before any meal is taken.
8. Then do have at least twelve to fourteen general osteopathic corrections, just
relaxing, not so much correction, but relaxing of all the segments along the
cerebrospinal system. There will be found some pressures in the 6th dorsal, 1st,
2nd and 3rd dorsal and in the 3rd cervical, and at the 1st and 2nd cervical.
9. These done, we will find much improved conditions for this body. But do take
these in order as has been indicated: First removing poisons from the system,
then a gentle flushing of the system, then a setting up of better drainages,
keeping better eliminations by the diet as towards the laxative nature. Very little
or no bread should be taken. A great deal of vegetables and fruits are preferable
to meats. Fish, fowl and lamb may be taken, but in moderation.
10. Then also take the head and neck exercises which will make a great deal of
difference in the tendency for the eyes to appear as glimmery or as if something
were in front of them. Take these exercises when ready to retire and upon arising
in the morning; sitting erect, move the head slowly forward three times, backward
three times, to the left three times, to the right three times, and then circle. Do
this consistently, if there would be real help.
11. Ready for questions.
12. (Q) What causes nose-bleed?
(A) This same pressure which causes the fluttering of the heart. This is the
release that presses those disturbances. Do remove these pressures all along
and then make those relaxing treatments all along the spine.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2014 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


13. (Q) Condition of teeth and gums?

(A) These are not too bad. There needs be some local attention, and use
equal parts of soda and salt as a massage for the gums two or three times a
14. (Q) Condition of right ear?
(A) This is all a portion of the general condition indicated.
15. (Q) What is condition of heart?
(A) As has been indicated, this is a reflex, the greater trouble being between
the liver and kidneys and naturally lungs, as the pressure from diaphragm, the
heart becomes involved only sympathetically. Do as outlined.
16. (Q) How can I improve texture of hair?
(A) Better be glad that you have it, but the peelings of Irish potato boiled and
taken once a day will improve the texture of the hair. This will require a long
period of about six months. Two ounces of this fresh juice a day.
17. We are through with this reading.


10/8/49 Letter: "I had this condition over a period of 3 or 4 years, but don't know
dates; was not severe, but annoying. Followed treatments for about 1 year and
was cured."

1/23/52 Questionnaire-letter sent.

1/29/52 Reply to questionnaire-letter: "I am glad to give the information you

asked for, to the best of my ability. I shall try to answer each question as they
come first. I do feel that the reading described my condition accurately. I
followed the instructions in each detail. The first colonic was not particularly
severe. A little nausea for a little while afterward. I had the 3 colonics as he
instructed. I like the result so much that I have had several since. One a year
perhaps. Not one for 2 or more years (which reminds me, I think I will). I took
the Eno, as prescribed, then took it at intervals. I still keep it on hand. It's the
only thing I ever take for upset stomach or mild laxative. Rarely ever need it. I
took the head and neck exercises as prescribed, over a long period of time. More
than a year, perhaps, and still take them at night. My bad ear soon showed signs
of improvement, and finally became normal, for the first time since I can
remember. For a number of years prior to my reading, I had trouble all the time
with my ear. It abscessed every few months. The last time, the doctor-specialist
told me I would never hear more than 50% out of it. Several months after, I
began the neck and head exercise, I went to this same specialist to have my
glasses changed and asked him to look at my ear. He was amazed to see how
normal it was, and said the 'hole' in the eardrum (which he told me would never
close) was healed and closed. I told him of the head and neck exercise, but
nothing more. 'No comment'. I don't recall just now how long it was before the
nosebleed stopped, not long, I'm sure. I've had a tiny bit 2 or 3 times in the past
year or so. Of course, I had my teeth looked after. They held their own for
several years, and are still very good. I haven't 'lost' any teeth and still use the
salt and soda. Sorry, I was too lazy to use the potato peel for my hair - except for

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2014 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


a few times. However, I still have plenty of hair graying, but I take care of it, and
have no complaint to make. I have enjoyed really marvelous health for several
years. I wish it were possible to have another reading…. Incidentally, I can hear
my watch tick as clearly with my 'bad' ear as I can with the other one. I hope I
have not been too brief or 'sketchy' in answering your questions. If I can add
anything, will be glad to do so."

2/8/64 Daughter-in-law, Mrs. [2982]'s letter: "I'm writing to report - and I should be
used to EC's uncanny insight into bodies - on [2981]'s mother. She spends a
couple of months with us each year and I asked her to send me her physical
reading which she did.
"She suffers from a kind of bronchitis, difficulty in getting enough ozone - she
is allergic to sweets and starches and has to watch herself. The doctor gives her
pills of some kind so she can breathe properly.
"In looking at her reading I noted [6/3/44, [5197]]: 1. Very little or no bread
should be taken (She has not and is not heeding this). 2. When she asked about
the heart, he, EC, pointed to the LUNGS, a reflex action from pressures of
poisons. 3. When she asked about her hair, he said - 'Better be glad that you
have it, ' etc., etc. - she is losing lots of her hair now.
"And these things he warned her about 20 yrs. ago!
"You know he warned me about sweets and when I indulge, especially cakes
or pies, I have awful dizzy spells - so I'm careful.
"The more I learn about the gifts of our Mr. Cayce the more I stand in awe of

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2014 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



Asthenia: Toxemia Par. 6-A

Diet: Toxemia Par. 2

: Vegetables: Tomatoes Par. 2

Electrotherapy: Violet Ray: Eyes Par. 5-A, 8-A

: Neuritis Par. 2, 8-A


Eyes: Spine: Subluxations Par. 5-A

Home & Marriage: Divorce Background, Reports

Hypertension: Toxemia Par. 1, 6-A

Locomotion: Impaired: Neuritis Par. 1, 7-A


Osteopathy: Neuritis Par. 3

Physiotherapy: Applications: Eyewashes:

Boracic Acid Par. 5-A
: Packs: Potato: Eyes Par. 5-A

Prescriptions: Spirits Frumenti: Eliminations Par. 2

: Syrup, Simple: Par. 2
: Toris Compound: Par. 2



4/29 Letter: "...I would like for you to give a reading on myself. I am having alot
of trouble with my right limb and foot, also haven't felt good. I have been working
at high school all winter, probably too much for me….

4/29/29 EC's letter: "...We were indeed glad to hear from you, but sorry to know
that you haven't been feeling so good...
"Should there be any special questions that you would wish to have asked at
the rdg., please make note of them...."

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2014 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


5/29 Letter: "...I am returning card and will be at school on that date. I am very
anxious for the reading as I feel that you can be of help to me. Questions... Will
the nervous strain be relieved soon?
"Mr. [943] and Dr. Moore left last Thursday….
"Both he and Dr. Moore were well pleased with investigations. If it is God's will
I hope they will have money to drill. This last few years have been a bad dream
to me."
GD's note: Above correspondence was included because it showed the
emotional strain leading up to separation and divorce from her husband [943]; it
needs to be a record to compare with [943]'s case, and Mrs. [5571]'s future
attitude and development in her physical condition.


This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce at his office, 115 West 35th Street,
Virginia Beach, Va., this 16th day of May, 1929.

1. EC: Yes. Now, we have the body, [5571], here. Now, we find the conditions
as cause distress with the physical forces of the system are produced by the
unbalanced condition existent in the eliminations of the system, and the effect is
to produce the form of neuritis, or of rheumatism, or BETWEEN the two, is the
condition as exists and is produced by the effects as come from the form of acids
as are left in the system by the inactivity of the NORMAL forces through the
kidneys, or the division between the hepatic circulation as separates drosses
from that as eliminated through the effect of the active functioning of the kidneys,
and that of the effect as produced through the effect of the liver in its functioning.
Hence we find at times there is soreness, stiffness, through the limbs. At others
the effect is more of dull, mean headaches, that are not in any particular portion,
yet just aches; with bad taste, belching at times, and restlessness at others.
These are the effects as are produced in the system, as well as that shown in
pressure produced in the blood supply. Then an over pressure. Again we find
the effects in the capillary circulation.
2. To meet the needs of these conditions we would administer those forces or
elements that will work with the threefold condition existent. That which will act
directly with the functioning organs, changing the vibratory forces through the
hepatic circulation. These we would find principally in that of Toris Compound.
This, we would make two quantities at once. One made with the Spirits
Frumenti, the other with the simple syrup. Then COMBINE the two, and the dose
would be a tablespoonful before each meal. Eat the meals, but let the diet be not
an over amount, but rather those that are of easy assimilation, though those of
the hard character, or kind, are better in breads. No white bread. In the
vegetables, those principally that are under the ground in growth - roots, bulbs,
and such, are the better for the body. Those of meats, none save that of chicken
and fish, and neither of these fried, or in much grease. Baked or smothered, or
the like, may be used. Tomatoes, sufficient amount of these - both of those that
have been preserved (that is, canned) and of the fresh variety. These are good.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2014 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


We would also use for the body those of the vibrations as are found in the Violet
Ray, especially across that of the lower dorsal and the upper cervical; of course,
over the whole system, but these principally.
3. We would also, every other day, or twice each week - until at least twelve
treatments are taken - take the osteopathic manipulation and adjustment for
those conditions existent in the cervical and lower dorsal and lumbar regions,
and the gentle massage in portion of the treatment - that the properties as are
taken, and the vibrations set up, may produce the proper assimilation and
eliminations through the system.
4. Do that, and we will find we will bring corrections for this body. Ready for
5. (Q) Is there anything that can be done for my eyes, so that I won't have to
wear glasses?
(A) The correction of the conditions in the cervical, and the treatment with the
Violet Ray will materially aid these. Especially will the body use, after the first
three to five treatments - or after the 2nd or third week - the Violet Ray applicator
for the eyes, but not treating the eyes longer than one minute. Well, too, while
these are being given - that is, during the same period, of evenings when the
body rests, to place scraped Irish potato, with which is mixed almost equal parts
of plain chalk - place this over the eyes, bind on, and of mornings cleanse the
eyes with that of a weak solution of an antiseptic, like boracic acid.
6. (Q) Why do I tire so easily?
(A) By the condition of poor elimination. Taxation to the system, especially
with a blood pressure.
7. (Q) What causes condition in foot and leg?
(A) As given.
8. (Q) Should the Violet Ray be taken every day?
(A) Every day.
9. (Q) Will the nerve strain be relieved soon?
(A) With the applications of these things given, it will.
10. We are through for the present.


R1. 12/29 Letter: "...I know that you think I am not very grateful and that I have
forgotten you but I have thought of you often and think I would get a letter off to
you. I have had such a great shadow to overtake me this last year. Except for
my trust in God and knowing, even though we suffer, He is with us, I couldn't
have gone through this. I am sure you know something of this trouble, for [943]
told me you gave him a reading. In other words, I had to give [943] a divorce in
order that he might not get in deeper trouble. Sometime if I ever see you I will
explain and I hope I do see you again. We - I have enjoyed knowing you.
"I have a position as housekeeper at the above hotel - it is beautiful here.
[4477] and I have an apartment which makes it homelike to us.
"I regret to say that on account of finances I have not been able to take your
treatment but hope to soon….."

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2014 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



Adenoiditis: Catarrh Par. 3, 4



Diet: Catarrh Par. 13

: Vitamins: Gelatin Par. 13

Digestion: Indigestion: Catarrh Par. 4

Electrotherapy: Short Wave: Cholecystitis Par. 11, 12

: Sinusoidal: Par. 10, 12


Head Noises: Catarrh Par. 4

Inhalants: Benzoin, Compound Tincture Of:

Catarrh Par. 8, 9, 12
: Croup Cup: Par. 8, 9, 12
: Eucalyptus, Oil Of: Par. 8, 9, 12


Osteopathy: Cholecystitis Par. 10--12

Physiotherapy: Baths: Sponge: Soda: Cholecystitis Par. 7--9, 12

: Massage: Glyco-Thymoline: Cholecystitis Par. 7--9, 12
: Packs: Castor Oil: Par. 7--9, 12

Prescriptions: Castoria: Eliminations Par. 14

: Figs, Syrup Of: Par. 14
: Olive Oil: Par. 7--9, 12
: Pepsin, Caldwell's Syrup Of: Par. 14
: Sal Hepatica: Par. 15
: Water, Honeyida: Par. 15



Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2014 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



7/30/43 Mrs. [5734] sent in her application for membership, stating she was a
teacher in a Junior High School, also that her religious preference was the
Christian Church.

4/21/44 [5734]'s letter to EC:

Mr. Edgar Cayce Virginia Beach, Va.
I received your kind letter …. I should like to know the cause and cure for:
The hay fever that I have in the fall. My chronic sinus trouble. My head's
jerking. The pain in the back of my neck. The occasional pain in the top of my
head. The recurrent earache. The popping of the jaws. The burning sensation in
my eyes. Red-rimmed eyelids. The rheumatism or arthritis, whichever I have.
The queer feeling in my left leg. The pain in the pelvic region. The pain in the left
abdomen. My becoming tired so easily and quickly. My being so tense most of
the time. My being so slow in getting anything done.
Last summer I had a distressing rash. If I have it again this summer, what will
heal it? Should I follow any special diet? May the prescribed treatments be
postponed till after the close of school? Will a check reading be necessary?
Thanking you for your great kindness, I am,
Yours sincerely, [5734] See Reports for additional background information.

TEXT OF READING 5734-1 F 45 (Teacher, Member of Christian Church)

This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at the office of the Association,
Arctic Crescent, Virginia Beach, Va., this 4th day of May, 1944.

3. As we find, there are complications of disturbances that prevent the better

physical functioning. These cause an assortment of varied disturbances through
the body, and yet, in their incipiency, arose from one general cause, that of
catarrhal conditions in the adenoids, causing a sinus disturbance added to same
through the flow from this infection causing a catarrhal condition through the
digestive system.
4. Thus we have this upsetting condition in the digestive system, the conditions in
the sinus, headache, eyes, disturbance to ears causing noises in same at times,
poor circulation, poor elimination.
5. This combination causes a tendency towards neuritis, arthritis and rheumatism
and the reflexes, also from incoordination between the liver and kidneys. Hence
all of the organs seem to be affected by same.
6. As we find, it will require time, but if there would be consistency there could be
body improvement. Even when improved do not leave off entirely, but
periodically repeat the applications for stimulation and better activity through the
7. First: Do not begin until there can be a regular routine begun, but this routine
should be begun at once. First: Use Castor Oil Packs for one hour each day for
three days in succession each week, for a period of at least three weeks. This
should be used in the evening when the body is ready to retire. Saturate three to
four thicknesses of heavy flannel (preferably old flannel) with Castor Oil.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2014 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


Saturate, not just pour on. Apply this over the liver and gall duct area and let it
extend to the caecum on the right side. When this has been covered with cloths
to prevent soiling of bed linens, apply the electric pad and this keep good and
hot, as hot as the body can stand. When each Pack is taken off, sponge the
body off with a weak solution of soda water, and then massage Glyco-Thymoline
into the areas, especially the caecum and gall duct areas. This should be done
for three days, and for an hour each day. After the third application, the last day
each week, take two tablespoonsful of Olive Oil. Then leave off these Packs until
the next week, then repeat for three days in the same manner.
8. During the period that the Oil Packs are being taken, burn close to the body
Compound Tincture of Benzoin and Oil of Eucalyptus (one teaspoonful of each to
one pint of water) in a croup cup so that the fumes may be inhaled. Do this for
the whole period that the Packs are being used.
9. When these have been taken for three series, leave off a couple of weeks, and
begin again and take for three periods, both the Oil Packs and the fumes.
10. At the beginning of the second series of treatments, have osteopathic
relaxing treatments which tend towards emptying the gall duct. Have sixteen to
eighteen of these treatments. During this series of osteopathic treatments, have
at least two Sinusoidal treatments. These should tend to empty the gall duct by
the expansion of same.
11. Toward the end of the treatments we would apply the short-wave treatments
at the brachial center and back of neck, and on the lumbar and sacral areas.
These should require the change in the type of adjustments and relaxing
treatments being given.
12. Following the short-wave, leave off the Sinusoidal treatments and the Packs,
and the fumes. These should be setting up drainages and relaxing, especially in
the areas of the upper cervical and upper dorsal, coordinating the lower lumbar
and the sacral and lumbar areas and we should find better conditions for this
13. In the diet begin adding more raw vegetables often. Use these prepared with
14. The eliminations should be kept good throughout the period, even though it is
necessary at times to take laxatives. Begin the laxatives with the use of a
vegetable compound taken in broken doses, any that is of the senna base; such
as the properties in Syrup of Figs, or Castoria or Caldwell's Syrup of Pepsin.
15. Flush the system afterwards with doses of mineral salts, as Honeyida Water
or Sal Hepatica. Do these and we will make better conditions.
16. We are through with this reading.


R1. 6/21/44 [5734]'s letter: ... 8, Texas
Association for Research and Enlightenment Virginia Beach, Va.
I want to thank you for the psychic Reading given for me by Mr. Cayce. I received a
copy of this the day after Mr. Cayce gave it; but I could not start a regular routine until
this week.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2014 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


I have taken two treatments of the castor oil packs and the fumes. This morning I feel
more relaxed than I have for months. I want to give you all the information that you want
about my case; but I don't know just what you want. Do you have a list of questions that
you send out to the members who have had physical readings?
I shall start the osteopathic treatments next week. I have selected Dr. Julius McBride
of 1710 Yale, Houston 8, Texas.
In the Reading I am told, "periodically repeat the applications." How shall I know how
often to repeat them?
Again thanking you for the help you have given me and countless others, I am,
Yours sincerely, [5734]

R2. 6/28/44 EC's letter:

I am glad to know that you feel some little better since beginning the applications of
the suggestions indicated.
I think what it means by "periodically repeat the applications, " is that the information
holds to the idea that if you take the oil packs, for instance, for so many times then have
a series of six, eight, ten, twelve osteopathic treatments, then you should rest something
like three or four weeks. Then rest, not until you are sick again, but allowing nature to
use the help given. Then the application of the packs as well as the osteopathic
treatments will be more effective. I think you will find that your Doctor will agree with

R3. 7/22/44 [5734]'s letter:

Association for Research and Enlightenment Virginia Beach, Virginia
Dear Members:
I am sending this first report on my case. Though the Reading was given on May 4, I
could not start the routine until June 19.
I am following the directions with these exceptions. Since the Reading said to use the
packs and fumes for at least three weeks, and since I didn't get the packs very hot the
first two times and since the vaporizer didn't work so very well the first three times, I
used the packs and fumes for four weeks. That is, I used them twelve times instead of
nine times. The directions called for the use of an electric heat pad to keep the packs
hot. I have no heat pad, but I do have an infra-red ray lamp; so, I am using the lamp.
I have had eight osteopathic treatments and one Sinusoidal treatment. I am leaving
off all these treatments for two weeks, and shall resume taking them the week of July 30.
I do think that the Reading fitted my case. I had begun to think that something was
wrong with the gall bladder, though not one of the many medical doctors I had consulted,
had ever told me that there was trouble with it. One physician had told me that the
rheumatism and arthritis were caused by the chronic sinus trouble. About ten days ago I
went to see an optometrist about changing the lenses of my glasses. This man had
fitted me with my present glasses. During the test, he said that I had double vision
caused by a terrific pressure on the nerve to the left eye. He also advised me to take
osteopathic treatments to relieve that pressure before he fitted me with a pair of new
glasses. For a good many years I had been seeing "double" when I first got up of
mornings or when I was very tired. But this double vision had never shown up on any
previous eye test.
Though I have all the symptoms that I had at the beginning of these treatments, they
are in a modified form and I am feeling much better than I did four weeks ago.
Dr. McBride, who is giving the osteopathic treatments, several years ago treated a
person who had had a Reading by Mr. Cayce [[1045]?]. The first year after graduation
Dr. McBride was connected with an osteopath, a spiritualist, of Belfast, Ireland. When I

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2014 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


phoned him and asked him if he had ever heard of Mr. Cayce, he said yes, and that he
was willing to co-operate with the directions of the Reading. He also said that it was
right "scarey" and that it might be more than a coincidence that caused me to call him
first out of all the osteopaths here in Houston. He expressed that opinion after I had told
him that I had called him because he was most conveniently located for me.
I shall send another report in about two months.
I am deeply grateful to Mr. Cayce.
Yours truly, [5734]

R4. 7/24/44 EC made an appointment for Mrs. [5734]'s husband, which of course was
not kept due to EC's death.

R5. 7/26/44 EC's letter: "I understand from other sources that Dr. McBride is very, very
good, and that he does cooperate."

R6. 9/8/44 Report in answer to Questionnaire asking for history of case, etc.:
Association for Research and Enlightenment Virginia Beach, Va.
Dear Members:
In compliance with your request I am sending you the data on my physical condition
at the time of the Reading.
In May of this year I was underweight, easily fatigued, and slow. I was having
arthritic and rheumatic pains in my fingers, heels, neck, and back. I was having
headaches over my eyes, in the top of my head, and at the base of the skull. I was
having intermittent earache and an almost constantly irritated throat. My eyes were
swollen the first few hours of the morning and were almost always red-rimmed. I was
troubled with double vision. My cheek bones ached occasionally. There was a post
nasal discharge. My neck was stiff and my head jerked frequently. I was tense and
irritable. My left leg had a queer, heavy feeling. Frequently there was pain in the left
abdomen and in the left pelvic region. The elimination was poor. The bladder had to be
voided frequently. I was on a restricted diet: no fried food, no port, no cabbage,
cauliflower, no dried beans, no wheat products, no nuts, to mention a few things I could
not eat.
I have always been underweight. During the last ten years or so I have tried to gain
weight; but I have usually had no success; I continue to weigh between 110 and 120. I
am five feet, five and one half inches tall. About eight summers ago, I drank a glass of
milk at each meal and one every hour between meals; and I rested about 14 hours a
day. By the end of the summer I weighted 128, but after school started, I soon started
loosing weight. I was under the care of a physician at the time.
I have been easily fatigued for the last twenty years or so. As I grew older, the
condition became worse. A doctor advised me to take sun baths to build up strength. I
did each summer from 1934 to 1942. The sun baths helped, but they didn't cure. I also
took vitamins under a doctor's directions; they helped. Also, I rested in bed one or two
extra hours a day.
I have not always been slow. As a child I was very quick-motioned. But when I'd
ask a doctor why I was so slow, I would be told that that was my nature. I believe I
began to be slow about 35 years ago.
The post nasal discharge started, I believe, about 35 years ago. Nothing was done
about it until about 15 years ago. Then I started having treatments by nose specialists,
who would drain the sinuses after an acute infection. There was never any cure.
The arthritis and rheumatism started about 15 years ago. I was advised to have my
tonsils removed. I did so and had relief for a while. In about two years it reappeared. A

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2014 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


doctor said colitis was causing it; he treated the colitis; but the condition grew worse.
Another doctor said it was caused by sinus infection and infected second growth tonsils.
The tonsils were removed and the sinuses were treated. The condition improved, but
remained. Then a tooth root was discovered and removed. The condition improved.
During this time the doctor was giving me an intravenous injection to fight the arthritis. I
took those injections for about a year, I think. It has been 6 or 7 years since I had those
injections. Since those treatments, the arthritis has never been so severe as it was prior
to the treatments.
I don't remember when I started having headache over my eyes. Those in the top of
my head started within the last ten years. Nothing was ever done about them. Those at
the base of the skull started about 5 years ago. The doctor said my eyes were causing
them. When I had my glasses changed, the headaches ceased being prostrating, but
they continued to come.
The intermittent earache has been with me for over 15 years. The ear doctor would
say that there was nothing in the ear itself to cause it; that it could come from the
sinuses or the teeth. The dentist would say there was nothing wrong with the teeth to
cause it.
As a child I was subject to frequent attacks of tonsillitis. As I grew older I continued
to have these attacks; and I had an irritated throat between attacks. After the tonsils
were removed, the condition did not improve. I have used various gargles that brought
temporary relief; usually warm soda water or warm salt water.
I don't remember when I first noticed that my eyes were swollen when I first arose,
but it has been for a good many years. My eyes having been red rimmed for the last
seven or eight years. Two years ago the eye doctor advised me to take vitamin A to
strengthen the eyes. Vitamin A did help, I believe. About five years ago I noticed that I
was seeing double when I was lying down or when I was very tired. Nothing was done
about that condition until this summer.
My cheek bones started aching about 4 or 5 years ago. A nose specialist has
drained those sinuses three or four times, bringing temporary relief.
My neck has been stiff for 15 years or more. Nothing had been done about it at the
time of the Reading. My head started jerking in the spring of 1943. When I consulted a
doctor about another condition, I told her about this jerking; but she did nothing about it.
It seems to me that I have been tense and nervous for the last 30 years. The
condition grew worse as I grew older. Nothing was done about it, except that once in
awhile a doctor would gave me a sedative, which would help for a while.
About 6 years ago, my left leg started having a queer prickly feeling. The doctor
who was consulted about it, said that it was caused by a glandular disturbance and
nothing could be done about it. A year or so later another doctor said it was neuritis; that
the cause would have to be found before it could be remedied. Gradually the prickly
feeling gave way to a heavy feeling.
The intermittent pain in the left abdomen has been there for over 30 years. No
doctor has ever told me what it was or has done anything for it.
The pain in the pelvic region started a year or so ago. One night last winter it was so
severe that I consulted a doctor about it the next day. After giving me a thorough
examination, she said she didn't know what was causing it.
The elimination has been poor since I can remember. With the years the condition
has grown worse. I have taken exercises to correct it; also mineral oil, salts, bile pills,
castor oil, agar, other laxatives and enemas. This spring I was having to use a laxative
every three or four days.
The last four or five years when I was home and drinking liquids between meals, the
bladder had to be voided as often as every hour. During this period whenever the urine

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2014 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


was examined, nothing was found wrong with it. About 10 years ago there was an
infection of the bladder; but the doctor gave some sort of oil that cleared it quickly.
Sixteen years ago following an operation there was pus in the urine, but that quickly
I have been on a more or less restricted diet for the last 15 years. Twelve years
ago the doctor diagnosed my case as ulcer of the stomach. He put me on a slightly
restricted diet. But at the end of the year, being no better, I consulted another doctor,
who gave the same diagnosis. He put me on a very strict diet, starting with a milk diet
and gradually working back to a normal diet. I was treated for that condition for about
three years altogether. And since that time, I've had a very "finicky" stomach.
Each fall since 1933, I have had hay fever. I have taken no treatments for that.
Yours truly, [5734]

R7. 9/8/44 [5734]'s letter:

Association for Research and Enlightenment Virginia Beach, Va.
Dear Members:
I am sending this report a little early, for after school starts, I know from past
experience that I shall be short on time.
Since sending in the first report, I have finished the treatments as outlined in the
Reading. I followed the directions exactly as given, with the exceptions as noted in the
first report. Dr. McBride gave the treatments as he thought the Reading directed.
I am much, much better than I was when I started the treatments. I can get work
done more quickly and with much less fatigue. Now, at the end of the day, I am tired,
but not exhausted. I still have pains, but they are milder. The sinuses are noticeably
less congested; and as a result my voice has a better tone. The digestive tract is
working better. I've had fried chicken three times within the last week. The first time
there was no discomfort, but the third time there was a slight discomfort. However, three
months ago, fried chicken would have caused great distress.
The elimination is better, but I still have to use a laxative every ten days or so. I still
have gas, but not nearly so much. The bladder has to be voided only every two to four
hours, whereas at the beginning of the treatments, it was every hour.
My nerves are much steadier than they were. My head still jerks occasionally, but
much less frequently.
I should like to know:
Is Mr. Cayce's name pronounced Case or Casey?
If I have a flare-up of sinus trouble, would it help to use the fumes without the rest of
the treatments?
"Begin the laxatives with the use of a vegetable compound taken in broken doses,
any that is of the senna base; such as the properties in Syrup of Figs, or Castoria or
Caldwell's Syrup of Pepsin. Flush the system afterwards with doses of mineral salts, as
Honeyida Water or Sal Hepatica, " I understood this to mean: Take the liquid, 1/2
teaspoon at a time during the day, until a tablespoonful has been taken; then the next
morning take a dose of Sal Hepatica. Is that correct?
Just before the directions for the treatments are given, the Reading has this: "Even
when improved do not leave off entirely, but periodically repeat the applications for
stimulation and better activity through the body." Does that mean to repeat the entire set
of treatments? Does periodically mean every year or what?
Should the report be sent to any certain officer of the Association?
I shall send another report sometime in December.
I am deeply grateful to Mr. and Mrs. Cayce and the Association.
Yours sincerely, [5734]

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2014 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


P.S. My eyes have improved to the point that there is only a slight double vision; the
new glasses are to correct this defect.

R8. 9/16/44 Grace Premo answered her questions. Grace was doing volunteer work.
EC was quite ill and resting in Roanoke, Va.:
Houston 8, Texas
Dear Mrs. [5734]
Thank you very much for such a complete report. It is only through receiving such
information that our research may be of value to those who come to us for help.
Mr. Cayce's name is pronounced "Casey". It is amusing to see how it provokes him
to have it misspelled - it is so rare for him to have ANY dislikes!
Beginning with the paragraph which starts "As we find", count to the fourth
paragraph [Par. 6], and study this carefully. As we interpret it, you should not go too long
without repeating the entire routine of the reading. Apparently the inhalant was given as
a local relief to the sinus passages, and should be helpful if used alone in times of acute
distress in those areas, but of course you want to eliminate the CAUSE, so do continue
with the entire series periodically.
In the third paragraph on Page Two [Par. 9], it is indicated that you should take
three complete series, leave off for two weeks, then take the complete series for three
times. From then on, whenever you feel that you are in need - don't wait until you are
sick - repeat this whole procedure.
Use the laxatives in very small doses for three days at a time, using the mineral
salts on the fourth day. Then leave off until there is need to repeat this. If you find that
1/2 teaspoon is too much, using it for three days, cut down the amount of each dose, but
take it for the three consecutive days.
We would suggest that you try broiled chicken, rather than fried. Fried foods are
usually not beneficial.
Hoping that we may be of further service,
Sincerely, Gladys Davis,

R9. 12/31/44 [5734]'s letter to GD:

Miss Gladys Davis, Secretary Association for Research and Enlightenment Virginia
Beach, Va.
Dear Miss Davis:
Thank you very much for your gracious and helpful letter of September 16.
I am sorry that Mr. Cayce has been ill for so long. My prayer is that his prayers may
be answered [See Dec. '44 A.R.E. Bulletin].
I am writing to give a report on my condition at this time.
I am improving right along. Though I still have all the former pains, they are milder
and not so frequent. The digestive tract is improving, and especially so since, within the
last week, I do not have cereals and citrus fruit at the same meal. However, I have to
use a laxative whenever there is a flare up of the sinus trouble. These flare-ups have
been frequent since the cold weather started. And, too, during the hay fever season,
from the middle of September to about the middle of October, I had to use the laxative
almost continuously. I use the laxative according to your directions in your last letter.
The hay fever this fall was the mildest it had been in the last seven or eight years. But
two of my fellow-sufferers said that they had it in a very bad form this fall. As usual the
hay fever ended with a sinus infection; but the infection was milder than it had been in
previous years. I used the fumes three nights a week for a period of three weeks; they
helped. And whenever there is a new flare-up, I use the fumes. I have gas only
occasionally now. The bladder has to be voided only every two to four hours. My

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2014 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


nerves are steadier and my sleep is sounder. My head still jerks occasionally. And
since I am feeling so much better, my disposition has improved just a lot. My eyes are
I am deeply grateful to Mr. and Mrs. Cayce and the Association.
Yours sincerely, [5734]
R10. 1/27/45 Letter: "I was grieved today when I learned through the Bulletin of Mr.
Cayce's death. He was a truly great man.
"Because of the help, physical and spiritual, which I have received from the
Association, I should like to aid in keeping the Association going."

R11. 8/29/45 [5734]'s letter to GD:

Miss Gladys Davis 320 Arctic Circle Virginia Beach, Va.
Dear Miss Davis:
This report is two months overdue; but I wanted to wait till I had taken the treatments
again this summer before I sent it. I am much better than I was when I started the
treatments last summer. I know I was better, but I didn't realize how much better I am
until I read, just a few minutes ago, the report I sent you September 8, 1944. While I am
on the subject of my improvement, I want to tell you this. A woman whom I have known
for over ten years and whom I see at least once every week, remarked to me the other
day that she had never seen me looking so well as I am now looking.
I started the treatment as given in my Reading, about the middle of June; I have a few
more osteopathic treatments yet to take. At the close of school this June I was in a run
down condition; but even so, I was in a better condition than in June, 1944.
At the present I am still underweight, tho I have gained a few pounds this last month.
I still tire easily, but not nearly so quickly as in May, 1944. I am faster in getting my work
done than I was. For about four weeks, during the last of June and the first of July, I had
arthritis, not disabling but painful, in my fingers. I changed my diet so that I had more
alkaline than acid forming food. Since then I have had very little arthritis. I very rarely
have headaches now. I have earache very seldom, but I have trouble with my throat
quite often, but not in such a severe form as in the spring of 1944. My eyes have
improved. I still have some post nasal discharge. My neck is in much better condition,
and my head jerks only once in a while. I am much more relaxed and calm. Very rarely
do I have gas, the pain in the left abdomen, and in the left pelvic region. The elimination
is much improved; I haven't taken a laxative since July 31. And the bladder condition is
also improved. My left leg does not have the heavy feeling, but occasionally it has the
prickly feeling. My diet is still restricted, tho this summer I have eaten tomatoes, which I
haven't been able to eat for years.
I know that God has brought about the improvement by means of the treatments as
given in the Reading. I shall always be grateful to Mr. and Mrs. Cayce and you.
Sincerely yours, [5734]

R12. 11/30/61 GD's note: Mrs. [5734] has remained an active, sponsoring member of
A.R.E. all these years.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2014 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


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