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This guideline is available through the ASIIN office.

6.2 Example sheet for module description

A Module Handbook or collection of module descriptions that is also available for students to consult
should contain the following information about the individual modules:

Module name:
Module level, if applicable

Code, if applicable

Subtitle, if applicable

Courses, if applicable
Semester(s) in which the
module is taught

Person responsible for the Please indicate a specific person.



Relation to curriculum For all programmes, including those running out, in which the module is
taught: programme, specialization if applicable, compulsory/elective,

Type of teaching, contact hours Contact hours and class size separately for each teaching method:
lecture, lesson, practical, project, seminar etc.

Workload (Estimated) workload, divided into contact hours (lecture, exercise,

laboratory session, etc.) and private study, including examination
preparation, specified in hours,4 and in total.

Credit points

Requirements according to the

examination regulations

Recommended prerequisites E.g. existing competences in ...

When calculating contact time, each contact hour is counted as a full hour because the organisation of the
schedule, moving from room to room, and individual questions to lecturers after the class, all mean that about
60 minutes should be counted.
Module objectives/intended Key question: what learning outcomes should students attain in the
learning outcomes module?
E.g. in terms of:
– Knowledge: familiarity with information, theory and/or subject
Skills: cognitive and practical abilities for which knowledge is
– Competences: integration of knowledge, skills and social and
methodological capacities in working or learning situations5
E.g.: “Students know that/know how to/are able to…”

Content The description should clearly indicate the weighting of the content and
the level.

Study and examination

requirements and forms of

Media employed

Reading list
University of Jember Faculty Dokumen ASIIN Unej
of Agriculture Agribusiness
Study Program
Jl. Kalimantan 37 Kampus Bumi Tegal BotoTelp/Fax. 0331-334988 Jember 68121


Module name Introduction to Agricultural Science
Level of Module 6 (Undergraduate)
Abbreviation, if PNU 1103
Sub-heading, if -
Courses included in the -
module, if applicable
Semester 1
Person in Charge Prof. Dr. Ir. Soetrinono, MP
Lecturer 1. Dr. Ir. Evita Soliha Hani, MP
2. Agus Supriono, SP, MP
3. Ati Kusmiati, SP, MP
4. Juliam Adam Ridjal, S.P., M.P.
5. Titin Agustina, S.P., M.P.
6. Dr. Ir. Jani Januar, M.T.
7. Ahmad Zainuddin, S.P., M.Si.
8. Ratih Apri Utami, S.P., M.Si.
9. Intan Kartika Setyawati, S.P., M.P.
10. Illia Seldon Magfiroh, S.E., M.P.
11. Dr. Triana Dewi Hapsari, S.P., M.P.
12. Djoko Soejono, S.P., M.P.
13. Ebban Bagus Kuntadi, S.P., M.Sc.
14. Ir. Anik Suwandari, M.P.
15. Dimas Bastara Zahrosa, SP, MP
16. Ariq Dewi Maharani, SP, MP
17. Diana Fauziyah, S.P., M.P.
18. Ir. Imam Syafi`I, MS
19. Rachmat Udhi Prabowo, S.P., M.P.
Language Indonesian
Classifications Compulsory/elective course
within the curriculum
Teaching (hours per week during the 2 class hour lecture (2 x 170 minutes’ lecture) x 16
semester) weeks
1 class hour practicum (1 x A 170-minute
practicum) x 16 weeks
Workload per semester  A 340-minute lecture is divided into a 100- minute face to
face interaction, 120-minute structured activities and 120-
minute Individual study
 A 170-minute practicum is spent on laboratory

Credit points 3 CREDITS (4.71 ECTS)

Learning goals/compentencies CO 1 Identify the important elements in
agriculture (soil, water, supporting
University of Jember Faculty
of Agriculture Agribusiness
Study Program
Jl. Kalimantan 37 Kampus Bumi Tegal BotoTelp/Fax. 0331-334988 Jember 68121

materials) and their functions in plants

CO 2 Understand the development of agriculture (in
the sense of the Final Test) and the history of
agriculture and
its supporters over time
CO 3 Demonstrate the ability to adapt to changes in
resources, environment, climate, technology and
advances in
agricultural science
Content Introduction to Agricultural Science covers the history of
agriculture, agricultural systems and local culture following
the development of agricultural systems, agricultural relations,
farming and development, agricultural institutions and
agribusiness development strategies and
policies (on an international and national scale)

Study/ exam
Components/Assessment Method Percentage 1 2 3 Media
Task 1 (Group): make a paper by identifying the history of 5 V Assignment-MMP
agriculture and the definition of agriculture as well as the scope
of agricultural
science (seedling to marketing) paper
Task 2 (Group)s: write a paper summarizing the material on the 5 V Assignment-MMP
Development of Agricultural Systems

Task 3 (Group)s: Finding, explaining and presenting a 5 V Assignment-MMP

video example of Local Wisdom in
Indonesian agricultural systems and presented
Task 4 (Individual) ly: make a paper on Agricultural 5 V Assignment-MMP
Development Paradigm, Technology and Local Knowledge, and
Farmer Innovation
Task 5 (Individual) ly: make a paper by identifying 5 V Assignment-MMP
the elements and characteristics of Agriculture
Middle Test 15 V V V Assignment-MMP
Assignment 6 Individually : make a material paper on the 10 V Assignment-MMP
development of technology to support agricultural
diversification (Factors for Diversification of Agriculture and
Components of
Technology for Supporting Diversification)
Task 7 groups: write a paper on Post-Harvest activities (Time 10 V Assignment-MMP
and method of harvesting, Processing and Storage,
Performance and constraints on the development of agricultural
tools and machinery, and Policy on the development of
agricultural equipment and machinery) on certain
commodities and agro-industry

Task 8 groups: write a paper on Agricultural Institutions 5 V Assignment-MMP

(Agricultural Institutions and Their Roles, Institutional
Aspects, Application and
University of Jember Faculty
of Agriculture Agribusiness
Study Program
Jl. Kalimantan 37 Kampus Bumi Tegal BotoTelp/Fax. 0331-334988 Jember 68121

Agricultural Extension, and Local Wisdom in Agricultural

Extension), accompanied by examples of agricultural
institutions in Indonesia
Task 9 Individually: write a paper on the agricultural trade 5 V Assignment-MMP
system (meaning and function of the agricultural trade system,
channels and institutions of the agricultural trade system, costs,
benefits, efficiency and role of the agricultural trade system
and market prospects), equipped with an
example of marketing in an agro-industry

Task 10 groups: write a paper on Agribusiness Development 10 V Assignment-MMP

Strategy and Policy (Challenges, Opportunities, and
Agribusiness Prospects, agribusiness insights and systems,
Agroindustry as a leading sector of development in Indonesia
and Constraints to Agroindustry development in

Final Test 20 V V Assignment-MMP


Score Index :
A ≥ 80
AB 75 ≤ AB < 80
B 70 ≤ B < 75
BC 65 ≤ BC < 70
C 60 ≤ C < 65
CD 55 ≤ CD < 60
D 50 ≤ D < 55
DE 45 ≤ DE < 50
E < 45
Forms of Media
Software Hardware
Browser: E-learning UNEJ Projector, LCD
Laptop / Computer
1. Arifin, Bustanul. 2005. Pembangunan Pertanian Paradigma
Kebijakan and Strategi Revitalisasi. Jakarta: Penerbit PT
Gramedia Widiasarana Indonesia.
2. Januar, Jani. 2006. Pembangunan Pertanian Strategi,
Perencanaan and Kebijakan. Universitas Jember: Fakultas
3. Soetriono and Suwandari. 2016. Ilmu Pertanian
Agraris Agribisnis Industri. Malang: Intimedia

Mapping LO to CO
Learning Outcome (LO) CO CO CO
University of Jember Faculty
of Agriculture Agribusiness
Study Program
Jl. Kalimantan 37 Kampus Bumi Tegal BotoTelp/Fax. 0331-334988 Jember 68121

Demonstrate an attitude of adaptation to environmental √ √ √

changes and advances in the field of agricultural science.

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