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Reflection in Action Continued

2. When reflecting on the feedback you provided for the 2 students and the whole class
(students you taught), do you feel this effectively provided them with insight into
their learning about the content? Why?

I don’t think I provided enough feedback to the students, whole class and 2
students. I did provide them with tons of verbal feedback while they were working and
while I was walking around during their work time in the lesson. I think that the students
learned a lot in their lessons, but I would still change some things about it.

3. How did you or will you help students use this feedback? You will want to discuss
the concrete ways you will use to remind them of the feedback and the teaching
strategies you will incorporate to have them use the feedback in a follow-up lesson.

In future lessons, I will go over the feedback with the students more. It
was difficult in my lessons because there were so many other people helping me
check to make sure the student’s information was correct. Those people were also
giving the students different feedback as well.

4. Describe what you learned about teaching and learning related to assessment and
feedback? Please be specific and use some concrete professional citations in your

I learned a lot about teaching and learning relating to assessments and feedback by seeing
how they help in the process of the students learning through out the lesson or lessons. There are
a lot of benefits of assessments as well. According to the PowerSchool website, “Monitoring
student progress regularly helps keep learning goals top of mind, so students have a clear target
to work towards” (2021).
Pre-assessments are also very important. They will provide a starting point for the teacher on
where the students are before they begin. Feedback is also very important to use in the
classroom. According to the Victoria State Government (2022), “Feedback is a key element of
the incremental process of ongoing learning and assessment”. This just shows that feedback is so
important. I will always remember to provide feedback in the future classroom I will be in and
the ones I will have in the future.

5. What would you have done differently during this lesson week? Why? Be specific!-
relate it to assessment.

I would have done my assessments differently by making sure that I better my checklists and
using those checklists. When I was in the moment of the lesson, I would forget to be doing the
checklist and I would be scrabbling to remember to fill it out before I moved on. I need to set a
time while I am walking around to make sure I am filling out the scoring guide. I would have
also provided more feedback to my students. I should have been giving them feedback on almost
all of the things that I had them do.

Feedback and reporting. Department of Education and Training Victoria. (n.d.). Retrieved April
5, 2022, from
practice/Pages/insight-feedback.aspx#link19 (2021, January 22). Retrieved April 5, 2022, from

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