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March 30, 2022

To Whom It May Concern:

I highly recommend Dvora Dusowitz for Tenure in teaching. As an assistant principal and supervisor of the
ELA department at Marine Park Junior High School, I have experience observing Ms. Dusowitz teaching and
collaborated with her in administrative duties and school activities.

My initial interaction with Ms. Dusowitz was during her Demo Lesson to apply for a teaching position at our
school. From that experience, I knew Ms. Dusowitz had the passion, instinctive skill, patience, and intelligence
required to become an effective educator. Spanning the course of the next four years, Ms. Dusowitz continues to
display these traits by aligning her work to the school’s mission and instructional focus while exemplifying
effective and highly effective teaching in alignment with the Danielson Framework. Ms. Dusowitz has grown
significantly as an individual and educator by internalizing constructive feedback and implementing new
strategies to support her students’ growth and professional development.

Upon joining our school and the 8th grade ELA department, Ms. Dusowitz eagerly participated with our team
of veteran teachers. Using their experience to expand her knowledge and abilities, she instantly became a
critical collaborator and team leader, taking on many leadership roles and responsibilities. Ms. Dusowitz
supported our staff and students by contributing to the smooth transition from in-person to remote learning at
the start of the pandemic. As Arista Archon Leader and Senior Activities Class Co-Leader, Ms. Dusowitz
collaborated with her colleagues, administrators, parents, and the National Junior Honor Society (NJHS) to
create enriching activities and award ceremonies to celebrate student accomplishments. Ms. Dusowitz joined
and thoroughly worked with our virtual and in-person Graduation committee to produce two memorable
ceremonies for our graduating class during the year of 2020-2021. We are fortunate to have Ms. Dusowitz in
our school community.

I enthusiastically recommend Ms. Dusowitz for tenure, and I anticipate her continued growth, success, and
accomplishments as an educator.

Vinh Nguyen-Horan
Vinh Nguyen-Horan
Assistant Principal

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