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San Carlos University of Guatemala

Faculty of Engineering Number/letter
School of Sciences

Technical English 3
Section: “N”
Date: 05/04/2022

Name of the assignment:

Task 16: Final Project Conclusions

ID Number Name

201904056 Estuardo Jose Estrada Godinez

201900647 Eduardo Josué González Cifuentes

201403654 Carlos Antonio Velasquez Castellanos

201531166 Maynor Octavio Piló Tuy

201210057 Ana Gabriela Marroquín Salgado

201800476 Marvin Alexis Estrada Florian

201902214 Luis Pedro Hernández García

1. It was established that three-phase motors are designed to provide heavy
starting service, so they are applied with loads such as shears, dies,
centrifugal drive pumps, blowers, and conveyors.

2. It was determined that three-phase electric motors allow the adaptation and
transformation of electrical energy to accurately feed other equipment,
transform electrical energy from direct to alternating or vice versa, and
manage the speed and operation of electrical machines.

3. The three-phase motor is a motor usually intended for industrial or

commercial systems and that requires a three-phase electrical power source.
The three-phase motor is an electrical machine that transforms electrical
energy into mechanical energy through electromagnetic interactions.

4. An electrical diagram is the graphic representation of an electrical circuit,

whether you work with electricity or electronics, electrical diagrams are an
essential tool since it allows us to know, among other things; how a certain
product/device is connected, what components it has, what colors and gauge
its cables have, what signals each terminal of a connector contains, etc.

5. Electrical diagrams are our map for designing, building and troubleshooting
electrical problems. Understanding how to read and follow schematics is an
important skill for any engineer.

6. It was determined that automation is to carry out automatic industrial

processes, in an efficient production environment, tending to satisfy the
growing demand for goods, in increasingly reduced time intervals.

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