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Mathematics investigation:

Students have had 4 lessons already on this Investigation.

Friday: 3 tasks had to be completed otherwise they had to stay in at lunch.

- List their 4 destinations

- Located their destinations and mark them on the World Map Outline that was provided
- Write their destination coordinates (longitude and latitude) on either their map or in their

These are judged on what is inside of their Mathematics book – unless stated otherwise.

It is understood that some students may not have a great idea on travelling or where they would like
to travel to – due to exposure, or lack of.

Student 1

Student 1 has done very well in this Investigation. He has created a PowerPoint presentation for his
findings. Student 1 works on this Investigation often when he is not supposed to, such as during
lessons of other topics. This Investigation is something Student 1 seems to really enjoy. However,
Student 1 has found a difficulty in something and due to this difficulty, he has not done much else
since then. I am no very surprised by this. It would be good to see him overcome this and complete
the Investigation.

Student 2

Away for all lessons.

Student 3

Student 3 has been doing very well with this Investigation. He has spoken to his parents about this
Investigation and has got excited because if he plans it well enough, they said that the trip may
become possible for his family to do. Student 3 is ahead of everyone and his planning follows the
Investigation Plan Outline provided to him.

Student 4

Student 4 has been quite distracted, she either talks with another student or stares distantly
elsewhere. Student 4 has chosen her four destinations and located them on the map provided to her.
She has completed the three set tasks however has not done any further researching. During eating
time Student 4 decided to mark another student’s destinations on the map outline.

Student 5

Student 5 can often get distracted by Student 24 who sits behind her. Student 5 has listed her
destinations, coordinates, understood that her maximum budget is $50 000 and is staying for
approximately two months.

Student 6

Student 6 follows instructions but finds great difficulties at times to understand what is needed.
Student 6 shows that she works hard and often tries hard to do things correctly. She has listed her
four destinations and coordinates in her Math book. I have seen a little but of what she has
completed in her PowerPoint presentation. Friday she explained that she was hoping to do more of
her Investigation throughout the weekend. It is understood that she may not be able to due to not
having a USB.

Student 7

Student 7 seems to be enjoying the Investigation, she has decided that one of her destinations is
visiting her family. She has exceeded the tasks that were to be completed and has noted in her Math
book that she is staying with her family to save on accommodation prices and is hiring a car from the
airport. Student 7 has asked good questions regarding price changes for when hiring a car. Student 7
has helped Student 8 to catch up in her work.

Student 8

Despite being absent for three of four days of doing the Investigation, Student 8 has already
surpassed a few of her peers. She has already come up with four destinations, marked them on the
map and has found the coordinates. Student 8 has shown great skills in this one lesson she has had.
When she is unsure, she is not afraid to ask and is quite accepting of critical feedback. I was
impressed to see just how neatly she has completed tasks in her Math book.

Student 9

Student 9 has been having difficulties in this Investigation. Thursday, he had no clear destinations he
had wanted to explore other than Tasmania. He is still yet to mark his destinations on the Map.
Student 9 needs to be more respectful with his work and when a mistake is made, he should either
cross it out neatly or erase it, rather than scribbling that information. Sam often gets distracted by
who and what is around him, in particular, Student 10.

Student 10

Have not seen Math book. - Unsure

Student 11

Student 11 completed the four destinations, longitude and latitude, and from what I am aware of has
marked the destinations on his map. He has gone further from this and has looked for
accommodations and looked at the ratings of these hotels he has looked at. Student 11 has already
started creating the PowerPoint presentation. He can often be distracting to another student.

Student 12

Student 12 has chosen her destinations, marked the coordinates and has marked the destinations off
the map. Student 12 seems to get quite caught up by what is going on around her rather than her

Student 13

Student 13 is moving through the Investigation quite well. Her destinations, coordinates, dates,
tables and flight itinerary have been thought through and most are completed. Student 13 is a good
worker who stays on task and listens when is spoken to.

Student 14

Student 14 has chosen his destinations, completed his coordinates and looked at hotels and prices
for them. He looks to be on task all throughout the lesson is hardly distracted by the people around
Student 15

Student 15 has chosen his destinations, written the coordinates and marked the destinations on the
map. Student 15 has passed several students with this Investigation and has somewhat planned his
trip in Barcelona, where he mentioned that he will be there for a month. Student 15 can often be
quite distracting to the people around him and walks off to his friends to the other side of the room.
He asks several times whether he can move elsewhere but is often denied of that due to being

Student 16

Student 16 has chosen his four destinations and marked them on the map. Student 16 has thought of
things that other students have not even thought about, such as what is on his shopping list. He has
gotten prices for water, apples, bananas, chicken breast, beef, eggs for each destination and has even
looked at prices for cars. Student 16 can be quite distracted and distracting to others.

Student 17

Thursday: Student 17 had only marked her destinations on her map and had no other content in her
Math book even though it was a requirement to have that completed first. I mentioned this to her
and she accepted and wrote what she had completed from her PowerPoint. Student 17 has gone
ahead and already has gone with and designed her PowerPoint – which looks good!

Student 18

Student 18 has chosen his four destinations, has marked them in his Map and has written the
coordinates in his Math book. He is working well and seems to have little to no difficulties in this

Student 19

Student 19 has marked off his four destinations in his Math book, has hotels listed in his book with
dates, but has not listed a particular month he is going.

Student 20

Student 20 has been getting very distracted to the point where he does not listen to full instructions.
By the end of the third lesson, he could only show me his four destinations listed in his Math book.

Student 21

Student 21 has had come troubles going through this Investigation. He questioned whether this work
is going to his grade, to which he stated that if it were not he would not correct his mistakes.

Student 22

Student 22 has been absent for one of the days that we did the Investigation (Thursday) and is
blaming the absent as to why she is further behind other students. Student 22 finds it relatively
difficult to pay attention, even when all the information is in front of her. I have had to write a couple
of descriptions (4 destinations, longitude and latitude table) in her book for her to fill-in but found it
difficult to fill in. The class was instructed that if they had not completed three, reasonable, particular
tasks they are to stay inside during lunchtime to complete it. Student 4 then decided to complete the
last set task for Student 22 – locating their destinations on the map.

Student 23
Student 23 has his four destinations listed and their coordinates. He has been mostly on task,
however, can get distracted quite easily. He works best with one-on-one and with no distractions or
friends around him.

Student 24

Student 24 can often get distracted by Student 5 who sits in front of her.

Student 25

Have not seen Math book. - Unsure

Student 26

Away for most, if not all lessons.

Student 27

Away for most, if not all lessons.

Absent List during Math Investigation lesson
Name Day

Kingsley Monday

Maya Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday

Charlotte Wednesday

Holly Thursday

Katie H Wednesday

Alanah all

Macey Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

Jessi s Thursday, Friday

Jessica H Half of Friday lesson

Other students have been absent but have not been listed due to unsureness.

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